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For the past 48 years, time has engaged all of us living today
some were born ahead of this period, others within the same
period, while others where born after.All the same time has
engaged us as readers of events offering a look ahead,
broadening our purview to present the story of the century. It is
an amazing tale, and like the very literature, grabs readers not
only with its twist of plots and its resonant themes but also with
a collection of characters that dance in our minds, the great
men and women who with their lives write the history of our
The book which names and profiles the 101 most influential
leaders of the past 48 years is the first in a special edition and
publication. Among this 101 most influential leaders, are
politicians, administrators, business moguls, entrepreneurs,







academicians, builders and titans, scientists and thinkers, heros

and heroines, religious leaders and inspirational leaders of
In gathering the profile of the leaders, we wrestle with some
wonderful historical dilemmas, in an effort to gather relevant,
real time and authentic biographical details of the leaders, we
balance popularity with legacy and influence with impact and
lifestyle of the leaders.
To make case for the great names on the list, we sought out a
hall of fame collection of leaders based on the criteria

mentioned which leads the publisher to have a set of portraits

that are authoritative and impressionistic, pieces that we think
add invaluable personal insight to the historical record.
This work is a college of names, dates and emotions that
produce not only a sense of the times but also a visceral
reminder of all that is most intriguing, terrifying in people and all
that is most wonderful in human kind.
According to Edward McSweegan he said the most threatening
bioterrorist may not be a belligerent Iraqi or a white supremacist
group, but nature itself as centuries go, this has been one of
the most amazing, inspiring disclosures on the personalities on
We who live in the 20 th and 21st

centuries can probably get

away with the claims that ours has been one of the top
rewarded in history. The history of man will not be a complete
one without discoveries, inventions, business exploits, making








entrepreneurship of cable satellite business, annulment of

election, the actors, actress and players in the same, all form
part of Nigerias experience today, still we avoided blowing
ourselves up, what a great nation we are.
All this produced some memorable players, look around, you will
realize so fast what I am about to unveil on the personalities and
characters that made the Nigerian nation great even though we
are still being classified as a developing nation by world
economic and industrial indices, but Nigeria has come of age, no
threat of any sort can shake us, talk less of threatening our
unity, we have faith in the aspirations of the founding fathers
and so we remember them today as 101 most influential

Human society over the millennium has evolved from village to

city states to empires and nation states, in the century,
everything became global.
The leaders of our century were leaders with moral sanctity,
uprightness and believe in justice and fairness, the challenge of
modern leadership will not be scientific but moral, leaders of
influence, some of them were driven by ideological zeal, some
of them crusade to legalize their ideological belief, until we have
moral leadership, we shall continue to be rated as developing.
We need leaders that are nation builders beyond patriotism into
legends. As nations crumbled, the edifices of new nations arose
from the ashes, our nation Nigeria built on the will of thousands
but shaped by the visions and personalities of a few, for this
century I will only take the first 101 most influential since

The book 101 most influential leaders of Nigeria (1960 Date) is a
reference directory which can be relied on to provide authoritative,
accurate guides for researchers, reporters, scholars, biographers,
librarians, students, historians, genealogists, sociologists and many
It is a legacy package of the CLIN FOUNDATION (Centre for leadership
Integration in Nigeria), the goal of this centre has always been to
publish the factual and most reliable profiles of men and women who
make significant contributions as leaders of the people, opinion
leaders and leaders of thought, royal fathers, Administrators and
functionaries that have etched a place of significance for themselves
through selfless service, patriotism, and as Nationalist statesmen and

women of distinguish standing whose contributions are visible and

glaring to the society on national, international, regional, professional
and social levels.
The CLIN FOUNDATIONS detailed, factual and deligent research into
the lives and times of these leaders, their accomplishments as
distinguished individuals is propelled by several components, their
principles, ideologies, their belief, their thoughts as leaders, their
characters and personalities all put together informed the reason for
this publication.
The book 101 most influential leaders in Nigeria (1960 Date) is a list
based on merit, and a reference directory of honour, of recognition
and authority. Copies of this publication shall be sent to the library of








international libraries and archives, specialized libraries and business

the world over on the list of the whos who in the Nigerian Nation.
1. Thus, we have Alhaji (Sir) Ahmadu Bello GCON, KBE,
Sardauna of Sokoto and premier of Northern Nigeria (1960 1966) fondly referred to as Gamji Mazan Kwarai, was born in
1910 in Rabah, Sokoto Province. He was a title prince of the
Sokoto caliphate and a great grandson of founder of the
caliphate Shehu Othman Dan Fodiyo served as District Head
of Rabah from 1934 1938 and subsequently appointed the
Sardauna of Sokoto and chief political adviser to sultan







administrative and political positions from 1951 1959. He

was awarded knight of the British Empire (K.B.E) by the
queen of England in 1959.

The premier was elected also as vice president of the world







University, assassinated on January 15, 1966 in the first

military coup in Nigeria. He was a nationalist and visionary
leader affront.
2. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of blessed memory, the first
indigenous prime minister of the Republic of Nigeria after
independence. He hails from Tafawa Balewa in Bauchi
province fondly remembered for his golden voice, and so
called the Golden Voice of Africa. He was a leader full of
wisdom, stood for the truth, died for it, a nationalist, highly
diplomatic, influential in decision making, firm, a motivator
through his speech, and a legend.
3. Sir Nnamdi Azikiwe born in Zungeru, Niger State of Ibo
Parents, the Owelle of Onitsha an educationist of high repute,
administrator and courageous leader of thought who never
gave up considering the disadvantage position he found
himself after the civil war.
He forged ahead in the pursuit of a political career that he
lived and died for, a nationalist, a frontier in the quest for
Nigerias independence and democratic practice. A leader
with high sense of diplomacy and influence, first indigenous
governor general of Nigeria, who took over the mantle of
leadership of this country from the colonial Lords. A leader of
unusual feat and prowess, wisdom and principle and a
trusted leader by his people.
4. Sir Obafemi Awolowo, the powerful leader of the Action
Group (A.G.), a leader who was believed by his people to be a
symbol of the Yoruba unity and model in the western axis of
Nigeria. He was an entrepreneur whose desire for his people

he lived and died for, a nationalist and front-liner in the quest

for the unity of Nigeria, after the civil war. An advocate of free
and qualitative education and an apostle of unity, a publisher
of note, industrialist and financial guru. Awo as he was fondly
called was an economic expert and financial giant who never
compromised the freedom of the Yorubas for anything, he
believed politics is all about continuity and believe in oneself.
A man of towering principles, dogged and resilient. He hails
from Ikenne in Ogun State.
5. Mallam Aminu Kano, an indigene of Kano State, a model of
leadership for the masses and commoners, which he stood
for in partisan politicking and politics in general. He fought for
the right of the masses and carved a niche for himself as the
leader of the masses through his political party Peoples
Redemption Party (PRP). Known for his association with the
masses (Talakawas) a man of humble background, who
detest materialism as a way of living. Died, and record shows
mallam was really an epitome of the leader of the masses,
not found wanting nor having accumulated ill-gotten wealth
for integrityS sake.
6. General





professional soldier of high repute, former head of state and

commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria. Noted for his discipline, articulateness,
and military professionalism. First indigenous military Head of
State and commander in chief of the Armed Forces of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, a respectable Ibo Leader who has
high taste for soldiering as a career and died for it, noted for
his crocodile swagger stick.

7. General (Dr) Yakubu Gowon GCFR, PhD was born on 19th

October 1934, the fifth of eleven children born to a devout
Christian pastor and preacher, mallam Yohanna Gowon and
Mama Saraya Kuryan Gowon who were married on the same
day as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Queen mother, spouse
of king George VI.
A product of the prestigious Barewa College, Zaria 1950
1953, enlisted in the Nigerian Academy, Sandhurst in 1955
1956, staff college, Latimer 1965. He was on peace keeping
mission in Congo (Zaire) first 1960 1961, later as a Brigade
Major in 1963. He had rapid promotion in the Army by
destiny, a major in 1962, Lt. Colonel in 1963, first indigenous
Adjutant General of the Nigerian Army 1963 1965, chief of
Army Staff 1966, member Federal executive council and
supreme military council 1966 until he became Head of the
Federal military Government and commander in chief of
Armed forces July 1966. Gowon Go On With One Nigeria,
was overthrown in July 1975 by Murtala while in Kampala.
8. General Murtala Ramat Mohammed 1938 1976 an
indigene of Kano State, born to Mallam Riskua Muhammed
and Uwani Rahmat, attended Gidan Makama Primary school
Kano, Barewa college Zaria, 1957, Sandhurst Royal Academy
as officer cadet 1961, commissioned into the Army signal

in 1962, proceeded to Catterick School of Signals

England for Advanced Telecommunication course, He was

GOC of 2nd Infantry Division during the Civil war. He


into power as the Head of state and Commander in Chief

of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigerias in July
1975, one time Federal Commissioner for Communication,
became one of Nigerians bold and courageous leader whose

socialist ideological inclination never agreed with the west. A

champion of accountability and probity, due process and
fought against acquisition of ill gotten wealth. During his
brief Administration and period top government functionaries
and their cohorts were subjected to serious ethical code and
ill gotten wealth were recovered.
9. General Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo GCFR, became the
Head of State after the demise of Murtala. He took over the
mantle of leadership and handed over to a democratically
elected government as designed and planned by Murtala in
1979 to Alh. Shehu Shagari the first Civilian president of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria. After the handing Over he went
back to farming in Otta, Ogun state, until he was jailed for
complicity during Abachas regime. Destiny brought him back
as a civilian president in 1999 from prison to the State House









Alh Shehu Usman Aliyu Shagari an indigene of Shagari

in Sokoto state, an educationist, politician and leader of his

people, ruled Nigeria for four (4) years and was toppled by
another military regime, ushering in General Muhammadu
Buhari Idiagbon.

General Muhammadu Buhari, an indigene of Daura in

Katsina state, a military statesman, General of Nigerian Army,

and former Head of State and Commander in chief of the
Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A one time
federal commissioner for petroleum, PTF chairman, and ANPP
Presidential aspirant, known as a hardliner.

General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida GCFR, former

Head of State, and self styled president of the Federal

Republic. He was a military tactician and strategist who

became prominent due to his style of administration coined
maradonna. As a military General, former Head of State,
business mogul and statesman, he is from Niger state and a
politician, god father to many Northern elites and military

General Sani Abacha originally a descendant of Borno

parents, born in Kano, former head of state and commander

in chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria. A soldier with sterling qualities even though was not
too popular because of his regimes policies; he was a fine
officer, experienced and famous due to his role in coup de
tat that was successful, until he also became a head of State.
A professional soldier to the core.

General Abdulsalami Abubakar, he hails from Niger

State, former head of state, statesman and frontliner in the

move for the Democratization of Nigeria, He became the
Head of State and commander in chief of the Armed forces
of Federal Republic after the death of General Abacha in
1998, he was then chief of Defence Staff and Minister Of
Defence from where he became the Head of State. He was
able to stabilize the country after the passing away of Abacha
in office, released all the prisoners of conscience jailed by
Abacha including General Olusegun Obasanjo, he as a
gentleman officer and






democratically elected Obasanjo administration under the

PDP (Peoples Democratic Party) in May 1999. He is one of
Nigerias reputable leaders of thought for that singular act.

Sir Ernest Shonekan, the Transitional President of the

Federal Republic of Nigeria, took over from General Ibrahim

Babangida in a transitional Government, he was able to

stabilize the country as a Yoruba chieftain, after the June 12
annullment (MKO Abiolas victory that was denied by the
power that be), Shonekan a former UACN Chief executive, a
businessman and statesman of high reputation, a


chieftain, an economist.
16. General Shehu Musa Yaradua was born in Katsina on
march 5, 1943 to the late Mutawallin Katsina, Mallam Musa
Yaradua Shehus life was greatly influenced by his father;s
character strength and leadership capacity as a member of
Katsina Emirate council, the Mutawallin served as a member








establishment, Nigerianization and Training and later Minister

for Lagos affairs. Shehu Yaradua attended royal military
academy Sandhurst U.K. 1964. Yaradua as a Major in 1967
captured Onitsha, in one of the decisive attack that led to the
futility of disunity and need for a united Nigeria. Colonel
Yaradua served as Federal Commissioner of transport in
1976; became chief of staff in 1977 at the supreme
headquarters and was promoted major General in the
Obasanjos Administration. At just 36 years of age, he was the
youngest officer to hold that rank on the entire continent.


the business


with partners


investors in shipping, manufacturing, incorporated Habib

Nigerian bank (now Bank PHB). He was Turban Tafidan Katsina
in 1978 for meritorious service and recognition by his people.
Abacha sentenced him to imprisonment as political prisoner
until he died in Abakiliki prison, a courageous leader.

Rear Admiral Michael Okhai Akhigbe hails from fugar

in Etsako L.G. of Edo state, between 1967 1969 he was at


the Nigeria Defence Academy and after completion was

commissioned first lieutenant of the NNS Ibadan II in April
1970, full lieutenant in 1973 held various command positions
in the Navy and also political offices as military Administrator
first of such in 1986 Military Administrator of old Ondo state,
later moved to Lagos state.
He became Chief of General Staff the fourth Nigerian to
occupy the position, a post created by General Babangida
when he scrapped the Office of Chief Of Staff in 1985. The
position he held under General Abachas regime as second
in command known to be suave seaman.



Chief MKO Abiola, Born August 21, 1937 in Abeokuta

Ogun State graduated in Accountancy in Scotland in 1965 and

became a Chartered Accountant in 1966. Four years later at the
age of 33 became the Chief Executive Officer of Conglomerate
I.T.T. in Nigeria. A billionaire businessman with investments
covering publishing, Agro-allied industries, banking and shipping
etc. He was a philanthropists, a great Pan-Africanists, an apostle
of reparation and successful politician, who was denied the right
to an elected office as the Presidential aspirant of SDP, the
election was nullified and know as June 12 annulment. He was
arrested, detained, and died on the eve of his release on the 7 th
July, 1998. He was declared by the INEC Chairman, Nwosu, as
the winner 10 years later. MKO will continue to be remembered
as Africas

foremost philanthropist of his time, politician and

business mogul, a reknown Pan-Africanist, pillar of Sport in

Africa, respectable Yoruba Chieftain, and a devout Muslim.

Olufela Anikulapo Kuti born to the family of Reverend

and Chief (Mrs) Kuti on the 15 th October, 1938. He was a

Musician of repute, philosopher and musical legend, crusader of
Justice. Fela lived and died a colossus, A multi instrumentalists,
originator of Afro-beat, contemporary African Musician who
Championed Crusade against the ills in African society (social,
economic and political ills). He had face-off in February 1977
with some, 1,000 soldiers who stormed his kalakuta republic
home, burnt down the house, as a politician, formed movement
of the people (M.O.P) in 1978, jailed by Buhari/Idiagbon regime,
was freed in 1986, he died in 1997, 2 August of cardiac arrest.
He died with over 124 records to his credit.



Chinua. Achebe, born in Ogidi Anambra State on 16 November

1930, novelist and professor of English, educated in Nigeria,
appointed Professor of English at the University of Nigeria,
Nsukka in 1976. He is a prolific writer and reknown novelist, a
winner of Nigeria National Merit Award, in 1979, conferred Order
of the Federal Republic (OFR), 1999 National productivity Award
winner noted for his books Things Fall Apart, No longer at Ease,
A Man of the Peopl, amongst others.


Sir Shettima Kashim Ibrahim, born in 1910 in Yerwa,

Maiduguri province, attended Katsina Training College, an
educationist of repute and politician, as a teacher on visit
between 1933 49, education officer 1949 52, Central Minister
of Social Service, Lagos 1952 55, Northern Regional Minister
for Social Development 1955-56. He became Waziri of Borno
Native Authority 1956 62, Governor of Northern Nigeria 1966
68, Chancellor University of Lagos 1977, Chairman Governing
Council ABU Zaria, 1960 62. He was a recipient of several
honours and Awards amongst which are Grand Commander of
the order of the Niger (GCON), Order of the British Empire (OBE).
He authored several books including Teachers Guide Arithmetic
Books I IV in Kanuri and Kanuri Reader for Elementary Schools.


Major General Hassan Usman Katsina, born on March 31,

1933 in the Katsina Royal family, a product of the Prestigious
Barewa College, Zaria. He enlisted into the Army as officer cadet
in 1956. He attended the regular officers Training, Teshie,
Ghana, Mons Officers Cadet School. Aldershot, England, Royal
Military Academy, Sandhurst England, Small Arms School Kent,
England, School of Infantry West Minster England.


In 1962 he went to School of Infantry Fort Benning USA,

Staff College Camberley 1964, Royal College of Defence Studies
England in 1972. He was Military Governor of the Defunct
Northern Region 1966 72, Chief of Army Staff 1968 72,
Deputy Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters and Federal






National oil and Chemical Marketing Nig. Ltd, Chairman Nigerian

Polo Association 1987, he was Chiroma of Katsina having been
conferred with the traditional title in 1974. A soldier statesman
and polo player.

Colonel Abubakar Dangiwa Umar, born into the aristocratic

lineage of Birnin Kebbi royalty on the 21, September, 1949 at
Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. He attended Government College
Sokoto, he enlisted into the Army in 1969 at the Nigerian
Defence Academy (NDA) Kaduna, and completed in 1972,
attended courses abroad notably Royal Armour Centre England,
and United States respectively, 1977 78. He also took a course
at USA Army Armour School, Kenturky, Command and Staff
Collage Jaji, both Junior and Senior Division, a political scientist
by training, Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to General Hassan Usman
Katsina, Military Administrator of the Federal Housing Authority
(FHA), Military Governor of Kaduna State 1985, Commandant of
the Elite School of Armour, Bauchi until his retirement in 1997. A
polo player, Golfer and gentleman officer.


General Abdullahi Sarki Mukhtar, born in Kano City on the

5th July, 1949, he was a student of Rumfa College, 1962 66,
enrolled into the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) for the 5 th
Regular Course. Commissioned in 1971, in 1974 attended the


Commanders UC Course at Quetta, Pakistan. He also attended

Advanced Criminal Investigation Management Course in United
States of America, Military Police Schools, Advanced Physical
Security Course in USA, Command and Staff College Jaji, Nigeria.
He is also a

trained Lawyer from ABU Zaria. He served as

Commandant of the Special Investigation Bureau (SIB) 1981

82, Military Governor of Katsina State, 1987, General Officer
Commanding 1 Mechanized Division Nigerian Army, Kaduna
(GOC) until 1999. He is presently the National Security Adviser
(NSA) to President Umar Musa Yaradua.

Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo, born in Zaria City on March, 17,

1952 to an Army father, he became Minister of the Gospel in
1974, born again at the Age of 20 years. He trained as a
Minister of the Christian Gospel and graduated in 1976 reported
at the Fourscore Gospel Church, Shomolu, Lagos and became
Assistant Pastor. Four years later he became resident Pastor
between 1974 84 he was a Pastor in Nigeria. He started the
KICC in London, in 1992 and a local Church in Maryland, Lagos
and Ghana. Recognized as the Pastor of the Biggest Church in


Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, was an Executive Officer for the

Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Northern Nigeria, Manager
of Lagos Ports Complex, General Manager and Chief Executive
Officer of the Nigerian Ports Authority, 1975 82, Director of the
Nigerian Railway Corporation, Director of the Nigerian National
Shipping Line, Director Nigeria Airways, Director of the Central
Water Transportation Company, Chairman Board of Customs and
Excise. His expertise was reflected in a constellation of
associations, Vice Chairman International Harbours Association,

Fellow Institute of Transport London, Chairman of the African

Advisory Council to (UNIDO). A one time civilian Governor of now
defunct Gongola State, one time Minister of Industries, member
of the vision 2010, President of the African Business Round Table
and Holds the Prestigious traditional title of Tafidan Adamawa.
He is an astute business mogul and Chairman of Conglomerates
of Companies and presently the Chairman of Police Equipment
Fund (PEF).

Professor Ibrahim Agboola Gambari, born on the 24

November, 1944, in Ilorin, attended Kings College Lagos, London
School of Economics, and Newyorks Columbia University. He
lectured at City University of New York, (Albany), Ahmadu Bello
University Zaria, John Hopkins University (Baltimore) , George
University and Howard University (Washington D.C). One time
Director General Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, and
Minister of External Affairs, Nigerias Permanent Representative
to the UN (appointed in 1990), Chairman, UN Special Committee
against Apartheid (1990 94), and Chairman UN Special
Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, An accomplished
Diplomat of High repute. He published books amongst which are
Africas Security questions and the United Nations in a
Challenging World Order. Accomplished Professor of letters.


Brigadier General Mohammed Buba Marwa , born to a

veteran soldier father on 9th September, 1953, he entered the
Nigerian Military School, Zaria and later Nigerian Defence
Academy Kaduna, on being Commissioned Marwa served with
the Nigerian Army Reconnaissance Recce Corp (NARC), as Troop
leader later to Squadron leader.

He also served as Aide-de-

Camp (ADC) to Lt. General Theophilus Danjuma then Chief of


Army Staff, Military Governor of Borno State 1990, served as

Deputy Defense Adviser (Army) at the Nigerian Embassy in
Washington D.C. He was to later serve as Defense Adviser at the







Headquarters, in New York, before his appointment as Lagos

State Military Administrator. Marwa indeed was one of the most
eloquent Military men in Nigeria endowed with Economic and
political know how and diplomatic experience. He


serve as Nigerian Ambassador in South Africa.


Cardinal Dr. Olubunmi Okogie, Arch-Bishop of Lagos,

foremost catholic premate, a reknown Cleric and Minister of
Christian Gospel, who stood for truth through courage and Faith
in God to challenge the Abachas regime during the trying time
of the Nigerian Nation 1993 1998.


Mallam Abubakar Gummi (of Blessed Memory) hail from

Gummi in Sokoto State, a reknown Islamic Cleric, one time
Grand Khadi of Northern Nigeria, Chairman of National
Teachers Institute, Kaduna, who stood for Truth, faith in Allah
and refused to be corrupted by various Administrations of
Government. During his time, he was a man of High Integrity
and Moral Sanctity, respectable Muslim leader from the North of


Alhaji Abdulwahab Folawiyo Baba Adinni of Yoruba land, a

successful business mogul, and religious leader in Lagos Nigeria,
a philanthropist and Chairman of the Folawiyo group.



Chief Dr Emmanuel Iwuayanwu, a successful businessman of

high repute, an Igbo leader, politician, a philanthropist and pillar
of sport in Nigeria. Chairman/President of the Iwuayanwu group.


Olorogun Michael Ibru, of the Ibru group, a successful

business mogul, veritable and astute financial manager. Head of
the Ibru group, a respectable shipping magnate, and real estate









Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, respectable religion

leader both in the North and Western part of Nigeria for decade,
a successful businessman and philanthropist and respectable
Yoruba leader of thought since 1960 to date.

Otunba Subomi Balogun, Chairman of First City Merchant

Bank, a successful Banker and financial Manager, Astute
business man and financial guru, a Yoruba Chieftain.


Ganiyu Oyesola Fawehinmi, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, a

successful Lawyer of High repute and a firm believer in
fundamental Human Right. He is a 1998 recipient of Bernard
Simons Memorial Awards an award introduced by International
Bar Association in 1995, others include Ghandi Foundation
Award 1971, the Brino Kriesky Award for his contributions in the
defence of human rights 1999 and American Bar Award for
Human Rights 1996. Ganiyu is a relentless agitator for Justice
and fair play, known for promoting, protecting and advancing
human rights in Nigeria.


Alhaji Aminu Dantata, the president of Dantata group, a

successful business mogul from Kano, who chairs a construction

industry with multi-nationals in the business known as Dantata

and Sawoe. He built various roads and edifices of standard in
many parts of Nigeria, and is a season transporter and freight

Professor Sam Aluko, a seasoned economist, financial analyst

and adviser of high repute to various administrations and
regime in Nigeria. He is best known for his intellectual prowess
in the field of economics and financial management and


Justice Ephraim Akpata, a retired Supreme Court Judge.

Headed the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) that was
rated the fairest when it ushered in the 1999 successful
Democratic Election of Obasanjo.


Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, hails from Delta State. Finance Minister

and later Minister of Foreign Affairs. She is
Economist and financial guru of

an International

repute, a world Bank Vice

President for Africa, known for high level technocracy in

International Economy, recipient of the awards for Finance
Minister of the year for Africa and the middle East. Nigeria paid
her foreign debt during her tenure as minister of Finance. The
award is for minister of finance in Africa and middle East who
has made significant policy contributions to both domestic and
the international economy.

Alhaji Ado Bayero, the Emir of Kano, the legendary monarch,

ex- native Police officer, respectable monarch of high reputation


in Nigeria and the Arab Emirate. He is also a respectable Royal

father among the Northern Emirs.

Oba Adeyinka Oyekan, the Oba of Lagos, the respectable

Yoruba monarch of Lagos, respected among the Yoruba Obas
and Chiefs in the whole of Yoruba land. During his time he
brought peace, orderliness to Lagos city and Nigeria in general.


The Oni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade like his Lagos

contemporary, a respectable Oba in the Western region from a
dynasty that has its origin in historical feats, well respected
among Emirs, Chiefs and Obas. He is a successful businessman
of International repute.


The Shehu of Borno Mustapha Umar Elkanemi, of the former

Borno Empire, a respectable Islamic religion leader, respected
for insight into the Islamic religion, its tenets and values, remain
one of the Islamic leaders consulted for Islamic religious Affairs
both within and outside the country. He is

a core traditional


The Emir of Zaria, Dr. Alhaji Shehu Idris, the monarch that
resides in the capital of the defunct Northern Nigeria. He is a
respectable spiritual leader, educationist, administrator and







Europeans that have a stinct with the Ahmadu Bello University,

Zaria, where the monarch resides at the Zazzau Emirate
Council, the home of Queen Amina the legendary Queen.

The Oba of Benin His Highness Erediuwa Omonoba, the

monarch of the defunct Benin Empire, a respectable Oba in the


Western Nigeria, and influential spiritual father in the Benin

Kingdom both modern and old Benin.

He is an educationist,

administrator of high repute and an intellectual even as a royal


The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, a respectable

Yoruba monarch from the old Oyo empire, and father of the
modern Oyo. He is

respected by the Yoruba Chiefs and Obas

and Emirs alike, well traveled and a leader of relevance in the

society and among the Yoruba people of the Western Nigeria.

Sir Gabriel Igbinedion,

The Esama of Benin kingdom, a

respectable traditional Chieftain in the Benin Kingdom, a

successful business mogul and educational promoter, owner of
the Igbinedion University, Benin City, a respectable centre of
knowledge in Nigeria, and head of the Igbinedion group of
businesses, one of the leading philanthropist of our time.

Chief Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, an erstwhile leader of the

Biafran Army, a retired Colonel of the Nigerian Federal Army, an
educationist, politician and Igbo leader of thought, born to the
Sir Odumegu Ojukwu business dynasty of Eastern Nigeria.


Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, a Police Chief, Former Chairman of the

Economic and Financial Crime Commission,

who hails from

Adamawa State. He is a successful career police Officer,

respected by the International Community for his Astute
strategies and firmness in dealing with all elements of corrupt
practices and fraudulent economic practices in Nigeria. Highly







misunderstood and underscored by victims of the economic and


financial crime control sledge hammer, that gave Nigeria a

credible facelift in the world today, fine officer, and patriotic
Nigerian, and a courageous office.

Dr. Abubakar Olushola Saraki, born 17 May 1933 in Lagos,

father of Kwara politics, a successful business mogul, financial
giant of high repute, respectable Muslim leader, an international
business magnet, widely traveled, respected among Nigerians
because of his political strategies and influence in modern
Nigerian politics. He has a governor son and Senator daughter.
The sarakis have politics running in their blood, the Turaki of
Ilorin is a member of the Royal College of Surgeon, one time
senator, Chairman of many reputable companies.


Dr. Bishop - David Olaniyi Oyedepo, an indigene of Omu

Aran, in Kwara State, Chancellor of the Covenant University,
Visioner, and presiding Bishop and President of the Living Faith
Church, worldwide. He is an Architect by training, a respectable
Spiritual leader of the Christian faith, humble yet very influential
leader of thought, respected by all,

fellow ministers of the

Gospel, government functionaries including National leaders

both at home and Abroad. A spiritual leader of the church
recorded by Guinness book of record, as one having the largest
church building, 50,000 seat auditorium, built in 12 months. The
largest church auditorium in the world registered by Guinness
book of records in 2008, presiding over a ministry of liberation.
Faith base spanning all over Africa, and with international
network all over the world. As Christ Ambassador, the Ministry
has reached out even before government to the Koma people,
moved by the plight of a Naked community they were provided


with clothes, portable water and education for the Koma

children, some ten (10) years ago and many more.

King Sunny Ade (KSA), the king of Juju music, his repertoire
fixed assets, corporate investments like Sigma Disc Limited,
Atom Park Petroleum, Master Disc, Distinct studios, Ariya Nite
Club, Premium Shares in Blue Chip Companies. He hails from
Oshogbo, Osun State, one time PMAN President, a thrilling,
beaming musician that can move kings to dance even in their
royal apparels, a successful musician through the Ages, and
businessman of repute.


Adams Oshiomole, the Edo born labour Activitist, former

President of Nigeria Labour Congress, a trade Union leader of
high repute, respected for his firm approach and tenacity in
leading fellow union leaders, and fellow citizens to peaceful
protests against moves of government that have negative
bearing on both the economy and the citizenry. He is a politician
and trade unionist, and a gubernatorial aspirant in Edo State.


Chief Sunday Awoniyi, the Aro of Mopa (of blessed memory)

one time adviser/personal Aide to the Sardauna of Sokoto,
politician of repute, influential leader of thought, chairman of






technocrat. He was known for his tact, firmness, outrightness,

outspokenness and advocacy for justice and fairplay in politics,
and leadership. Sunday was philanthropist, and disciple of the
legacy of the Sardauna of Sokoto.

Alhaji (Dr) Yusuf Maitama Sule Dan-Masanin Kano, a

former permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United

Nation. He is an orator of repute, intellectual and seasoned

diplomat, motivational speaker and respectable leader of
thought in Nigeria.

The Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence Alhaji Abubakar Saad, a

retired Brigadier General, present spiritual leader of the Islamic
faith in Nigeria, the Head of the Sultanate and Chairman, JNI and
NSCIA, the sultanate is respected because of its direct
descendancy of the lineage of Shehu Othman Dan Fodiyo the
reformer and founder of the caliphate.


Professor Wole Soyinka a noble laureate, intellectual and

Academic guru, social critic and advocate for good governance,
transparency and justice. Wole was one time Corp Marshal of
the Federal Road Safety Commission, a University Don of high
repute, who has award winning books of international repute
and acclaimed as best sellers.


Chief Summer Dagogo Jack Public Administrator and former

Chairman of National Electoral Commission of Nigeria, born in
Abonnema, Akukutora Local Government Area of Rivers State.
He was secretary of Civil Secretarys Office Kaduna 1952 55,
Ministry of Justice, Kaduna 1956 66, Permanent Secretary in
1979, Head of Service in 1983. In 1984 he became Secretary to
the Rivers State Government, Deputy Governor of Rivers State
in 1990. He was Honoured with the Officer of the Order of the
Niger in 1992, a respectable leader of the Niger Delta and South
South Forum.


Chief Olatunde Olabode Vincent Banker, Administrator,

Economist, and former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria. He


received education in Nigeria and England. He was assistant

General Manager CBN 1961, Deputy General Manager CBN 1962
and General Manager CBN 1963 66. Vincent was Director of
Nigerian Industrial Development Bank 1964 66, Vice President
of African Development Bank, Abidjan 1966 73, Adviser CBN
1973 77 and Governor CBN 1977 82 He was awarded
commander of the order of the Federal Republic OFR by
president Shehu Shagari in 1982.

Joseph Wayas, politician and former Senate President, Born in

Obudu, Cross River State, educated in Nigeria and UK, he was
Commissioner for Transport, South Eastern State (now Cross
River State) from 1972 74, Wayas was Senate President from
1979 83 and member of the society of International Affairs at
Lincoln University in USA.


SIR Udo Udoma, ace jurist, and for 13 years a Judge of the
Supreme Court of Nigeria, Sir Udoma was from 1963 69 Chief
Justice of Uganda, he decided on one of the most celebrated
cases in constitutional law in the commonwealth relating to the








prescribed in the constitution. Sir Udoma later became Governor

General of Uganda. In Nigeria he handled many landmark cases
one of which was the 1962 treason trials involving Chief
Obafemi Awolowo. He is an Ibibio, from Akwa-Ibom state,
studied at Trinity College, Dublin, and obtained a Phd at St.
Catherines College Oxford, he was called to the Bar in 1945,
Chairman of 233 man constituent assembly which fashioned
the 1979 Nigerian constitution.



Chief Raymond Aleogho Dokpesi, a high Chief from Auchi

Area of Edo State, a transport Engineer, philanthropist, shipping
magnate and chairman of AIT (African Independent Television) a
household name, in Radio and Television Broadcast.
The media Czar sits on a multi billion Naira broadcast empire







pioneering private and foremost station with 24 hours operation

and Ray Power 1 and 2 FM Stereo competing head on with the
national NTA stations in the area of News coverage, reporting
and balanced opinion on news and current Affairs. Dokpesi is
setting pace in the industry and much more. A successful
business mogul, transport engineer of repute, media industry
guru and leader of thought.

Monsignor, father Mathew Hassan Kukah a Catholic Cleric

of high intellectual repute, one time Secretary of the Oputa
Panel Human Rights Violations and Investigation Commission,
and Secretary of many National Committees. He is a highly
respected Cleric, for his high sense of diplomacy and intellectual


Chief Jerome Oputa Udoji, a Lawyer and Industrialist, born on

the 31 July, 1917 in Ozubulu, Nnewi, Anambra State. Attended
St. Micheals Catholic School, Ozubulu 1921 28, University of
Cambridge. England 1945 48, called to Bar at Grays Inn
London in 1948. He was at various times permanent Secretary,
Ministries of Health, Commerce, Finance and Establishment in
the defunct Eastern Nigeria 1954 58, later Secretary and Head
of Civil Service from 1959 66, he was Chairman of Public
Service Review Commission, popularly known as the Udoji


Commission 1972 74. He was conferred with the Commander

of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR) in 1963.

Sheikh Sheriff Ibrahim Saleh, a world reknown Islamic

scholar and Chairman of the Fatwa committee of the council of
Ulama, is one of Nigerias foremost authorities on the art and
science of the Islamic faith and the traditions of the prophet.


Hajiya Gambo Sawaba, born in Zaria in 1933 to Mr. Isa

Amartcy a Ghanaian and Hajiya Fatima a Nupe from Lavun Local
Government in Niger State, Hajara Isa was called Gambo
because she was preceded by a set of twins, Gambo adopted
the name sawaba (freedom) the NEPU slogan when she joined
the party, a dogged fighter for the causes she believed in
defence of the Talakawa, womens right to participate in politics
and public life, a natural mobilizer and communicator.


Brigadier General Benjamin Adekunle, (black scorpion)

born on 26 June 1937, attended Dekina Primary School,
Government College Okene 1951 57, officer cadet training
school, Accra, Ghana 1958, Commander 3 Marine Commando
1967, Director Training and Planning Supreme Headquarters.
Lagos 1969. He retired in 1974 into private business.



Mohammadu Dikko Yusufu fondly refered to as MD

Yusufu a widely acclaimed police boss and former inspector

General of the Nigerian Police. He is a respectable statesman,
Politician of high repute who believe in the enshrinement of
security, peace and prosperity for all mankind, an advocate of
true democracy ,human right and free enterprise. He is a man of



intellectual disposition, political and social analyst of

influence, one time presidential aspirant and Chairman Arewa

Consultative forum

Lt General Theophlus Yakubu Danjuma, An Army General








politician. A former Chief of staff supreme headquarters, one









companies both at home and abroad. A Native of Wukari in

Taraba State, an outstanding business magnet, known for his
frankness, courage, non challant, and a soldier statesman.

DR Rilwanu Lukman, An indigene of Zaria, Kaduna state, a

product of the Imperial College London, a petrol-chemical
expert, one time OPEC President, Statesman, Minister of
petroleum and adviser to the president on Energy Matters,
Nigerian Representative at the OPEC Headquarters, Geneva,
highly Diplomatic. He is a technocrat and politician of books, a
Professional with expert touch in the field of petrochemical
Engineering and technology.


General Martin Luther Agwai an indigene of Kaduna State, a








professional and widely experienced in Military strategies and

tact, former Chief of Army Staff, Chief of Defence Staff and
Promoted four star General at world standard to retain a seat
at the United Nation (UN) peace keeping Headquarters. Agwai is
the first Nigerian Army General to be so accepted and approved
by the United Nation (UN).



Dr Suleiman Kumo, an indigene of Gombe State, a reknown

University Don, experience politician, statesman, businessman
and Administrator respected for his personal sense of respect
and influence without controversy.










Adamawa State, a Professor of Cardiology, a respectable and

widely acclaimed University Don, one time Vice Chancellor
University of Maiduguri, a Senator of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria, whose contribution to Nigerian politics and debate
made him prominent in the passing of bills. Jibril is Known for his
openness, challenging approach to political issues and National

Alhaji Aliko Dangote, hails from the Dantata lineage, a most

successful international business mogul, a manufacturer of high
repute, versatile and articulate business explorer, non partisan
but supporter of true democratic governance. He is well
respected in both local and international businesses and fora,
well read and experienced in the stock and securities, trade and
freight business. One time Chairman for the De-congestion of
Ports in Nigeria, Chairman of many functional companies, with
Multi-Dimensional business both home and abroad.










Mustapha, one time Chancellor Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,

a respected monarch in the North and South, West and the East
of Nigeria for his age and years of enthronement. He is
extensively valued in the society, highly influential, non-partisan
royal father and Fulani leader, successful businessman and


The Etsu Nupe Alhaji (Dr) Umaru Sanda Ndayako (of blessed
memory) highly influential royal father, respected monarch of
his time, seasoned administrator, chairman of the constitution
review committee, and of many National debates and issues. He
was known for high intellectual and Academic Prowess, Wisdom
and Influence.


Professor Grace Alele Williams, hails from Delta State, an

accomplished University Professor, a successful female Vice
Chancellor of high repute. She is respected for her influence in
the academics, and administration, member of the electoral
reform of Nigeria and many policy issues at different times in


Dr. Dora Akunyili, hails from Anambra State, a Professional






administrator, Director General of NAFDAC, known for her

sterling style of eradication of quacky, sub-standard drugs and
manufactured food products. Dora is known and respected for
her fearlessness, patriotism and dedication to duty. She has
earn uncountable awards due to feat in her chosen career and
vocation both locally and internationally, she is a role model
among women.

Senator Florence Ita-Giwa, (Mama-Bakassi) a respected

female Senator representing Cross River, highly influential, one
time presidential representative at the National Assembly, A
mediator on several National issues, and lover of her people and



Hajiya Maryam Babangida the wife of former President (Gen)

Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, hails from Delta State, an
influential first lady, successful businesswoman, respected
women leader and motivator of women.


Mrs. Victoria Yakubu Gowon, the wife of Nigeria celebrated

Head of State and one of the top most celebrated Nigerian
leader. A woman of high influence, simple and courageous who
saw her husband through the Nigerian Civil War, and years in
exile in England, a supporter and celebrated first lady.


Honourable Justice Fati Abdulsalami Abubakar, the wife of

General Abdulasalami Abubakar, a Justice of the High Court, a
successful Lawyer, an influencer of great disposition who
assisted her husband to take right and timely decision by
handingover to a democratically elected government in 1999. A
respected woman of influence, acclaimed jurist of high repute,
advocate for women empowerment.


His Eminence, Alhaji Ibrahim Dasuki, Deposed Sultan of

Sokoto, highly influential leader of the North, respected business
mogul, industrialist and financier. He is a philanthropist of high
repute, a technocrat and a versatile business entrepreneur, duly
enthroned the 18th Sultan of Sokoto and later deposed.


Chief Lamidi Adedibu, the strongman of Ibadan politics, the

exponent of Amala politics, respectable politician in the defunct
Western Nigeria and God-father of many Western Elites, a
National political influencer and controversial leader, successful
businessman and philanthropist.



Sir Anthony Enahoro, veteran nationalist, elder statesman,

Advocate of liberty and true democracy for his Nation. He was a
NADECO Chieftain, highly respected politician and leader of


Sir Emeka Anyaoku, former Secretary General of the Common

Wealth, a respectable Diplomat of high repute, successful
Diplomat, academician, motivator and orator, deeply respected
for his diplomatic influence both locally and internationally.









politician, Universally known as the head of Nigerias National

Democratic coalition (Nadeco), a professional and fulfilled career
teacher spanning

over 50 years from St. Andrews teachers

training college Oyo, to graduating from Fourah Bay College,

Serra Leone, London University among others; one time member
of the Action group of the Western Nigeria, member House of
Representative 1954 66, joined the UPN of Chief Awolowo and
became the oldest and first elected civilian Governor of Ondo
State. His reputation for honesty, integrity, and pursuit of return
to democracy was well celebrated.

General Ishola Williams (Rtd), the soldier statesman,








(TRADOC) of the Nigerian Army, Chairman of Transparency in

Nigeria (TIN), Non Partisan, Devoted to the Eradication of
Corruption and Advancement of better society. He never
accepted any political appointment, went into the military to
make a career out of soldiering bow out when things started
falling apart in his constituency in 1993.



Senator[Dr]Ken Nnamani,hails from Amaechi in Nkanu local

Government of Enugu state ,a democrat of towering status ,a







standing,he became most relevant in Nigerias politics due to his

intervention using legislative and constitutional means to
terminate the third term agenda of President Obasanjos
administration after 8years.presenty president of Ken Nnamani
centre [A Leadership Training Centre].

Hajiya Kudirat Abiola, the late wife of MKO Abiola, the self
acclaimed winner of the 1993 Democratic election. She stood by
her husband while on trial, and even while in Prison. A woman of
great influence, and substance. Also an advocate for true
democracy and known for her vanguard against the ills of
Abachas regime. An activist in the women folk.







administrator of high repute, two times Federal Minister, as

Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and Minister for
Works and Housing, once Sole Administrator of Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria. An indigene of Kontagora in Niger State and
respected among his colleagues, one time Presidential Aspirant.
Mamman was able to bring sanity and discipline to work
wherever he is Administering. He is a successful technocrat.







industrialist, one time Minister for National Planning, and

Chairman of PPRC (Petroleum Price Review Committee) of the
Federal Government of Nigeria. He is a successful business
mogul and industrialist.



Justice Abubakar Bashir Wali, born July 21, 1932, in Kano,

attended Kano middle school 1945 50, Khartoum Technical
Institute, Sudan 1955 56, Institute of Administration ABU, Zaria
1956 60, Grays Inn, London and School of Orientation and
African Studies, University of London 1961 63.
He was called to the English Bar in 1964, Nigerian Bar in 1965.
Secretary of Kano Native Authority 1954 55, first Clerk of the
Northern Nigeria Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1956 59, an Arabic
and Calligraphic Interpreter /translator Kaduna High Court 196061, Magistrate of various grade, judge at the Sharia Court of
Appeal, Justice Court of Appeal and

Justice of the Supreme

Court of Nigeria. Wali is a Recipient of OFR National Award, and

an accomplished jurist.

Dr. Sunday Mbang, a prominent Methodist Cleric, outspoken

Christian leader, advocate of peace, champion of free coexistence between Christians and Muslim faithfuls. One time
CAN National Chairman. Sunday is a reknonwn and widely
acclaimed international spiritual leader in the Christiandom.


Sheikh Ahmed Lemu, hails from Lemu in Niger State, a

reknown scholar, Islamic Cleric, and Chief Executive of the
Islamic Education Trust Fund based in Minna, Niger State.


Dr Tom Adaba, real name Chief Aaze Thomas Adaba, born on

July 2, 1941 at Kuroko in Adavi Local Government Area of Kogi

He obtained Grade II Teachers Certificate from Okene

Teachers College in 1962, National Certificate in Education in

1969 from ABU Zaria, Michigan State University for a Certificate
in Mass Communication in 1971, Certificate in African Studies














Bloomington, Indiana 1978 79, Phd in Mass Communication

and Theatre Art from the same University. Toms Career as a






controller/Manager of programme NTA Jos 1977 80, Principal

NTA College Jos, 1980 87, Assistant Director NTA Headquarter,
Lagos in 1990 and Pioneer Director General of National
Broadcasting Commission (NBC). He is a successful Media
Practitioner and Journalist of high repute.

Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, a reknown University

Don, an acclaimed international Economist and financial guru,
Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). During whose
tenure the various Banks in Nigeria were consolidated for
effective and efficient Banking, and streamlining of the Banking
systems thereby Eradicating Mushroom Banks and Banking
Procedures. Soludo a respectable international financial and
economic expert. He is a blessing to Nigeria.


Alhaji Mohammed Hayatu Deen, a native of Borno State, a

graduate of Economics who started his Career in 1977 with the
Nigerian Agricultural Promotions Company Limited an (NNDC
Subsidiary) and later New Nigeria Development Company Ltd
(NNDC) in 1979 where he spent 9 years and rose to become the
Group Managing Director and Chief Executive in 1984. He was
Managing Director of FSB International Bank Plc in 1990, he was
on board of Virgin Airline, Chairman 7up Bottling Company Ltd,
Nigerian Economic Summit Group, A member of the vision 2020,
and member of the Justice Reform. He is an accomplished


businessman, financial

and economic guru of outstanding

reputation who contributed to the economic and financial

development of Nigeria.
100. Alhaji Mahmud Yayale Ahmed, born in Shira, Southern Azare
in Bauchi State, he attended Shira Primary School Azare,
Government Secondary School Azare, and then Ahmadu Bello
University in Zaria, Kaduna State where he received his first
Degree in Political Science in 1976. After the compulsory one
year Youth Service in 1977, he proceeded further to obtain a
Masters Degree in Public Administration in 1981. He holds two
honourary Doctorate Degree one in Law from the University of
Abuja and the other of letters from Bayero University, Kano,
Yayale joined the Bauchi State Civil Service in 1977, in 1982, he
became Deputy Secretary to the State Ministry of Animal health
and Forestry Resources, and in 1983 he became acting
Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Rural Development and
Cooperatives. In 1986, he joined the Federal Civil Service and
held various positions in the Ministries of Internal Affairs and
Education respectively. He was a member of the 1988 Ministerial
Committee on the Civil Service Reforms. Ahmed Yayale was
appointed to the position of Head of Civil Service of the
federation on December 18, 2000, and in July, 26 2007 became
Minister of Defence, presently he

has been appointed the

Secretary to the Government of the Federation.

101. Pastor Enoch. A Adeboye, the General overseer of the
Redeemed Christian Church of God, born on the 2 nd March, 1942
at Ifewara in the present Osun State. A man of humble
beginning, had a memorable primary and secondary school


experiences that would have been an end to schooling for

someone else, graduated from the University in 1967, between
1967 and 1975 he had two more Degrees an M.Sc in
Hydrodynamics and Ph.d in Applied Mathematics. He lectured at
the University of Lagos and Ilorin respectively, this great man of
Gods childhood experience made him appreciate the God he
believed, which confirmed his success. Pa Josiah Akindayomi,
the founder, RCCG who was spoken to in clear term by God on
who his successor would be, True to his word Pa Josiah left a
writing sealed pronouncement confirming the appointment of










consecrated, indeed a rare man of God. RCCG to day has about

9,000 parishes in Nigeria, with branches all over the world, in
Europe, and major cities of the world.



James S. Abraham, is a co-founder of the CLIN foundation (Centre
for Leadership Integration in Nigeria) a leadership training centre.
NGO and centre dedicated to Biographical research and studies,
social Development, Advocacy for good governance and youth
Author of the books Limits to growth; why some leaders succeed
and others fail, and Nigeria Immigration Service; Issues, challenges
and future outlook.





Copyright 2008 by CLIN FOUNDATION

All right reserved. Written permission must be secured
from the publisher to reproduce any part of this book,
except for research and citation purposes.
Published in Nigeria by .
ISBN: 978-028-786-8
Printed in Nigeria, west Africa


Biographies/ profile of leaders in Nigeria________
About the author____________________________




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