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Based on our audit, we have identified the lack of investment

within our information management system, which caused the
company to react slowly to the cyber breaches. Two the major
weaknesses were:
Poor Investment in our Online Infrastructure
The cyber breach to our website has identified our lack of investment in
cyber security. We are a telecommunication company that offers a range
of technical services, such as; broadband, fibre and mobile services.
Based on the services we offer; customers expect to be safe at every
point of contact. Having a poor cyber security diminishes our vision to
offer a reliable telecommunications system. This shows our customers
that we are more profit oriented rather than customer focused, by not
investing in customer information security.
Improper Software Management
Our audit has also identified the mismanagement of software as the
customer database software has been outdated for 3 years and is no
longer supported by the provider. As a result of the companies lack of
technology monitoring and development, we are now faced with the
breach of sensitive customer data, which as Leo mentioned, has led to the
loss of customers and a decline in market-share. Also we have been fined
400,000 by the Information Commissioners Office for lack of continuous
technology investments that affected the privacy of our customers
personal information.


Our audit has revealed a lack of team dynamics and communication of
information within TalkTalk.
As a result, one of the major failures of our knowledge management
strategy is due to silos within the company.
The knowledge management diagram highlights that our company
collected a vast amount of internal and external data that identified the
weakness of the information management system. For example, the audit
shows that our former information security consultant recommended that
based on the market research, that used data encryption would be a
quicker and less expensive solution to manage the security breach.
Despite this knowledge, we made minimal security changes that were
outlined within the data protection action act, which led to another
security breach.

To measure the effectiveness of the proposed IMS and communication
plan we are recommending the use of the Balance Scorecard. This will
allow the project manager to monitor the key performance indicators
against the strategic goal of the company. For example, analyzing the
short term goals of the new communication plan - was it successful in
changing the customers perception of TALKTALK? Did it lead to retaining
and attracting customers and how can we used this information to
improve or even create a competitive advantage?

The Organisational and Leardership change of Nokia has led to a

range of issues.
Leadership change
In 2010 Nokia appointed their first non-Finnish CEO which led to an
unstable organizational culture.
Stephen Elop, a Canadian brought an autocratic leadership style to Nokia
whereas the employees of were familiar with a more collaborative
business environment.
The Hofstede Culture Comparison Chart highlights that the Canadian
culture is more Masculine and has a individualism which means Canadians
are more assertive and strive for better rewards whereas the Finish
Culture is more feminine with a high uncertainty to avoidance which
caused the protest of employees.
Microsoft Devices Group business
Elops initiative as the CEO of Nokia was to transform Nokias devices to
increase its market share to compete with rivals such as Apple and
Google. This meant capitalising on prior connections with Microsoft to
introduce the Windows Operating system in Nokia devices while gradually
making the current operating system such as Symbian and MeeGo
obsolete. However, this decision for change created internal and external
Employees Resistance
The strategic changes with Window
The new CEO of Nokia blamed the downfall of the Symbian platform on
the negative attitudes of the employees by describing their efforts as
pouring gasoline on their burning platform. This facilitated employee
disagreements and resignations.
Employees Disagreements
The software engineers at Nokia disagreed with the transformational
strategy of the CEO to disregard the MeeGo platform that was created
through the strategic partnership with Intel. Employees resisted the
change due to the difficulty of adapting existing hardware designs to
Windows Phones.
The changes to accommodate the strategic partnership with Microsoft led
to multiple resignations of existing Nokia employees.

Shareholders Resistance
Unlike many employees, Nokias Shareholder felt positive about Elops
appointment to Nokia and the implementation of a new strategy. However,
their confidence in Elops strategic shift changed after the announcement
of a partnerships it Microsoft as stock fell by 19% after being at its lowest
in 13 years.
Customer Preference
Nokia supporters and existing Symbian users were resistant to the news
because they preferred an update to the existing software rather than it
being replaced by an outside platform. The sudden abandonment of
Symbian and MeeGo in favour of the Windows operating system, made
Nokias customers dislike Microsoft and its products.
Besides saying Nokia and Microsoft will achieve a much better future,
Nokia did nothing to reassure its customers of the existing product will be
Technology Resistance
Longstanding external application developers disagreed with the change
of Nokias new strategy as they found the operating system required a
new approach to application designs in comparison to Symbian and
MeeGo smartphones
Network Providers
Network Providers were hesitant about the Windows Operating System
because it used Skype as a default application on mobile devices.
Providers saw Skype as a threat to their international calling services. This
meant Nokia had to restructure Skype from being the default application
in order for network providers to sell its product.
Force Field Analysis
The Force Field Analysis summarizes the list of factors on Nokias decision
for change. In this case the Restraining forces were slightly stronger than
the driving forces. According the Force Field Model framework if the
resistance for change is more than the the forces for change, there is a
higher possibility of failure if change is implimented.

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