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Schools Integrated Facilities

Services Proposal

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1. Executive Summary

General Overview
Scope of Service Available

2. Services

Statutory Maintenance, Testing & Inspection Service

Reactive Repair & Cyclical (Planned) Maintenance Service
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT testing) Service including Tree Management
Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund
Schools Estates Management Service
Inspection of Playground & PE Equipment Service
Energy Management
Asbestos Management Service
Catering Schools Meals Service
Catering Equipment Emergency Repair Fund
Caretaking Service
Cleaning Service
Courier & Mail Service
Waste Services
Environmental Services
Ford Castle Outdoor Education Centre
Consultancy & Advice
Procurement Service
Schools Asset Management Plan

3. Cost Explanations
4. Signature Page
5. Appendices

Repair Priorities

Executive Summary


General Overview

On behalf of Northumberland County Council (NCC) we would like to introduce you to our new style
Integrated Facilities Services Proposal (IFSP).
It has been acknowledged, that there are opportunities to improve the customer experience of our
services. These are, not exclusively, related to:1.

Clarity of costing models

Charging and payment processes
Market competitiveness
Efficiency of issue resolution

To address these issues, two key decisions have been taken. Firstly, we have brought together a
raft of services (some new) under this proposal from which customers can draw down from. There
is no minimum or maximum drawdown required. However, discounts will apply when multiple
options are taken up. Further to this, there will be one, single, monthly bill to schools and
academies for all services under this proposal, to help streamline financial processing and budget
planning. Ad-hoc services however, will be charged on a draw down only basis.
Secondly, we are committed to continually reviewing internal processes to deliver even more
efficient and effective services to its customers. The intention of this programme is to:1.

cultivate a more joined up approach to services being delivered by NCC;

where required, to establish clear points of contact for all service enquiries;
create a customer driven business approach, where services are tailored to better meet
schools and academies needs;
create greater transparency and clarity of the costs of services delivered. Please note some
of our key services have been fundamentally reviewed and can be provided at a lower cost;
pass on any cost savings and process / service improvements to our customers.

The information attached herein can also be obtained from the Councils Website,, along with FAQs. Please also note
that site specific costs will also be sent to you, to give you clear and transparent costs for our
services. We will also have dedicated staff available to take you through the costing model if
required. We will be undertaking road shows around the county as well as responding to individual
schools and academies, as required, to discuss your issues in more detail.
We believe that this more tailored and bespoke approach will better meet the needs of our
customers and improve upon the excellent partnership working to date.

Frank Jordan
Head of Commercial and Property Services
Commercial & Property Services,
Local Services Group,
Northumberland County Council,
County Hall,
Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2EF.
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Martin Hay
Integrated Facilities Services Manager
Commercial & Property Services
Local Services Group,
Northumberland County Council,
County Hall,
Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2EF.


Key Changes and Benefits of Services

We are offering up a suite of 19 services to professionally support Schools and Academies in their
drive to deliver excellent services.
We would like to highlight herein that:1.






Your establishment is welcome to choose as many options as it requires from the suite
Discounts are available dependant upon the number of options chosen;
To help you decide what services to participate in, a site specific cost sheet and a service
weightings sheet will be sent out in hard copy. Each service has a specific points weighting.
There are 3 discounts available for each service, dependant upon the total points weighting
chosen by the school or academy. The sheet will show you cost for each service option,
dependant upon how many points you have accumulated. This will allow schools and
academies to clearly see the financial impact of their chosen options. We also offer help with
options calculations via our help desk, 01670 435840;
Where services have not been delivered in the past, there may be a requirement for an initial
site survey (for example Catering, PAT testing). These cases will be dealt with on a case by
case basis and will ensure that accurate costs are provided and clear roles and
responsibilities laid out;
If you do not receive our services currently and want to market test your current services for
VFM, please contact us via the helpdesk, 01670 534840.
Where required, costs for Academies will be provided on completion of a detailed survey of
the building(s);
The annual cost for your chosen services will be consolidated into 1 monthly charge, payable
in 12, equal monthly payments. Reducing administration costs and simplifying the budget
management process;
We have taken the opportunity to review many of our costing models and have made some
significant savings in key areas such as catering, cleaning, caretaking and procurement. This
work will continue throughout the year. All savings have and will be passed onto schools and
academies. We would strongly recommend taking the time to re-consider utilising services
which you currently receive from other external providers;
Whether you are looking to outsource services we currently provide, or if you need to review
your current provision, we will review your current requirements and look to see if we can
improve the services, reduce costs and meet any new demands upon your facility. Please
request a review via the Helpdesk 01670 534840.
For services which are not currently on offer herein, there may be a requirement from schools
and academies to join together with a view to tendering for services collaboratively. For
example for Window Cleaning Services, Grounds Maintenance, Shredding Paper Waste. In
this instance schools and academies can register their interest via the helpdesk 01670
534840. The helpdesk will inform the Central Procurement team who will look to seek an
economically advantageous contract, benefiting from economies of scale that collaboration

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The Process
Schools and Academies receive IFSP document, listing service offerings.
Schools and Academies will receive site specific costs for services.
Website will be available with
proposal information and FAQs.
Helpdesk 01670 534840 is available for all queries relating to IFSP document and financial
Area meetings with senior NCC Officers to brief Schools and Academies on the changes and
benefits of the IFSP will be undertaken, dependant upon demand. Please register your
interest via the helpdesk 01670 534840.
Following consultation, and agreement of options, contracts will be issued directly to schools
and academies. They will include the relevant terms and conditions.
Contract review meetings and consulations with schools and academies on our services will
be programmed throughout the course of the year. Dates to be arranged.

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Proposal Options

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Service Proposals


Service 1 Statutory Maintenance, Testing & Inspection Service


Service Overview

A wide range of Health and Safety legislation and guidance exists relating to the management and
operation of property. Each school has a duty to comply with this legislation and failure to do so
may leave the Governors and Head Teacher liable to prosecution, which, in its severest form, may
include corporate manslaughter charges. It is therefore vitally important that each school has
robust systems and procedures for the management of these issues.
Property Services offers to arrange, on behalf of the school, all necessary statutory maintenance,
testing and inspection as required for compliance with the law. Each school has a duty to advise
Property Services of the required statutory maintenance, tests and inspections necessary within the
school. Should a school not know what tests or inspections are required Property Services can
arrange on behalf of the school a survey of all installations and advise the school of their legal
requirements. There will be a separate charge for this service.

Details of Service Provision

Two additional services have been included within this years Statutory Duties section.

Tree Inspection and Risk Management Service

Trees are important and significant features in the landscape and contribute to making buildings
and premises environmentally attractive and healthy places to work and study. Trees can under
certain circumstances pose a health and safety risk to people and buildings. Schools therefore
have a legal duty, to reduce and manage the associated risks.
The Tree Inspection and Risk Management Service offers a regular programme of inspection that
fully meets all applicable health and safety requirements by identifying trees that may pose a risk
and will recommend potential remedial works to reduce or eradicate that risk.
Benefits of the Service
Your school will be meeting its Legal Duty of Care in respect of the trees on your premises by
providing a safer environment for all users and benefit from an annual inspection report and receive
advice and recommendations relating to tree risk management.
What the service provides

A regular system of programmed safety inspections by a competent person.

An annual detailed inspection report including identification of dead/diseased/dangerous
Advice on tree risk management all year round.
The upkeep of an inventory of the trees within your school grounds.
The option to have identified tree works arranged on your behalf.

Additional Fee Based Services

The following can also be provided on a fee paying basis:

Structural Implication tree surveys.
Planning compliant tree surveys (BS5837).
Assistance with planning applications where trees are implicated.
Trees valuation surveys.

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Annual Management of Third Party Insurance Certificates

The County Councils insurance section has a contract with Zurich insurance to carry out a third
party liability test on various types of equipment that fall under the following categories (LOLER,
PSSR, COSHH or POWER) the annual management of Third Party Insurance Certificates will be
arrange through the property services using Zurich as an approved contractor to satisfy health and
safety and other statutory requirements. Property services will advise the school of any defects
including anticipated costs.
Property Services will arrange, through external contractors, the implementation of a periodic
testing, inspection and maintenance programme to satisfy health and safety and other statutory
requirements and advise the school of anticipated budget commitments on the following (this list is
subject to review as new legislation is introduced not all elements are applicable within each

Air conditioning maintenance

Automatic door servicing
Boiler (gas, coal, oil) servicing and flue cleaning
Dust extraction
Emergency lighting maintenance
Extract fan/canopy cleaning, testing and sterilising
Fire alarm maintenance
Fire fighting equipment testing (including sprinkler systems)
Fire hose reel maintenance
Fixed electric installation testing
Fume cupboard testing portable and fixed
Gas installation (pipework) testing
Generator testing
Hoist testing
Intruder alarms (including access, burglar alarms and CCTV) maintenance
Lift maintenance
Local Exhaust Vessel (fume extraction) testing
Oil line testing
Oil tank testing
Parker bath testing
Portable electrical equipment testing and inspection
Pressure vessel testing
Radon testing
Sewage/water treatment and septic tank cleaning
Steam generator maintenance
Steam iron inspections
Uninterrupted electric power supply maintenance
Water hygiene inspection and monitoring
Display Energy Certificates
Inspection & routine maintenance of machines
Tree Inspection and Risk Management Service
Annual Management of Third Party Insurance Certificates


Service Standards

As part of this service, the external contractor will inform the school of any repairs or remedial
works required to make the installations and/or equipment safe and operable. Should a school
wish to proceed with undertaking the identified repairs, and the school has signed up for the
Reactive Repair and Planned Maintenance Service option of this SLA, then schools should
contact the Property Services Help Desk to arrange for the repairs to be progressed. This
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separation of roles will prevent the opportunity for work creation. However, urgent or specialist
work advised as a result of the testing may be carried out at the time of the testing with agreement
of the School.
Copies of all test and inspection certificates will be digitally scanned by Property Services and
uploaded on the intranet into the document management system ADOS. Schools may access
these certificates at any time via their own individual login and password; a particularly useful
feature when requested by OfSTED Inspectors for copies of the latest test certificates.

Service Risk Schedule

Schools opting out of this service will be required to conform to the Councils specification and
standards for statutory testing and inspection, which will be issued to schools if they opt out. The
schools identified Responsible Person retains responsibility and accountability for the
administration and management of all service contracts in compliance with statutory and County
Council minimum standards. The Responsible Person must ensure they have access to competent
technical staff who will evaluate inspection reports on behalf of the school to identify works that are
essential to keep buildings and equipment safe and in compliance with statutory health and safety
and the Councils buildings insurance requirements.

Out of Scope

Out of hours emergency cover is not included as part of this service.

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Reactive Repair & Cyclical (Planned) Maintenance Service


Service Overview

We can arrange any reactive repairs or planned maintenance identified as being required by the
school. The service provided is regardless of the revenue-funding source of the school or

Details of Service Provision

We provide a help desk service for receiving and co-ordinating responses related to enquiries and
requests for general and routine property maintenance matters and defects. All orders for reactive
repairs and planned maintenance will be managed by us on your behalf.
Each repair is allocated a priority rating and is divided into categories according to urgency and
priority for response.

Service Standards

Delays to the following response times may be subject to obtaining replacement parts. In these
cases we will attempt to put make-safe measures in place (sometimes with your support) if delays
have a potential negative impact upon Health & Safety or Security or substantially impede the
provision of your services.
Priority A:

Response time to be within one hour

Priority B:

Calls before 11am work to commence same day

Priority C:

Calls after 11am work to commence within 24hrs

Priority D:

Work to commence within 3 days

Priority E:

Work to commence within 7 days

Priority F:

By agreement

Examples of the type of repair or maintenance items expected under each priority rating are
detailed in the appendix section.
At the schools or academies request, we can arrange to have a Building Surveyor visit and advise
on planned maintenance requirements specific to the particular facility. The Surveyor will prepare
proposals for planned repair and maintenance works with estimated costs for consideration and
approval by the school. We will then undertake the planned programme of maintenance. Every
reasonable effort will be made to arrange for the implementation of the approved works programme
to meet the schools expenditure targets.
We will submit to the school, at regular intervals, a report showing revenue commitment and
expenditure incurred to date for the financial year.
Out of hours emergency cover is included as part of this service. The process to be followed in
relation to Out of Hours calls is detailed in the appendix section. Additionally included within this
SLA document is a copy of the guidance notes for Key Holders and a form to update us when key
holding personnel change.

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Portable Appliance Testing (PAT testing) Service


Service Overview

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 requires that regular inspection, testing and maintenance
of electrical equipment be undertaken to prevent the risk of death or injury to persons.
Property Services offers to arrange, on behalf of the school, all necessary inspections and tests of
electrical equipment as required for compliance with the regulations.

Details of Service Provision

The testing and inspection service will be carried out at a regular interval, usually once a year, or
more frequently when special circumstances exist. An appointed contractor will undertake the
work, at an agreed time and date with the school.
The service will apply to all portable equipment in use at more than 50 volts and will include the
following procedure where appropriate:

Visual inspection to identify damage or deterioration to casings, plugs and fuses and cable
A test for earth continuity and bonding;
A test for insulation failure;
A run test including earth leakage;
Correcting minor defects and fuse replacement will be undertaken when possible at the time
of Inspection (repairs that take less than 20 minutes to complete will be undertaken and retested at no further cost to the School);
Test results will be recorded on a certificate which will be forwarded to the school and should
be retained;
Equipment found to be defective will be identified and if unsafe will be rendered inoperable.


Service Standards

The regulations require that the school appoint a duty holder who is responsible for compiling and
maintaining an inventory of equipment and the test certificates. Each item of equipment listed on
the inventory shall be permanently and uniquely marked or identified by the school. The equipment
user shall carry out simple visual checks at frequent intervals.
At the time of inspection, it is the schools responsibility to provide all the equipment to be tested.
The schools appointed duty holder shall ensure inventories of equipment are passed to the testing
personnel prior to them starting the test and inspection procedure.

Service Risk Schedule

Schools opting out of this service will be required to conform to the Councils specification and
standards for statutory testing and inspection, which will be issued to schools if they opt out. The
schools identified Responsible Person retains responsibility and accountability for the
administration and management of this service in compliance with statutory and County Council
minimum standards. The Responsible Person must ensure they have access to competent
technical staff who will evaluate inspection reports on behalf of the school to identify works that are
essential to keep the equipment safe for the users and in compliance with statutory health and
safety and the Councils buildings insurance requirements. Out of hours emergency cover is not
included as part of this service.

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Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund


Service Overview

We are offering to set up and manage a centrally held repair fund that schools and academies may
opt to buy into. The fund will be formed by aggregating the subscriptions from all schools opting to
take this service. Only schools buying into this option will receive cover from the fund. The
subscription charge for each school or academy is equivalent to 30% of the amount devolved to
schools under Fair Funding for property repairs and maintenance.

Details of Service Provision

As the Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund is a risk spreading co-operative scheme, it will only run
if there are a sufficient number and mix of subscribers to make it viable and as long as funding
remains in the Fund.
The Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund will be administered in much the same way as a
commercial insurance arrangement, whereby the fund will only pay out for a qualifying incident.
This means that the entire premium will be centrally controlled, with no proportion of it being ringfenced for an individual school.
Please note that this is not an insurance scheme and the rules of the co-operative arrangement
should be carefully read and understood before entering into this service.

Service Standards

The Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund will cover the cost of reactive remedial work for the
unforeseen, sudden failure of a major element of the building, which is causing a significant loss of
service within the school, where:

There is an imminent risk to life or limb;

There is closure of the whole or a substantial part of the facility.

The County Council has amended its general buildings insurance to include cover for damage
caused by storm and flood. There are however large excess amounts applicable to this insurance,
which are different for community and voluntary aided schools. Should a schools or academy be in
a position where it has incurred damage from either storm or flood conditions please contact the
Councils Insurance Section on (01670) 534024 to make a claim under this corporate insurance
policy. Schools are advised to consider the size of the excess imposed on this corporate insurance
policy and make separate arrangements to cover this amount. Repairs caused by storm or flood
can be reinstated through this SLA if a schools or academy has signed up to the repairs and
maintenance option.

Out of Scope

Cover by Fund excludes repair or renewal work that could reasonably have been foreseen by the
schools or academy and programmed for implementation. Works will only be undertaken where
the need for the works has not arisen as a result of constructive neglect or delayed action on the
part of the school or academy.
Other items excluded from support by the Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund are:

Reinstatement costs due to vandalism;

Loose furniture, fittings, including white goods;
Any damage as a consequence of work commissioned independently and self-managed by

Damage caused by storm or flood (see note below).

An excess charge is applicable to each and every claim made against the Unforeseen Emergency
Repair Fund. Details of the amount of the excess are detailed in the appendix section. The
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amount of excess has been calculated in recognition of the amounts devolved under Fair Funding
to smaller sized schools.
Any monies remaining in the fund at the end of the SLA period will be returned to those facilities
that have not made a claim against the fund. The refund will be calculated on a pro rata basis
according to the amount of schools original subscription charge.
This option does not include the undertaking of repairs (separate option); it is only a funding
source for prescribed circumstances of building failure. Nor does it include out of hours emergency

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School Estates Management Service


Service Overview

The purpose of this service is to ensure the efficient, effective and sustainable use of land and
buildings. It aims to minimise the opportunity cost of holding land and buildings and to protect the
value of assets.
To ensure that property assets contribute to the process of continuous service improvement by
looking at innovative accommodation solutions to service needs.
It aims to ensure that the councils property assets are fit for purpose with regard to availability of
resources. Furthermore, to ensure financial returns from investment and surplus properties are
maximised in an appropriate manner in the context of securing wider objectives.
There are eight key ways in which this service can be of support to schools and academies.


Leases - Advice and negotiation of leases to third parties having exclusive use of part of the
Schools or academy site;
Licences - Advice and negotiation of leases to third parties having non-exclusive use of part
of the Schools or academy site;
Easements and Wayleaves- Advice and negotiation of Agreements with Utility Providers
and third parties to lay services or have rights of access across part of the schools or
academy site;
Property Valuation - The valuation, in accordance with RICS Standards, for sale, rent or
accounting purposes, of the whole, or any part of the School or academy;
Acquisition of Land and Buildings - Negotiation of the acquisition of additional leasehold or
freehold premises to support the provision;
Disposal of Land and Buildings - Negotiation of the disposal by lease or freehold sale of
surplus premises to release capital or revenue funding;
Strategic Property Advice - The provision of advice, relating to the development, or
rationalisation, of the school or academy site;
General Property Management - Day to day property advice in relation to the management
of the school or academy site;


Service Provision

Service Standards

To ensure that all valuation and estate management advice is to the highest possible
standard and in line with current best practice;
To provide a responsive and helpful service to enquiries;
To provide a sound and up to date information base relating to property;
To encourage communication as a means of improving the service;
To be proactive and imaginative in the identification of opportunities for improving and
ensuring the achievement of value for money in the use of property;
All services are available during normal office hours and staff work to the following levels of
All rent reviews to be actioned and negotiated in accordance with the lease/tenancy
All Lease/Tenancy/Licence Renewals to be actioned, notices served and terms negotiated in
accordance with the agreements;
All invoices to be processed within 30 days;
Correspondence to be answered or acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt;
All cases to be reviewed and progress monitored every 2 months;
All professional work is undertaken in accordance with the guidance contained in the Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors Valuation Standards.
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Inspection of Playground & PE Equipment Service


Service Overview

BS EN 1176 (1998) recommends that all outdoor play equipment be inspected and maintained on a
regular basis. Such inspection and maintenance should be at 3 levels:

Prior to use, or daily checks;

A visual recorded inspection once each term;
An annual inspection by an independent, competent contractor.

In respect of the Health & Safety regulations, school or academy PE equipment should be regularly
inspected and maintained. This will include a thorough inspection and written report on all items of

Details of Service Provision

We offer to arrange the annual inspection of all outdoor play & PE equipment by a competent
person in accordance with BS EN 1176 (1998) and BS EN 1177(1998). A written report will be
submitted to the school or academy identifying any hazards or risks found with each item of play
equipment together with a note of any defects, omissions and failures to comply with safety
regulations and remedial works required to make the equipment safe.
Maintenance will be carried out on the spot, however if necessary, equipment will be removed for
workshop repairs and returned to the schools or academy at no extra cost. The Head Teacher will
be informed of any dangerous equipment, and the equipment will be stamped and taken out of use.
The inspection will cover:

Gymnastics equipment such as wall bars, climbing ropes, ladders, hand-ring ropes, weight
absorbing mats, trampolines & trampettes;
Sports Hall equipment such as floor sockets, mobile posts, restraining straps for mobile posts,
cricket & dividing nets including tracking;
Outdoor Fixed Equipment, however this does not include outdoor play equipment.

The costs of inspecting Playground Equipment and Indoor PE Equipment are chargeable at
different rates. Please refer to the cost explanation section 3 for further details.

Out of Hours

Out of hours emergency cover is not included as part of this service.

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Energy Management


Service Overview

We offer a number of key services to support schools and academies in their drive to save utility
related revenue costs and to support carbon reduction initiatives.
We will provide energy advice, advice of renewable energy projects, assist in the sourcing of
external funding for green projects and help in their delivery, if required. The exact terms of
reference and range of the support to be given will be agreed with your schools or academy prior to
commencement of any detailed work.

Details of Service Provision

Contract Management

We will include schools and academies in all relevant Utility Contracts. This means that you will
benefit from savings in utility costs through our regional procured contracts.
We have dedicated officers responsible for utility contract management. These officers will
maintain school and academy consumption profiles with suppliers on your behalf.

Financial Management

Schools will be billed centrally, reducing administrative processing. Whilst academies will be billed
direct by the supplier.
Our team will ensure that all invoices are appropriately validated. Where they can highlight any
potential issues they will act on behalf of the schools or academy to resolve any billing/consumption
queries with the supplier.

Other Customer Support

We will liaise with suppliers regarding the provision of new supplies, upgrading of existing or the
removal of redundant supplies.
We will provide a 6 monthly report regarding cost and consumption data.
cost/consumption reports can be provided upon request.

However, ad hoc

We will also provide cost and consumption data to budget holders for budget setting purposes.

Energy Management

To assist schools in their drive for reducing energy consumption, we can carry out comprehensive
surveys of the heating plant and fabric of the school, comprising of the following:

The working principles of the heating control system.

Identification of areas of waste.

Provide advice on system modifications.

Provide a comprehensive report for the Governing Body to enable effective on site
management of the heating plant.

Oversee the implementation of any energy saving measures.

Return visit within 24 months to monitor the effectiveness of any measures undertaken.

Access to the County Councils Invest to Save Scheme. Where funding is provided for
energy saving schemes operating on a 5 year payback.

In house Caretaker training in the use and management of the heating system.

CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme

Collection of consumption data for the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme.

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2. 8

Asbestos Management Service


General Statement

We recognise the responsibilities and duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to
provide as healthy and safe an environment as is reasonably practicable for all employees, pupils,
contractors, visitors and members of the public.
Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006, we recognise and accept our duty to manage
asbestos in non-domestic premises.
This plan relates solely to the management of asbestos containing materials (hereafter known as
ACMs), it is a live document and will be reviewed periodically as and when new legislation,
Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and good practice is changed.

Legal Responsibilities

We have an explicit duty to assess and manage the risk from asbestos. Our Asbestos
Management Plan is managed within Property Services (asbestos section) and will ensure that
asbestos management of our buildings is compliant with current legislation and our asbestos policy.

Duty Holder Responsibilities

Survey all Northumberland County Council owned buildings and all buildings where
Northumberland County Council have, by virtue of a contract or tenancy, an obligation of any extent
to repair or maintain that building.

Presume materials to contain asbestos unless there is evidence not to do so.

Make and maintain a written record of the locations of asbestos and presumed asbestos
Assess the risk of exposure and document actions necessary to manage the asbestos.


Identify and train personnel to oversee the Asbestos Management Plan.

The register of ACMs for each site shall be kept up to date and shall provide a record of the
location, condition, product type and extent of all ACMs.
To repair, encapsulate or remove asbestos, if there is a risk of exposure due to its condition or
Periodically monitor the condition of ACMs, update the asbestos register and re-assess the
Make information available to those who may come into contact or disturb ACMs. Information
shall be provided in a written/electronic format and shall be correct on the day it is presented.
Arrangements shall be put in place so that works which may disturb the ACMs comply with
current legislation.
Ensure that prior to the commencement of any work on site the asbestos register should be
consulted and information used within the risk assessment for


Management Responsibilities

Employees Responsibilities

Report any defects or suspected ACMs prior to starting/continuing with work.

Make full and proper use of any control measures put in place for working with or adjacent to
ACMs e.g. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Follow carefully all the procedures set out in the Plan of Work or the works.
Keep the work place clean and tidy.
Eat and drink only in agreed locations

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Details of Service Provision

Surveying Premises for ACMs

In order to manage the risk from asbestos, the Duty Holder shall ensure that a suitable and
sufficient assessment is carried out as to whether asbestos is or isnt liable to be present on a
Northumberland County Council site.
An initial assessment shall be made as to whether ACMs may be present within a site. This will be
followed by a full asbestos management survey as recommended in the HSE Guidance document
HSG264 Asbestos The Survey Guide. The survey shall be undertaken by a competent surveyor
with a minimum qualification BIOH P402. Companies undertaking asbestos surveys shall be UKAS
accredited to ISO 17025.
In advance of all major refurbishment or demolition work a pre-refurbishment / demolition asbestos
survey shall be carried out as recommended in HSG264 Asbestos The Survey Guide. All
information from the pre-refurbishment / demolition survey shall be made available to the Principal
Contractor and included in the Pre-tender Health and Safety Plan where appropriate.
All Schools owned by the former Northumberland County Council have been surveyed for asbestos
.and risk assessments have been carried out. The reports can be viewed at each site in the
asbestos register.

Asbestos Register

Current ACM risk assessments are based on a material/priority score which are recommended in
HSG264 Asbestos The Survey Guide and HSG227 Managing Asbestos in Premises.
Data contained within the asbestos register will be frequently reviewed and updated in line with
physical alterations of buildings along with asbestos removal, encapsulation and environmental
cleaning works being carried out.
Information regarding ACMs and general information on management of asbestos may be obtained
by contacting the Property Services Help Desk.
We strive to raise awareness of ACMs and insist all our staff and contractors check the asbestos
register prior to commencing any work. In September 1999 the Health and Safety Department
introduced the HSC1 Form (information exchange for contractors and sub contractors). A section of
this form deals with asbestos and ensures any contractor on site has been given the relevant
asbestos information for that site.

Audit Process

Asbestos materials identified within our asbestos registers shall be periodically reviewed.
The audit process shall involve a visual inspection of all ACMs listed in the asbestos register. Each
material shall be re-assessed on its condition and likelihood of disturbance by a competent person.
Results from the audit survey shall be fed back into the asbestos database. Where changes are
identified risk assessments will be revised, priorities adjusted and appropriate management
controls put in place.

Management of ACMs

Identified ACMs have been assessed for risk and categorised in priority order; examples are as
follows:Priority 1
High risk, remove as soon as practicable
Priority 2

Medium risk, repair/encapsulate as soon as practicable

Priority 3

Low risk, leave undisturbed and monitor

We are committed to reducing the risks from asbestos to a minimum.

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Asbestos removal, encapsulation/repair and environmental cleaning work shall continue in

accordance with the Asbestos Policy. Priority 1 Asbestos removal, repair/encapsulation and
environmental cleaning works shall continue to be undertaken as first priority.
Priority 2-3 Robust Management Controls are set in place in order to avoid any exposure to
persons or release of fibre.
Regardless of priority all ACMs shall as far as practicable be identified and removed by Licensed
Asbestos Removal Contractors prior to any major refurbishment or demolition work.

Service Standards

Asbestos Removal and Environmental Cleaning Works

Any work involving the treatment, encapsulation or removal of ACMs shall be undertaken by HSE
Licensed Contractors.
Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors engaged directly by Property Services or the Principal
Contractor for the removal or treatment of asbestos shall:
Consult the Asbestos Register and survey information in the Health and Safety Plan to assess the
risk and ascertain the scope and extent of asbestos removal.
Provide a Plan of Work for the Project Manager/Principal Contractor as to how the asbestos shall
be removed in compliance with current legislation.
Notify the Health and Safety Executive at least 14 days prior to work to which CAR 2006 applies.

Airborne Monitoring

An independent analytical company UKAS accredited to ISO 17025 shall be employed to carry out
these works on behalf of Northumberland County Council. The analyst must not be employed as a
sub contractor to the asbestos removal contractor.

Enclosure Leak Testing

Airborne monitoring shall be carried out in areas adjacent to the working enclosure and should
include weak points such as airlock, negative pressure unit, pipe penetrations and pipe risers.
These tests will provide documentary evidence that no leakage of asbestos fibre has occurred.

Four Stage Clearance Testing

All available information from the asbestos register (applicable to the area concerned) shall be
made available to the analyst prior to the commencement of these works.
On satisfactory completion of these works, the analytical company shall produce a report that will
allow our asbestos register to be updated.

Reassurance Monitoring

Airborne monitoring shall be carried out in areas adjacent to the enclosure which were not
accessible during asbestos removal works. These tests will provide documentary evidence that no
leakage of asbestos fibre has occurred.
Airborne monitoring shall be carried out after the de-sheeting of the asbestos removal enclosure if
any residual asbestos is discovered by the analyst. This testing will be at the discretion of the

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Control of Waste Asbestos - Storage and Disposal of ACMs

During and on completion of asbestos removal and environmental cleaning works, ACMs shall be
double bagged as it is produced. Bags shall be sealed, labelled and cleaned prior to removal from
the working enclosure.
Bags containing asbestos waste shall be transported along an agreed route for immediate removal
from site, or safe storage within a lockable container located in an agreed position on site.
Asbestos waste material generated from non licensed works should be double bagged/wrapped
and stored in a secure lockable location where damage can not occur. Final removal and disposal
of these items shall be arranged through a Licensed Contractor, who has a waste transfer station.
All asbestos waste shall be disposed of strictly at a site licensed to receive it all in accordance with
the special Waste Regulations 1996. The contractor responsible for disposal of asbestos waste
shall provide us with documentary evidence of safe disposal via copies of consignment notes.

Service Risk Schedule

Work Managed Directly by Schools

Prior to the commencement of any work managed directly by a school independently of us, in a
Northumberland County Council controlled building, an N1 Form (Notification of Intent to Carry Out
Building Works and/or Install Fittings/Services) should be completed by the Head
Teacher/Competent Person. This form should include the extent of the work, specification and
plans existing and proposed.
The N1 Form is then submitted to Property Services for assessment and authorisation. The
asbestos section shall check the asbestos register and if deemed appropriate make a site visit to
ensure no asbestos will be disturbed during the course of this work.
In all cases where the removal of asbestos is necessary, or where the work is likely to cause the
disturbance of asbestos materials, the Head Teacher/competent person must contact our help desk
and they will arrange for one of the asbestos team to provide specialist advice and, if required, will
make suitable arrangements for the safe removal and disposal of the asbestos.
Should the governors choose not to use us, schools must ensure that they are familiar with the
Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002, and the associated Approved Code of Practice.
The governing body will be responsible for adequately controlling the operation. This will require
the appointment of an independent analytical company UKAS accredited to ISO 17025 to monitor
all aspects of the work in the first instance and subsequently, a licensed asbestos removal
contractor to undertake the work.
Particular consideration should be given to notifying the Health and Safety Executive of the
schools intention to undertake work which falls within the scope of the Regulations at least 14 days
prior to its commencement. As part of the notification, the HSE must be provided with a sufficiently
detailed plan of work prior to the commencement of any work, together with details of the
procedures for the prevention or control of exposure and arrangements for the safe disposal of
asbestos waste. Where a school undertakes work independently of Property Services there is a
duty on the school to inform Property Services of any asbestos removal and to provide the
asbestos team with appropriate documents and certificates.

Non-Removal of Asbestos during Building Work

Where a decision is taken by us not to remove ACMs then precautionary measures shall be put in
place. This will include: Information regarding ACMs and the information shall be made available to
the contractor prior to the commencement of works.
The contractor shall provide details of the measures to be taken in order to protect the material
from damage/disturbance of ACMs arising from the works.
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Routine airborne monitoring of the work area may be requested to ensure that the
work is not disturbing the asbestos.
Limitation of access controls to be put in place.
Limitations of extent of work to be put in place.

Emergency Procedure: Reporting of Damage to ACMs or Presumed ACMs

The following procedure should be followed whenever identified or presumed

accidentally damaged/ disturbed.

ACMs have been

Stop work immediately.

Isolate the area, i.e. close all doors and windows etc.
Wherever possible lock the area off from the rest of the building.
Post warning notices and inform building users immediately of the danger.
Contact the Property Services Help desk.

Appropriate risk assessments and control procedures shall be agreed following consultation with
the Health and Safety Department and implemented to avoid exposure of ACMs to building users.
Encapsulation, treatment or removal of disturbed ACMs shall be carried out in accordance with
current legislation before areas are re-occupied.
In circumstances where a site is under the control of a Principal Contractor and ACMs are
discovered the procedures contained in the Health and Safety Plan should be followed and the
Project Manager and Planning Supervisor informed as soon as practical.
The following points should be noted:
Do not allow works to continue on any materials which are suspected of containing asbestos.
If suspected ACMs have been damaged or disturbed during work(s) in progress, the materials
should be left in-situ, the work(s) suspended and the area isolated pending further investigation.
Do not attempt to take a sample. The actual act of sampling asbestos an expose the sampler to
dangerous levels of asbestos fibre and may contaminate the surrounding area.
Samples should only be taken by a laboratory accredited by UKAS for testing, sampling and


It is essential that as well as recognising the hazard, every effort is made to minimise/eliminate the
risk to the working population by effectively controlling and managing all work where asbestos is
Training shall play a major role within our Asbestos Risk Management System.

Property Services Staff

All frontline staff within Property Services (architects, building officers, electrical and mechanical
engineers) shall receive asbestos awareness and HSC1 (information exchange for contractors and
sub contractors) training.
We actively encourage framework and other contractors to attend asbestos awareness training to
raise the profile of the risk from asbestos. Contractors have to provide written evidence that
operatives have undergone asbestos awareness training.

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Catering Schools Meals Service


Service Overview

We offer a high quality customer-focused service centred on achieving a whole schools or academy
approach to the delivery of a first class schools or academy meals service which meets all current
legislation with regard to food standards and nutrition and aims to improve the health of the children
of Northumberland. The service is offered to schools and academies is on a 1, 3 or 5 year basis,
effective from 1st September; the number of years to be agreed between the schools or academy
and the Council.
The main benefits of the SLA to schools are:

Schools and academies will receive a fully managed service with all catering staff being
employed and managed by NCC;

We have an innovative technical support team, supplemented by external providers, ensuring

that catering staff within each site are provided with quality training and guidance;

We work with local suppliers to ensure food quality at good prices and we work with other
providers and support agencies to bench mark all of our services;

We will work directly and individually with schools to provide a bespoke service if required,
advising on changes and developments in the lunch time service. The Partnership Supervisor
will visit regularly to discuss with the Head teacher the catering provision to schools; they will
work with the schools or academy to develop marketing plans, to raise awareness and increase
meal take up;

Our team of experts have experience in both the private and public sector and are well qualified
to provide this service to you.


Details of Service Provision

The following services are offered under this SLA:First and Primary Schools: The provision of a two-course, set price lunch, which will be an
agreed price to all schools, although schools may locally set alternative pricing policies.
Middle Schools: The provision of a two-course, multi choice lunch with a set price to all schools,
although schools may locally set alternative pricing policies.
High Schools: The provision of a full catering service, in negotiation with the Head Teacher, to
meet the needs of the schools or academy and its customers.
Additional Catering Services: Are available, subject to negotiation, for schools or academy
events including private lettings, parent evenings, governors meetings, inset training days, after
schools or academy clubs, community luncheon clubs and meals on wheels.
Additional services for children are also available subject to individual discussions with schools and
would include packed lunch provision, breakfast, mid-morning break service and after- provision.

Service Standards

Management Support for the Provision of School Meals

The catering service will provide the following as part of the fully managed SLA:

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Menu Compliance

Centrally produced nutritionally analysed menus which meet National Nutritional Guidelines,
School Food Trust and OFSTED requirements.

Continual development and testing of menus and new products.

Supply of recipe books, support and implementation of menus.

Supply of seasonal, three-week cycle, summer and winter menus, updates on new product
development and market trends.

Compliance with legislative food standards.

Nutrition and Wellbeing Manual a comprehensive reference covering all aspects of healthy
food and special diets.

Staff Management

Full staff management, supervision and development.

The provision of personnel services, in consultation with the Head Teacher and Governing
body, including advertising, recruitment, induction, termination, management of the CRB
process, redundancy and redeployment, capability and disciplinary procedures, occupational
health and staff welfare, grievances, conditions of service, implementation of pay awards,
tribunals and staff counselling.

Management of all sickness and staff absences following County Council policy and

Productivity management of staff hours reviewed annually in line with agreed core staffing
formulas and in consultation with the school.

Staff training including induction, technical training and competency-based training including
the production of training programmes in accordance with an identified and defined need.

Catering Managers (formerly known as Unit Managers) will receive regular training updates.

Support and advice for catering personnel in relation to all aspects of the service including
legislative standards. All staff will be trained to the required level of Food Hygiene.

Regular communication updates with staff.

Health and Safety

Compliance with all current and relevant legislation including that relates to Health and Safety.

Provision of a Catering Operations Manual and Health and Safety Manual containing risk
assessments, COSHH, HACCP and food hygiene standards information with regular review.
This will provide vital operational guidance to meet health and safety, legislative requirements
for catering staff and will be used as a basis to ensure staff are trained in all necessary safety
aspects of the job.

The above documents provide a structure for a Food Safety Management System which will
provide solid evidence for Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, the food hygiene star rating
scheme adopted by Northumberland Environmental Health Officers.

Provision of Health and Safety advice, full accident investigation, policies, procedures, the
documentation and reporting of all accidents and implementation of remedial measures.
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Planned quality audits undertaken by the Partnership Supervisor or Independent auditor in

accordance with existing provisions of the Contractors Quality Assurance System ISO

The provision of protective clothing and personal protective equipment which will be purchased
and charged against the catering budget.

Arranging the undertaking of kitchen gas and electrical testing, testing and inspection of fire
fighting equipment, pressure vessel testing, extractor fan and canopy cleaning, which will be
charged against the catering budget.


Service Delivery

Regular programmed site visits by the Partnership Supervisor.

Support, advice and development of the catering team.

The catering service will use its best endeavours to provide catering staff to adequately deliver
the level of service as agreed with the Head Teacher. In times of staff absence through
sickness we reserve the right to relocate staff to/from other schools taking up this SLA to
maintain service delivery in accordance with their Business Continuity Plan. In these
circumstances staff costs will follow the operative and be charged to the schools or academy
receiving absence cover. Any additional labour costs associated with the need to provide
agency cover will be charged to the catering budget of the school. Arrangements for
emergency business continuity cover will be clarified for each school.

The assessment of suppliers, auditing and provision full traceability on all products. Price
negotiation, ordering, purchasing, payment and delivery of all catering stock.

The assessment of all food products for suitability including the exclusion of GM foods and
foods with additives deemed to be prohibited.

Stock control and the monitoring of stock consumption.

The provision of marketing materials to promote the service including parent newsletters, Fuel
for Life Website and internet access to menus.

Promoting the service at meaningful parent evenings, bespoke information about your school,
reassuring parents of compliance with Government requirements.

Linking the kitchen to the classroom. Involvement and promotion of healthy eating initiatives
such as school nutrition action groups, Healthy School programmes, Food in Schools.

Provision of special


requirements following

consultation with



Assistance in Streamlining Service Delivery

Advice on new equipment, appliances and machinery.

Evaluation on kitchen productivity.

Enhancing the dining experience, queue improvement ideas, carrying out pupil/parent surveys.

Planning to increase uptake using local and national bodies, Food for Life Partnership, LACA,
Soil Association and local colleges.

Enhancements to the catering service, for example cashless provision, enhancements to

menus, increased staffing etc, can be discussed on an individual schools or academy basis as
this may incur additional costs to the school.

Advice on the development of kitchens and dining areas in any new build projects.
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School Responsibilities

To ensure the service is delivered as efficiently and effectively as possible we require the following
from all schools:

Ensure the kitchen is fit for purpose, which is to include the fabric of the building, as well as
adequate equipment to produce the meals required.

Ensure availability of adequate utilities, gas, water, electricity, etc.

Communication of any changes that impact on delivery of the catering service.

Notify us in advance of any schools or academy closures other than holidays.

Notify us in advance of schools or academy trips and advise if packed lunches are required.

Liaise with schools or academy based Catering Managers in adequate time on any required
changes to service times.

To provide a minimum of 3 months notice (for each year of the SLA) to withdraw from the SLA.
The SLA period is annually from 1st September to 31st August for the number of years agreed
between both parties.


Additional Information

The following is not in scope of this service:

Building repairs and maintenance including painting of the kitchen and dining room and repairs
to the fabric of the building within the kitchen and dining room.

Emergency repairs (in the event of break-ins etc).

Surrounding security walls and fences.

Extraction/ventilation/interlock systems (with the exception of cleaning).

Waste removal.



We will charge schools for the number of free and paid meals served on a daily basis based on the
agreed selling price of a meal.
Adult meals will be charged at the high school price of a free school meal
Where additional services are required a quotation will be provided based on specific requirements.
For further site specific details, please refer to your financial brochure for details.

Measurement of School Meal Take-up

NCC is legally required to monitor and record both free and paid school meal take-up via the
CATMIS system and will provide such information as required to both schools and Childrens

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2. 10

Catering Equipment Emergency Repair Fund


Service Overview

We will set up and manage a centrally held fund that schools may opt to buy into for the emergency
unforeseen replacement of catering appliances that cannot be repaired. This service is only
available to schools and academies who have signed up to Catering Schools Meals Service.

Details of Service Provision

The fund will be formed by aggregating subscriptions from schools opting to take this service. Only
schools buying into this option will receive support from the fund. The subscription charge for each
schools or academy has been calculated pro rata based upon the cumulative value of catering
appliances within all schools or academy kitchens to create a fund which historically has been
required for renewing appliances.
As the Emergency Replacement Fund is a risk spreading co-operative scheme, it will only operate
if there are a sufficient number and mix of subscribers to make it viable and as long as funding
remains in the Fund. The entire subscription will be centrally controlled, with no proportion of it
being ring-fenced for an individual school.
Any monies remaining in the fund at the end of the SLA period will be rolled forward to the next
SLA period with the subscription charges for those schools wishing to take up this option being
adjusted to take account of the monies already held in the fund.
The Emergency Replacement Fund will cover the cost of renewing named catering appliances
where it is determined the appliance cannot be repaired or where it is uneconomic to undertake a
repair. The schools or academy is responsible for the cost of repairs to catering appliances; claims
against the fund must be agreed with the Partnership Supervisor prior to the renewal of equipment.
The Emergency Replacement Fund will operate on a like-for-like replacement basis. If a schools or
academy wishes to upgrade equipment at the time of replacement the Partnership Supervisor will
seek prices for the enhanced equipment and consult with the school; the schools or academy
would fund the difference between the like-for-like replacement and the upgraded equipment.

Service Standards

The following appliances will be covered by the Emergency Replacement Fund:- Ovens, Fryer,
Steamer, Fixed Food Mixers, Fridge, Freezer, Dish washers, Sterilisers.
The following appliances and equipment will not be covered by the Emergency Replacement
Fund:- Bench top items including (but not limited to) kettles, toaster panini grills, hot water urns,
crocodile sealers, hand blenders, food processors, vegetable preparation machines, etc.
Support from the Emergency Replacement Fund excludes repair work and the planned lifecycle
replacement of catering appliances. Partnership Supervisors will work with schools to collate and
agree a planned programme for the lifecycle replacement of kitchen appliances. Replacement of
appliances will only be undertaken where the need has not arisen as a result of constructive
neglect or delayed repair on the part of the school.
Other items excluded from support by the Emergency Replacement Fund are; the loss or damage
of food supplies stored in deep freezers caused by a rise or fall in temperature; Any loss caused
from interruption to the provision of a school meals service due to the breakdown of appliances.
When applying for support from the Emergency Replacement Fund schools will be requested to
complete, with their Partnership Supervisor, a proforma in advance of commencement of the


The subscription charge for the school or academy will be advised following central assessment of
the overall uptake. Please contact the helpdesk on 01670 534840.
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2. 11

Caretaking Service


Service Overview

The Northumberland Caretaking Service is a high quality customer-focused service centred on

achieving a whole school approach to the delivery of a first class caretaking service which meets all
current legislation. The service is offered to schools and academies on a 1, 3 and 5 year basis,
effective from 1st September; the number of years to be agreed between both parties.
The main benefits of the SLA to schools are:

Schools will receive a fully managed service with all caretaking staff being managed by NCC.

We have an innovative technical support team, supplemented by external providers, ensuring

that caretaking staff within each site are provided with quality training and guidance.

We will work directly and individually with schools to provide a bespoke service if required,
advising on changes and developments in the service. The Partnership Supervisor will visit
regularly to discuss with the Head teacher the caretaking provision to schools.

Our team of experts have experience in both the private and public sector and are well
qualified to provide this service to you.


Scope of Services Available

There are three levels of service in respect of the provision of schools or academy caretaking.
These are:

Basic Caretaking Sickness Cover

Standard Caretaking Service Package
Enhanced Site Management Package

2* Basic Caretaking Sickness Cover

Please note that this service is only available for those schools and academies currently
receiving this service.
Where schools employ and manage their own caretaking staff, the following service can be

The replacement of caretaking staff for sickness only to cover statutory duties e.g. opening and
closing of building, ensuring toilet facilities are clean and fully stocked, setting of lunch tables.

Cover cannot be guaranteed for the first two working days of sickness.

Cover is provided during term time only. Additional duties can be provided at an additional
charge subject to staff availability.

Cover will be provided up to a maximum of six term weeks per academic year.

This service does not include any other associated leave provisions for example maternity and
paternity leave, compassionate leave, jury service and attendance at court, TA leave, public
and trade union duties and special leave.

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3* Standard Caretaking Service Proposal

Where Facilities Management manages caretakers on behalf of the schools or academy the
following services will be provided:

Services of a permanent caretaker, in line with the Caretaking Operations Manual and the
Training and Induction File for Caretaking and Cleaning Employees, hours to be agreed with
the individual school.

A schedule of the main Caretakers duties is detailed in the appendix section of this proposal.

The replacement of caretaking staff for sickness and other associated leave provisions for
example maternity and paternity leave, compassionate leave, jury service and attendance at
court, TA leave, public and trade union duties and special leave, to cover statutory duties
only e.g. opening and closing of building, ensuring toilet facilities are clean and fully stocked,
setting of lunch tables in line with the 2* Basic Caretaking Sickness Arrangement.

Caretaking staff will be managed on behalf of the school governors by the Partnership
Management Team. Head Teachers are encouraged to give direction to caretaking staff on a
day to day basis to meet the demands of the school.

Production of a daily works planner by the Partnership Supervisor in agreement with the
Head Teacher.

Programmed site visits by the Partnership Supervisor.

Support, advice and development of the caretaker in consultation with the school.

Provision of Management Systems: Quality Management 9001:2008, Environment ISO

14001:2004, Health & Safety BS OHSAS 18001:2007

Planned quality audits undertaken by the Partnership Supervisor or Independent auditor in

accordance with existing provisions of the Management Systems.

Staff training and the production of training programmes in accordance with an identified and
defined need.

Performance management.

Specific training in schools or academy heating systems and swimming pool maintenance
where appropriate.

Provision of Caretaking Operations Manual, Risk Assessment Manual and COSHH

information including regular review.

Management of sickness and absence for staff including administration of all leave.

Administration and liaison with other County Council departments concerning residential
Caretakers accommodation.

On behalf of the Head Teacher and Governing body, the provision of personnel services
including advice on advertising, recruitment, induction, termination, management of the CRB
process, redundancy and redeployment, capability and disciplinary procedures, occupational
health and staff welfare, grievances, conditions of service, implementation of pay awards,
tribunals and staff counselling. Issue of any sanctions under the County Councils Absence
Management Policy and Procedures, Capability & Disciplinary Procedures and Redundancy
Procedures up to final caution, any dismissals under these procedures must be carried out by
the school.

The provision of protective clothing and personal protective equipment.

Compliance with all current and relevant legislation, including that related to H&S.
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Provision of Health and Safety advice, full accident investigation, policies, procedures, the
documentation and reporting of all accidents and implementation of remedial measures.
The assessment of suppliers, price negotiation, ordering, purchasing, payment and delivery of
all cleaning materials and equipment for caretakers use.

Stock control and the monitoring of stock consumption.

Equipment repair, maintenance and replacement as necessary. This does not cover specialist
equipment owned by the School.

Caretaking services will be provided between the periods 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Additional charges will be made for any work undertaken by the Caretaker outside of these
times via the C7 form which must be signed by the Head Teacher.

Caretakers can be provided with a mobile telephone for emergency contact only.

Caretakers will be provided with a standard toolkit for basic DIY tasks.

5* Site Management Package

Site Managers are managed on behalf of the schools or academy governors by the
Partnership Management Team within Facilities Division. Head Teachers are encouraged to
give direction to caretaking staff on a day to day basis to meet the demands of the school.

Provision of all services as identified in the 3* Standard Caretaking Proposal.

The Site Manager/Caretaker will also control, monitor and report to the head teacher on
premises related budgets.

Preparation of schedules of necessary property related repair and maintenance items in

liaison with the Schools or academy and the Council.

Supervision of contractors on site.

General handy-person duties including internal painting and decorating.

Advise the schools or academy re Health and Safety issues affecting the site.

Site Managers will be provided with an expanded tool kit along with appropriate instruction
when requested by the school.


Security Key Holding Arrangements

A security key holding service can be provided during Caretakers annual leave to provide an
emergency call out service only, all efforts will be made by the Facilities Management team to find a
suitable key holder. If a suitable key holder can not be found then the responsibility of key holding
will fall to the School.

Letting / Call Out Arrangements

A letting is when a schools or academy is hired out or when the schools or academy is having
an event outside of normal working hours.

A callout is when a Caretaker has had to be called to the schools or academy out of working
hours usually this is in response to an alarm callout.

The schools or academy will be charged for all lettings. The charge includes the setting out
and putting away of furniture or equipment required by the hirer. It also covers the cleaning of
the first 3 rooms. Additional cleaning time may be required if more than 3 rooms are used,
depending on the usage.
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Attending to lettings is a non - contractual requirement of schools or academy Caretakers.

Sites should give their Caretaking employee at least 24 hours notice of any letting. Lettings
payments are to be claimed on the Form C7 and authorised by the Head Teacher. All lettings
fees are paid at the hourly rate of pay for the Caretaker of the schools or academy let.

On weekdays there are two letting periods. On Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays there
are four lettings periods. A fee is payable for each letting period.

Weekdays 18.00 to 22.30, 22.31 to 24.00, Saturdays, Sundays & Bank Holidays 06.00 to
12.00, 12.01 to 18.00, 18.01 to 22.30, 22.31 to 24.00

For active duty between midnight and 06.00 am on any day, normal overtime rates are
payable rather than lettings fees.

Employees who are called upon to return to duty are paid in accordance with the Single
Status Joint Local Agreement.


Additional Services

Specialist services and equipment such as scaffolding, and advanced floor cleaning/sanding
equipment can be provided at an additional charge.
The above services may be sub-contracted but will be managed by the Facilities Management

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2. 12

Cleaning Service
Service Overview

The purpose of the service is to provide cost effective cleaning services managed by the Facilities
Management Division and tailored to meet the individual school needs based on an output
A schedule of routine tasks is available upon request from the helpdesk 01670 534840.
Reference should be made to the Caretaking and Cleaning Operations Manual and the Training
and Induction File for Caretaking and Cleaning Employees.
Any variations are to be agreed between the parties and to become operative after an agreed
period of notice, variations could arise from changes to building use, changes to floor surfaces and
so on.

Details of Service Provision

Programmed site visits by the Partnership Supervisor.

Support, advice and development of the cleaning team.

Provision of Management Systems: Quality Management 9001:2008, Environment ISO

14001:2004, Health & Safety BS OHSAS 18001:2007

Planned quality audits undertaken by the Partnership Supervisor/Independent auditor in

accordance with existing management systems.

The provision of cleaning staff to adequately deliver the agreed level of service with restricted
staff replacement covering long term sickness absence only and exclusive of lettings
cleaning, emergency work and cleaning after building work.

Staff training including technical training.

The production of training programmes in accordance with an identified and defined need.

Performance management.

Management and organisation of staff.

Management of sickness and absence for cleaning staff including administration of all leave.

Provision of Cleaning Operations Manual, Risk Assessment Manual and COSHH information
including regular review.

On behalf of the Head teacher and Governing body, the provision of personnel services
including advice on advertising, recruitment, induction, termination, management of the CRB
process, redundancy and redeployment, capability and disciplinary procedures, occupational
health and staff welfare, grievances, conditions of service, implementation of pay awards,
tribunals and staff counselling. Issue of any sanctions under the County Councils Absence
Management Policy and Procedures, Capability & Disciplinary Procedures and Redundancy
Procedures up to final caution, any dismissals under these procedures must be carried out by
the school.

The provision of protective clothing and personal protective equipment.

Compliance with all current and relevant legislation including that related to Health and

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Provision of Health and Safety advice, full accident investigation, policies, procedures, the
documentation and reporting of all accidents and implementation of remedial measures.

The assessment of suppliers, price negotiation, bulk ordering, purchasing, payment and
delivery of all cleaning materials and equipment for cleaners use.

Stock control and the monitoring of stock consumption.

The provision of equipment repair and the replacement of equipment as necessary.

The provision of specialist equipment and the appropriate instruction and delivery can be
provided at an additional charge.


Customer Responsibilities

The school should ensure that cleaning staff have access to first aid equipment, have a safe
storage area for cleaning materials and equipment, are provided with electricity and water, and
have access to the school at the pre-agreed time.

Charging Arrangements

The charges are based on an annual price prepared on an individual site basis in accordance with
customer needs. The charge is based on provision of service to an agreed standard.

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2. 13

Courier & Mail Service

Service Overview

The service will provide a daily letter collection from schools or academy sites and a County Hall
mail delivery to schools or academy sites.

Details of Service Provision


Collection will be at the same time each working day subject to circumstances outside of our


Collected mail will be delivered the next working day or same day if on route


During holiday periods, collection and delivery will be the first day of holidays and last working
day before schools or academy re-opens if access is available.


Letters are defined as any paper or related stationary material which can be securely
contained in an envelope no larger than A3 size. Such individual envelopes will not weigh
more than 500 grams each.


Whilst every effort is made to ensure safe delivery, all material is carried at the schools risk.


Mail containing cash will not be carried.


The Courier service is regularly monitored to ensure the efficiency of the service.


Service Standards

Customer Responsibilities

The schools or academy will ensure that a system for collection of mail is in place and that mail is
bundled and correctly faced.
Where possible, please identify the name of the person and the Directorate to whom the mail is
Mail to be re-routed from County Hall to other establishments should be separate and labelled with
the complete delivery address including the post code.

Parcel post from County Hall

Small parcels may be delivered to the schools or academy via the Courier Service for a small
additional charge.
Larger bulk deliveries e.g. Central Print orders can be arranged by contacting Fleet Services.

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Waste Services


Service Overview

The Council can offer a comprehensive range of high quality, cost effective and environmentally
friendly services for the collection, recycling, composting, energy recovery and disposal of waste
generated by the school. We can help schools significantly improve their environmental
performance and save money whilst helping you to comply with your legal obligations with the
minimum of fuss.

Details of Service Provision

Our waste management services include:General residual waste collection - for non-recyclable items from offices, litter bins, kitchens,
classrooms, & school grounds. This waste is transported to an Energy from Waste facility where it
is used as a fuel to generate electricity for supply to the National Grid. This means the school can
avoid disposing of its waste to landfill, male a positive contribution to tackling climate change and
also avoid the future price increases associated with rising rates of Landfill Tax.
Recycling waste collection for general office waste paper (non-confidential), newspapers,
magazines, card, cardboard, plastic bottles, drinks cans, food tins and empty aerosols. These
materials are placed together loose into a mixed waste recycling bin and are the same materials as
the ones collected in household waste recycling bins across the County so recycling habits from
home will be the same as at school. These items are sorted out at our state of the art recycling
centre at West Sleekburn in SE Northumberland and then transported to end markets across the
UK to be recycled into new products.
Garden waste collection for grass cuttings, tree & shrub pruning and other organic materials
from ground maintenance activities or school gardens. These materials are composted at local
farms or a central composting facility and turned into a rich peat free compost/soil improver.
Bulky waste collection - special on request collections of bulky items such as furniture that will
not fit in to a normal bin.
Hazardous waste collection we can offer a specialist service for the safe collection and disposal
of laboratory chemicals, solvents, flammable liquids and other hazardous materials.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) collection for any unwanted domestic
appliances such as fridges and freezers, cookers, fans and electric heaters.
Advice - on waste minimisation, reuse, recycling, composting activities including how to introduce
recycling schemes within the school buildings.
Recycling of unwanted resources Free of charge service, WARPIT is an easy to use online
portal which provides a platform for organisations to redistribute (give, loan or share) resources
legally and conveniently within the organisation and beyond, within other organisations. For further
details, please refer to Procurement Service 2.18.

Service Standards

Reliable and regular collections we will agree the collection arrangements with you and then
comply with these. If we cannot collect when we have said we will, then we will let you know about
the delay as soon as possible and agree alternative arrangements. If we miss your bin we will
come back the next working day to collect it, where possible. If your bin is damaged we will replace
it as quickly as possible and always aim to do this within at least 5 working days.

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Provide clear information on our services we will explain what you can and cannot recycle
through our services, provide feedback on what happens to your waste and recycling and where it
ends up, and make you aware of any new services that could help you save money or improve
your environmental performance.
Provide guidance on your responsibilities for managing waste we will explain your legal
obligations for managing your waste and help you to comply with the law by providing Duty of Care
documentation for you to complete.
Reasonable and clear fees - we will give you clear prices with no hidden charges for our services
and offer you advice on the number, size and type of bins that you may require and the frequency
of emptying so that you can choose the mixture of services that best suits your needs and budgets.
Listen to you if you have a complaint we will deal with the issue on the ground as quickly as we
can to make sure you continue to receive a high standard of service and where appropriate, will
also provide a written response within 5 working days. If, you remain dissatisfied with the response
received or service provided, then we will follow the Councils formal complaints process which
ensures that the complaint escalates to a high level and that any issues are fully and objectively
Protect the environment We will ensure that materials collected for recycling are properly sorted
in facilities that meet high environmental and health and safety standards and that we know where
your recyclable waste ends up. We will make the best use of non-recyclable general waste by
processing it at our Energy from Waste plant, where it is used as a fuel to generate electricity for
supply to the National Grid we will reduce the amount of waste sent to harmful landfill disposal to
the absolute minimum.
A professional and safe service - all of our staff wear Council uniforms and appropriate protective
equipment, are fully trained to ensure the safety of customers and the public during bin emptying
operations and use state of the art, well maintained refuse collection vehicles to quickly and cleanly
remove your waste.

Service Risk Schedule

Waste collection is a high risk activity, so safeguarding everyones health and safety is a high
priority for us.
We will undertake all refuse collection operations in accordance with our detailed operational risk
assessments to ensure the safety of everyone at the school and our own staff. We will agree the
location of waste/bin storage areas and how and when these will be accessed by our staff and/or
vehicles when collecting your waste.

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2. 15

Environmental Services
Service Overview

The service is based on the needs of the site and reflects the individual requirements for grounds
maintenance and the relevant sports facilities. The proposal includes the full provision of trained
operatives, vehicles, plant, supplies, administration and support. Our grounds service has the
technical expertise and resources to provide an extensive range of grounds services from
landscaping to general maintenance.

Details of Service Provision

Litter Removal - Litter picking and removal from site on an ad-hoc or cyclic (agreed programme)
basis. Quotation on request.
Road/car park and footpath sweeping - Provided on an ad-hoc or cyclic basis. Quotation on
Gully or drain cleaning - Provided on an ad-hoc or cyclic basis. Quotation on request
Road/car park and footpath maintenance - Routine Inspection and repairs provided on an adhoc or cyclic basis. Emergency Repair call-out service available. Quotation on request.
Road/car park and pavement resurfacing, road and parking bay marking - Inspection and
maintenance and resurfacing of existing roads and car park areas. Design and construction of new
roads, paths and car parks including extensions to existing areas can be undertaken. Scheme
options and guidance on costs can be provided on request.
Grass cutting, landscaping, planting and tree maintenance - Grass cutting, landscape, plant &
shrub maintenance can be undertaken on a programmed or ad-hoc basis. Tree inspection,
condition reports and pruning/felling requirements can be provided on an ad-hoc or cyclic basis.
Emergency attendance /clearance service available. Quotations on request.
Playgrounds marking -Removal of existing markings, provision of new markings or refurbishment
of existing play areas can be undertaken. Guidance and quotation on request.
Graffiti removal - Call out service available for removal of offensive graffiti. General removal of
graffiti undertaken on a programmed or ad-hoc basis.
Concreting and general repairs - General groundwork repairs can be undertaken as required.
Inspection, guidance and repair options can be provided on request.
Minor external building work - Inspection and guidance regarding cost options and future
maintenance requirements can be provided. Quotation on request.
Street lighting repair and installation- Reactive or planned maintenance and repairs can be
provided. Safety inspections and testing to current regulations undertaken on a cyclic or ad-hoc
basis. Guidance on energy usage and future maintenance can be provided. Quotation on request.
Winter Services - Services provided include; Provision of grit bins and seasonal restocking.
Precautionary gritting to roads, car park and footpaths. Snow clearance to roads and car park
areas. Quotation on request
Weed Control - Seasonal application of weed-killer or retardant spray to roads and footpaths within
site curtilage. Quotation on request.

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Charging Arrangements

The cost of a grounds service is site specific and depends on the standards agreed with each
customer. Following recent restructuring of services, we will have to undertake new quotations for
all sites. Please contact the helpdesk 01670 534840, to arrange a quotation.

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2. 16

Ford Castle Outdoor Education Centre

Service Overview

Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty, Ford Castle is still one of the most attractive residential
centres in the country and available for Northumberland Schools and Academies to utilise at a
reduced cost.
The castles public rooms, lounge/bar and bedrooms have recently benefited from a major
refurbishment. It stands in five acres of private grounds and gardens which offer a relaxing
environment as well as opportunities for activities such as ball games, croquet, problem solving and
The area offers excellent opportunities for walking, cycling, outdoor adventure activities, art and
culture as well as curriculum based subjects.
Ford Castle operates as a residential centre for young people throughout term time.

Details of Service Provision

5 acres of private grounds.

Children and adult residential courses and day conferences.

Wide range of courses available which can be tailored to your needs (see below)

Use of minibuses for all arranged courses.

Bunk rooms ideal for budget conscious youth or outdoor interest groups.

Self-catering option.

Fully licensed with well stocked, comfortable lounge bar

Competitive rates

Large or small groups catered for

Horse riding


Courses/activities available:

Personal Social Education (KS2)

Curriculum focus Geography, History (KS2)

Geography, Ecology (AS/A2 level)

Rock climbing/abseiling

Problem solving/team tasks

Hill walking

Cliff scrambling



Mountain Biking (cost of bike hire recharged)


Service Charges

Charges will be agreed on an ad-hoc individual basis with Ford Castle direct. Although in-house
management is required to maintain this service, there is no service charge to schools and
academies for this service under the IFSP. However, schools need to opt in to ensure access to
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2. 17

Consultancy & Advice


Service Overview

There are two key service offerings herein for schools and academies. These include:

2.17(a) Design and Construction Services.

2.17(b) Project Management Services.


Design and Construction Services

We will act for schools wishing to carry out improvement works either funded from their Devolved
Formula Capital or other revenue sources.

Details of Service Provision

We will ensure that all works are undertaken in accordance with County Council policies, the
principles of Rethinking Construction and published best practice. We will oversee all commissions
for design and project management services.
The commissioning of support will be on a project-by-project basis. Commission forms are
available from the Property Help Desk for larger projects; a copy is also included within this SLA
document. To commission smaller improvement projects schools and academies should log these
via the online commission form at
Schools will be advised of their responsibilities under health and safety legislation for construction

Service Standards

The scope of service required for each project will be discussed with schools and agreed prior to
the service commencing.

Out of Scope

Out of hours emergency cover is not included as part of this service.

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Project Management Services

The undertaking of a capital improvement project can, for some, be a daunting proposition.
Additionally, for many Head Teachers faced with the ever increasing bureaucracy of education, the
time input required to undertake the role of project sponsor on a capital improvement project is not
a practical undertaking.

Details of Service Provision

We offer to perform the role of proxy client lead, acting very closely with purely on behalf of the
schools or academy on any project, whether delivered via the N1 route or the Councils strategic
design and construction partner. As each project is different the exact extent of this service
provision will be agreed with the schools or academy prior to a project commencing. Elements of
the service can comprise:

Meeting with Head Teacher and/or Governors to understand and agree schools requirements
for the project and convert this into an output brief for design and construction.
Sign off the brief with both the schools or academy and designers/contractors.
Define and manage a project programme plan from inception to completion.
Comment upon designs and specification and advise the schools or academy of their
suitability. This service does not entail taking design liability or responsibility which still
remains with the design consultant separately commissioned by the school.
Advise the schools or academy on value for money and the appropriateness of stage
Advise the schools or academy on quality and workmanship matters.
Build relationship with schools or academy and contractor.
Where appropriate compile a risk register and manage this through the life of the project.
Advise the schools or academy on the overall project budget requirement (which is different
from the design and construction budget).
Manage conflicts between designers and the contractor.
Be the single point of contact for the schools or academy during the delivery of the project.
Formally report to schools or academy at regular intervals (frequency to be agreed) on key
subjects, such as achievements since last report, look forward, issues, risks, budget status,
decisions required, milestone highlights and actions required.
Act as trouble-shooter on the project should the role be necessary.


Service Standards

The scope of service required for each project will be discussed with schools and fees agreed prior
to the service commencing.
Out of Scope
Out of hours emergency cover is not included as part of this service.

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2. 18

Procurement Service


Service Overview

Commercial and Procurement Services operates as part of Local Services. Commercial and
Procurement services is responsible for the establishment of central contracts and associated
services. Schools or Academies will have unlimited access to central contracts which offer direct
delivery to School or Academy premises.
Contracts are awarded to suppliers following detailed evaluation and appraisal by specialist County
Council Officers and in line with the Councils Finance and Contracts Rules and Public Contracts
Regulations 2006 (OJEU) legislation. These contracts also include those arranged by national and
regional organisations such as the Government Procurement Service, North Eastern Purchasing
Organisation (NEPO), YPO and other procurement buying organisations.
Use of the County Council contracts removes the requirement for schools and academies to obtain
quotations or tenders for goods or services, reduces the back office input from Schools and
Academies and allows resources to be focused on day to day business issues rather than
procurement related matters. Orders of any value can be placed using County Council contracts
without the need to obtain quotations or tenders. These arrangements also provide Schools and
Academies with contractual protection.
A critical criterion in the award of these contracts is that of value for money and as a result
consideration is given during the evaluation process to:

quality of product/service
security of supply
price and quality comparisons
efficiencies in product/service delivery
sustainability issues (social, economic and environmental impacts and implications)

We are committed to supporting Schools and Academies and will ensure all contracts will optimise
quality; delivery and cost in order to provide overall Value for Money.
Services listed below are available Free of Charge, unless otherwise stated.

Details of Service Provision

The Services to be provided as part of this contractual arrangement are;

Access to Contracts: Unlimited use of negotiated contracts arranged by Commercial and
Procurement Services, including gas and electricity. See enclosed Schedule of Contracts in
appendix A.
Contracts On Line: Contracts can now be accessed online via the Northumberland intranet.
Simply click on the Commercial and Procurement Services button on the Main Page. Alternatively a
list of contracts is available on request.
Purchasing Review: Commercial and Procurement Services will, if requested, undertake a
review for your School or Academy identifying any prospective savings opportunities available.
(This will require a site visit and access to invoices). This service may be subject to a charge
dependant upon specific requirements. Please contact the Helpdesk.
Access to Commercial and Procurement Services to receive advice, guidance and
problem resolution: Enhanced front line support is now available all users and its prime function
is to assist in the sourcing and procurement of goods and services.
Site Visits:
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Our staff will visit your premises to discuss any purchasing

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Supplier exhibitions: These are organised in partnership with suppliers to provide
access to demonstrations and discuss requirements/ and purchasing options with providers of
equipment such as furniture, I.T equipment and photocopiers. This service may be subject to a
charge dependant upon specific requirements. Please contact the Helpdesk.
Sourcing of products: from extensive library of catalogues, regional and government
routes of supply
Professional advice and arranging specific one-off contracts (not Building
Works Contracts): The function can assist Schools / Academies in arranging specific contracts
for goods and services which are not covered by the core contracts organised for Northumberland
County Council (this may necessitate an additional negotiated charge depending upon the
complexity of the requirement and would exclude any associated advertising cost). This service
may be subject to a charge dependant upon specific requirements. Please contact the Helpdesk.
Advice on Contract Procedure Rules and purchasing regulations and procedures:
Our contracts are awarded in accordance with the County Councils Contract Procedure Rules and
European Union regulations;
Sustainable Procurement: Incorporation of sustainable products and services into
contracts where possible, including areas such as:

Enhancing opportunities for local suppliers

Environmental consideration
WARPIT options Advice on sustainable purchasing (see below 13.)

11. Enhanced Staff Training: Covering onsite training and group courses on use on contracts
and procurement issues. This service may be subject to a charge dependant upon specific
requirements. Please contact the Helpdesk.
12. Collaborative Procurement arrangements: Working with public sector bodies to provide
enhanced choice, competitive pricing and processing efficiencies savings.
(Please note that a fee for arranging specific and one off contracts would be an additional charge
on a case by case basis depending upon the complexity of the requirement and resource
availability at the time.)
13. Recycling of unwanted resources Free of charge service, WARPIT is an easy to use
online portal which provides a platform for you to redistribute (give, loan or share) resources legally
and conveniently with other organisations.
The tool will drive significant savings on purchasing (cost avoidance) and waste disposal costs
(impact on costs and landfill), as well as reducing carbon emissions. We have also engaged
Revive, a local social enterprise who can provide any transport requirements. A cost code will be
required to arrange the transport provision but these costs are reasonable and a quotation is
presented prior to arranging.
The idea of this portal will not only ensure we act in a sustainable manner, but to encourage growth
and development with organisations in Northumberland as part of the process; and to ensure that
as an authority we are making efficient use of resources with procedures in place for unwanted
For more information please contact Julie Parkinson or email

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2. 19

Schools Asset Management Plan Service

Property Services will support schools in producing a programme for developing and maintaining
their building portfolio. As each school is different it is difficult to exactly define this service. It is
proposed the plan will be developed from priorities contained in a number of documents, which will
differ from school to school, the output of which will be a prioritised, risk assessed programme for
capital investment and revenue maintenance. The exact extent of this service will be agreed with
the school prior to commencing with production of the plan.
The desk top study will consider priorities from the following existing documents:

Building, mechanical and electrical condition surveys, including backlog maintenance;

Disability Discrimination Act audit;
Fire risk assessment;
Asbestos register;
Curriculum analysis;
Suitability and sufficiency audits;
Health and safety risk assessments;
Statutory mechanical and electrical test certificates;
Energy usage information/DECs.

Should any of the above documents not be available or are out of date these can be obtained on
behalf of schools, at an additional cost.
The action plan will be developed by undertaking the following schedule of events:

Liaison with the school regarding relevant asset management data and documentation held
by the school.
Collation and review of all data and documents.
Review meeting with the school to discuss any shortfalls in existing data and agree if any
additional work is required.
Preparation of a curriculum analysis, if necessary.
Preparation of a priority rating system utilising project selection criteria.
Preparation of a draft Building Asset Development Plan
Review meeting with school to discuss and agree any changes required to the draft document
Make revision and issue final plan.

The benefit of a school having a Buildings Development Plan is that they can target resources
where there is greatest priority and demonstrate efficiency in the use of scarce resources. The plan
can additionally be used in support of a business case to the Local Education Authority for funding
support for priority and strategic projects on an equitable basis. Property Services can also assist
with this.
Charges for this service are calculated on a summation of a lump sum and rate per square meter of
the school area. Please see Appendix 5 for the schedule of charges.
Out of hours emergency cover is not included as part of this service.

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Cost Explanations

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Cost Explanations

1. There will be formal and informal opportunities throughout the year to look at the performance of
services and make improvements if schools and academies requirements change.
2. In the first year of running the IFSP, there may be a very slight fluctuation of the costs of some
services due to bringing them in line with the school year, as opposed to the financial year.
However, please do not hesitate to discuss this matter with the helpdesk who will be able to
discuss the finer details with you. Please note however, that all efforts will be made to keep
costs down and any savings which are made through re-negotiation of our contracts and
staffing structures will be passed onto schools and academies under this new proposal.
3. The more services chosen and the more heavily weighted they are, the greater the discounts
will be received by the school and academy.
4. If you need any assistance with costing out your service, please contact our helpdesk on 01670
5. Where services are being provided currently, the costs for each site are based upon current
provision. If a school or academy wishes to change its current provision, they will need to
contact the helpdesk to request support from a relevant officer and new costings to be
6. Where services are not currently being provided, schools and academies must contact the
helpdesk to request a quote.
2.1 Statutory Maintenance, Testing & Inspection Service
All fees chargeable shall be inclusive of all normal disbursements, expenses, overheads and
include the provision of a Help Desk service, where applicable. Percentage fees will be added to
invoice/contracted service costs and you will be charged a single, flat rate.
2.2 Reactive Repair & Cyclical (Planned) Maintenance Service
All fees are based upon a cost per 1,000m2 school area.
2.3 Portable Appliance Testing (PAT testing) Service
All fees are based upon a set fee dependant upon the number of devices on site. A site survey
may be required. Furthermore, if the number of devices changes over the period of contract (either
up or down) the fee will be adjusted accordingly.
Tree Inspection Service is costed in the same way, However, please note that adhoc services are
also available at a cost of 35 per hour, if required.

Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund

Property Services offers to set up and manage a centrally held repair fund that schools may opt to
buy into. The fund will be formed by aggregating the subscriptions from all schools opting to take
this service. Only schools buying into this option will receive cover from the fund. The subscription
charge for each school is equivalent to 30% of the amount devolved to schools under Fair Funding
for property repairs and maintenance.
As the Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund is a risk spreading co-operative scheme, it will only run
if there are a sufficient number and mix of subscribers to make it viable and as long as funding
remains in the Fund.

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The Unforeseen Emergency Repair Fund will be administered in much the same way as a
commercial insurance arrangement, whereby the fund will only pay out for a qualifying incident.
This means that the entire premium will be centrally controlled, with no proportion of it being ringfenced for an individual school.

School Estates Management Service

Costs will generally be based upon a time charge of 60 per hour subject to the following Schedule.
Schedule of Charges
Work Area
NonCommercial Occupier
Commercial Occupier
NonCommercial Occupier
Commercial Occupier
Easements and Wayleaves

subject to 250 minimum fee
subject to 250 minimum fee
subject to 250 minimum fee

Property Valuation

subject to 250 minimum fee

Acquisition of Land and Buildings

subject to agreed budget
subject to agreed budget
subject to agreed budget
subject to agreed budget

Disposal of Land and Buildings

Strategic Property Advice
General Property Management

2.6 Inspection of Playground and PE Equipment Service

The fees are based annually and are laid out below.
Inspection & Maintenance of Playground Service

annual fee

Maintenance of PE Equipment

required to ensure
all equipment is
included in the

Primary/Special Schools with Portable Equipment Only

Primary/Special School with Fixed and Portable Equipment
Middle School Standard
Middle School with Traditional Gymnasium
High School Gymnasium
High School Sports Hall
High School Fitness Room

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Energy Management

Energy Management is charged on a consumption related basis. The consumption figure used in
the CRC footprint report will be used for this calculation.
The proposed amount to be charged is 0.1p/KWh for electricity and 0.01 p/KWh for all other fuels.
These charges would be applied to the consumption figure for the prior to the proposed start date
and it is further suggested that they remain fixed for the duration of the SLA.
As an example of the above charges have been applied to a number of schools based on the
2010/11 consumption figures cost to the school for this service the above charges have been
applied to some example schools below.
Electricity 383,560 KWh
Mains Gas 1,059922

cost 383
cost 105

Mains gas

cost 580
cost 263

580,244 KWh
3,636,415 KWh

Electricity 27,541 KWh

Mains Gas 108,586 KWh

cost 28
cost 11

2.8 Asbestos Management Service

This service is Free Of Charge for schools. However, Academies will need to request a site visit via
the helpdesk 01670 534840. Following which, costs for services will be supplied for agreement.
2.9 Catering
All income and expenditure for the provision of school meals will be coded against the school meals
catering account.
Any surplus will be credited to the school budget as profit to the school. Any deficit will be debited
from the school budget.
Please note there is also a separate management fee which shows against the school meals
catering account.

Catering Equipment Emergency Repair Fund

The fund will be formed by aggregating subscriptions from schools opting to take this service. Only
schools buying into this option will receive support from the fund. The subscription charge for each
schools or academy has been calculated pro rata based upon the cumulative value of catering
appliances within all schools or academy kitchens to create a fund which historically has been
required for renewing appliances.
As the Emergency Replacement Fund is a risk spreading co-operative scheme, it will only operate
if there are a sufficient number and mix of subscribers to make it viable and as long as funding
remains in the Fund. The entire subscription will be centrally controlled, with no proportion of it
being ring-fenced for an individual school.
Any monies remaining in the fund at the end of the SLA period will be rolled forward to the next
SLA period with the subscription charges for those schools wishing to take up this option being
adjusted to take account of the monies already held in the fund.

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2* Basic Caretaking Sickness Cover SLA fixed charges per annum are based on an agreed level of
cover dependent on site requirements.
3* Standard Caretaking SLA charges are based on provision of service to an agreed output
standard. Any variations are to be agreed between the parties and to become operative after an
agreed period of notice. Variations could arise from changes to building use, changes to floor
surfaces etc.
5* Enhanced Site Management SLA charges are based on provision of service to an agreed output
standard. Any variations are to be agreed between the parties and to become operative after an
agreed period of notice. Variations could arise from changes to building use, changes to floor
surfaces etc.
Facilities Management Division provides a restricted staff replacement system covering sickness
absence. The division uses the definition of Long Term Sickness Absence as defined by the
Councils Sickness Absence procedures of Absences over 20 working days duration are considered
long term. Short term absence cover will be provided under the 2* Basic Caretaking Sickness
Cleaning Service
The charges are based on an annual price prepared on an individual site basis in accordance with
customer needs. The charge is based on provision of service to an agreed standard. Any variations
are to be agreed between the parties and to become operative after an agreed period of notice,
variations could arise from changes to building use, changes to floor surfaces etc.
Courier & Mail Service
Following a fundamental review of services, Schools and Academies will need to request a site
specific quote for the year 2012-2013. Please contact the helpdesk 01670 534840.
Waste Services
Schools have previously been able to enjoy low cost waste services from the Council as they were
only charged for the collection of the waste and not for its disposal/treatment. However, in order to
ensure that all waste producers have a financial incentive to deal with their waste in a more
sustainable manner the Government has changed the legislation so that as from April 2012 schools
can be charged for both the cost of the collection and the disposal/treatment of their waste.
Costs for our collection services are dependant upon the number and size of bins that you require,
the frequency at which they are emptied and the kind of waste that is being collected (residual,
recycling, composting). We have developed the charges so that you can save money by recycling
and help the environment at the same time.
Refuse & Recycling Collections
Bin Size (litres)

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General Waste per lift

(not subject to VAT)
0.92 per sack

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Recyclable Waste per lift

(not subject to VAT)
0.74 (per sack)

Refuse & recycling collection charges are based on a once fortnightly collection of general waste
and once fortnightly collection of recyclable waste i.e. general waste bins are emptied one week
and recycling bins are emptied the following week. If you require more frequent collections of
general waste, then you will need to contact the Council to discuss your arrangements so that we
can confirm our charges.
If recyclable waste bins are found to be contaminated with non-recyclable materials, then the school
would be notified and the bin lift charged at the general waste rate.
Garden Waste Collections
Bin Size (litres)

Per Season (1st March to 30th November)

(not subject to VAT)

Garden waste collection charges are based on a once fortnightly collection over the growing
season which runs for a 9 month period from early March through to late November each year.
Bulky Waste, WEEE and Hazardous Waste Collections
An individual quotation will be provided for undertaking each collection of bulky waste, waste
electrical and electronic equipment or hazardous waste based on the type and quantity of waste
requiring removal. This quotation will be a firm price covering the provision of a complete collection
and disposal service including completion of all legal documentation.
Replacement Bins
The initial provision of bins is covered within the servicing charge.
Responsibility for the security of the bin rests with the school. If a bin is damaged, stolen or
destroyed (unless the damage occurs whilst being emptied by Council staff) a charge will be made
for the provision of a replacement bin the bin remains the property of the Council. The current
charges for replacement wheeled bins are as follows:
Bin Size (litres)

Bin Replacement Charge (not subject to VAT)


Administration Charge
It is necessary to produce legal documentation on behalf of our customers called Duty of Care
waste transfer notes. These ensure waste is correctly described and contained, is only transferred
to reputable organisations and that it is only taken to licensed facilities for treatment/disposal. We
will charge 10 for the production of each Duty of Care Waste Transfer Note, however we are able
to produce a single transfer note covering all scheduled collections over a 12 month period provided
the type of waste, number of bins and frequency of collection remains the same over this period.
Changes to Costs
Once agreed your costs are fixed for the period up to 1st September each year. The Council will
review its prices annually as part of its budget setting process in order to reflect any changes to the
underlying costs of providing the waste service. Only if there are significant changes which make
the current offering impossible to sustain will costs be reviewed. If this is required, all customers will
be notified of any price increase in advance of the changes and will be given the option to either
continue or terminate the contract.

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2.15 Environmental Services

Following a fundamental review of services, Schools and Academies will need to request a site
specific quote for the year 2012-2013. Please contact the helpdesk 01670 534840.
2.16 Ford Castle Outdoor Education Centre
There is no IFSP charge for the services offered via Ford Castle. To discuss bespoke residential or
daytime courses, please contact the helpdesk for contact details 01670 534840.
2.17 Consultancy & Advice including Project Management, Design and Construction
Hourly rates are applicable as required following consultation and agreement of requirement:
Head of Service
Technical Client, Landlord Manager
Project Manager
Senior Architect, Engineer, Surveyor
Planning Supervisor
Architect, Engineer, Surveyor
Landlord Officer, Inspector
Clerical Assistance
Adhoc Hourly charge rate for schools opting out of SLA


2.18 Procurement Service

The overall aim of the SLA proposal is to support Northumberland schools / economy with
Professional Procurement support structure to optimise Value for Money and support respective
budget pressures. It is necessary in some circumstances that we charge for services if there is a
potential for a considerable amount of resources to be required. The costs below are to cover costs
which would apply to provide this support, not to make a profit from the SLA activity for NCC /
Procurement and are based on equivalent SLA cost levels already operating successfully other LA

School Asset Management Plan Service

Is based on the square meterage of your facility. Please note that any significant changes
(increased or decreases) in your facilities will be reflected in a change to your fee annually, if
School Area


0m2 to 250m2
251m2 to 500m2
501m2 to 750m2
751m2 to 1,000m2
1,001m2 to 2,000m2
2,001m2 and over

1.76/m2 + 220.00
1.65/m2 + 275.00
1.54/m2 + 330.00
1.43/m2 + 385.00
1.32/m2 + 440.00
1.21/m2 + lump sum by prior agreement

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Signature Page

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3. Signature Page
Effective Date

Service Receiver

Service Provider

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Appendix 1


Repair Priorities

Priority A 1 hour (Emergency Repairs)

These repairs are carried out where there is an immediate danger to the health and safety of
building occupants and/or serious damage to the property. A contractor will respond within 1 hour
of notification and your building will be made safe, which may require the isolation of services. If a
permanent repair cannot be affected at the first visit (due to the need to obtain parts, etc) you will
be informed of the timescale for this work being undertaken. Follow up repairs will be completed as
soon as possible.
You should make sure you know where stop taps, electricity and gas meters are and how to turn
them off in an emergency.
Emergency repairs include:

Smell of gas
No heating to an aged persons home
Repairs to a secure unit
Dangerous structures

Priority B Same Day: Calls before 11am (Urgent Repairs)

These repairs are carried out to prevent danger to the health and safety of building occupants
and/or damage to the property. Providing a call is made to the Property Help Desk before 11am a
contractor will respond the same working day of notification and your building will be made safe. If
a permanent repair cannot be affected at the first visit (due to the need to obtain parts, etc) you will
be informed of the timescale for this work being undertaken. Follow up repairs will be completed as
soon as possible.
Urgent repairs include:

No water supply at all or where water pipes or tanks have burst.

Complete failure of internal lighting and/or power supply or dangerous electrical fittings
Unstable structures.
Serious roof leaks to main buildings.
Blocked water closet and drains.
Water closet not flushing where there is no other water closet in the property.
Total or partial loss of gas supply.
Blocked flue to a boiler.
Total or partial loss to space or water heating between 1 November and 30 April.
Lift faults (where this is the only lift in the school)

Priority C 24 Hours: Calls after 11am (Urgent Repairs)

These repairs are carried out to prevent danger to the health and safety of building occupants
and/or damage to the property. If a call is made to the Property help Desk after 11am a contractor
will respond within 24 hours of notification and your building will be made safe. If a permanent
repair cannot be affected at the first visit (due to the need to obtain parts, etc) you will be informed
of the timescale for this work being undertaken. Follow up repairs will be completed as soon as
possible. Urgent repairs are as detailed in Priority B.
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Priority D 3 Days (Non-Urgent Repairs / Urgent Maintenance)

These are non-urgent repairs or urgent maintenance items which are to be completed within 3
working days of the call being logged by us.
Non-Urgent Repairs / Urgent Maintenance items include:

Partial loss of electric power.

Partial loss of water supply.
Blocked sink.
Tap which can not be turned.
Loose or detached stair banister or hand rail.
Rotten timber flooring or stair tread.
Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 1 May and 31 October

Priority E 7 Days (Repairs / Maintenance)

These are repairs and maintenance items which are to be completed within 7 working days of the
call being logged by us.
Repairs and maintenance items include:

Electrical faults, for example, power points, light fittings, mechanical extractor fan in an
internal kitchen.
Plumbing repairs (other than emergencies), for example, leaks to waste pipes, water closet
out of order or leaking where there is more than one water closet.
Minor roof leaks to buildings.
Lift faults (where there are multiple lifts in the school)

Priority F Routine Maintenance (By Agreement)

All other repairs and maintenance items not covered by the previous categories these items are
to be completed within 8 weeks. The type of repairs carried out in this category include:

Blocked or leaking guttering.

Damp proof courses.
Roof repairs.
Replacement doors and window frames.
Floor tiles.
Relay concrete paths and uneven paving slabs.
Replace manhole covers.
Repointing brickwork, chimneys, eaves and ridges.

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