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Writing reference (Paper 2)


Semi-formal letter/email (Part 1)

Checklist of key points for writing

p. 206
Model answers, with hints and useful phrases
Semi-formal letter/email
p. 206
p. 208
p. 209
Letter/email to a friend
p. 210
Art icle
p. 2 11
Letter of applicati on
p. 212
p. 214
Set book (article)
p. 215
p. 216
Useful linking words and phrases
Sample answers
Semi-formal letter
p. 217
p. 218
Letter to a friend
p.22 1
General marking guidelines

(For work on semi-formal letters and emails, see pages

28 and 140.)

Answering the question
Have you
an swered all parts of the question ?
included all the necessary information ?
w ritten the required number of w ords?
orga nised your ideas appropriately, using
paragraphs where necessary ?
written clearly so that it is easy to read ?

Are there any mistakes in grammar, vocabula ry,
spelling or punctuation ?

Have you used
a variety of grammatical structures?
a range of interesting vocabulary ?
a range of lin king w ord s?

15 your language appropriate for the type of
w riting ? (Remember to th ink about who you are
w riting for. )
15 your answ er interesting for the reader, and
w ould it have a positive effect?


You recently had a short holiday in a large city which
yo u booked t hrough a co mpa ny ca lled Citibreaks . You
were ve ry disappointed with the holi day. Rea d the
Citi Break advertisement for the holiday yo u booked
and t he notes you have made. Then write a letter to
Citi Breaks, explaining what the problems were and
te lli ng t hem what you want them to do.



Enjoya short holiday in the

capital city.
We offer two nights' accommodation
in a four-star hotel in a central Not central _
long way out!
AH rooms have their own bathrooms,
View not
and a view of the river.- - - river - only
car park
The price of fl50 per person
includes all meals as well as
a ticket for a show of your choice
cost extra
in one of the city 's leading theatre~
This will be a real holiday to

No choice
of show

remember! ~

half cost?

Write a letter of between 120 and 150 words.

You must use grammatically correct sentences
with accurat e spe ll ing and punctuation in a style
appropriate for the situation.

Wri ting reference (Paper 2)

Model answer


Dear Sir,
DO begin by sayi ng
w hy you are writing.
DON' T begin by saying
who you are.

,....-- -

When you are writing

a letter or an emai l t o
someone you don't
know, use a semiformal style . If you
don't know t heir
na me, a letter starts
with Oear Sir/Madam
and ends Yours
faithfully If you know
their na me, a letter
usually starts with
Oear Mrs/Mr/Miss/Ms
+ surname, and ends
Yours sincere/y

If you' re w riting an
email, you can use
'Best wishes'.

1 am writing to complain about a short ho liday 1 had recently

organ ised by your company. There were several prob lems
with the ho liday.

First, your adverti sement promised a hote l in a central

location , whereas in fact the hotel was a long way from the
centre. You said all rooms had a river view, but my window
overlooked a noisy car park. 1 had to pay extra for dinner, - although you stated that it was incl uded. To make matters
worse, 1 couldn 't choose which show to go to. 1 had hoped to
go to a new mu sical , but 1 had to go to one 1 had already seen.

DO list your
complaints clearly,
using linking words to
connect your actual
complai nt with t he
deta ils.

1 had been looking forward to my holiday very much, but it

was completely ruined. 1 therefore feel that you should refund
half the cost of the holiday in compensation for my
di sappointment.

You don't need to

put an address for a
letter in either Part 1
or Part 2.

DO make a clear
connection between
yo ur lette r and the task
input. DON'T repeat t he
exact words in the task

If you expect a reply to

you r letter, DO finish
with th is sentence on a
separate line.

1 look forward to hearing from you soon . ---------------

~ Yours fa;thfully,
U(sin e.. Schmid -t

In a letter, sign and

print your full name.

Ursine Schmidt

(149 words)

Useful language

I am writing to you about (severa/ prob/ems re/ated to my eity break in lune).

I have been waiting for (two weeks for a rep/y to my /etter).
To make matters worse, (we were informed that there was no record of our cheque being eashed).
I would be grateful if you could (refund my deposit as soon as possib/e).

Requesting information


am writing in response to (your advertisement in The Oai/y Standard on lu/y 20th).

would be grateful if you could (send me further detai/s about the position).
am w riting to enquire whether (you cou/d /et me have further detai/s about the holday).
would like to know more about (the arrangements for the evening mea /) .

Giving information/Responding to request s for information

In response to your query, I would like to inform you that (1 passed the FCE in lune).
With reference to your letter of .. . (1 ene/ose detai/s of my qualfieations).
You asked me to tell you about (my trave/ p/ans and / ene/ose further detai/s).


W,; ting "cfe l"cnce (Pape l" 2)


Useful language

(For w ork on stories, see pages 40 and 152. )

Yo ur teacher has asked you to w rite a story
for the school 's Engli sh language magazine .
The story mu st begin w ith th e fo ll ow ing
w ord s:

I wanted to do my best, but more than

that I wanted the team ta win.

We had been (talking about John) just before (he phoned).

It w asn't until (1rea d the letter) t hat (1 realised how dangerous the
situation was).
While (1 was waiting fo r my friends, 1saw someone go into the house
As soon as (my friends arrived, we went to have a look).
I was j ust about to (open the door), when (1 heard a noise downstairs).
By t he t ime (1got back to the house, there was no one to be seen).
After waiting (for a few minutes, 1 decided to climb in through the
A few seconds later, (the lights went out).
Even tually/After a while, (my friends arrived) .
At last (1 knew what 1 had to do).

W rite your story. (You should w rite

betw een 120- 180 w ords.)

Model answer

DO use phrases to show

w hen things happened in
your story (e.g. It was the

last foo tball game of the

season. When the second
half started .. .)

DON'T make mistakes with

narrative t enses.


DO use direet speeeh

beea use it makes t he story
more int eresting to rea d.

DO try to create some

suspense .

DO t ry to have a
dramatie end .


1wa nted to do my best, but more than that 1

wa nted the team to w in. It w as the last footba ll
game of the season, and if w e won , we w ould be
the ehampions . As w e ran onto the piteh , 1
eouldn't help feeling nervous. The erowd w as
eheering, but the opposition looked strong. It
w asn't going to be easy.

goalkeeper, goal, pitch) .

Th e game started . 1got the ball and raeed _ _

r-tow ards the goal. 'Go on!' roared the crow d, but
1 kieked it straight into the hands of the
goal keeper. 'Never mind,' ye lled my team-mate
Joe . Good try !' We played hard, but at half-time
th e seo re w as O-O .

When the seeond half started, it w as raining heavily. Our ehanee of w inning the ehampionsh ip
w as slipping aw ay. We strugg led to get the ba ll
through the defenee, but time after time they
stopped uso Now there w ere only two minutes
left. Suddenly 1 had the ba ll. 1 pa ssed it to Joe,
w ho headed it straight into the goal, just as the
referee blew his whistle. The crow d w ent erazy.
- We w ere the ehampions!

(179 words)


DO N'T w rite about a

top ie if you don't know
so me speeif ie voeab ula ry
related to it (e.g. score,

DO use int erest ing

voeab ulary (e.g. raced,

roa red).

DO add extra deta il to

add to t he atmosphere
of t he st ory.

Wl"iting I'efe rence (Papel' 2)

Letter/email to a friend

Useful language
Beginning the letter or email

(For work on informal letters and emails, see pages

16 and 164.)

You have received a letter from your pen friend
inviting you for a visit in July. Write a letter to your
pen friend, accepting the invitation, suggesting
someth ing you wo uld like to do and asking what
you should bring with you.

Many thanks for your letter (- it was really nice to hear from you again).
I thought I'd better write (and give you some more detai/s about .. .)
It's been such a long t ime sin ce we wrote to each other.
How are you and your fami/y?
How are things wit h you?
How was (your ho/iday)?

Introducing the topie

I know you're longing to hear all about (my ho/iday).

You remember I told you in my last letter (that / was going to .. .)

Ending the letter or email

Write you r letter. Do not write any posta l addresses.

(You shou ld w rite between 120-180 words.)

Once again, (thanks very much for all your he/p).

Give my love/regards to (your fami/y).
Please w rite/drop me a fine soon,
Ilook forward to (meeting up again soon).

Model answer
DeM CMla,

DO invent a name.
Don't w rite
Dear Pen friend.

lhank-s fo( !j0U( lene( -

i-t was g(ea-t -to heM f(om

1 'm SO((!j 1 haven '-t W(inen fo( ages, bu-t 1 've


been (eal!!j bus!j p(epMing fo( m!j exams. I-t's (eal!!j

DO mention a letter or
email you have received
from t he person you
are writing to, or refer
to a shared experience.

DO say what you've

been doi ng recen t ly.

good news ma-t !j0u 've passed !j0U( d(iving -tes-t.

Cong( a -tula-tions I
lhank- !j0u so much fo( !j0U( invi-ta-tion -to s-ta!j Wim
DO t hink of so me
specific details to
include in each
parag raph - th is wi ll
make you r letter or
email more interesti ng.

!j0u fo( a week- in Jul!j r--

1 'd love -to Come. 1 k-now

r-- ma-t !j0u have a wonde(ful beach neM !j0U( house, and

1 'd

(eal!!j en~0!j spending some -time mere.

ma-t me weame( Wil! be ho-t, so


1 hope we can go

You said ma-t

don '-t need -to b(ing much Wim me.

Wha-t SO(-t of clomes should

1 pack-? Casual O( fo(mal ?

Would !j0u lik-e me -to b(ing an!jming fo( !j0u?


lik-e -to bnng someming speCial fo( !j0u and !j0U( famil!j
f(om m!j coun-t( !j'
DO ment ion the next
time you w ill see the
person yo u are
. ____



DO use an approp ri ate

phrase to end your
letter or emai l, e.g.
Lave, AII the best, Best
wJshes. DON'T f inish
your letter or email with
Yours sincere/y!

d bene( s-top now and ge-t on Wim m!j s-tud!jing.

hope !j0u '(e

1" fO(WMd


dfiVing !j0U( CM, and

1 'm


-to seeing !j0U in Jul!jl

lhank-s again fo( me invi-ta-tion.

Al! me bes-t,

(169 words)


Wdting .efe.ence (Pape.' 2 )


Useful language

(For w ork on reports, see pages 78 and 114.)

Int roduction

The aim of this report is to .. .

This report is intended to .. .


Reporting results

The school where you study Eng li sh has decided

to spend some money on either buying more
computers or improving the library. You have
been asked to write a report for the school
director describing the benefits to the school of
both these things, and saying which one you
think should be chosen and why.
Write your reporto (You shou ld write between
120- 180 words )

Most people seem to feel t hat ...

Several people said/told me/suggested/thought tha t ...
Presenting a list

They gave/suggested the following reasons:

They made t he following poin t s:

Making recommendations

I would therefore recommend (that we expand the

librarylinstalling a new coffee machine).
It would seem that (banning mobile phones) is the best idea .

Model answer
Use of money for school improvements
DON' T begin and end your
report with Dear SirlMadam,
like a letter.

DO use headings beca use

this makes it easier for t he
reader to find the main

DO include two or
t hree points under each

The aim of this report is to compare the advantages of
additional computers and of improving the library, and
to suggest which of these would be best. I interview ed a number of students to find out their views.


r-- Buying


DO use numbering or
bullet points to
highlight main points.

more computers
Some of the students thought that this was a good
idea, saying computers were useful for:
practising writing
using the Internet
playing games.
How ever, other students said that they preferred to use
their own computers at home.

DO use a range of
specific vocabula ry or
set phrases e.g. Some

thought this was a

good idea .. ./other
students said they
preferred ... , bu t
DON 'T use lot s of
adject ives and dramatic
langua ge as you do in
a story. A report gives
factual informat ion.

Improving the library

Most of the students preferred this suggestion, giving
the following reasons:
1 Many students do not have a quiet place to study at
home. The library would be a good place for private
study, but at present there are not enough tables and
chairs there.
2 They feel that up-to-date dictionaries and reference
books are needed.
3 They want to be able to read modern books written
for young people.

DO use formal language.


Both ideas have benefits, but the majority of students felt that improving the library would be more useful.
I w ould therefore recommend this.

(179 words)


DO say how you

collected the

DON 'T include irrelevant

details or description.

DO express op inions
impersonally. DON'T
express recomme ndat ions
or opinions until the
conc lu sion.

Wl'iting I'efe rence (Papc l' 2)

Useful language
(For work on articles, see pages 52, 102 and 126.)

Involving the reader


Are you thinking of (getting married in the near future)?

I'm sure you'lI agree (it was a great idea).
Developing your points

You see this advertisement in a local English

language newspaper.


magazine is looking for articles

about celebrations around the world. .
I b f that is important m your

Write us an .a~icle ab~~: ac~~e~r~~~~~s important and describi~g

country, explammg why rt' I . chosen for the magazine, you wllI
what people d~i~f ::U:e~e~~ ~~sa city of your choice.

Let's start with (why it is 50 important to take plenty of

Another advantage (of using a computer is that .. .)
On top of that, . .
Giving your own opinion
I think thatlln my opinion (traditional celebrations are very
It seems to me that (people are much more aware of the
importance of a good diet nowadays).

Write your article. (You should write between

120-180 words .)

Model answer

I---~ Olinda's carnival- something for everyone

DO think of an
interesting title.
DON'T start and finish
When most people think of Carnival, they think of
you r article in the
Rio de Janeiro. But Rio isn't the only city in Brazil that
same way as a letter.
knows how to have parties, I live in Olinda, a lovely
city in the north-east of Brazil. What can we say
about the carniva l at Olinda! Just that it's the best in
the world!

DO try to involve
your readers, e. g.
by using a question.

Carnival has its origins in ancient Egyptian and

Roman festivals. It was introduced to Brazil by the
Portuguese, and was influenced by African rhythms
and Indian costumes. Now it's a big national
celebration .
Once Carnival starts, the whole tow n goes crazyl
Everyone's singing and dancing. Parades of people
wearing costumes typical of our north-eastern
folklore dance through the streets. I love the giant - --1--1
street dolls, both the traditional ones such as 'the
man of midnight' and the new ones that appear
each year.


DO finish you r article by

summarising your main
point and giving your
opinion or expressing
you r feelings.

use informal
language to involve the


DON'T forget to
express your

The best thing about our carnival is that no one has

to pa y and there are no big stars, Everyone takes
part, rich and poor, old and young, residents and
tourists, If you come, I promise you 'll never forget it l

(179 words)


"'dting .efe.ence (Pape .. 2)

Letter of application

Useful language

(For work on writing applications, see page 140.)

You see t hi s advertisement in a loca l Engl ish
lang uage newspaper.

We are looking for students of E? t~e

spend two mornings a week helpmg m
local tourist office.
Good pay and conditions fo r the right applicants.

/ have a/way s been int erested in (using Eng/ish in my

One of the main reasons / am app/ying for this ob is
that (/ want to work in Eng/and).
/ have a lot of experience of (dea/ing with the pub/ic).
/ am available to start work (at any time/from the end of
the month).
Thank you for considering my application.
/ w ould be grateful if you would (send me further detai/s
of the job).
/ can be contacted (on 0849 58 48 43) at any t ime.
/ can be contacted (at the above address).
/Iook forward to hearing from you soon.

Wri te to us oiving info rmatio n about yo ur

level of El~~ i sh , and expl aining why yo u
wo uld be sui table for the Job.

Write your application . Do not w rite any post al

addresses. (You should write betwee n 120- 180 wo rds.)

Model answer

Dear Sir /Madam,

1 am writing to apply for one of the positions helping in the
DO say which job
you are applying for
local tourist office which were advertised in 'Kent Weekly~ and where and
twhen you saw it
on August 23 rd
DO organise your
application 50 that you
mention each of the areas
in the advertisement.
DON'Tmake mistakes w ith
time expressio ns and tenses.

1 am 19 years old and come from Switzerland. German is

my mother tongue and 1 have been learning English and
French for five years at a comprehensive school. At the
moment I'm a student at English International, studying for
the FCE.




1 have always been interested in working with people. As 1 ""i' DON'T forget to
have already spent three m onths in England, 1 know the
mention why you
think you are
local tourist attractions quite well. 1 would also say that 1
have a good knowledge of history and old places, because
1 have read a lot about the subject recently. In the near
future, 1 would like to continue studying English, and so the
job in your tourist office would be a great opportunity for
me to improve my speaking.
..-- DO say whe n and
1 am available fo r interview at any time. 1 can be contacted on 0795 51 32 4 1 after 6 p.m. every evening.
Thank you for considering my application. 1 look forward
to hearing from yOU.

DO begin and end your

letter as you would other
formal letters.

V Yours faithfully,
~abr ie. \ \0. D an ie.\5

Gabriella Daniels

advertised. You can

invent a newspaper
and date if you
need too

(183 words)

how you can be

conta cted.

Wtiting refe.ence (Papel' 2)


Useful language

(For work on essays, see pages 90 and 176 .)

Some people c1aim tha t (your teenage years are the best


It is often said that (TV is abad influence on young people).

years of your lite).

However, in my view/opinion, .

You have been doing a class project on technology.

Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving
your opinion on the following statement:

People in the modern world depend too much on


Firstly, it is c1ear that (money cannot buy happiness).

While it is t rue that (computer games are stimulating, they
may not be good for you in the long term).
From my point of view, Oob satisfaction is more important
than a large salary).
Fina/ly, it is important to remember that .

Write your essay . (You should write between

120-180 words. )

On balance then, I feel that .

To sum up/ln conclusion, it seems to me that ..

M odel answer
DO sta t e the topic in
your fi rst sentence, but
use your own words .

DON'T start by saying I

agree with this - your
essay shou ld present your
own argument.

f/ In today's world , nearly every aspect of life is affected

by computer technology. Computers are used for

business, public services, education and entertainment.
Some people are con cerned by this development. They,
fear that vital skills are being lost as computer
technology replaces traditional ways of working in a
wide variety of areas, from art and design to banking
and commerce. They point out the chaos that can occur /
when computer systems fail, leading to the breakdown
of essential services such as transport, law and order.

V However, people could not continue to enjoy their

DO use linking
expressions to
introduce points.

DON'T forget to
express you r opinion
in the co nclusion .

present standard of living without computer

technology. There are now far more people in the
world than there were a generation ago. The fact that
there is enough food for them, that they can travel
safely from one place to another, and that they can be
provided with medical care, is largely due to computer


In my opinion , therefore, we have to accept our

dependence on computers, but at the same time we
should work to find ways of making this dependen ce
less dangerous.
(178 w ords)

DO incl ude su pport ing

det ail fo r th e poi nts in
each paragraph.

Wdting reference (Papcl' 2)


Useful language

(For work on reviews, see pages 15 and 64.)

The (film) , would like to review is ...
The last film' saw / book , read was .


Summarising the st ory

You recently saw this announcement in an English language

magazine ca lled Film Scene .

Haye you eyer thought of writing a reyiew?

We need a young person's perspective on films today.
Write us a review of the last film you saw. lnclude
information 011 the story, characters and any special
features of the film , and say whether you wou ld
recommend the film to other people. The best revie~ will
be publi shed in next month 's edition of the magazlI1e.

Write your review . (You should write between 120-180

w ords. )

It's set in .
The story is based on (a book) .

It's about .. .
There are many memorable characters
including .
The main theme of the film is .
What the film is saying is .

Recommending the film

I would recomend this film to anyone.
Although I enjoyed it, I would not
recommend it for .
't's one of the best (shows) ,'ve ever seen.
Although' am not normally keen on
(musicals), /'m glad that , decided to go.
The (film) lifts you out of your everyday life.

Model answer

The last film 1 saw was not new ; in fact it was The Lord

of the Rings.
DO say what it is
about, but not in too
much detai l.

It is based on the we ll-known book, a nd tells the story of


DO try to use a range of

interesting vocab ulary,
to bring the film to life 1fo r the reader.

r- a creature called a hobbit who takes a dangerou s magic

ring back to the place whe re it was made in order to

destroy it. There are many memorable characters apart
from the hobbit and his friend s, including a w izard called
Gandalf and a suspicious creature called Gollum.
This is a fi lm abo ut frie ndship and loyalty. However, it is
the special effects that make it truly magical. There are
- viv id battle scenes with fantastic anim als a nd birds, and
sets that are so imaginative that you want to believe they
are real. But as we ll as this, the actual locations are
beautiful , tOO.
1 would recommend this film to anyone, even those who
do not usually enjoy fantasy fi lms. What 1 would say to - r-them is - go and try it! Like me , yo u might find that the
film lifts you out of your everyday life into a world you
will not want to leave .
(180 w ords)

DO remember to mention
important or memorable
characters, but don't
spend too much time just
describing them.

DO remember to link
ideas clearly, and to link
pa ragraphs together.

DO remember to give
your opinion clearly, as
th is is the purpose of a
review, but not until the

Wdting I'efel'ence (Papel' 2)

Set book


About the exam: In Question 5, you

answer one of two questions based on
your reading of one of the set books. You
may be asked to write an essay, an article,
a report or a letter.

(a) An international student magazine is running a series of

articles on interesting characters in fiction, and has asked readers
to send in t heir suggestions. Write an article on t he character
you found most interesting in the book you have read, saying
who the character is and why you think they are so interesting .

You do not have to answer Question 5. If

you do, make sure that you know the
book well enough to be able to answer
the question properly. Here is a suggested
procedure for writing about the set text o

(b) Your friend is going on holiday and wants to take a book to

read on the journey. Write a letter to your friend, recommending
the book you have read and giving reasons why you think they
will enjoy it.

1 Read the book all the way through, to

get a general idea of the story and the
characters - and to enjoy it!

Model answe r (article)

A lady with no name
DO focus on

2 Read the book again, this time more

carefully. Make notes under the
following headings.
Plot: include the main events and the arder
they come in the stary.
Characters: include infarmation about what
they are like and how important they are in
the story.
Relationships: include information about
who likes/dislikes who, and the th ings that
affect their relationships.
Places: include quick descriptions of the most
important places.
Your own reactions: write down your
feelings about the book, with some reasons
for your opinion.
3 Make a list of the kind of questions you
might be asked to write about, and
discuss them with other students. Here
are some ideas:
What makes the book interesting/
exciting 7 Describe an exciting or memorable
moment in the book .
Choose the most interesting character.
Describe him/her. 15 this your favourite
character 7
15 the title a good one for the book7 Why7
Does the book have a good ending? Explain
why/why not.
Do you think the book would make a good
film? Explain your reasons .
Wou ld you recommend the book to a
friend? Say why/why not.

It seems strange to experience a story through the eyes '\ w hat you
of a nameless person - but this is the case in 'Rebecca',
by Daphne du Maurier. Rebecca is the na me of the first
DON 'T just
wife of Maxim de Winter. She dies befo re the story
te ll th e story
' narrate d by Maxlm's
of th e book.
an d t he nove I 15
secon d WI'f e,'-r- - --'
whose na me we never learn, but who is to me the most
interesting character in the book. As we read, we learn of
her feelings for Maxim, and of what she discovers about
his past life and the wife she has replaced.
' D
-O-L-mak-e- li-n-ks---'
betw een

So why do I think the narrator is such an interesting /

paragraph s clear.
characteri Although she is nameless, she has a strong ' -...,-- - --'
personality. She is emotional and her problems and
DO describe a
fee lings are vividly described, so that you fee l sorry
characte rist ic and
for her. She has not had an easy life, and you want
th en say why you
like it 50 much ,
her to be happy, in spite of the strange things that
happen after her marriage.
AII in al l, her lack of an identity makes her all the more
memorable - and perhaps that is why 1 find her so
(182 words)
Useful language

The book is rea/ly exciting beca use (it starts with a murder).
The best moment is when (the murderer is revealed).
The book te/ls the story of (a family who have been separated).
The first thing that happens is (Sarah lea ves home).
The main character; (Marian, is a teenager who .. .)
The most interesting character is (loe, the young man who lives .. .)
The title is rea/ly good, beca use (it is mysterious and it makes you want to
find out what it really means).
The story takes place in (the South of France).
Events revo/ve around (a robbery).
The ending is very exciting beca use (it is completely unexpected).
It would make (a really good film), because (it is such an exciting story).
The best thing about the book is that (the characters are so interesting).
I wou/d recommend this book because (it is easy to read),

W.iring reference (Paper 2)

Useful linking words and phrases

Time sequencers
before, after, after a while, eventually, later, then, finally,
as soon as, at first, at last, when, while
I immediately phoned the police. While I was waiting for
them to arrive, I watched the house.
At first, no one got out of the car, but after a while
the driver's door opened.
And then I finally found what I was looking for
listing points
first, firstly, first of all, to begin with, secondly, thirdly,
Our holiday was spoiled, firstly beca use the hotel was
uncomfortable and secondly beca use the weather was

Ilove travelling. I don't enJoy long flights,

3 although, even though, though
These express ions introduce a subord inate clause of
contrast. If the subord inate clause comes first, it is
separated from the main clause by a comma.

Although he practised every day, he didn't manage

to improve.
I walked home even though it took me two hours.
Note: though can be used after a comma at the
end of a separate sentence that expresses
something surpris ing.
We lived in the middle of a city We still had a large
garden, though.
4 whereas, while
Whereas and while are used to compare two things
and show how they are different.

Adding information/emphasising points

as well as (that), in addition (to), moreover, furthermore,
not only ... (but also) .. ., what's more, on top of that, to
make matters worse, in fact, as a matter of fact
The hotel was miles from the beach. On top of that, the
view from our bedroom window was terrible.
Not only was the hotel miles from the beach, but the
view from our bedroom window was terrible too!
In fact, everyone is different when it comes to personal
Giving examples
for example, for instance, such as
Ilike pop groups such as The Backstreet Boys.
My town has a lot of things for young people to do. For
example, there are three cinemas.
Reasons, causes and results
as a result, beca use, beca use of (this), so, therefore
I have visited Britain several times and, as a result, my
English is quite good.

She likes football whereas I prefer tennis.

My sister is very like my father while I take after
my mother
While is also used in t he same way as although.
While computers are important, we shouldn 't let
them rule our lives.

5 in spite of (the fact that), despite (the fact that)

These expressions must be followed by a noun or
-ing formo Despite is slightly more forma l.

In spite of the fact that they are expensive, many

people want to buy designer clothes.
Despite all the research that has been done, we
still haven't found a cure for cancer

6 in fact, the fact of the matter is

This is used w hen you are saying w hat the rea l
truth of a situ ation is.

According to the brochure, the service is free for

students. In fact, students are charged at the same
rate as everyone else.
7 On (the) one hand ... . On the other hand ...

By the end of the day, you haven 't managed to find

anything that you like. So, you go home frustrated.

These expressions are used to introduce an oppos ite

point in a discuss ion.

1 but
But links two contrasting ideas. It is not normally used

(On the one hand,) if I take the Job in Milan, /'11

be able to go to the opera. On the other hand, if
I take the Job in Barcelona, /'11 be able to go to the

at the beginning of the sentence.

Many people argue that TV is bad for you, but I

disagree with this.
2 however
However can come at the beginning or end of a
sentence. It must be separated off by commas.

The advert claimed that there were huge discounts for

students. However, the discount was only 5%.

8 otherwise
Thi s is used to say w hat wi ll happen if something
else does not happen first.

You have to choose your holiday carefully

Otherwise, you could be disappointed.

Wdti ng ,'efere nee (Paper 2)

Sample answer

Sample answers
The following scripts were written by students.
Read the Paper 2 general marking guidelines on the
inside back cover, and use them to help you
evaluate.each answer and decide on its strong and
weak pomts. Then read the comments given and
the suggested band score, and compare your ideas.

DeaY" MY".s "ThOMp.sOVl)

"ThaVl\c.. yov. very MlAC~ -toY" t~e letteY". 1 aM very

>Iea.sed t~at l )ve 'NOVI t~e pY"i'ze . 1 'Nov.ld li\c..e to 9
to SaVl FY"aVlci.sco 1 ~ave VleveY" peeVl to t~e
USA- pe-toY"e. HO'NeveY")


aY"e .seveY"al


1 'Nov.ld li\c..e to a.s\c.. .

FiY".st of all) 1 'Nov.ld li\c..e to \c..V\O'N ~et~eY" t~e
Y"etlAY"V\ -tli9~t i.s a diY"ect -tli9~t OY" VlOt . 1 'Nov.ld li\c..e

Semi-formal letter (Part 1)

to poo\c.. a diY"ect


cOI'V\-tort@le .

You recent ly entered a competition for learners of

Eng lish , and have just rece ived a letter from the
orga ni se rs of the competit ion. You have made some
notes on the letter.


-tli9~t peCIl\ it i.s I'V\lAC~ 1'V\0Y"e

SecOVldly) 1 'Nov.ld li\c..e to \c..VlO'N ~0'N

10V\9 'Ne aY"e .

teac~ed every day aVld i-t t~eY"e aY"e ' VI
t~e MoY"V\iVl9 OY" t~e a-tteY"V\oOVl . 1.s t~eY"e a
diffeY"eVlce pet'NeeVl V/lVlcov.veY" aVld SaVl FY"aVlci.sco
COV\CeY"V\iV19 t~i.s >oiVlt~

'Nit~ a
-tal'V\ily. A-Y"e t~e l'V\eal.s iVlcllAded aVld/oY" do 1 ~ave
t~e o>>ortlAVlity to coo\c.. Py l'V\y.sel-t~ let Me \c..V\O'N t~e di.staVlce -tY"01'V\ t~e .sc~oo\.

Yov. 'NY"ote @ov.t a -tY"ee accol'V\l'V\odatioVl

Congratulatons! You have won first prize in our

competiton - a two-week trp to Vancouver or
San Francisco.

F'Vlally) 1 'Nov.ld l i\c..e to a.s\c.. yov. ',-t it i.s >o.s.siple to

.stay at .sc~ool -toY" aVl extY"a 'Nee\c... 1 -t , t i.s >o.s.siple

Your prize ineludes _______ Direct flight?

* FREE return flight to the city of your choice

* FREE two-week course at the Vancouver or let Me \c..VlO'N t~e pY"ice 1 ~ave to pay .

San Francisco School of International

Hours? Morning/afternoon?
* Two week's FREE accommodation with a
family - - _ Distance from school? Meals?

1 li\c..e to


yov. iVl advaVlce -toY" yov.Y"

aVld 1 loo\c.. -toY"'NaY"d to ~eaY"iV19 trOI'V\ yov. .sOOVl.

Yov.Y".s .siV\CeY"ely)

We need to know your choice of city, your

preferred dates, and if you would like us to
make any special arrangements for you.
- - - Stay an extra week?

We look forward to hearing from you. Once we

have the informaton we will send you your
tickets and further details.
Yours sincerely

Jac.k ~ Thompson
Jacky Thompson
Competition Manager
Write a letter of between 120 and 150 words in an
appropriate style. Do not write any posta l addresses.


This is rather long, but there is no irrelevant

information and the student answers all parts of
the question. He makes a couple of grammatical
mlstakes (e .g. we are being teached: a free
accommodation), but these don't cause problems
In understanding the meaning. He uses quite a
wide range of structures, although he tends to
repeat I would like to know. Vocabulary is
appropriate and ideas are organised in clear
paragraphs. The style is sometimes too formal
(e.g. concerning this point) but the letter would
have a very positive effect on the reader.

Band 5

W,;ting "efe"cnce (Papc,' 2 )

Your teacher has asked you to w rite a short story for the schoo l's Eng lish
language magazine . Your story must begin w ith the fol low ing w ords:

It was not easr, but Carol knew she had to do it.

Write your story.

Sample answers

If wa5 nof ea51j, buf Carol knew 5he had f o do

d . .5he wa5 /n r/e::;fe , /fallj . .5he CCre f here fo
Vd her fr/end. 11/5 nCre /5 .5fefano who 5he

1T was nct'j' bu-t Cacol \! she. had TO . do

mef /n fhe/r lan3uage 5c hool /n En3land. Acfuall

5he d,dn ' f , know abouf Ifallj Unf,J 5he mef h/m. ~o
5he couldn f 5pea.l< Ifal/an, wa5 nof 3 00d af
/fal,an 3 e03raphlj.

iT. In ffonT of he.( The.(e. was mis big (il/e.(, wlm

wa Te.( maT was (\Jnning I/e.('j fasT, and mis
(\Jbbe.( dingh'j' lJe.hind he.( she. cO\Jld me.
g\Jide. e.x plaining TreT The. waTe.( is onl'j abou-t 5C
wacm. ~\J(me.(mo(e., he. To!d TO Caco! 's g(o\Jp TreT

A5 fhe f,r5f mfa.l<e, 5he fhou3hf fhaf r/e5fe

wa5 Cl05e fo h hou5e , buf d wa5 h faulf. He
l,ved /n renfo, near Verona. .5he 5hould have

me.(e. are. some. dange.(o\Js place.s, whe.(e. me.'j

hal/e. TO Ta\!..e. spe.Cial cace.. Ahe.( TreT, The. g\Jide.

u5ed a d,ffer enf OJrporf. r/e5fe OJrporf wa5

!-Ude 5mal/. .5he wa5n 1f able fo fnd
a per 50n
who can 5pea.l< En31/5h.

s mile.d and cCie.d : 'Le.T 'S gol ' ~O( one. mome.nT,
Caco! was min\! of an pe.. lJu-t mis Cil/e.((af-ting TO\J( was he.( bi(mda'j p( f(om he.(

A5 fhe b/33e5f m/5fa.l<e, 5he couldn ' f Call h/ //

.5he ~5Ualllj Confacf ed wdh h/m blj emOJ/5, 50m'~he
d,dn f know how fo cal/.

ffie.nds , and The.'j we.(e. all me.(e. . She. was The.

lasT one. who gOT inTO me. boaT, and saT down
aT The. bac\!.. of iT. She. T(ie.d TO smile. ~nd ~oin
The. o-the.(s \J(e., hov.>e.I/e.(, she. wasn T I/e.('j

.5he fr/ed fo CommUn/cafed wdh Ifal,an people

wdh bodlj
up. If 5he
hOUr pa5f

s\Jcce.ssf\J1. She. close.d he.( e.'je.s and me. boaT

se.T off. Ahe.( a while., Ca(o! be.gan TO e.n~0'j me.

lan3ua.3e manlj f/me5. .5he d,dn ' f 3,ve

3ave UP, 5he couldn ' f meef h/m. One
.. . and 5he learned how f o Call h'1m ./ ,/
5he wa5 able fo falk wdh h/m.

TCip. In facT, iT was g(e.aT f<Jn, and aT The. e.nd ,

whe.n me.'j ac(il/e.d, Ca(o! de.Cide.d TO boo\!.. a ne.xT

7hree hOUr5 lafer .5fefano COme fo her af

TCip TWO we.e.\!..s laTe.( .

f he OJrporf. .5he 5hoUfed fo r jOIj ".5fefano!l

I m/55ed Ijau!/"

A This answers the question and gives some deta il,
and there is a clear beginning, middle and end. Th ere
is some good accurate use of language (Behind her
she could hear the guide explaining; After a while,
Carol began to enjoy the trip) but there are severa l
mistakes with reported speech (e.g. he told ffi Carol's
group that there are some dangerous places) and
oth er mistakes (e .g. aA escape; a next trip). Th ere is
some use of direct speech to add interest and there is
quite a good range of vocabulary, but the student
has not divided the story into paragraphs. It has a
positive effect on the reader.
Band 4

B This is a live ly st ory. There are qu ite a lot of

gra mmar mist akes (e.g . who she met instead of and
she had met him, she tried to communicatee with ).
Howeve r, the st uden t also uses a range of structures
accura t ely (e.g. She should have used; She didn't give
up. ) There are some mistakes in vocabulary so that
th e mea ning is not always clear (e.g . it was his fault
in stead of He'd made a mistake; she learned how
instead of she found out how). Linking of ideas and
se ntences is not always clea r. However, t here is good
use of direct speech and a stro ng end in g wh ich has a
positive eff ect on t he reader.
Band 4 (low)

\\'l'iting rcfe l-encc (Pa pel' 2)

Letter to a friend
Ta sk
You have recei ved a letter from a pen friend who is planning
to visit you in July. Write a letter to your pen friend, describing
the activit ies you have planned for hi s/her vis it. Give t hem
advice on wh at to bring and ask about any special requests .
W rite your letter. Do not write any postal addresses.

Dear Diego,
Hi! How are ~ou? Tnank ~ou for ~our
leH er! 1'm ver~ napp~ about. ~our plan!
OK! lf ~ou Id me know ~our arrival
t.ime , 1 will c.ome t.o ~ou, at. Narita
airport.. 1've t.nougnt. about. our plan in
Japan. 1 know ~ou reall~ like foot.ball!
So , now about. st.adiums of H e
World Cup? You visit. a loc.ker
room in Yokonama Int.ernat.ional 5t.adium
wnere final was neld , and ~ou
see aut.ograpns of Braz.ilian nat.ional
t.eam members.
In Jul~, Japan is ver~ not., but.
somdimes t.nere is a nea~ rain so
~ou nave t.o bri ng an umbrella. And
Here are loh of mosquit.oes, ~ou
must. bring a c.ream t.o ~ourse lf against. t.nem.
Do ~ou nave an~ spec.ial requesh? If
~ou nave an~ , please Id me know. 1'11
t.r~ t.o do it.!
1'm looking fo rward t.o ~our repl~ and
te meding ~ou in Jul~!
Loh of love,

Sample answers


A This is a full answ er to the question, with a fa irly
good ra nge of gra mmar, but t here are quite a few
grammat ica l probl ems (e .g. recommend you some
places where yo u instead of recommend some places
to you which; interesting in instead of in terested in ).
Vocabulary problems sometimes make th e meani ng
unclear (e.g. , can arrange the shopping table for
you). Paragraphs and connecting words are well used
and the style is generally suitable for a letter from a
friend. It has a sat isfact ory effect on the reader.
Band 3

B AII parts of the question are dealt with, in an

informa l style. There are some grammatical mistakes
(e. g. there is a heavy ra in ) an d problems in pronoun
use (e.g. ,'1/ try to do jJi ) but the student uses tenses
accurately and shows a good range of vocabulary,
and the paragraphs are clear and well constructed .
The letter has a positive effect on the reader.
Band 4

Wd ting refe rence (Pape l' 2 )

You have had a class discussion on what people do in
their free time . Your teacher has now asked you to
write an essay, giving your opinions on the following

Shopping has /itt/e va /ue as a /eisure activity

Write yo ur essay .
1 beliel/e -tha-t shopping can be one of -the.

Sample answers

impo(-tan-t it1ings people do, lik.e eaiing and

sleeping, and fo( sorne s hopp'n
. chance
I 9 .IS ........~
, ,oc.l(
-to do -the.i( favouri-te it1ings lik.e and
meeiing friends .

{)oes ShOf'f'i'l!J ~ve Ii++le v",lve ",s '" lei5IJre ",c.+ivi+y?

Z +hi,.,k ".,os+ peof'/e ",re re",11y kee,., o,., ShOf'f'i'l!J

On -the. one hand, 1 it1ink. it1a-t is -t(ue -tha-t

6v+ is i+ re",11y vseFvl?

shopping has no valoe in sorne lifes-t'jles. People

For eX"''''f'/e, iF ""e ",sk s+ve!e,.,+s ""~+ +ky're !JOi'l!J

+0 e!o i,., '" 6i:J c.i+y, +k ",,.,s,,,,ers ",re ",I".,os+ ",tvv"'yS

it1lnk. of shopping onl'j as a chance -to do

wha-teve( -the.'j wan-t, and -the.n i-t is an escape

shof'f'i'l!J', ",,.,e! +hey e!o,.,'+ +hi,.,k ",6ov+ !JOi'l!J +0

frorn dOing it1ings -the.'j s hould do. 1 mean

".,vsev".,s ",,.,e! Si:Jh+-seei'l!J . Mos+ +ovris+s !JO ShOf'f'i'l!J

so".,e+i".,e i,.,s+e",e! oF +0 see +he F",,,.,ovs f'1", ",,.,e!

people go shopping ins-tead of do WO(k. .

Howeve(, oit1e(s it1ink. of i-t as a chance -to

so +hey e!o,.,'+ le",r'" ",6ov+ f'1", +ky visi+ .

mee-t sorne friends who 'jOU onl'j see frorn -time

-to iime . In addiiion, i-t is useful -time -to

Ho""ever, peof'/e ""hO e'?joy ShOf'f'i'l!J like every s+~

",6ov+ ShOf'f'i'l!J, Fro"., ""i,.,e!o"" ShOf'f'i'l!J, +ryi'l!J

c./o+hes o,." +hi,.,ki'l!J iF +ky Shovlel 6vy or 1")0+, +0
6vyi'l!J. n e Fi,.,,,,1 s+~ is +0 6e s",+isFiee! ""i+h seei"':J

discuss eve('j da'j p(oblems - fo( e x ample, if

'jOU have go-t sorne p(oblems, in -tha-t shopping
-tIme 'j0u migh-t lis-ten -to oit1e(s p(oblems and

""h"'+ +ky ~ve 6ov:Jh+ i,., +heir hOVse or ""e",ri'l!J i+

i,., Fro,.,+ oF +kir ".,irror like '" F",Shio'" ShO"" .

it1ink. it1a-t 'j0U(S are noit1ing COrT\pared -to

-the.i(s. I-t can mak.e a break. frorn eve('j da'j

nis ",c.+ivi+y is f'rovee! +0 6e '" c.o"'f'/e+e lei5IJre

",c.+ivi+y . Z,.,e!eee!, Z re",e! "',., ",r+ic./e i,., '"

WO(k. preSSu(e and so i-t is valuable fo( sorne


who hal/e a ha(d }ob and lifes-t'jle.

c.",llee! 1 Shof'f'i"':J is '" """'y +0 re/",x' . We shovle! ",11 vse

+his ,.,ic.e re/",x",+io,., ",,.,e! 1")0+ Feel :vil+y . {)o,.,'+ yOV

In conclusion, i-t 's -t(ue -tha-t bU'jing it1ings has

li-rtle valoe, bu-t people are diffe(en-t, whiCh

+hi,.,k so?

means -tha-t shopping will be priceless fo( sorne.

These answers are both Band 4, for different reasons .
A This has clear organisation, with paragraphs givi ng
points for and again st the statement. However, the
first sentence just repeats the tas k. There are some
good expressions (e. g. if we ask ... the answers are
a/most a/ways 'shopping' ) but also some grammatica l
mistakes (e.g. go shopping sometime instead of to
see) . The re is quite a good range of topic-related
vocabulary, but the styl e is too informal in places (e. g.
Don 't yo u think so?). It has a positive effect on the

B Th is answers the question clearly and uses a wide

range of vocab ulary and some good expressions (e.g .
th ink that yours are nothing compared to theirs).
However, there are grammatical mi stakes (e.g.
instead of do work) . The style is appropriate. The
co nclu sion clearly returns to t he question and gives a
nice summary of the w riter's opinion . It has a posit ive
effect on the reader.

W.;ting I"del"ence (Papel" 2)


The owner of the school whe re you study English has decided to make
some changes to the school c1assrooms. He has asked for ideas from
students about what should be done to make the classrooms better places
to study in. Write a report making suggestions for how the classrooms
could be improved.
Write your report o

Sample answer
::r:'11 trod1AC tio'11
This re.port is to S1A~~e.St w/tl.Olt we. '11e.e.d to 11\.0lj(e. t/tl.e. dOlssrool1\.S be.tte.r i'11
o1Ar sc/tI.ooi. ::r: Olsj(e.d st1Ade.'11ts -Por t/ ide.OlS.
BOlcj(3"r01A'11d Sit1AOl ti 0'11
w/tl.Olf it's '11e.e.d to be. i'11side. Ol ~ood sc/tl.ooi dOlssrool1\.S is t/tl.Olt t/tl.e.(1 Olil /tI.OlVe.
Olil t/tl.e. e.B1Aipl1\.e.'11 t st1Ade.'11 t S l1\.i~/tI. t '11e.e.d sfOlrt i'11~ -Prol1\. t/tl.e. e.sse.'11 tiOli
t/tl.i'11~S iij(e. c/tl.Olir, biOlCj(boOlrDS, -Fi'11iS/tl.i'11~ wit/tl. Olcce.ssorie.s iij(e. tde.visio'11s.

::r: ce.rtOli'11i(1 t/tl.Olt two t/tl.i'11~S '11e.e.d to sfOlrt O1Ar piOl'11 to il1\.prove. t/tl.e.
sc/tl.ooi dOlssrool1\.s, t/tl.e.(1 Olre. 11\.0'11e.(1 Ol'11d ~ood 11\.00'110l~e.I1\.e.'11t. ""(1 ide.Ol o-P
il1\.provi'11~ t/tl.e. dOlssrool1\.S is to stOlrt wit/tl. w/tl.Olt we. /tI.OlVe. Ol'11d se.e. w/tl.Olt '11e.e.ds
to be. re.pOlre.d Ol'11d w/tl.Olt /tI.OlS to be. t/tl.row'11 OlWOlij Ol'11d re.piOlCe.d wit/tl. Ol '11e.w
e.B1Aipl1\.e.'11 t Ol'11d SOI1\.e. COl1\.p1Ate.r S t/tl.Ol t t/tl.e. st1Ade.'11 ts l1\.i~/tI. t '11e.e.d Oliso /tI.OlVi'11~ Ol
11\.00ssive. iibe.Y'Y'Olr(1 is 0'11e. o-P t/tl.e. 11\.0re. il1\.portOl'11t t/tl.i'11~S t/tl.Olt st1Ade.'11ts \1e.Olti'11~ Ol'11d Olir cO'11ditiO'11i'11~ Olre. '11e.ce.ssOlr(1 to 11\.0lj(e. t/tl.e.
OltI1\.OSp/ i'11 f/tl.e. dOlssrool1\.S c0S(1'

Pe.rso'11Oli opi'11io'11
::r:'11 cO'11d 1AS i0'11, t/tl.e. C/tl.Ol '11ce. o-P /tI.Ol vi '11~ Ol ~ood dOlssrool1\.S iooj(s e.0l~ -Prol1\. Ol
distOl'11Ce., i'11 -POlCt it iS'11't, Ol'11d t/tl.Olf we. l1\.1Ast tr)\" to -Pi'11d t/tl.e. bOliOl'11Ce.
be.twe.e.'11 /tI.OlVi'11~ Ol ve.r(1 ~ood sc/tl.ooi Ol'11d '11ot Spe.'11di'11~ too l1\.1Ac/tl..


This report makes some relevant points, but the style is more suitable for a
composition than a report. It wou ld be much better in bullet points.
It is not easy to identify the main suggestion s beca use of problems with sentence
linking and punctuation. My idea af ... is ta start with what we have is good. The
problem is the sentence is t oo long and need s spl itting up, e.g . My idea of improving
the classroams is ta start with what we have. Then we can see .... There are some
problems with passive forms (e. g. what it's need instead of what is needed) but also
some good expressions (e.g. ta start with what we have; we must try to find the
balance between). The student has a good range of vocab ulary although this is not
always appropriately used (e.g . massive; cosy) and there are some spel ling mistakes
(e.g. repared, liberrary). It has a satisfactory effect on the reader.
Band 3

Wdting reference (Pape,' 2)

You have seen this advertisement in
a magazine for young people.

Sample answer

....................... :

[' d lave to have ...

: Write an article about someth ing :

yo u would li ke to have, saying

why you woul d li ke to have It

and what difference It wou ld

make to your life,


The writer of the best article

will win a lap-top computer.

....................... .

Write your article .

1 Id lave f a
f hink mane lf
CaUr 5e naf/
1 c auld da
fa da .

have a laf af
,..{, mane lf alf haush 1
Pfe ecf 5alufian. D f
awe ve r , 1 had
a p le nf ; af f h '
e naus mane lf,
,nS5 wh,c h 1 wanf
i5 naf a

Abave all, 1 wanf fa 5fud, .

becau5e. If i5 a aad
If In afhe r c aUnfrie5,
ab,Ji/ie5 . In fhi5 c~5e 1c~ancl~ fa d evelap mlf
abauf fhe f ee af e~1
t an . need f a warrlf
uuca ,an ,n mu I f,
anllf c anc e nf rafe an 5fud, .
7 ' e.
c an
mlf be5!.
If,ns a5 lans a5 1 da
5 eCandlu
w UId I k
hau5e 1. 7 '
a "
, e fa prepare a lave!
f ar mlf pare nf5 A/fhauSh f he lf d el ~f
5~1f f a me a f aI!1 1 f hink fhe wark af ' n
e ec r,C 5e rviCe5 i5 5a h d
f heir
f a canfinUe af
e5 wi/hin lo ear5
f haf 1 cauld make f /
. Ih e r ef ar e, 1 hap e
e m r e lax and e'!Jalf f heir


~: ~;e w~:her

hand , 1 c an he lp f he afhe r
are 5uf f e r ins f ram lack af f a d
, ne55 and 5a an. Whe n 1 5aW a
a ,
WhiCh annaUnCed fha5 e
IV praSramme
f h pe aple 5 5f a rie5, 1
f hauahf f 1
wer e
e m 1 w uld
s e f r ealllf
d epre55ed


5ame f,me5 maneu c an b

bUf f 1 I
e U5ed in a bad wau
am a ric h p e 5
1 .
7 I
an naf an/ 1.
r an,
w,!1 5pe nd f he m
If ar me , buf 1 al5a a Ve
appar funi/If f a afhe r5.

This answer gives re levant information and answers the question. There is quite a good
range of structures and vocabu lary but these are not always used very accurately (e.g. If
1am a rieh person, 1 wi/l spend them on not only for me instead of If 1 were rieh, 1
wouldn 't just spend the money on myself). It is also difficult to understand exactly what
she wants to say about her parents in the line Although they didn 't say to me at all, 1
think .. . . The paragraphs are well planned but there are mistakes with linking words
(e.g. On the other hand in stead of, e.g . As well as that) and w ith punctuation. Th ere is
a mixture of informal language (e.g. Of eourse notO and formallanguage (e .g.
Therefore). It has a satisfactory effect on the reader.
Band 3


W,;ting "cfcrencc (Papc,' 2)

Reviews needed!
We need a young person's perspective on fi lms today. Write us a rev iew of your
. t . and any speCla] features
favorite fi lm. Incl ude information on the story, Ch aIac els.
f the film and say why you would recommend the f!lm to other peop e.
' 11 be published in next month's edition of the magazme.
The best rev lew WI

Write your review .

1 wan-t -to -tell 'jOJ abOJ-t a mol/ie (eall'j di5Cllssed in 1-tal'j'

M'I favOUrde f,lm i5 ca/led 'If onl'l'. li

be5i romani,c f,lm I have ever 5een.

'L 'UlTimo lJacio' (l'r.e Las-t K.isS) di(eC-ted b'j &abfiele M\JC.C'no



in LDOI.

Ji '5 5ei in London and aboui a hard-workin:]

bu5ine55man and a lovel'l violini5i WOman. 7he man

. -fue same -time in whiCh
1-t is se-t in an 1-talian Ci-t'j ,n
~n d' r-tOf 's nt,(pose is -ta,,-e a
ac-tOfs pla'j' in fac-t, llIV ,(<-v
r, If
l'r.e mol/ie -tell llS abOJ-t
plausible pic-t\J(e of people s i e .
-fue Cfisis of -two diffe(en-t gene(a-tions wo(fied b'j -fue

i5 ioo bu5'1 io iak care hi5 love. l/e ihink5 wOrk

i5 mOre imporiani ihan hi5 :]irlfriend. O n ihe
Concerf of her :]raduaiion he meei5 a iaxi dr,ver
and ia/k5 w,fh him aboui iheir love . He r ea/i5e5
5ome ihin:] bUi d '5 ioo laie becau5e h '5 Q' Ir. d
' -l,r -tTien
,e5 6'1 car aCC,deni . He r e:]r e i5 evertfih,'n:J, bui
5Urpr'5,n:]hf iher e i5 a :]rea.-t chance of IN/n:] w,fh
her aga/n Fina/I'I he can appreCiaie her, bui
5a. 'l he ha5 io die in5iead of hi5 :]irlfriend

diffiClll-t'j of g(ow IIp and -ta,,-e -fuei( (esponsibili-t'j'

f\ -fue one haro, -fue(e Me -tY1irt'j 'jeMs cid pecple wOO

-tY1in,,- wedding li,,-e an importan-t change of life b<rt. sad and

sefiOJs, -fue(efOfe -fue'j Me I/ef'j ffigh-tened of do'ng rt,
.-tY1 someone else -to soll/ing -fue,(
p(efe(fing an a ffai( WI
COllple 's pfoblems.
f\ -fue o-tY1e( haro, fif-t'j 'jeMs old people are ffigh-tened

I have 5een d 5 iim

of g(OWing old .

,f wa5 JU5i love 5ior'l wdh 5iraJ1:Je 5iiuaiion, bui

la.5i iime, I can feel c harac i er '5 f eelin:]5. 50 ,f

1 -tY1in,,- -fue s-tOf'j is (eall'j -topical and sY10W a widespfead

Uni'; I 5aw ,f 3-'1 iime5

wa5 a rea/I'I romaniic f';m . 7he ploi and ihe 50n:]

of ihe aCire55 wa5 fania5iic . 7he 5iortf could
be a b,f ariJ,c,'a./ and far-feiched. &Ji J 'I0u
fOCU5 on c haracier '5 feelin:]5 'IOU can be :],ven a
:]ood precepi ])on 'i Ca/Culafe 'IOUr love, jU5i
apprec, her l

si-tlla-tion, -fue ac-to(s' performance is (eall'j good, -fue

A i-tholl h is a afea-t film 1
dialog\Jes Me fas-t and aCCll(a-te . t"
....ed , b<rt -tY1is is
mlls-t admi-t -tha-t i-t 's a i-t ,00 s,....-
M\JC.Cino 's s-t'jle.

A good s-tOf'j' g(ea-t ac-to(s and good dialog\Jes aro edlTing,

l ',n,...efes....rv>
a-t 3011
'L 'UlTimo lJacio , is (eal'j
, ,. ':J' no-t bOfirv>
. -::J

If 'IOU fa/I in love Or I,k


rOmanCe 'IOU '11 love ihi5

A This review is a bit long, has some style problems
and is not always easy to follow. On the one hand /
On the other hand does not link well to two different
generations. There is a good range of vocabulary
(plausible picture, taking responsibility, widespread
situation) but some words are misused, e.g. too
shouted. There are basic grammatical mistakes,
e.g . -ing form after prepositions (difficulty of grow
up). The review only has a satisfactory effect on the
Band 3

B This is a bit long, but is organised and easy to

follow. The style and paragraphing are both generally
appropriate, and the writer has given her opinion .
There is some interesting vocabulary although some
words are misused, e.g. precepto The sentences are
simple, but there is a range of structures including
present perfect and modals. Mistakes do not usually
impede communication. The review generally has a
satisfactory effect on the reader.
Band 3

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