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Assignment #1


Name: Fatima Fazal Abbasi

Reg #: 01-171162-005
Class: BS Psychology-1
Submitted to: Mam Haleema Saadia

Identification of psychosexual stages

Interview #1
A=interviewer (me)
B=Person who is being interviewed

A: In which class do you read?

B: Two.
A: Do you have friends in class?
B: Yes, I have many friends.
A: Who is your best friend?
B: Ayesha. She is very nice. She plays with me.
A: Who is your faviourte teacher?
B: Mam Amna.
A: Why you like her?
B: Because she is very sweet and loving.
A: To which Parent you are more attached?
B: Father
A: Why not with mother?
B: Because she often scold me and father has never scolded me. Moreover, he bring
everything for me.
A: How many siblings do you have?
B: 2. one brother and one sister.
A: How is your relationship with siblings?
B: Quite pleasant.
A: What are your hobbies?
B: Playing and listening stories from grandmother.

The person interviewed above seems to be

Interview # 2
A: Interviewer (me)
C: person who is being interviewed.

A: How many friends do you have?

C: 8. but my best friends are only two.
A: Are your friends from same sex or different?
C: They are from same sex.
A: Do you like to play games?
C: Yes, cricket is my most favorite game.
A: Are you member of any cricket club?
C: No, I play cricket with my class fellows and street friends.
A: Are you interested in body building?
C: Yes, I do morning exercise and keep balanced diet.
A: Are you member of any Jim?
C: Yes, it is near my home.
A: Do you want to stay in home or go outside?
C: I want to go outside but I cant.
A: Why you cant?
C: Because of my fathers restriction. He allowed me to meet only few people.
A: Do you like to stay alone?
C: Yes, when I become upset.
A: Have you decided your ambition for future?
C: Yes, I want to be SSG commando.


Interview # 3
A: Interviewer
D: Person who is being interviewed

A: What are you doing now a days?

D: I am doing my MS from Air University.
A: Are you studying in co?
D: Yes, from very start.
A: Do you ever feel any hesitation while talking to opposite sex?
D: I never face such problems.
A: Do you ever feel any attraction to opposite sex?
D: yes, once it happened to me.
A: what were your feelings at that time?
D: That was so disturbing. Unconsciously, I was observing each and every action of
a person. I was giving him extra ordinary importance. I used to think about him all
the time. My behavior was so abnormal that people around me noticed it clearly.
A: Do you still have feelings for him or
D: No..not at all. Now it seems so silly that I used to give that much importance to
such an ordinary person.
A: How it ended?
D: With the passage of time, I was realized, that person was so ordinary, that he did
not deserve my special attention.


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