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Total 20 Questions

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M.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Signal & System

Questions from Unit

Q.1. Given that x ( n) {3, 2,1, 4} , w( n) x ( n) * y ( n) and w( n) {6, 1, 7, 4} .Compute the sequence y ( n) .
Q.2. State and prove the final value theorem for Z transform.
Q.3. Express the signals shown below in terms of unit step signals.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Q.4. A periodic time sequence with period 4 is specified by x ( n) r ( n 5)[u ( n 5) u ( n 9)] where r ( n) is unit
ramp sequence and u ( n) is a unit step sequence. If y ( n) x ( n ) x ( n 1) then find y (0) .

Questions from Unit


Q.1. Let X ( K ) denote the 6-point DFT of the sequence of x ( n) = {-1, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0}.Without computing the
IDFT determine the length-6 sequence y ( n) whose 6-point DFT is Y ( K ) W X ( K ) .

Q.2. Prove :i) symmetry and ii) periodicity property of twiddle factor. Generate twiddle matrix for N=6.
Q.3. Consider the length-8 sequence x (n) {1, 2, 3, 0,1, 1, 4, 2} defined for 0 n 7 with a 8-point DFT.

Evaluate the following function of X ( K ) without computing DFT (i) X (0) (ii) X (4) (iii) X ( K ) (iv)
k 0

X (K )

k 0

Q.4. Let x ( n) be a given sequence with N-points with X ( K ) the corresponding DFT. The operation of finding
DFT is denoted as follows X ( K ) F {x ( n)} .What is resulting sequence x ( n) operated upon four times i.e.
determine Y ( K ) where Y ( K ) = F {F {F {F {x (n)}}}} ?Explain and prove the formula used for.

Questions from Unit


Q.1. (a) Obtain the mapping formula for bilinear transformation method.

(b) Establish the relationship between analog frequency and digital frequency.
Q.2. Find the order, cut-off frequency and H(Z) for a Butterworth filter satisfying the following



H (e jw ) 1 , for 0 w 0.4
H (e jw ) 0.18 , for 0.6 w

Use bilinear transformation method.

Q.3. Given H a ( j)
, determine analog filter system function H a ( S ) .
116 4
Q.4. Develop the DIF-FFT algorithm to compute IDFT. Write the signal flow graph for N=8.
Questions from Unit


Q.1. A low pass filter should have the frequency response given below. Find the filter coefficients

(n) . Also determine so that h (n) h ( n)

H d (e jw ) = e jw , wc w wc

=0 , wc w
Q.2. Derive the condition that FIR filter must satisfy in order to have
constant phase and group delay
(ii) only constant group delay
Q.3. A filter is to be designed with the following desired frequency response:
H (e


) 0,

j 2w

Determine the filter coefficients hd (n) if the window function is defined as

w(n) 1, 0 n 4
0, elsewhere

Q.4. Design an ideal band-reject filter with the desired frequency response given as
H d (e jw ) 1, w

and w

0 otherwise
Find the values of h (n) for N 11 , assuming the period of H d (e jw ) to be 2 . Find H ( Z ) .
Questions from Unit

Q.1. Give the expression for signal to quantization noise ratio and calculate the improvement with an increase
of 2 bits to the existing bit.
Q.2. (a) What is meant by limit cycle oscillations?
(b) Explain briefly the need for scaling digital filter implementation?

Q.3.(a) Why rounding is preferred to truncation in realizing digital filter?

(b) Explain the characteristics of Limit cycle oscillations with respect to the system described by the
differential equations y(n)=0.95y(n-1)+x(n) and determine the dead band of the filter.
Q.4. (a) Describe the quantization errors that occur in rounding and truncation in twos Complement
(b) Draw a sample/hold circuit and explain its operation.
(c) What is a vocoder ? Explain with a block diagram.

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