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First Week of Instruction

Grade Level: 7th Grade Subject:Math

Day 1: 7.1A) Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the
Activities: -Look through examples and explain where, how, and why math is used in
them. -Assign some group problems and have each group present their solutions with
explanations. -Try some challenge problems for assessment. -Homework:Find one
problem in the media/news involving math.
Day 2: 7.1B) Use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given
information, formulating a plan/strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution,
and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution.
Activities: -Introduce first part/some of the problem-solving models and show an
everyday problem that involves them.
-Demonstrate how to use each then have
students do a couple off walk-throughs as a
class. -Split into small groups or pairs to work
on their own and the present to class their
answers, strategy, and explanation.
Day 3: 7.1B Continued
Activities:-Show remaining problem-solving
models with demonstrations and explanations. -Have students create their own
problems in medium-sized groups using the models introduced last class. -Split into
pairs and have students work on handout of todays models and present. -Do a
compare/contrast graphic organizer of models from last class to models from today.
Day 4: 7.2A) Extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual
representation to describe relationships between sets of rational numbers.
Activities: -Review or learn sets and subsets. -Introduce and define rational numbers.
-Poll Everywhere App (quiz to have students identify the rational numbers from the other
types of numbers). -Work in groups to set up sets of rational numbers. -Get into different
groups to then make subsets of the sets made in the other groups and explain.
Day 5: 7.1A, 7.1B, and 7.2A
Activities: -Assign projects related to an everyday math problem that utilizes the models
learned. -Have students start on projects and finish over the weekend. -Work on
handouts of more sets and subsets of rational numbers. -Find/Watch videos of rational
numbers vs irrational numbers.

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