Nov 2016 Ministry Update

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Campus Missionary to SIUC

Fabiola Rojas
Ministry update

Calvary Campus & SIU Chi Alpha | 501 W. Main St., Carbondale, IL. 62901
Online giving | | 618.303.3429
Nov. 2016

New Light in the Nations!

We are gardeners and field workers laboring with God! Some water seeds
and others plant them, but God is the One who causes the growth (1 Cor. 3:7).
Lets celebrate the new life in Christ of Yelsin (Fullbright grad student from
Nicaragua) and Jocelyn (senior exchange student from Mexico)!!
I met Yelsin during Fall Orientation week at one of the Chi Alpha events. She
was seeking the tenderness of God, which she was exposed to once in Nicaragua, but couldnt shake off since then. She joined our Spanish Life Group
and it became clear that God was after her heart. Her honest inquiries ignited many of our conversations. It was last month, at the IL State Chi Alpha retreat, where she had a genuine encounter with Jesus that moved
her to say Yes, Lord, I give you in my life. Yay, God! We have begun Discipleship together and I cant explain the joy
that her zeal for Jesus brings to my heart. Only God can give us literally a new life. Pray for her spiritual growth!
In that same week I met Jocelyn, who showed up to orientation week literally with her luggage, hoping to find a place.
Little did we know that God had intercepted her plans. She stayed with us for few days. There she heard me praying
and asked if I was a Christian. She was one, too! Jocelyn was not fully committed to the Lord when she came, but
through a series of holy coincidences with us, her awe for Gods faithfulness has been restored. She is encouraged
by hearing Gods voice again. We are also doing Discipleship together. I can say that she is a leader for Jesus. Pray for
Gods max and transformation in her life before she goes back to Mexico in Dec.
Upcoming events and prayer requests
Nov. 6 | Intl Sunday - All Life Groups

will be presenting songs in their own

language & attire. Pray for nonbelievers to come and be touched.
Nov. 19 | Intl Thanksgiving Dinner -

Pray for all logistics and for 300 internationals to be exposed to Gods story
behind Thanksgiving.
Spanish Life Group | Pray for unity,

everyones salvation and a helper.

Discipleship: Pray for revelation of

Gods Word among the students.

Gods favor with my permanent resi-

dence application submitted in June .

Thank you, dear friends, for your faithful

and generous partnership! Your seeds in
faith are being spread to the nations!

God bless you! In His love,

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