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Michael Gibson

Quarter 2/ Period 7
Narrative Essay
The Sound in the Woods
Im going to go and play at the park, Mommy! Johnny yelled.
Ok. Have a great time! But, remember, stay away from the woods! Mom replied.
Ok! John replied as he walked out the door.
John Hopkins, an 8 year old boy, leaves his home to go play at the park. He
meets his friend, Ricky Jovinski. They go to the park and play on the monkey bars. John
has been practicing for 4 years straight. He was so good; he can be crowned the
monkey king! While they were playing, Ricky heard a noise coming from the woods.
What was that? Ricky questioned.
Dont know, but I dont like it, Johnny responded.
We should check it out,
But my mom said that I should stay away from the woods, especially since there
was a recent bear attack in there, Johnny said, shakily.
Come on, its 10:00 in the morning. There wont be any bears out. Theyre
sleeping, you know, hibernation,
Um. Actually, bears only hibernate in the winter, not the spring.
Oh. Well, um. If we stick together, then the bears will be afraid and run away
from us, right? Ricky questioned.
I guess, I have been taking taekwondo classes for about a couple of weeks.
Hell probably run away and never come back! Johnny said reassuringly.

Johnny and Ricky headed towards the woods, not knowing that what will happen,
will change their lives. When they first entered the woods, it was dark and scary. Every
bush was filled with bats. All the trees were invaded by bugs that looked like chocolate
candies that stuck to the trees. In a distance, a figure flew through the trees! Johnny
and Ricky sprinted as fast as they could out of the woods; however, the entrance to the
woods disappeared.
Um, Ricky?
What happened to the way we came in?
I dont know, but I hope that itll come back. In the meantime, how about playing
hide and seek?
You count, Ricky said.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Ready or not, here I come!
Johnny looked everywhere for Ricky. Soon, he came to a spot that was filled with
sunlight. Then in an instant, it was covered up by a giant spaceship. When he looked
up, he saw Ricky flying up to the giant spaceship.
Come back! Johnny shouted.
Johnny shouted at the top of his lungs, NOOOOOOOO!

Ricky disappeared. From then on Johnny felt lonely. His feelings overwhelmed
his thoughts. He felt so alone, he never attempted to get out of the woods. He just sat
down next to a stunted tree, thinking of his best friend who was taken by a mysterious
JOHNNY! Ricky screamed.
RICKY! Johnny yelled back.
Then, Ricky passed out. Since the wind and the frightening sound of the
spaceship making, his brain powered down so then he passed out.
Where am I? Ricky questioned.
Wait a minute, wheres Johnny?!! What happened? Wait a sec, I was floating
towards to the giant spaceship and then I blacked out. So, this is what this place is, its
the spaceship!
Ricky looked around and tried to figure out what part of the ship he was in. When
he tried to walk around he got electrocuted and then blasted back like he was a
baseball and he just got hit into a home run. He then knew where he was, he was in a
prison cell!
Oh NO! The aliens captured me and now Im going to be their slave! Theyre
going to take control of my mind! I dont know what to do!
The Ricky started thinking of his family, his pet dog, Buster, his friends, everyone
in his hometown, Hinnesota, everyone on Earth. Then he started to cry. He cried so
hard that if bugs lived on his face, they would experience their first 100ft. Tsunami.
Hello there would you like some lunch before your training begins? asked an
unfamiliar voice.

Whos asking? AN ALIEN?! Ricky replied angrily.

Yes. My name is Rodfinse, but you can call me Rod.
No, he wants me to tell you that you are an excellent fighter, and that he wants
you to participate in the tournament that will decide the fate of the Earth!
What? You want me?! If I run away right now, and never come back, what will
you do?
I will catch you, bite your head off, and make sure that youre dead by spinning a
web, and bringing my GIANT spider in here and make him tear your body to shreds.
replied Rodfinse.
Fine, Ill join your stupid alien tournament. But if I die, you have to give me the
best funeral that anyone has ever gotten. Got that?
Sure. By the way, what is a funeral?
REALLY??!! Oh my god man! UGGHHH!!!! Do you know what, fine, Ill teach
you what a funeral is. But, tell me, how much time do I have until the tournament?
asked Ricky.
25 seconds.
Now 10 seconds.
And. now.
Instantly the floor opened beneath him. He tried to run, but the floor was too fast
for him. He fell and landed on a red floor. When he got up, the opened floor was gone.

He had a headache the size of a 25ft giant from Clash Royale. Then, about a horde of
lights shined on his face.
Welcome, to the DOT or, the Destruction of the Earth Tournament! the alien
announcer said.
This tournament will decide if earth is worthy of staying in its place, or being
blown into SMITHEREENS!!!
Ricky thought to himself, What happens now? Do I fight, or just accept death?
He chosen the smart choice, he will fight for the earth and die trying or live to tell the
Bring out the DESTROYER!!
A giant, 56in. Robot entered the ring. It had blasters, a sword, rocket boots, and a
hammer the size of a bulldozer.
This will be the fight our lives! Ricky from earth vs. The Destroyer!
Ricky then knew, this was not going to be easy.

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