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Name: Savion Young

Date: 11/9/16

Honors EESMr. Dillman

Period: 4
The Meatrix Trilogy

The Meatrix I
1. What is The Meatrix? - where meat and animals come from on the farm
2. What is a factory farm? - where eggs milk and meat come together
3. What happens to the animals on a factory farm? - they are packed together and slaughtered and
also cut chickens beaks off
4. Why are the animals given antibiotics? What is the problem with this? - To prevent disease that
spreads around they wont get sick. The disease can be caused an antibiotic resistance.
5. What is happening to family farms? - They are disappearing and replaced by factory farms because
there is more money in factory farms
The Meatrix II: Revolting
1. What has happened in regards to sustainable eating in the past few years? - People are starting to
find healthier and have become more of their meat foods.
2. What happens to cows in dairy factories? Cows spend their entire life bunched up and tails are cut
off and hooked to machines to be milked.
3. What is rBGH? Why is it given to cows? - Artificial growth hormone, so they can produce more milk
so they can become larger.
4. What happens to the calves? They take the blood of a cow and extract plasma and put in the milk
replacer. (Only parts of the blood)
5. What can be caused by this? Mad Cow Disease
The Meatrix II 1/2

At this factory, how many cows can be processed in single day? - 5,000 cows
What often happens to the workers in the processing factories? They get injured or cuts.
PROFIT is the name of the game.
As a job, meat-packing is THE MOST DANGEROUS JOB IN THE NATION.
Due to the speed of the processing, what gets all over the meat? What bacteria does this
substance contain? What problems can this cause? - Blood and fingers. E. coli. Can cause definite
sickness and death.

The Meatrix 360 Interactive Go to the following section of the site (or type/paste in this link: ). Then Click on Meatrix Interactive 360 then Roll-over and click
on the different parts of the scene. Read and describe any 10 of the words below:
1. The precautionary principle
2. Feed- Cows are feed grass and silage
3. Policy & legislation
4. Health
5. Community
6. Family farms- Since the 1930s last 5 million farmers.
7. Cows- hoof root, mastitis, contagious disease horrible living conditions
8. Milk
9. Processing- after they can no longer give milk, some are sent to slaughter
10. Workers
11. Downer cows
12. Pesticides- pesticides residues the accumulation in the fat and tissue of an animal.
13. Antibiotics- low daily doses of antibiotics are fed to ward off diseases and make them grow faster
14. rBGH- milk from cows injected to make them larger and for them to make more milk
15. agribusiness- the consolidation of food production in the power of the hands of fewer companies
16. waste recycling-methane digesters are not sustainable and still leave behind manure
17. waste- Dairy CFO create huge amount of water that contaminates the air ground and water
18. water pollution

Name: Savion Young

Date: 11/9/16

Honors EESMr. Dillman

Period: 4
The Meatrix Trilogy

Write: Before viewing these videos, how much did you know about agribusiness? What was some new
information you learned from these videos? What is the goal of these videos? Do you think these videos
will change how you eat? Why/why not?
Before the video all I knew about agribusiness when back when in History the Food and Drug Act was not a
law and people chopped off fingers and different workers got her on the job every day. I learned that
different antibiotics they gave to the cows to make sure that would grow large and produce more milk. To
make us aware of what is going the meat packing industry and be aware of where our meat is coming
from. Yes, sometimes I will check different things I eat to make sure it is sanitized and safe.

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