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TCH235-- Clinical Experience

Lesson Plan 11/3

The student will be able to understand and practice comprehension.

To provide the student with an opportunity to be able to improve his comprehension

Materials Needed

Introductory Activity
Inform the student we will be working on comprehension today because of how he
did on his miscue analysis. Stress to him that I am here to help him achieve more
when it comes to comprehension.

Procedures for the Lesson

1.Introduce the activity
2.Explain to the student the passage we will be reading is about gardening and why
I picked out a passage that is different to his interests
3 Read the passage out loud as I look over and help him to correct different miscues
4.Instruct the student to answer questions about the passages, making sure he
does not use the passage to answer the questions at first to see what exactly he
remembers from the passage.
5.When the student has demonstrated what he can remember from the passage I
will then allow him to look back at the passage and try to understand what he
missed and where it was in the passage.
6. Explain to him where he is missing parts (i.e. beginning, middle, or end).
7. Help to guide him to look more closely at the passage while he reads to
remember the different bits of information in the passage.

Evaluation of the Learner

I will not be using formal evaluation. Instead I will pay attention to the answers the
student gives to me either when I ask him questions or when he is answering
questions. The answers he gives to me will help me to understand what he is
picking up from the passage. If he gives me incorrect answers I will help to guide

him to the right answers without using the passage. If he still is unable to answer
my questions I will guide him to the passage and help him look for the answer.

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