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Warm ups- which include

class or homework
exercises, class examples,
or a quickwrite about a
concept, idea, theorem, or
definition. Will be given
each day before the
lecture or class activity.
Intro to trig functions,
Cofunctions, and
application of trig
Exit cards- will be given after
most classes, excluding the days
of: quiz, homework-quiz, midquiz, unit quiz, and test. Intro to
trig functions, Cofunctions,
and application of trig ratios
MidLesson Quiz- after the
completion of Cofunctions

Homework Quiz- right after

homework is due. Intro to trig
functions, Cofunctions, and
application of trig ratios
Graphic Organizer- done after the
completion of the whole unit.
application of trig ratios
Unit Quiz. application of
trig ratios
1/3 of test. to be
announced .

Entry level assessments will be given in the form of warms up which include: math
exercises, quickwrite, class examples, write theorems down, write definitions down,
or writing out the steps for a math exercise. This way I will have an idea of where
my students are in the lesson, and what they retained from previous lessons; with
this information I can speed up the lesson, spend some extra time on a certain
concept, or re-teach a lesson. Exit cards, midlesson quiz, homework-quiz, and
graphic organizer will be my formative assessment. Exit cards will be given ten
minutes before class ends, it will complement the warm ups, and will help me
assess students in the same manner. The difference between Midlesson quiz and
Homework quiz is that there will be one mid lesson quiz and it will be taken
individually, whereas the homework quiz can be done in groups with open notes,
and will be given about three times in the Unit. Graphic Organizer will be done with
groups as a summary of the whole unit, and with the aim to become a study guide
for the unit quiz and test. The Unit quiz and 1/3 of a test will be my summative
assessments, the unit quiz will be given right after the graphic organizer is
completed. The 1/3 of the test will have this unit, the test it might be given one to
three weeks after the unit has been completed.

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