Ivan Illich (Deschooling)

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Adult teaching and delivery method.

Ivan illich

What is the biography of ivan Illich

What was his assumption towards adult education
His contribution towards adult education

Biography of Ivan Illich

He was born on 4th September, 1926 in Vienna, Australia. He was an Australian philosopher,
Roman Catholic priest known for his radical polemic, due to his strong written or spoken
attack against someone elses opinion.
He died on 2nd December, 2002 in Bremen Germany and his main target was mass education
and modern medical establishment. He brought about deschooling with brought to the fact
that school should be made more formal to each individual.
Deschooling Society/Creating Learning Communities
Deschooling refers to process of adjusting two the non-school environment of everyday
life after leaving the education system.


1. Develop the capacity and desire of the people to self-learning at all time so as to live a full

2. He emphasised on society living a convivial life. That is life full of entertainment. Having
fun with friends and loved ones within the learning society.
A society that fails to live a convivial life within the learning and working setting is not
fulfilling the expectation of humanity.

3. He assumed that friendship is one powerful tool to adopt within an adult learning setting
Friendship here means deeper agreement on an issue.

4. Groups or social learning was emphasized in Illichs work. After all, two heads are better
than one. No one is a fount of all knowledge.

5. He emphasized on the vernacular system. Venacular here means expressing a good life
where it has to do with simple, local, and communal.


1. Learning should be based on freedom of choice. Learning should not be imposed from
without but within based on ones own preference. Thus, the person should have the interest
to part take in the learning process.

2. The learning environment must not be threatening. It must be inviting and conducive for
adults to participate fully. The facilitator should avoid the use of foul language.

3. The learner must be placed at the centre of the learning process. That is, what to learn, how
to learn and when to learn must be dictated by the learner. The teacher here is only a guide.

4. It allows adult learners to work together which helps promote cooperation among them.
5. His studies made emphasis on informal learning. Learning happen casually and so, the
experience of the learner should be taken into consideration.

1.Illich attributed the fact that modern schooling are interested in the money of the learner
and not the impact of the education, According to Illich the school system is merely interested
in making money from annual admissions rather than imparting the lives of students This
argument is highly debatable.
2. He discredit formal education. Illichs implied view that formal education is a waste of
time and has nothing good to offer is false.

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