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soal Inggris

October 11, 2012

Bagian 1
I was taking a pair of shoes to be mended at a shop in the Tottenham Court Road when
I first met the title old man with the yellow face, with whom my life has now become so
involved. He was standing on the curb, and staring at the number on the door in a doubtful way,
as I opened it. His eyes they were dull grey eyes.
And reddish under the rims fell to my face, and his wrinkled face into a smile. You
come, he said, at exactly the right moment. I had forgotten the number of your house. How
do you do, Mr. Eden?
I was a little astonished at his calling me by name, for I had never met the man before, I
Wonder who I am, eh? A friend, let me assure you. I have seen you before, though you
havent seen me. Is there anywhere I can talk to you?
1. How did the author meet the old man for the first time?
(A) He answered the doorbell
(B) He was going to the shoemakers
(C) He was talking a walk
(D) He saw him from the window
(E) He was knocking at the door
2. Which sentence tells us that the man was old?
(A) His eyes were dull and grey
(B) He was smiling
(C) He face was wrinkled
(D) He was staring at the number in a doubtful way
(E) He had forgotten the number of the house
3. Why was the author surprised?
(A) He had forgotten his old friend
(B) He knew the old man
(C) He didnt expect his old friend
(D) The old man knew his name
(E) His friend looked very old

4. What did the old man want?

(A) to say hello
(B) to talk
(C) to repair the shoes
(D) to take a walk
(E) to come into the house
Answer these questions by choosing the right option !
5. What happened after they met?
(A) They became involved with each other
(B) We dont know
(C) They renewed their friendship
(D) They never saw each other again
(E) They became very good friends
What did the author think of the old man?
(A) He was impolite
He was wonderful
He was frightening
(D) He was kind
We dont know
Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American Women, numbering 27 in all,
between the ages of 35 and 65, were month, long tests to determine how they would respond to
conditions resembling those aboard the space shuttle.
Through carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers
and pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol
during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each others company at close quarters for the
entire period. Among other things, they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity
and carry out both physical and mental tasks while exhausted from strenuous physical exercise.
At the end on ten day, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during
which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts, and they were finally allowed up, the
more physically active women were especially subject to paints due to a slight calcium loss.
Results of the tests suggest that women will have significant advantages over men in
space. They need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation better. Mens
advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the Zero

gravity condition in space.

Each woman was tested for ..
(A) four days
one month
two months
(D) twenty days
twenty-seven months
The average number of women in each group tested was .
(A) 9
(D) 35
(E) 65
The most suitable title for the passage is ..
(A) older women, too, can travel in space
space testing causes backaches in women
the physical and meal exercises
(D) tests show women suited for space travel
poor wages for women space test volunteers
The calcium loss particularly affected .
(A) all the women tested
those who has been particularly active in the previous ten days

those who were generally very active

(D) those who had suffered backaches
all who had physical and mental tasks
The worlds economic and political landscape .(11). Radical transportation
since the movement was born at a summit meeting on September 1, 1960 in Belgrade, the
capital of what was then Yugoslavia. In the cold war climate of those days, leaders of the 25
developing countries all African and Asian with the exception of Yugoslavia and Cyprus agreed
.(12) .. a strategy of political (13) or non alignment with regard to the two
major blocks (14).. by the Soviet Union (Now Russia) and the United States.
(A) undergo
(D) had undergone
(B) underwent
(E) has undergone
(C) have underground
(A) to adopt
(D) adopts
(B) adopted
(E) to be adopted
(C) adopting
(A) neutrality
(D) neutralize
(B) neutral
(E) neutral
(C) neutralization
(A) submitted
(D) injected
(B) steered
(E) led
(C) staved

The Australia- Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) which began in 1981,is
beneficial for both youth people of Indonesia and Australia, and the two countries themselves.
Firstly the participants can get an opportunity for first- hand experience of living in and
being an active part of another culture. Their experience is from a rural stay in which the
groups in the village, and an urban stay. Where they live in a town or city. In the two places
they stay with host families.
Besides, they can develop their personality in teamwork and negotiating skill, leadership,
confidence, etc. This so because they are given chance to undertake a community based work
and social activities in the urban stay.
Moreover, they can have practical experiences and the development of skill related to
their academic studies of personal carrier paths. The experience can be obtained through
undertaking experience related to their chosen fields of study or expertise, where ever possible.
Not only for participants, but the countries also get benefit from the program. It can
contribute to a more stable and enduring relationship between Australia and Indonesia, increase
people to people contact and institutional link and can develop a greeter understanding of
present Australia-Indonesia relationships and possibilities for future cooperation and
What is the social function of the text?
(A) to explain the process involved in the formation of a socio- cultural phenomena
to persuade the reader that something should not be the case
to persuade the reader that something in the case
(D) to persuade two points of view about an issue
to retell an event for the purpose of informing
Firstly participants can get an opportunity for first hand experience
(paragraph 2). The
synonym of the underlined word is ..
(A) change
(D) spare time

(E) willingness
Besides, they can develop their personality in teamwork and .. (paragraph 3). The
underlined word means
(A) Support
(D) Obtain
(E) Give
.. between Australia and Indonesia, increases people to people (paragraph 5). The
antonym of the underlined word is.
(A) Decrease (D) Grow
(E) Rise
What is the best title of the text?
(A) Youth Exchange
Youth Exchange Program
Australia Youth Exchange Program
(D) Indonesia Youth Exchange Program
Australia- Indonesia Youth Exchange Program

What the topic of the text?

(A) The reasons for Australia- Indonesia Youth Exchange Program
The experience obtained in Australia- Indonesia Youth Exchange Program
Indonesia and Australia get the benefit from Youth Exchange Program
(D) The Australia- Indonesia Youth Exchange Program is beneficial for their youth and
The practical Experience got through Australia Indonesia Student Exchange program
Which the following statement is correct?
(A) AIYEP is just for teenagers under seventeen
AIYEP participants are only allowed to stay with the rich
AIYEP participants do not study leadership
(D) Australia will hold the AIYEP because of some reasons
AIYEP has proven to be fruitful program
Moreover, they can have practical experience and development of skill related their
academic studies or personal career paths (paragraph 4).
The Synonym of the underlined word is
(A) Accordingly
(D) Furthermore
(E) One the other hand
In the mean time
If I money by father, I could have bought that new novel.
(A) has been given money

had been given money

am given
(D) would have been given
were given
I wished Almira had come to my party two days ago.
I was sorry Almira . to my party two days ago.
(A) had not come
is going to come
had come
(D) has come
If only my application letter had been accepted by that company.
Means, my application letter . by that company.
(A) is not accepted
will be accepted
was not accepted
(D) has been accepted
were not accepted
Typhus is a contagious disease, which is caused by germ named Salmonella Lyphi. This
germ enters into human body through the impure food or drink. When the germs enter the body,
people will get syndrome after seven to twenty one days.
The main syndrome is a fever. At first phase, the fever will increase step by step during
five to seven days. Then, it will begin constantly. Besides, the infected people also will get a
disturbing digestion, such as disturbing taste and uncomfortable stomach. They also may get
diarrhea. At a serious infection, disease will cause people to get consciousness disturbance,

even shock.
However, because of the advance technology in medicine, typhus can be cured using the
antibiotic therapy. The patients will get well and be productive again, but some of them still
have the typhoid germs in their bodies, and this germ in their urine. They become the contagion
of this disease to other people, although they have not suffered it. These people are called
What is the type of the text?
(A) Narrative
(D) Commentary
What is the topic of the second paragraph?
(A) How to recover typhus
The advanced medicine
How the typhus syndrome works
(D) Some factors that causes the typhus
How the typhus infects other people
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) The first syndrome of typhus is fever
Typhus can be cured by antibiotic therapy
People may get shock because of the typhus
(D) The germ that caused typhoid is called Salmonella Liphi

People who have been recovered from typhus cannot transfer it to other
Tina had just watered the flowers when Ali came. From this sentence we may conclude that

(A) Ali didnt see Tina watering the flowers

Ali came at the time Tina was watering the flowers
Ali was watching Tina watering the flowers
(D) Ali would come when Tina finished watering the flowers
Ali had come before Tina watered the flowers
Roger Federer, the world tennis champion, .. tennis since he was nine.
(A) played
has been playing
(D) is playing
has played
All the students had just left the classroom when the mathematics teachers came in. From
this sentences we may conclude that
(A) the students came late for the mathematics class
the teachers cancelled the mathematics class
the mathematics class started late that day
(D) there was no mathematics class that day
the teacher asked the students to leave the class

All these years, Aulias family . in poverty.
(A) lived
(D) was living
has been living
(E) lives
had living
Have the boys had their breakfast? Not yet, they
(A) have taken a bath
are still taking a bath
will take a bath
(D) were taking a bath
would still take a bath
My friend said, I have never seen such a good film. From above statement we may
conclude that
(A) it was the first time he went to see a film
he seldom went to good movies
this is the best film he has ever seen
(D) the film he saw was a bad one
he has never seen bad films before
I d never seen panda bear until
I visited the London Zoo, means
(A) I didnt go London zoo until I saw a Panda bear

I visited the London zoo until a Panda bear

I saw a Panda bear for the first time in the London zoo
(D) I didnt see a Panda bear when I visited the London zoo
When I entered a London zoo immediately saw a Panda bear
How long has he been the principal of our school? since I .. this school.
(A) was entering (D) entered
have entered (E) had been entering
had entered
I can lend you the book next week because by that time I reading it.
(A) will be finishing
have finishing
am finishing
(D) will have finished
would have finished
We havent heard from Didi for such a long time. We havent either, since he .to
(A) moves
(D) has moved
(E) had moved
was moving

The bus came after I for about twenty minutes.
(A) have been waiting
have waited
am waiting
(D) had been waiting
was waiting
The Antropologist has been studying that tribe for the last five years. means : He.
that tribe.
(A) has finished studying
was studying
(D) has studied
is still studying
When you arrive on the 6
floor, give my note the secretary and she . you to my office.
(A) directs
to direct
(D) will direct
I forgot to return this book to the library last week. Well, I am afraid you a fine

when you return it.

(A) had to pay
(D) will have to pay
having to pay (E) had had to pay
have had to pay
When did the farmer find that ancient tool? When he .. his field.
(A) was ploughing
has ploughed
had ploughed
(D) is ploughed
had been ploughing
What is your plan for this weekend?. I .. my brother.
(A) will have visited
have visited
will have been visiting
(D) visited
will visit
Did you see the children when you came home this afternoon? No, they their
teacher in priok.
(A) Visited
(D) were visiting
(B)had visited (E) would have visited
(C) to visit

46. Our football team had never won until we got a new coach. The above sentence means
(A) Our football team was able to win after we got a new coach
(B) Our football team used to win before the new coach came
(C) Although we got a new coach, we have never won
(D) Even before the new coach came, our football team has always won
(E) Ever since the new coach came, out football team has always been defeated

47.Since when hasnt she been feeling well? Since she . from
(A) returned
(B) has returned
(C) was returning
(D) has returned
(E) has been returning

48. When did you realize you had lost your purse? When I money to pay the bus
(A) was needing
(D) have needed
(B) needed
(E) am needing
(C) had needed

49. I didnt hear the thunder during the storm last night because I . soundly.
(A) have been sleeping
(B) and
(C) am sleeping
(D) was sleeping
(E) have slept

50.she has much money, she isnt happy.

(A) Because
(D) Moreover

Because of
(E) However

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