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Titorelli (2/7)


K pulls Titorelli out of a painting. Titorelli knows who he is and offers to

show him around. He then shows him several paintings. Makes a portrait
of K. Titorelli asks if he is innocent. Asks what K has done. K says he is
innocent and Titorelli thinks he can get his case acquitted. K warns court is
convinced of his guilt. Titorelli claims he will have more success pleading
his case in front of his paintings than the court which K repeats and T
takes as a compliment. K learns that T means he has connections with the
court. T tells K he has come from a long line of court painters. He asks K
what sort of acquittal he would like and they discuss the options. T says
even though his advice is useless his paintings are very good. K says he
would rather die- T says that can be arranged and paints K in a position of
anguish. Court enters pushing him out of the painting and mask people
accuse him


Ks inability to form relationships once again appears- he finds himself

unable to accept help from his final potential ally.
To show titorellis ego- which happens to be similar to K in that he seeks
admiration from K (paternal relationship) not unlike the relationship K has
with his father which he should recognise.
The court has infiltrated every aspect of Ks life.
Gossip spreads quickly and privacy is impossible in any part of Ks life- his
life is dictated by the state.

Performance Ideas

Frames created a short corridor for K within his box he walks from painting
to painting observing but as he has finished looking at one painting and
moved onto the next the painting begins gossiping , saying things like
joseph k, accused, guilty- gossip spreads, not private life. K takes of his
coat and hangs it on one of the picture frames at the end he goes back to
get his jacket and it has been replaced by a red jacket which he
disappointingly but obligingly puts on.
K looks uneasy wide eyes- afraid
Stares at Titorelli who moves, this makes K jump but then he pulls him out
and T breathes a large sighs of relief- breathing heavily as though he had
been holding his breath the whole time he was in the portrait.
Thick Italian accent- thankyou very much. I got stuck inside a self
portrait. Thats very dangerous- brushes down his clothes and doesnt
look at K only at his portraits or himself- egotistical. gestures to himself
when he says I
youre Titorelli the painter- K says politely but clearly disappointed- the
same way his father was always disappointed by him.
And youre Joseph K

how did you know?- K surprised and upset that everyone seems to know
his business.
word gets around. I have many friends- Pictures starts whispering and
giggling again. Pause before friends and then gesture round at the
paintings and the audience.
youve been recommended to me?- T - gesturing to himself and sharing
a broad smile before encompassing K in his arms and gesturing out to all
his paintings proudly- egotistical.
The paintings move and form a line from the back to front of Ks box all
others crouched until described then appear at appropriate height. Frame
is passed down the line in order and placed lastly on K.
this is a great judge- stands tall and proud , bright white light- K is
delighted by it
this is a little judges clerk- the person crouches a little but still looks
content but looks up as though observing the judge above him. K is please
by this sense of perceived justice.
judges secretary- blank expression crouched further, K is bored by this
this one, bailiff of the court- sat , looks angry- this scares K a little.
condemned man- the frame is placed on K
court landlady- laundress appears seductive and lies posing in front of
K so the frame now encompasses both of them- K is discontented by this
harassment by T but is excited to see the laundress
you flatter me - T very proud
I do like your paintings- K insincere, monotone
Are you innocent- elongate the syllables of innocent, K flushes and
becomes very nervous
Yes- K stutters
between us tell Titorelli- paintings are gathering round them K trys to
move away from T swallows uncomfortably
Yes Im completely innocent- ks voice is now unnaturally high due to his
Something a little naughty eh?- T chortles followed by the chorus- he
slaps K on the back jockingly.
K moves sideways away from T biting his lip says harshly Ive done
more success before the real court than my paintings- faking sadness to
seek Ks approval
you mean more success before your paintings than the real court - K
furrowed brow confused
Thats very nice of you to say that- T loud exaggerated
For the different types of acquittal similar structure to the judges paintings
lineacquittal definite- holy bright light
acquittal provisional- tired but happy
indefinite postponement- blank expression crouched and tired
conviction which once again ends up round Ks neck
I am innocent.. I am innocent-K takes off frame

then we go to great judge in charge of your trial- large shadowy figure

projection similar to whipper- in fact the vision should include the sound of
whipping and screams and dogs barking then the percussive beat of
several doors shutting.
Then you are free- T shout with excitement- K becomes excited and
holds his hand out for T to shake. T turns and says but only provisionally
free- K becomes disappointed once again and sinks to the floor.
but both these prevent definite acquittal- K in despair his hands
propping his head up.
thats right, you got it- T joyous and condescending
nothing your advice is useless- K begins shewing away the paintings
who are once again crowded around him
But my paintings are very good- T is clearly hurt by this remark and
moves closer to Ks face almost whimpering.
I dont want your paintings Id rather die- K shouts defiantly but having
realised what he has said shrinks into himself as though experiencing a
great pain. The Picture frames dissolve in this silence leaving just him and
T turns away from him upset
that can be arranged- T doesnt look at K again and has lost all his
flamboyance- his final ally is gone.
T puts the pictures frame on K and walks away- leaving him in a position of
pain and anguish.

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