God Isnt Temporary

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God isnt temporary

In 2009, I was diagnosed with A.D.D, Attention Deficit Disorder. Before this, I didnt think I had
a problem, at least I didnt think so.
In my college years I had majored in what seemed everything. I first was taking classes in
computers thinking that I could be a computer programmer. But then I thought it would be more
interesting in managing companies so I started to major in management. While I was taking
marketing courses, which were required from my management degree, I became more interested
in marketing. So I changed over to marketing. Then one day, one of my moms friends, who was
over marketing for Quaker Oaks, said that marketing majors are a dime a dozen. That wasnt
too thrilling to hear.
One thing I was kind of always interested in was how the brain worked. So I figure I would
major in Psychology. At that time I started to work in law enforcement. I worked at the jail and
came across people who had substance abuse problems. So I decided to change my major to
chemical dependency. That didnt last for long. I found out that after doing my internship that I
would be making half of what I was getting at my present job. So I stayed at the agency I was at
and stayed there for almost 17 years before I left.
This is typical of anyone who has A.D.D. Their attention span is short and has a hard time
sticking to one thing. A person thinks the behavior is normal until, like me, someone calls you
out about your behavior and wonders what is wrong with you. People kept asking what was
wrong with me. My mom said that I might have A.D.D. Being 43 years old at the time, I didnt
think I would have such a problem. Many think thats something that kids have. But it isnt,
adults can have it too.
So what does this have to do with God?
Getting back to my past life. I was like this with God too. Sometimes I found the bible
interesting and sometimes I didnt even think about it. I went through periods of time being
interested in different things. I never could stick to one thing.
Now that I look back on those days, that was a very dangerous thing I did. God is not a fad, nor a
part-time thing. If I would have died, I would have gone to hell because I really didnt have
God. At one point, I was in a terrible car accident in 1997 that caved in the driver side of my
vehicle. It was Gods miracle that I was not killed. God had given me a second chance. But did I
take it? No. I still strayed from God. It wasnt until 2010, when I hit spiritual rock bottom that I
came to Jesus for the last and final time. I told myself that if I stray again, I may not be able to
make it back.
Straying from God can have very bad and deadly consequences. In Luke 11:25-26 it says, And
when he (a demon) comes, he finds it swept and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him

seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of
that man is worse than the first."
When we cleanse ourselves of sin and then we stray from Jesus, we invited not only one demon
back into our life, but seven more demons. This is deadly. Our heart becomes harden and then
we shut everything that has to do with Jesus out of our life. You are surely condemned at this
point because nothing can penetrate a harden heart. I know of some people whose heart has been
hardened against Jesus. They shrivel at the very mention of Jesus name.
Things that can make us stray from God.
Not going to church.
Not listening to others about Jesus.
Not asking for forgiveness when we do the wrong thing.
Not reading of the scriptures daily.
Not praying and seeking Jesus.
These are just a few. But we cannot be here today and gone tomorrow with God. We need Him
every day, of every second of every minute. And what I had done was horrific and couldve led
me to a place that I would not have wanted to have gone but clearly deserved.
Life on earth is temporary. Heaven and hell are forever. If you have a problem like I do, get it
fixed, FAST, because no one knows what tomorrow brings. Im not saying the solution to your
problem is easy, I deal with mine every day. But Jesus and prayer keep me focused, along with
needed medication. I dont promote medication but if it helps a person to keep their mental
faculties working correctly, then it may be needed. Most importantly is to stay focused on Jesus.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through Me.
1 Thessalonians 5:2 says For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes
as a thief in the night. But not only the coming of the Lord will be unannounced but so will our
last day on earth. We dont know when it will be so we need to be prepared.
Matthew 7:13-14 says "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult
is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. We need to enter the narrow gate to

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to
us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Come to Jesus today. Dont let Him be a fad or a thought that stays on your mind temporarily.
Let Jesus enter your heart, ask Him for forgiveness. Dont let another day go by because
tomorrow might be too late. A dead person cannot ask for forgiveness. So ask for it NOW while
you are alive and can change your life around.
I thought when I got baptized that I would have to change everything in my life. I was scared at
first because I didnt know what to expect. Well, it wasnt scary and I really didnt have to
change much in my life, except for those things that I wanted to change. I wanted to live for
When you are baptized and saved, you want to do better, you want to live for Christ, you want to
jump for joy, because it feels like a huge monkey was taken off your back. You feel much better.
If I knew that it would make me feel this much better, I would have done this 20 years ago and
not just 5 years ago.
We have a choice. Its YOUR choice. BUT, THERE IS A PRICE FOR YOUR CHOICE.
Some may ask, did I ever graduate from college? No, I didnt. But I am going to college now
and should be finished in May 2015.

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