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By: Wendy Alanis



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Brief background on

The Prime Minister of


The Queen of Australia

Governor General

Every Country is unique in its own way and Australia is one of those
countries that I have grown to appreciate and adore.
Australia is composed of 6 different states with 3 self-governing territories
all in which have their own constitutions, parliaments, government and
laws. Australia is a very diverse multicultural country with a great
history. Australias current Prime minister is Malcolm Turnbull and the
Queen happens to be Queen Elizabeth II. Australia follows a Westminster
system of government and law which was brought on by the British
country. Australia currently has 2 main political parties and a series of
smaller ones that make up the Commonwealth Parliament.

Prime Minister
Australia being the unique country that it is, does not have Presidents but
instead have Prime Ministers. The role of a prime minister is a bit different
from that of a president. As a prime minister their role is to chair the
Cabinet, appoint ministers, advise the Governor General, and act as key
spokesperson for the government both in Parliament and out. The Prime
Minister is the head of the government.

Australias current Prime Minister is Malcolm Turnbull. Turnbull became

Australia's 29th Prime Minister on September 15, 2015 and he continues to
be the prime minister for a second term which started on July 19, 2016.

The Queen
Queen Elizabeth II today is known as being the Queen of England, but
did you know that she is also the Queen of Australia? When Queen
Elizabeth comes to Australia, she takes on the role as their Queen.. The
Queen is represented in Australia at the federal level by a GovernorGeneral. The Queen is sensitive to her role as Queen of Australia and she
acknowledges any issues or achievements that Australia faces.
As the Queen, one of her most important roles is to visit as many areas of
society as possible. As the Queen, she has the ability to make and pass
legislation resides with an elected Parliament.

Peter Cosgrove today is known as Australia's Governor General. The role
of the Governor General is very important and contributes a lot to the
Queens role in Australia.
As Governor General, Cosgroves one of many roles is to preform
ceremonial functions on behalf of the Queen. He is also in charge of
appointing and dismissing executive councilors, appointing and dismissing
Ministers to administer the public service departments and agencies,
appoint judges, decides when parliaments meet, coverts proposed laws to
Acts of Parliament, and they may block or propose amendments to any
law passed by the two House of Parliament.

Works Cited:
B. (n.d.). Australia- The Queens Role. Retrieved from
By the Sovereign, as her representative in Australia. (n.d.). Infosheet 20 - The Australian system of government. Retrieved
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Our country | (n.d.). Retrieved from
Your Prime Minister. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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