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Name: _______________________________________________



Directions (1-25): For each statement or question, please

record your answer on the Scantron sheet.
1. As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States saw the need to
build the Panama Canal because

new colonies had been acquired in Africa

Spanish opposition to the canal had ended
the United States navy could then move more quickly between oceans
United States railroads could not transport enough manufactured goods

2. Which geographic feature most influenced the ability of the United States to
protect its mainland from attack during World War I?

Gulf of Mexico
Great Lakes
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean

3. President Woodrow Wilsons policy of strict neutrality during the early years
of World War I was challenged by


German violations of freedom of the seas

British disrespect for the Roosevelt corollary
attacks by Mexicans on United States border towns
the refusal of the League of Nations to supply peacekeepers

The two main alliances developed from World War I were:

1. Allied and Axis Powers
2. Central and Axis Powers
3. Allied and Alliance Powers
4. Corollary and Axis Powers
5. Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy in Latin America was best characterized by his
1. rejection of the Monroe Doctrine
2. belief that European nations had the right to hold onto colonies in the
Western Hemisphere
3. belief that the US had an obligation to assume the role of an
international police force throughout the Western Hemisphere
4. recognition of freedom of the newly independent nations in the Eastern
The main cause of World War I was:
The attack of Pearl Harbor
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferninand
Appeasement of Germany


Invasion of Czechoslovakia

. . . Theres no chance of progress and reform in an administration in which

war plays the principal part. . . . President-elect Woodrow Wilson, 1913
In this statement, President-elect Wilson was expressing the belief that
(1) the United States should enter World War I immediately
(2) reform movements are strengthened by war
(3) the nation will require a change in leadership if it goes to war
(4) the Progressive movement would be best served by continued peace

Base your answers to questions 8 and 9 on the image below and your knowledge of
social studies.

8. The cartoon illustrates the actions of President Theodore Roosevelt in

(1) securing the land to build the Panama Canal

(2) leading troops in the Spanish-American War

(3) ending the war between Russia and Japan
(4) improving diplomatic relations with Latin American nations

9. What document was signed to end World War I?

Treaty of Versailles

10.Which event most influenced President Woodrow Wilsons decision to enter

World War I?
1) defeat of Russia by Germany
(2) assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
(3) raids by Mexico on the southwestern United States
(4) renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany
11.The United States tried to avoid involvement in World War I by following a
policy of

collective security
economic boycotts
military preparedness

12.Which action was a result of the other three?


Germanys policy of unrestricted submarine warfare

United States entry into World War I
interception of the Zimmermann Note
United States loans to Allied nations

13.In the 1890s, the main goal of those who supported United States imperialism
was to

bring self-government to areas under United States control

obtain overseas markets and naval bases
defend against attacks by enemy nations
spread democracy to Africa and Latin America

14.During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson used his wartime powers to

win passage of quota acts

grant all women the right to vote
expand freedom of the press
increase government control of the economy

15.The explosion of the USS Maine and the practice of yellow journalism played
a significant role in the

publics support for the Spanish-American War

creation of the Open Door policy
acquisition of Florida
purchase of Alaska

Base your answer to question 16 on the images below & your knowledge of social

16.The United States government published these World War I posters to

encourage Americans to

increase military enlistments

reduce the use of consumer goods
invest in the war effort
conserve scarce resources for the military

17.The Roosevelt Corollary (1904) to the Monroe Doctrine proclaimed the right of
the United States to

intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations

impose trade restrictions on European imports
promote democracy in Africa
determine the border between Alaska and Canada

18.During World War I, what was President Woodrow Wilsons purpose in

outlining the Fourteen Points?
(1) asking Congress for additional funding for the war effort
(2) suggesting a peace plan to prevent future wars

(3) proposing war crimes trials for leaders of enemy nations

(4) calling for military alliances against aggressor nations

Base your answers to questions 20 and 21 on the headlines below & your
knowledge of social studies.

19. .

These 1898 headlines are best understood as an example of


political advertising
yellow journalism
public opinion polling
isolationist policies

20.The purpose of these headlines was to build public support for


efforts to defend the Panama Canal

the annexation of Cuba
an end to the policy of imperialism
the war against Spain

Base your answer to question 22 on the excerpt of the primary source below & your
knowledge of social studies.
21.We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare.
We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America

neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal or

alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together,
generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to
reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
Zimmerman telegram,
The disclosure of this document contributed to
(1) a declaration of war against Mexico
(2) the entry of the United States into World War I
(3) the passage of the Treaty of Versailles
(4) a restriction on immigration from Latin America
22.A major result of the Spanish-American War (1898) was that the United States

adopted a policy of isolationism

assumed a more prominent role in world affairs
gave up control of territories outside the Western Hemisphere
increased foreign aid to European allies

23.The Great Migration during World War I refers to the movement of


factory workers from the Northeast to the Sun Belt

communists deported to Russia as undesirable aliens
African Americans to northern cities to find work
refugees fleeing from eastern Europe to the United States

24.After World War I, senators who opposed United States participation in the
League of Nations argued that American membership in the organization

limit the power of the president

make trade with nonmember nations more difficult
force the country to end traditional military alliances
involve the nation in future world conflicts

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