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Female: 70.4%
Male: 29.6%
13-20 years old: 25.9%
21-30 years old: 22.2%
31-40 years old: 14.8%
41-54 years old: 11.1%
55+ years old: 25.9%
Yes: 70.4%
No: 29.6%
Less than 5 times: 70.4%
5-7 times: 29.6%
Q5 (out of a 10 point scale)
10: 7.4%
9: 33.3%
8: 40.7%
7: 14.8%
5: 3.7%
Yes: 3.7%
At risk: 44.4%
No: 51.9%

Yes: 14.8%
At risk: 7.4%
No: 77.8%
Yes: 3.8%
No: 100%
Yes: 3.7%
No: 51.9%
N/A: 44.4%

The purpose of this survey was to
determine whether people who had
certain conditions would visit their
optometrists more.

By Tiffany Tran
1st Period

Survey Questions


1. What is your gender?

My hypotheses were that older age groups,

those with certain conditions, and those
who wore corrective eye wear would visit
their optometrist more often. From my
results, it does not seem like age or those
with conditions mentioned in the survey
affected how often their amount of visits.
However, there was a slight difference in
rates of visits in those who wore corrective
eye wear and those who didnt. 61.1% of
those who wore corrective eye wear visited
their optometrist less than 5 times. 87.5%
of those without corrective eye wear visited
their optometrist less than 5 times.

2. What is your age?

3. Do you wear any corrective eye wear?
4. How often have you visited your optometrist in the last 5 years?
5. How would you rate your health?

Survey Participants
My target audience was the general public.
However, it was quite difficult to try to get
responses from all different age groups. The
number of responses that I acquired was 27.
I tried recruiting patients from my mentors
site, but it seemed like they didnt want to
take it. Instead, I asked a few of my peers to
take my survey and I emailed staff at Clear
Springs so that I could get a more diverse

1. I believe that older age groups will have
more visits to their optometrist.
2. I believe that the participants with any
condition or illness will visit their optometrist more often.
3. I propose that those who wear corrective eye wear will visit their optometrist
more often.

6. Do you have diabetes?

7. Do you have hypertension?
8. Do you have any form of hyperthyroidism?
9. Do you have multiple sclerosis (MS)?
10. If so, do you take any medication for any
of the conditions listed above?

11. If so, have any of these conditions

affected your vision?

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