How To Break A Bad Habit

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How to break a bad habit

What defines a bad habit? It is a habitual behaviour considered to be harmful

to one's physical or mental health and often related to a lack of self-control. Not to
mention, breaking a bad habit is not easy. Some habits such as smoking, nail biting,
knuckle cracking, etc. are somewhat challenging to drop out, so people resort to
various treatments.
First, we must have in mind that these habits are often caused by stress and
boredom. Therefore, a way to quit smoking or biting your nails is to relax and replace
that habit with something beneficial. For example, when feeling stressed, instead of
smoking a cigarette, try breathing exercises to calm down.
Secondly, another way to break your bad habit is to eliminate whatever
triggers you to commit that habit. For example, if you drink when you go out, stay
home more regularly until that habit fades away.
In conclusion, bad habits are familiar to everyone, so you should not feel
guilty. There are several ways to break them but the most important is to have
willpower. Also, breaking bad habits take time and effort so it is important to not give
up at the first failure.

Raquel Moleiro, 148810

English B2.1
Class TP4

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