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ThE + POSITIVE: Venezuela played today at home against Bolivia in qualifiers for Russia 2018

Expectations for Results of Dialogue


winner of the 2016 national journalism Simn Bolvar


The results of the dialogue between the Government and the opposition
in Venezuela are today
the gossip of the entire
country, where a feeling
of hope transcends political boundaries and surpasses those doomed to
failure. On the eve, the
Executive Vice President

of the Republic, Aristbulo Istriz referred to

the greatest concern of
the population by expressing that the issue of
economy is the Gordian
knot of the negotiations,
which are advancing
here along with The Vatican and theUnasur.

Newspaper published by the Venezuelan Embassy in Australia / Edition 73 Year 1 / / @EmbaVenezAu / Phone: +61- 262902967


General Procurators
office filed suit against

Maduro calls for

common sense
The Venezuelan President called on the opposition to work
together for the benefit of the country


Friday will be the second day It

is an adventurous policy to inof dialogue between the governtend the fall of the Bolivarian Rement and the opposition.
volution, Maduro said.

he Venezuelan President, Nicols Maduro,

yesterday urged opposition
activists to work together
with the government to establish policies that would
ensure a consensus and
consolidate peace in the
I call on all opposition parties to join forces and ideas,
in a great process for the
rights of the people, for the
recovery of the productive
apparatus, for the strengthening of our identity, Maduro declared in a message

to the country.
He also urged to trust on
dialogue between the main
political actors, halting social and economic destabilization and respecting the
Constitution of the Republic.
It is an adventurous policy
to intend the fall of the Bolivarian Revolution, with violence, economic war or projects conceived outside the
country and exerted for the
right-wing against their own
homeland, he said.
He stressed that the path
is to dialogue for peace,

agree on strategies to produce, creates goods and

benefits all Venezuelans,
because the country belongs to everyone, without
distinction of any kind.
The call arrived in amid of
the opposition announcement to reactivate protests
since next Friday when the
deadline they gave, to obtain concrete and favorable
results, come to an end.
This Friday will be the second day of the talks.

The Procurator-General of Venezuela, Reinaldo Muoz, introduced

in the Supreme Court of Justice, a
legal action against the recent unconstitutional actions of the Venezuelan parliament.
Muoz alerted yesterday about
the illegal actions of the parliament,
which maintains a systematic violation of the constitutional right.
The parliament has announced the
activation of a political judgment
against President Nicolas Maduro.
It has also alerted about the substitution of the highest authorities of the
Supreme Court of Justice and the
National Electoral Council, recalled
The Procurator-General called on
the Supreme Court of Justice to take
the necessary measures and prevent
the parliament from continuously
violating the Venezuelan legal framework.

Government grants today house number one

million 200 thousand

The bolivarian government will

hand over today the house number
one million 200 thousand, confirmed a spokesperson of the Ministry
of Housing and Habitat.
The number of delivered homes
was reached after an investment that
went above 70 billion dollars and
after strategic international alliances, stated Caracas in a report.
Since 2011, the Venezuelan government has maintained an ambitious
housing plan for the most vulnerable population.
It is projected for, at least, 3 million homes to be assigned to Venezuelan families before the end of
2019. Besides this house construction plan, there are also more than
255 thousand restored homes and
renovated urbanisms.


Veracious information


PETROLEUM: President Maduro sent letters to his counterparts in producing countries

Venezuela urged to freeze oil production

VIENNA: Opec will meet from 28 to 29 November to sign historic agreement.

Prensa Latina

he Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro,

urged his counterparts from
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
and Iran yesterday to freeze
oil extraction and stabilize
the international oil market.
By official communications, the head of the South
American state stressed the
importance of implementing
the agreement reached last
September in Algiers, the
capital of Algeria, to set a
production between 32.5
and 33 million barrels per
day, in order to boost the fair
price of the hydrocarbon.

Unasur expects
Trump stance in
the region

The Union of South American

Nations (UNASUR) expressed
their respect for the results of the
elections in the United States and
said that they will wait for the winning candidate, republican Donald
Trump, to clarify his position about
Latin America.
The UNASUR will wait for Trump
to set out his position on important
issues such as migration, free trade, peace process in Colombia, the
opening of relations with Cuba, the
dialogue in Venezuela and the US
military presence in the region.
In a communiqu, the secretary
general of the organization, with
headquarters in Quito, called for
unity in Latin American in this
particular moment. In the text, the
UNASUR requested a higher political integration. The message was
also issued by the secretary general
of the UNASUR, former president
of Colombia, Ernesto Samper.

THE important fact

Maduro contacted his counterparts from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran.

This was revealed on

Tuesday by a notice issued
by the Ministry of Petroleum
and Mining, which underlines the efforts of Venezuela, as a founding member
of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), to promote a
balanced price of crude oil

that guarantees the investments and that also secures

the supply to the consuming
Maduro and Minister of
Oil and Mining, Eulogio Del
Pino, held talks on the issue
with Ecuadorian President
Rafael Correa and ministers
Jabbar Ali Hussein Al-Luaibi from Iraq; Iranian Bijan
Namdar Zanganeh; Qatari Mohammed Bin Saleh
Al-Sada; and OPEC Secretary-General
Sanusi Barkindo.

By: Ayala


Venezuela will accomplish 24 recommendations of UN

Venezuela will present the 24 commitments assumed voluntarily in the

next session of the United Nations
Human Rights Council.
The Venezuelan Ambassador to
that organization, Jorge Valero, informed that Venezuela is the country that assumed the highest amount
of commitments.
Venezuela was supported by the
majority of the countries of the United Nations system, after the Second
Universal Periodic Review held on
November 1.
103 countries supported Venezuela, after presenting the Universal
Periodic Review and most of the
recommendations received by the
country, are already being implemented, said Valero.

Caracas and Moscow

revise cooperation
Venezuelan Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Delcy Rodriguez, met with
Russian Ambassador to Caracas,
Vladimir Zaemsky, confirmed Caracas.
This was the fourth meeting between the Venezuelan head of foreign affairs and Zaemsky, reported
a press release of the Venezuelan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Venezuela and Russia will develop more than 250 agreements in
the areas of education, culture, petroleum, mining and housing construction. There also exists an important exchange in the technological
and military areas. Rodriguez and
Zaemsky reviewed several cooperation agreements, but did not provide
details about their conversation, or
of any of the meetings conclusions.

Eight commissions
activate Caracas
and Beijing

The governments of Venezuela

and China will install eight subcommittees to consolidate a comprehensive development plan.
The subcommittees include trade,
economic, bilateral relations, productive development, science and
technology, oil and mining, culture
and education, said the vice president of planning, Ricardo Menndez.
Caracas and Beijing have 672 cooperation projects in different strategic areas.
Recently, more than 130 agreements were signed between both
nations. Caracas confirmed a meeting of the China-Venezuela Joint
Commission, which will be held in

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