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Service Training

Cooling Fan Speed adjustment

Equipment required
Lap Top with Pathfinder and 359 Service Base
Infrared Speed Tester
Hand Tool kit

a) Make sure that if the truck has a travel speed limit that this speed limit is adjusted by
the swash angle and not by the limitation of engine speed !
Engine Speed :
Low Idle = 800
High Idle 2100
b) Heat the truck up , water temp should be above 92 , current to Solenoid valve
cooling fan 800 Milli Amp ( use pathfinder to get this information )
c) Check the fan speed with the proportional valve connected
Note : special care is necessary because of the rotating fan blades
Engine Idle speed , fan at least 650 -700 Rpm ( T2 & T3 )
Engine max speed , fan speed at least 1800 Rpm on T2 and 2000 on T3
TIP : On T3 trucks the oil motor displacement is 27 cc on T2 32 cc . The new oilmotor
can fit also into T2 trucks
If the speeds are lower please adjust carefully /slowly the proportional valve until
you reach the minimum required max speed !
Adjuster CW = increasing the speed , Adjuster CCW reducing the fan speed

Adjuster screw

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