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September 17, 2016

Dear Teachers,
As you may already know, I am a graduate student in the Department of Early and Middle
Grades Education at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, working toward my M.Ed. in
Early Childhood. As part of my Masters degree program, I will be conducting an action research
assignment to understand the role team collaboration has on team building, classroom practice,
and morale.
For the next 6-8weeks, I would like to include you in my research project on team collaboration.
During a 6-8week period of time, you will be asked to meet with a group of teachers, assistant
teachers and the preschool assistant director at least once a week. As we work together, I will be
observing team members/recording observations about group interactions and experiences. I will
be asking you to complete a questionnaire prior to beginning. A brief journal entry will be
requested at least once a week. The journal entry will include what you took away from the
group time, any implemented changes from your classrooms based on our conversations and
your thoughts as to how the changes worked, and your thoughts and feelings on how the group
time is going. I will then ask you to complete a questionnaire at the end of the study. Informal
interviews may be conducted to help gain a better understanding of answers to questions on the
questionnaires or journal entries of your experiences.
All data that I collect (observations, interviews, questionnaires, and journals) will be kept
confidential and no references to your names or names of people discussed will be used in my
I do not anticipate any risk greater than normal school life. Your participation in this project is
completely voluntary. The choice to participate or not will not impact your status of
employment in any way. You may withdraw your consent to participate at any time, with no
All information that is obtained during this research project will be kept strictly secure and will
not become a part of your employment record. Your name and any other information concerning
his/her identity will be deleted from the research information. Your confidentiality is most
important and every effort will be made to ensure that this research remains confidential at all

The results of this study will be used for an online website that is required in my course, Early
Childhood Researcher, in the College of Education at WCU. Pseudonyms or codes will be
substituted for the names of teachers and assistant teachers and the school. This helps protect
confidentiality. The website is a private site, viewable by myself, my classmates and my
professors only. I will be constructing a summary of my research project that will be available
online to all, however, teachers and assistant teachers names and the name of our school will
not be included in the summary of my research.
In the space at the bottom of this letter, please indicate whether or not you will participate in this
project. Participation includes the use of written observations about our group meetings,
observations in the classroom, questionnaires, journals and informal interviews with you about
your experiences.
Please return one copy of this completed form as soon as possible. The second copy is to keep
for your records. If you have any questions about this research project, please feel free to contact
me. Please keep a copy of this form for your records.

Cynthia Kreider

________ I agree to participate in the team collaboration group, interviews, journal writing, and
questionnaires. I understand that there is no risk to me and that I may withdraw my consent at
any time without penalty.
________ I would rather not participate in the interviews, observations, journal writing, and
questionnaires. I understand that this decision will not negatively impact my status or working
Team Members signature and date:
If you have any questions about your participation or this research project, please contact me at
our school phone or email address.

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