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Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

SEO Analysis & Recommendations for Eastern Mountain Sports GPS Watches


Keyword Research (Cr)

a. The 3 keywords/phrases I think will drive the most traffic:

1. GPS sports watch

2. Garmin GPS watch

3. Running GPS watch


Explanation of my choices:

1. GPS sports watch: this is the keyword focus given to me by my client. My research on
this keyword phrase leads me to believe that it is not a very popular search phrase. From
2005 until 2008, the phrase GPS sports watch was at zero on Google Trends. The
phrases interest increased starting in 2009 and began to From 2009 to 2013 the phrases
interest over time increased and decreased at a steady rate. I noticed that when this phrase
did increase, it took a large decrease shortly after. In 2014, the interest in the phrase went
back down to what it had been from 2005 to 2008. This key phrase really does not drive
hardly any traffic at all.

2. Garmin GPS watch; I decided to choose this keyword phrase because when looking at
both sites, and, I noticed that most of the watches
being sold on both sites were of the Garmin brand. Nearly every watch that Garmin was
selling on both of these sites were GPS watches. When I looked at the Google Trends for
Garmin GPS watch I noticed that there was a fairly steady increase in the keyword
phrase. There were a few years that the interest skyrocketed and then fell (decreased)

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

immensely. For example, in December of 2011, the keyword phrase was at about 97; by
February of 2012, the keyword phrase interest had dropped all the way to 48.

This keyword phrase could drive in traffic because from my research I have

found that the most popular brand name is Garmin and nearly all of their watches contain
GPSwhich is why Garmin GPS watch is a good keyword phrase to use. There is
however, a downfall in using this keyword phrase because it may be a popular phrase that
is commonly typed into a Google search bar. This could lead to the searcher being
directed to other sites.

3.Running GPS watch; I decided to choose the keyword phrase running GPS watch
because through researching the content on both and I
found that many of the advertisements and models wearing the products tended to be
runners or look like runners. It is my belief that this would be something that runners
would definitely search for if they were looking for a watch to wear while they run that
would also make certain that they do not get lost on their run.

I had thought about using Heart Rate Monitor GPS watch as a keyword phrase, however
after looking at competing sites, I had felt that this could drive the searcher to other sites
as I felt it was too broad of a keyword phrase to go directly to these sites.

From studying Google trends I found that running GPS watch was basically
nonexistent until around 2006. Since 2006, the trend has been increasing at a pretty
steady rate other than a few decreases here and there. Though the interest in this keyword
phrase isnt the largest out of the three keyword phrases, it is not nearly as small as GPS
sports watch. Keeping phrases that arent as popular will help to drive traffic away from
competition because the searches wont be as broad. This keyword phrase is more specific,
so the chances of the user being sent to EMS.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


Current Traffic

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

! Monthly Unique Visitors: 154k Monthly Unique Visitors: 259k


As shown in the numbers above given by, the number of unique visitors for is nearly twice the number of unique visitors for started with just over 200,000 unique visitors and increase in the span of two
months to about 445, 000. After hitting a high peak, the number of unique visitors quickly
began to drop to an all time low of around 137,000. Since May of 2013, the number of unique
visitors has not been more than 178,000 and currently sits at around 154, 000. started with a much higher number of unique visitors at around
600,000. Similar to, the number of unique visitors dropped drastically by 400k in
the span of a few months. Since November of 2013, the number of unique visitors for
RoadRunnerSports has not surpassed 265,000 and has fluctuated frequently.

Overall, I would say that neither website had a specific pattern in the number of unique
visitors. Both sites fluctuated quite a bit of the span of a few months. There were a few
months that surpassed in the number of monthly unique
visitors, however overall, typically had a higher number of unique
visitors and still continues to trim in the number of unique visiotrs.


Content Analysis: Quality

a. Overall Quality (Cq, Vt, Va) Score: 6 out of 10

Kim Porter SEO Analysis! Score: 8 out of 10

Analysis: EMS.coms does not have a high quality content. The content is the watches
that they are selling which is shown with pictures and text. Though the quality of the
content is not great, the writing of the content is well written. A lot of the words are
repeated though out the content of the site in the descriptions. There were no typos and
the information was up to date in the descriptions, however, each description has simple
information on it that could really be found on any site, which is why the content is not as
high of quality as is. does not go beyond being the
simple brochure with the same information that can be found on other sites. Nothing
about the content on this site really stands out. Someone looking to purchase a watch
could do a Google search and easily find the same products with the same descriptions as
EMS. The site only displays each watch once which also hinders the quality of the site.
Only showing the viewers one photo of the watch may frustrate a viewer because they
may want to see it from other angles. This is extremely important for online only
shoppers who are looking to purchase their watch online. If they only see one photo of it,
they may not want to order it because they are going to be uncertain about what they are
really purchasing. Since there is only one picture, this also hinders the viewer from being
able to see how the watch would fit before ordering it. does offer product reviews for the viewer to reference when deciding on which
watch to purchase. When you scroll down on the page, there is a review snapshot
where other people have written how they liked the watch and have been able to rank the
watch from 1 to 5 stars. At the top, next to the watch is a button that says write a review
allowing every user that comes to the EMS website to write how they liked or disliked
the watch being displayed. When you click this button, it takes you to a new page that

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

asks many questions and statements such as pros, cons, best uses, was this a gift,
comments, and would you recommend this product to a friend. Overall, the product
review form has a fairly good quality for a potential buyer and gives good information
about the watches that these potential buyers may be looking for.

When figuring out if was a unique site or not, I entered a description of one
of the watches into to see if any other sites would come up. Four other sites
appeared with up to 76 percent of the same text in the description. I searched a few
different descriptions and ran into the same issue with other sites having the same exact
information as EMS. This makes EMS a low quality site because it is not unique enough.

Though EMS has a fairly low quality site, there are a few things that it offers that makes
the content a little bit better. While I was on the site, a pop up appeared that asked if I
needed help or if I would like to chat with one of their experts. This show that the site
offers great customer service and if a viewer is having trouble navigating the site, they
can simply as a question as if they were in an actual store. A few other things that I
noticed that I really liked about EMS site was a spec sheet and a suggestion for viewers.
The spec sheet allows for customers to see the basic information of the watch in a more
organized way and the suggestion feature shows viewers other watches that are similar to
the one they are viewing. I think that these small features really add value to the website.

The last thing that I noticed about EMS was there was not very many ads. There was
however, one ad above the fold when on the watches section of the site. This was not a
distracting ad whatsoever and added good information for the eye to travel to as it was
one of the first items seen when the page loaded. There were no ads specific to watches
on this page, however advertising for other items on the watches page is a good move on
EMS part as they may be able to get the site visitor to purchase more than just a watch.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

Overall, could use a lot of work on its overall quality of content. If were going
to rate EMS web site, I would rate it a 6 out of 10 because it does not offer enough
information on the watches that would make the customer want to purchase it online, and
the site does not offer enough unique content. is also showing watches as their main content in the form of
pictures and text. Similar to, the content is well written and there were no
visible typos. The descriptions do tend to repeat themselves a bit from watch to watch,
however many of these watches have the same selling points and features.

Unlike EMS, RoadRunnerSports offers quite a bit of information in their descriptions
these descriptions go beyond the simple brochure with the same information that can be
found on other sites. Featured on the page of each watch is a description, review, need
help tab, and video for the customer to watch to find out more information. The only
really big downfall that has in comparison to is that it
too does not provide different picture of the product from other angles or a size chart for
the customer to see how the watch would fit them. This could cause site visitors to not
want to purchase the watch if they could not see what size it was or what it looked like
from a different perspective.

Like, does not have unique content. When I searched
on using several different watch descriptions from RoadRunnerSports, I
found that each of them had content that appeared elsewhere. The percentage of same
description found was however much lower than was as was at
nearly 80 and the highest percentage found for RoadRunnerSports was around 50. had many more ads than did. Their ads appeared on
both the watches pages and were featured above the fold of the page.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

Overall does a much better job of filling the customer in on the most
important information about the product than does which is why I rated an 8 out of 10.

Recommendation for improvements:

The biggest recommendation that I have for is to offer more ways for viewers
to really want the watch. If more information, more reviews, more videos, and more
pictures are portrayed on the site, it may be easier for the viewer to want to purchase the
watch. Another thing that really needs to work on is making the content of
their site more unique. needs to make their content so unique and the
descriptions written so differently that it is the only site that has that content.

b. Engaging Content (Ce): Score: 4.5 out of 10 Score: 8 out of 10


The following chart below shows the average bounce rate, daily page views per visitor,
and the daily time on site of both and according to














These statistics really threw me off guard as I felt that RoadRunnerSports had a much
better website with better content. However, compared to, has a lower bounce rate, and a higher daily page view and daily time on site.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


So, EMS.coms content actually keeps viewers engaged longer on their site than does.

Both of these sites offer a place for reviews to be written and a place for customers to rate
a product on a 5 star rating system. Both sites also offer a tab where the product and the
site can be shared on social media networks. only offers for this to be shared
on Facebook and Twitter while offers for the viewer to share
things on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Twitter.

Recommendation for improvements:

Overall, other than having a lower bounce rate and users staying on the site longer, does not engage with their viewers very well. A good suggestion for
is to make their review tab more viewable, and add a place where current users of the
product can post pictures and reviews. This may help potential buyers make their
decision on what watch they want if they are able to see it from other angles in other
peoples pictures and read the things that they say. I think that could also really
benefit from adding more social media sites to link to other than just Facebook and

c. Social Signals (Sr, Ss): Score: 5 out of 10 Score: 8.5 out of 10


Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


When clicking on the social media pages that are linked to both and
RoadRunnerSports.coms websites, I found that has a very low social media
reputation. joined Facebook in 2008 and since then have only earned around 50,000 likes,
27 visits and 4.5 out of 5 stars. I noticed that the logo for the site has since changed but
has not been updated on the Facebook page. This could be why the page does not have
very many likes because it may be unrecognizable to people. They do seem to update
their posts quite often, however each post only had about 30 likes on average.

EMS also has a different logo on their Twitter site than they do on their website. They
have 6,567 tweets, they follow 1,374 people, and they have about 12.1k followers. They
seem to tweet quite often which is good because they are keeping their only three social
media sites updated frequent. Each tweet on average had about 1 favorite and 1 retweet
which tells me that they are having trouble reaching people through Twitter.

The last social media site that EMS uses is YouTube. They again have a different logo
than the one displayed on their website. They joined YouTube June 10, 2009 and since
have gained only 1,689 subscribers and 484,591 views. I noticed that their YouTube site
is also linked to their Google+ site. I found this to be really interesting because the
Google+ site is not linked on seems to have a much better social reputation than
does. They had almost double the amount of likes as did and about 5,200 more
likes. The logo for the site and the Facebook page were consistent which is good so that
viewers know what to look for when searching for Road Runner Sports. were the first
ones to pop up on Facebook and had the same logo as their website. The page is
frequently updated and the average number of likes on each post ranged anywhere form

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


35 to 300. Many of the posts also contained comments and shares which EMS.coms did

RoadRunnerSports twitter has 21.2k tweets, following 8,134, they have 15.9k followers,
and 5,786 favorites, and 0 retweets. RoadRunnerSports engages really well with their
followers by keeping up on the information. Their tweet amount, follower amount, and
favorite amount nearly doubles that of EMS Twitter page. Though the amount was nearly
doubled, EMS and RoadRunnerSports Twitter accounts both had around the same
number of retweets and favorites on each post.

Though neither of them have the links to it on their site, both EMS and
RoadRunnerSports have a Pinterest account. I simply went on my own Pinterest account
and search for the two, both came up immediately.

On Pinterest EMS has 45 boards, about 3,500 pins, 123 likes, 2,103 followers, and 125
following. RoadRunnerSports has 9 boards, 328 pins, 97 likes, 383 followers, and they
are following 90. This is the one area of social sites that EMS actually trumps
RoadRunnerSports in. However, the pins that they had were both fairly similar and were
both very basic, relevant topics.

Overall, for reputation RoadRunnerSports has a way better reputation.

According to, EMS is doing very poorly in comparison to
RoadRunnerSports in terms of shares.

For shares, EMS is doing bad compared to

RoadRunerSports. The site states that EMSs strength or likelihood of being discussed
in social media is at 1 percent, their reach or the number of people influenced by EMS is
only at 2 percent, their passion was 76 percent, and their sentiment or ratio of mentions
that are positive to those that are negative was 6:0.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


The site states that RoadRunnerSports strength or likelihood of being discussed in

social media is at 1 percent, their reach or the number of people influenced is at 4 percent,
their passion was 75 percent, and their sentiment or ratio of mentions that are positive to
those that are negative was 8:1. Passion is the only category that EMS is doing better in
and it was by only one percent.

Overall, RoadRunnerSports trumps EMS reputation and shares

Recommendation for improvements:

I recommend that EMS starts tweeting, liking, and posting more frequently. Though they
post frequently right now, they dont have very many views or very many likes. This
could be because they need to change the logo on their social media sites so that it is
recognizable to EMS shoppers. Once they change the logo, if they start to tweet and post
more often, they may see an influx in the number of likes and number of followers that
they have.


HTML: Current Keyword Location Analysis (Ht, Hd, Hh)

a. Title tags: Category Page: <title>Watches - Watches & Bands - Eastern Mountain
Sports</title> Category Page: <title>GPS Watches Road Runner Sports
Free Shipping! </title>

Explanation: I chose to analyze the GPS watches on both and because it is the product that we are trying to compare between
EMS and RoadRunnerSports. According to Googles SEO starter guide, title tags should
accurately describe the pages content, create unique title tags for each page, and use brief

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


descriptive titles. The HTML title tag is so important because it is how the user
understands what a page is going to be about.

EMS.coms title tag is poor because it does not provide specific information about what
the page is going to be about. It is also not unique because the only thing located in the
title tag is watches & bands. When I searched into Google for watches and bands at
over one million sites were listed with the same tag. The title tag is not descriptive
enough. has a much stronger title tag than as it is more unique
and descriptive. Rather than just having watches and bands it also includes the saying
free shipping which could earn a higher level on interest from

Recommendations for improvements: needs to come up a more unique way to stand out with its title tag for
Watches and Bands. If they would add something onto the end of it such as free
shipping like RoadRunnerSports did, it may spark a higher interested for viewers to want
to see the page. In short, their title tag needs to be more descriptive and more unique.

b. Description meta tag category Page: <meta name="description" content=Durable watches handle
tough action sports. Check out this great selection of watches from Eastern Mountain
Sports that are perfect for all kinds of athletes. />

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


! category Page: content="Get a new perspective on your training
with GPS Watches from Road Runner Sports. Invest in constant improvement w/ a new

Explanation: Meta tags allow for a site to suggest how a page will be viewed and
described in a search listing. These are so important because they are the main keywords
that are searched that are going to catch a site viewers eye. When using a search engine,
these are the things that a user is going to see. A good meta tag helps the user know what
the site is trying to sell and helps to get the user to purchase that. does a fairly good job at summarizing what they are trying to sell. They say in
the description that they have a great selection of watches that are perfect for all athletes.
Though this is broad, it will easily tell a user what the site they are going to visit is going
to have on it. This could be why had a lower bounce rate than did. also does a great job of
communicating the message at hand to the users by stating Get a new perspective on
your training with GPS Watches from Road Runner Sports. Invest in constant
improvement w/ a new GPS Watch - FREE SHIPPING! Again, it is really beneficial that
they are throwing FREE SHIPPING in their descriptions because it is really going to
catch a users eye when using a search engine if that is in the description.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


They do a good job of summarizing the content of their page in their meta tag.

Recommendations for improvements: could add a little more to their meta tag to make the user more aware of what
the content of their site is. They do a good job of letting the user know that they have a
great selection of watches, but it may be beneficial for them to put what kind of watches
they have such as putting GPS watches in the meta tag so that a user will automatically
know if has what they are looking for or not.

c. IMG names and ALT text

<img src="
pEMS1-15568416t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="SUUNTO Ambit2, Sapphire Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

<img src="
pEMS1-14168059t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="GARMIN Fenix Watch - Eastern
Mountain Sports" /></a>

<img src="
pEMS1-18606464t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="TOMTOM Runner Cardio GPS
Watch - Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


<img src="
pEMS1-16834087t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="TOMTOM Runner GPS Watch,
Pink - Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

<img src="
pEMS1-19784678t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="SUUNTO Ambit3 Peak GPS
Watch, Black - Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

<img src="
pEMS1-15568426t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="SUUNTO Ambit2 Watch, Black Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

<img src="
pEMS1-15568417t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="SUUNTO Ambit2 Watch, Silver Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

<img src="
pEMS1-19039073t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="GARMIN Forerunner 15 Watch,
Black/Green - Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


<img src="
pEMS1-19039071t100.jpg" class="productImage" alt="GARMIN Forerunner 15 Watch,
Black/Blue - Eastern Mountain Sports" /></a>


Alt text is the text behind an image. In other words, if a picture on a site will not load, the
alt text will tell the site visitor what they are supposed to be viewing. This is why it is so
important that alt text has enough descriptive information about the product to get the
point across to the user. The alt texts above repeats themselves quite a bit using phrases
such as GPS, GARMIN and TOMTOM frequently.

Recommendation for improvements:

To improve alt text I would suggest for EMS to make the alt text more descriptive and
avoid the repeat of words. If each of the watches above had the alt text that they have
now and none of the images on the page were loading, it would be hard for a user to tell
the difference between each watch because the words are repeated frequently. because it
could look like the images are repeating the words instead of describing the picture.


Architecture (As, Au, Am)

a. Speed (As) Score: 8 out of 10approx. 4.5 seconds Score: 6 out of 10approx. 7.7 seconds


Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


I chose to test both sites on their GPS watches page. The sites both were fairly quick,
however took longer to load than did. Below is the
exact bytes being used and what they are being used by.
















Recommendations for improvements:

By looking at the chart above, you can see that EMS is doing much better than in terms of how quick their page load time is. However, there are
a few areas that they can improve on, so if I had to give one recommendation, I would tell
EMS cut down on the amount of picture that they have because it seems as though those
loaded the slowest.

b. URLs (Au) Score: 6 out of 10 Score: 9 out of 10


For GPS watches they have this for their URL http://

For GPS watches, they have this for their URL:

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


Googles SEO best practices states that a URL should be to: use words, create a simple
directory structure, and provide one version of a URL to reach a document. has
a really long, pointless URL compared to Road Runner Sports. RoadRunnerSports URL
is short and to the point, which is also easier for a viewer to read. EMS.coms URL also
does not match the location of where the site visitor is at. EMS.coms URLs are not as
consistent throughout the site as URLs are. This makes it hard
for the viewer to know where they are at on the site.

Recommendations for improvements:

My suggestion to is to shorten their URLs and to make them relate more to the
specific page that the user is on so that it is easier for them to know where exactly they
are at on the site. I also think that they need to add actual words to the end of their URLs
rather than using long, difficult to read script.

c. Mobile (Am) Score: 5 out of 10 Score: 1 out of 10


Neither of these websites offer responsive designmeaning that they do not work on any
device and can work at any size. does however have a mobile version of their

Recommendations for improvements:

I would recommend that improve their user experience by making their
website responsive on a desktop so that when a viewer tries to make the page smaller, it
does not cut parts off of the page.


Links (Ln, Lq)

a. Link Number (Ln)

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!

21 No. of referring domains: 4,866 No. of referring domains: 4,336

b. Link Quality (Lq) No. of referring domains: 8 out of 10 No. of Referring Domains: 5 out of10


I ranked much higher than for the number of domains
for many reasons. 54 domains for are educational and 7 are governmental
domains while only had 32 educational and 4 governmental
referring domains. is on top of their competition in the number of links and
link quality as it has about six hundred more referring domains and almost double the
amount of educational and government referring domains as


Keyword Performance on SERPs for Recommended Keywords

Ranking of Recommended Keywords on





GPS Sports Watch




Garmin GPS Watch




Running GPS Watch




Ranking of Recommended Keywords on





GPS Sports Watch

Garmin GPS Watch




Running GPS Watch




Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


Explanation: does not rank in the top ten for any of these keyword phrases, while ranks in number 5 on Google, number 7 on Bing and number 6 on
Yahoo! for the key phrase GPS Sports Watch. The key phrases Garmin GPS Watch and










for key phrases are not all the most popular phrases as ranked by
Google, Bing, and Yahoo! however, they are specific phrases so they will have less
competition than a key phrase that is more broad. In order for to have a better
ranking with these three search engines, they must put these keywords in well-known places
such as above the fold, the upper left, headlines and navigation. These are the top places that
Google as well as a site visitor looks at for the most important information being displayed on
the page.This could help improve EMS.coms rankings.


Conclusions & Priority Recommendations

There are quite a few things that I feel could improve drastically on.

I think that one of the first things that they need to do is focus on the three key phrases that I
chose as I feel ike they will get them more site visitors. The second recommendation that I would
give is to have more advertisementseven if they are for their own site and are
promoting sales going on, having more advertisements will gain more interest from site users
especially if these advertisements are placed above the fold. needs to work on the quality of the content on their page. They need to stop answering
basic brochure questions. In other words, they need to stop being the same as other websites out

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!


there. Adding more descriptive information will help see more viewers on their site.
Going along with this, needs to have more unique content on their site as well. If the
description of the content on the site differs from other sites, it could bring less competition for

HTML title tags are extremely and needs to change their title tags from watches &
bands to something more specific so that the user knows what exact type of watches they are
searching for. This title watches & bands can be found on millions of other website and by
adding more to the title tag, could drive more traffic to their site because they were
more specific.

Next, needs to work on engaging their viewers. This can be done by adding more
interactive site features such as reviews where site users can upload photos, upload videos and
comment on the sustainability products and the experiences they have had with the product.

Social media is a huge issue for at the moment as the logo does not match up on their
sites and they have very few followers and likes. By tweeting and posting more frequently and
posting links back to the site, EMS could gain a better social media presence. It would
also be beneficial for them to link to more social media sites on and add more
information on each site about and what kind of content is on there. Adding
information about the content of on social media sites could get EMS more traffic to
their website.

Lastly, EMS needs to focus on getting a better meta tag. These tags need to better describe the
page as they are currently describing the entire page. The news descriptions needs to be more
unique so that a user may know to go to rather than go to a competing site.

Overall, has a lot to work on if they want to be a well-rounded site.

Kim Porter SEO Analysis!



Seo Guide: HTML Code & Search Engine Success Factors. Search Engine Land. Third Door

Media, n.d Web. 6 Nov. 2014.



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