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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2


Ms. Lean Happie Bustamante,

Re: Proposed amendments to the student handbook
Dear Maam,
Attached are the proposed amendments to the student handbook. If approved,
these shall be called First Amendments. Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Christopher Flake

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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2


A. ON CHEATING (E. Other Offenses, item No. 1) p.53:

E. OTHER OFFENSES. Item No. 1 reads:
Cheating during examination,
quiz, test or project (except
during final examination)

Failure in the examination, quiz,

test or project

Proposal (clarification on cheating):

The following rules shall apply to quizzes and major examinations except
the final examinations.

The following acts are considered cheating and therefore

punishable by zero-rating:
1. Looking at anothers paper;
2. Talking without prior permission from the instructor or
3. Using any electronic device without prior permission from the
instructor or proctor;
4. Possession of notes, books, or any review material while
taking an examination;
5. Any other act analogous to the foregoing.


A second offense shall be punished with zero-rating and

suspension for ten (10) class-days;


A third offense shall be punished with exclusion.


Cheating during the final examinations shall be punished with a

failing grade for the concerned subject. However, a repeat of this
offense shall be punished with exclusion.


To be added as item No. 7 under Other Offenses:

Plagiarism and other forms of unauthorized or improper
reproduction of a copyrighted material in any manner shape, or
form is strictly prohibited. The penalty of zero-rating shall be
imposed if committed in a report or term-paper.
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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2

If committed in a thesis, the penalty of disqualification from

graduation shall be imposed.
The following are acts of plagiarism:
a. Using another person's exact words without including
quotation marks and citation;
b. Using another person's words, but changing some of them, or
rearranging them;
c. Summarizing or paraphrasing another person's words without
citation; and
d. Other acts analogous to the foregoing.
Classrooms and classes must be respected. The following rules shall be
observed inside the classrooms:
1. Students must pay attention whenever the teacher is lecturing or a
student is reporting or reciting;
2. Anyone wishing to speak must raise his/her hand and wait to be
recognized before speaking. Do not interrupt;
3. When called to recite, the student must stand up before reciting and
must remain standing until told otherwise;
4. Sleeping in the classroom is prohibited;
5. Before leaving the classroom, students must ensure that the room is
litter-free, and the tables and chairs are in proper order.
C. Under the Code of Discipline (p.49):
D. Exclusion reads:
Any student who continues to violate rules despite warning and
suspension may be discharged from school.
Similarly, a student who commits a major offense maybe
dismissed at the first occurrence. Because of the severity of the
offense, he cannot be given another chance.

Proposed amendment:
The second paragraph should read:
The penalty of exclusion shall be imposed upon any student who shall
commit any of the offenses listed as GRAVE OFFENSE.

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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2

On Grave offenses (p.53):
To be added:
24. The commission of any act constituting a crime, whether committed
inside or outside of the campus, whether it resulted in a criminal
prosecution or not, and regardless of the degree of participation.
25. Making false accusation or giving false testimony in any proceedings
in the school or elsewhere;
26. Any act analogous to the foregoing. This amendment shall form part
as the last item under all classifications of offenses.


Proposed amendment:
The following rules shall apply to all complaints, disputes, and
other controversies where the defendant is a student:

Procedure where there is a private offended party:

1. Where the complainant and the defendant belongs to the same
college or department, the complaint must be addressed to the
Dean concerned or to the Principal, as in the case of the basic
education department, for amicable settlement;
2. Where the complainant and the defendant belongs to different
colleges or units, the complaint shall be filed with the Office of
Student Discipline for amicable settlement;
3. If the parties agreed to settle the dispute, the settlement must be
put in writing. The Dean or Principal concerned must keep a file of
such settlements. A copy must also be filed with the Office of
Student Discipline (OSD).
4. If the attempt to settle the dispute amicably failed, the following
procedure must be observed:
a. A written complaint must be filed with the OSD;

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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2

b. A Board of Discipline shall be constituted within two (2) class

days, from date the complaint is filed, to hear and decide the
c. The Board of Discipline shall be composed of the Prefect of
Student Discipline, a faculty member not belonging to the
college or unit of the parties involved, and a student leader, also
not belonging to the college or unit of the parties involved;
d. The defendant will be served with a notice of hearing with a
copy of the complaint attached within two (2) class days from
the filing of the complaint;
e. Both the complainant and the defendant shall have the right to
be assisted by a relative or counsel if they so prefer. However,
such relative or counsel may not speak during the hearing.
f. During the hearing, the complainant shall present his case first.
He or she may present object, documentary, or testimonial
evidence. The defendant shall then cross-examine the evidence
presented if so minded. Otherwise, he may proceed with the
presentation of his case;
g. The presentation of evidence shall be concluded within one
hearing-day only;
h. The decision of the board of discipline shall be rendered not
later than two class-days after the presentation of evidence;
i. If the complainant shall fail to appear during the hearing without
any valid reason, the complaint shall be dismissed with
j. If the defendant shall fail to appear during the hearing without
any valid reason, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to
a hearing. The case shall then be decided based upon evidence
on hand;
k. The decision of the Board of Discipline shall become final and
executory after the lapse of two (2) class days from service of
the decision and no appeal has been perfected.

Procedure where the complaint involves a violation of the Code of

Conduct and where there is no private offended party and where
the penalty imposable does not exceed suspension:
1. A written complaint must be filed with the OSD;
2. The defendant shall be served with a notice of hearing with a copy
of the complaint attached within two (2) class days from the filing of
the complaint;

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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2

3. The defendant shall have the right to be assisted by a relative or

counsel if he/she so prefer. However, such relative or counsel may
not speak during the hearing.
4. During the hearing, the complainant shall present his case first. He
or she may present object, documentary, or testimonial evidence.
5. The defendant shall then cross-examine the evidence presented if
so minded. Otherwise, he may proceed with the presentation of his
6. The presentation of evidence shall be concluded within one
hearing-day only;
7. The Prefect of Student Discipline shall render a decision within two
(2) class days from the conclusion of the hearing.
8. If the complainant shall fail to appear during the hearing without any
valid reason, the complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice;
9. If the defendant shall fail to appear during the hearing without any
valid reason, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to a
hearing. The case shall then be decided based upon evidence on
10. The decision shall become final and executory after the lapse of
two (2) class days from service of the decision and no appeal has
been perfected.





Procedure where the complaint involves a violation of the Code of

Conduct and where there is no private offended party and where
the penalty imposable includes exclusion:
A written complaint must be filed with the OSD;
The Board of Discipline shall be constituted within two (2) class
days, from date the complaint is filed, to hear and decide the case;
The Board of Discipline shall be composed of the Prefect of
Student Discipline, a faculty member not belonging to the college or
unit of the parties involved, and a student leader, also not belonging
to the college or unit of the parties involved;
The defendant will be served with a notice of hearing with a copy of
the complaint within two (2) class-days from the filing of the
Both the complainant and the defendant shall have the right to be
assisted by a relative or counsel if they so prefer. However, such
relative or counsel may not speak during the hearing.
During the hearing, the complainant shall present his case first. He
or she may present object, documentary, or testimonial evidence.
The defendant shall then cross-examine the evidence presented if

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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2




so minded. Otherwise, he may proceed with the presentation of his

The presentation of evidence shall be concluded within one
hearing-day only;
The decision of the board of discipline shall be rendered not later
than two class-days after the presentation of evidence;
If the complainant shall fail to appear during the hearing without any
valid reason, the complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice;
If the defendant shall fail to appear during the hearing without any
valid reason, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to a
hearing. The case shall then be decided based upon evidence on
The decision of the Board of Discipline shall become final and
executory after the lapse of two (2) class days from service of the
decision and no appeal has been perfected.
The decision of the Prefect or the Board of Discipline may be
appealed to the Office of the President within a non-extendible period
of two (2) class days. After which time, the decision shall become

1. For Male Students:
a. Black wool pants (not tight-fitting)
b. White polo
c. Plain white undershirt
d. Black leather shoes with socks
e. Hair must be short and neat-looking
f. Outlandish hair styles and colors are prohibited
g. Ear-piercing and other forms of body piercings and wearing of
earrings are prohibited.
h. Tattoos and other forms of skin-arts may be allowed only if
these will be hidden by the school uniform.
2. For Female Students:
a. White blouse.
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Proposed amendment to the Student Handbook.

Draft 2

b. Skirt must be of the prescribed textile and must be three (3)

inches below the knee in length.
c. Tight-fitting skirts are not allowed.
d. Closed-toe black leather shoes with 1 inch to 2 inches heels.
e. Outlandish hair fashion, make-up, or accessories are prohibited.
f. Body piercings, other than the traditional ear-piercings, are
g. Tattoos and other forms of skin-arts may be allowed only if
these will be hidden by the school uniform.
3. Employed students may be excused from wearing the school uniform if
the following requisites are complied with:
a. There is a required work uniform; and
b. The uniform is in the nature of corporate or business attire.
c. Business casual is allowed.

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