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TSL 3143 Task 3

Based on this course and the task I have done, there are many things and
new knowledge that I gained and learnt in order to improve and enhance myself to
be a good teacher towards the new era of education. Firstly, through this course and
the task given, I have learnt about many theories regarding curriculum policies and
development, as well as curriculum progression throughout the years in Malaysia.
Besides, I also realized that the roles of the teachers nowadays become more
challenging. It is not talking about the teachers roles in the classroom but also to
produce the young generations of the country to become more responsibility and to
mould the individuals with good values. Meanwhile, finishing the task in this course
teaches me, how difficult for me to complete the task together with other
commitments and I learnt that teaching also is not an easy task. There are a lots of
distractions and challenges that waiting for me in the future as a new era teacher.
I have learnt a lot in completing this assignment, for example, what are the
factors that need to be considered in designing a curriculum? According to
Commonwealth of Learning (2000:8) "The central pattern of curriculum design is
further influenced by the number of subjects in the national curriculum." In support of
the above, normally, a school cannot include on its list a subject that is not on the
national curriculum, so the school curriculum is limited to what the national list has to
In addition to national goals, the school curriculum is influenced greatly by the
mental, physical and emotional requirements of the child. The school curriculum
developers look at the child's level of development and maturity. The juniors should
be given what they can handle in terms of depth and quantity. For example, in
science at the primary level, there is more concern with the systems and processes
that affect the learner's life without giving the principles and theories behind them. At
higher levels, the physical, chemical the principles and theories that explain them.
The level of complexity increases as the mental capacity of the learner develops.
Learning experiences increase in intensity and complexity with increased
manipulative skills. Thus the physical condition of the learners also influences the
selection of subjects and experiences. One cannot teach art appreciation to children
in a school for the blind and under normal conditions; one would not teach music to
the deaf (Ministry of Education, 1996).
As a conclusion, there are many new knowledge and experiences that I have
learnt and gained through this course. It is very beneficial for me as the teacher and I
will practices the theories and knowledge learnt during my teaching in the future.
Curriculum development affect from diversity opens learning opportunities. Social
diversity including religion, culture and social groupings affects curriculum

development because these characteristics influence the types of topics and

methods for teaching information. Developing relevant curriculum takes into account
society's expectations, accommodating group traditions and promoting equality.

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