DPWH Minimum Test Requirements PDF

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EXISTING SCHEDULE OF MINIMUM TEST REQUIREMENTS 8 9 a Sopenmae WE Ted Schegule of Minzmum Test fecuirements Goveraine Items’ of Work of the DPWH Standard Spec: fications = Yor Highways. Bradqes and Airports, 1988 . (VOLUME TT) . part C+ = Chearing sae Urabbang Tes dure - Kemoval of Structures and Obstruction Teeta: Me Excavat = fewte: Same a for frou 105. 104d ard 108 ye chever Ls applseabl trues Paonaathor . ete oes ke tnt be vex uae aavedvet wheal De reper that duakaty sortros regu ne6 naa e oraanady. Suomi Pe er Certificate of Ly owseaveted matersals are brag ther tests, geome Tdi am or Traction there beg, Grading Tent bey Praetnauty Test tba Pla Fd query TS mm Layer ie uncomparted depth Oy field Densaty © @ i 1-C, Laboratgry Compaction Test For each 500 m@ of cach layer of compacted fill or fraction thereof at least one group of three in-situ density teste. The lavers shall be placed not exceeding 200 mm in loose measurement or based on the result of compaction trials. ‘Subgrade Preparation Same as for Item 104 Compaction Equipment and Density Control Strips Tests: Same as for Items 104. 105, 200, 201. 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 and 300 Overhaul Tests: None PART D - SUBBASE AND EASE COURSE a - Agaregate Subbase Course Tests: For every 300 m® or fraction thereof: iG. Grading Test I-P, Plasticity Test (LL. PL. PI) For everv 1500 m° or fraction thereof 1-C. Laboratory Compaction Test For every 2500 ° or fraction thereot: 1-CBR, California Bearing Ratio Test For every layer of 150 ma of compacted depth/based on the results of compaction trials. At least one agoup of three in-situ density tests for each 600 m* or fraction thereof. Aggregate Base Course Tests: For every 300 m° or fraction thereof: 1-G. Grading Test tem 202 - tem 203 ~ 1-P, Plasticgty Test o (LL, PL, PI) For every 1500 m’ or fraction thereof: 1-@, Quality Test for: (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) + 1G. Laboratory Compaction Test For every layer of 150 mm of compacted depth/based on the results of compaction trials: At least one groyp of three in-situ density tests for each 500 mm * or fraction thereof. Crushed Agaresate Base Course Tests: Same ac for Item 201 For every 1500m? or fraction thereof: “LF, Frectured Face Lime Stabilized Road Mix Base Course Amount of Lime to be adde: 3 to 12 mass percent of dry soil aggregate Tests: A. Soil Agsregate For every 300m* or fraction thereof: i+G, Grading Test I-P, Plasticity Test (LL. PL, PI) + For every 1800m° or fraction thereof: 1@. Quality Test for: (Grading, Plasticity and abracion) B. Mix For every 300m? or fraction thereof: 1-C. Laboratory Compaction Test 1-UC, Unconfined Compression Test 1-CBR, California Bearing Ratio Test Nw ww €. Compacted Base Course For every layer to 150mm compacted depth iD. Field Density Test for every 150m or fraction thereof Thickness determination for every 150m or fraction thereof D. Hydrated Lime For every 100 t or fraction thereof: 1-@. Quality Test Item 204 - Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base Course Amount Amount of Cement to be added: 6 to 10 mass of dry soil aggregate A, Soil Agarewave ~sume as for Leem 203 B. Cement 1-@, Quality Test for every 2000 bags or fraction thereof C. Water 1-@, Quality Test/Project Engineer’s Certificate For every 300 m? or Zraction thereof i-C, Laboratory Compaction Test 1-UC. Unconfined Compression Test Le R. California Bearing Ratio Test E. Compacted Base Course layer of 150 mm compacted depth i-D. Field Densitv Test for every 150 m or fraction thereof - i-T. Thickness determination for every 150 m 239 ww ed or fraction thereof Item 205 - Asphalt Stabilized Road Mix Base Course Amount of Asphalt to be added: - “4 to 7 mass of dry soil aggregate Tests: A. Soil Aggregate ~ same as for Item 203 B. Emulsified Asphalt: i1-@, Quality Test for every 40 t or or fraction thereof drums C. Mix - Same as for [tem 203 P. Compacted Base Course - Same as for Item 203 Item 206 - Portland Cement Treated Plant Mix Base Course Amount of Cement to be added: 6 to 10 mass% of dry soil aggremate Soil Aggregate Tests Same as for Item 203 Portland Cement Tests For every 2000 bags or fraction thereof: i-@, Quality 3-@, Quality Test/Project &: Certificate Tests: Same as for Item 204 Base Cour: For every layer of 150 mm compacted depth i-D, Field Density Test for every 150 m or fraction thereof i-T, Thickness determination for every 150 m or fraction thereof 207 - Aggregate Stockpile Teste: Same as the svecified Item No. of the Specifications PART E - SURFACE COURSE 2e Course Agaresate Surt Teste: For every S00 m? or fraction thereot Grading Test ot (PL, g yt or fraction thereof: action Test i-@, Quality Test for: (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) vy laver of 150 mm of compacted depth/based on the results of compaction trials. At least one gyoup of three in-situ density tests for each 600 mn“ or fraction thereof. Gravel or Crushed Stone. 1500 m? or on thereof: i-F, Fractured Face Bituminous Prime Coat Quantity: 1 to 2 Lym for every 4U t or 206 drume 241 Now ~ Item 302 - Bituminous Tack Coat ~ Quantity: 0.2 to 0.7 T/m@ Testo: 1 @, Quality Test for overy 40 & er 200 drums Item 303 Bituminous Seal Coat A. Bituminous Materials @uantitv: 0.2 to 1.5 L/n® Teste: 1-@, Quality Test Zor every 40 t or 200 drums. Cover Agaregates Quantity: From § to 14 ke/m@ iH Tests: For every 75 m9/200 ke or fraction chereot: 1-G. Grading Test Item 3¢4 ~ Bituminous Surface Treatment - AL Agere Quantity: Cut-Bagk Asphalt or Asphalt Cement-13.6 0 ke/m™ Enulsified Asphalt 13.6 to 19.04 ka/m? For every 75 m¥/200 ka or fraction thereof: 1-G. Grading Test Plasticity Test (PL. LL. Pt) For every 1500 m? or Zraction thereof 1-@. Quality Test for: (Grading. Plasticity, Abrasion. Stripping and Bulk Specific Gravity) 1-F, Fractured Face : 1 B. Bitur Quantity: Ne a B. Bituminous Materials Quantity: Using Cut Back Agphalt or Aophalt Cement 1.58 to 2.04 Lym Using Bmuisified Asphalt - 1.58 to 2.04 Lym? Same as for Item 301 Item 305 - Bituminous Penetration Macadam Pavement A. Aggregates Quantity: Using Asphalt Cement or Rapid Curing Coarse (Crushed) - - 90 kesm® Key (Crushed) (13.& 11) 24 ke/m* ver (Crushed or screened: - 8 kay: n Using Emulgified Asphalt Coarse (Crushed) - ke /m 2 Choker (Coushed) key Key (Crushed) . (10.8 8) 18 (Crushed or screened) ~ 8 kavm™ Cover Same as for Item 304 nous Materials 7.2 to LL bye” or Item 301 Surface Course 243 New / B. Bituminous Materials Quantity: Using Cut Rack Asphalt 4.5 to 7.0 mass % of total dry aggregate Using Emulsified Asphalt-6.0 to 10.0 mass % of total dry ageresate Tests: Same as for Item 301 Tests: For every 75 m°/130 u or fraction thereof 1G. Grading Te. i Ext.. Extraction 1 -Sty., Stability 1-C, Laboratory Compaction For every 100 t or traction tnervot: sts: 1-@, Quality Test bs Compacted Pavement For each full day’s operation: & T (Density and Thi Least one (i) but note a mples shall be taken. Item 307 - thereof iG & DP, Grading and Pla: ity Tests For every 1500 m° or fraction thereof: Guality Test for: (Grading. Plasticity. Abrasion. Stripping and Bulk Specific Gravity) a ae nag Item 308 - Near ww 1-F. Fractured Face Bituminous Materials Quantity: §.0to_8.0 maso % of total dry aggregate Tests: 1 @. Quality Test for each 40 t or fraction thereof C. Mix Tests: For every 75 m°/130 t or fraction thereof: 1-G. Grading Test 1-Ext.. Extraction 1-Sty., Stability 1-C. Laborator: Compaction dD. Lime E B: AL w P overy Mineral Filler Tests: For every 75 m° or fraction thereof: 1-G & P. Grading and Plasticity Test. (LL, PL. PT) full day’s operation D&T (Density and Thickness Teets) - at least one (1) but not more than three (3) samples shall be taken. Atuminous Plant - Mix Surface Course, Cold-Laid Averenate Using Cut Back Asphalt 4.5 to 7.0 maso Percent of total dry aggremate c. Using Emulsified Asphalt-6.0 to 10.0 mass percent of total dry agereates 245 D w ws Tests: 1-Q, Quality Test for every 40t or 200 drums Mix Tests: Same as for Item 907 Hydrated Lime Tests: Same as for Item 307 Mineral Filler For every 75 m® or fraction thereof: Tests: 1-G & P, Grading and Plasticity Tests (LL, PL. PT) Compacted Pavement Tests: Same as for Ttem 307 Bituminous Plant -Mix (Stockpile Maintenance Mixture) AL Raarenate ests: Same as for Item 307 Bituminous Materials Quantity: 4 to 10 mass % of total mix Tests: i-@, Quality Test for every 40 t or 200 drums Mix ‘3 re Item 307 cete: Same as f Hydrated Lime Tests: Same as for Item 307 Mineral Filler Teste: Same as for Item 307 Compacted Pavement Tests: Same as for Item 307 Item 310 AL B. c u we ww ‘Bituminous Conerete Surface course. Kot Laid Arercrates Tests: Same as for Item 307 Bituminous Materials 2 5.0 to 8.0 mage % of total ary aggregate Quantit: Mix Tests: Same as for Item 307 Hydrated Lime Tests: Same as for Item 307 Mineral Filler ame as for Item 307 d Pavemony Same as for Item 307 ment Concrete Pavement Cement ality: 9.00 bags m? (40 ka/eua) ‘action the Test 4. 0.50 m9/m? oncrete (if rounded coarse aggres: ate is used) 2. 0.54 m9/m? concrete (if angular coarse aggregate is used) este: For every 1500 m° or fraction thereof: 4 Naw ww a. For a source not vot tes previous quality test ed, or failed in 1-Q, Quality Test for: Grading. Elutriation (Wash), Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Mortar Strongth, Soundness. Organic Impurities, Unit Woight. % Clay Jumpe and Shale. For a source previously tested and passed quality test: 1-@, Quality Test for: Grading. Elutriation (Wash). Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption and Mortar Strength For every 75 m° or fraction thereof: L rading Test C. Coarse Aggregate Quantity: 1. 0.77 m/m* concrete (if rounded coarse aggregate is used) 9.68 m’/m” concrete (if angular coarse aggregate is used) to: For every 1500 m® or fraction thereof: a. For a source previously tested and passed ouality tests: 1 @. Quality Test for Grading, Bull Specific Gravity, Absorption, Abrasion. Soundness and Unit Weight Por 4 source previously tested and vassed quality test: o 1-@, Quality Test for: Grading, Bulle Specific Gravity, Adsorption and Abrasion For overy 75 m® or fraction thereof: 1-G. Grading Test vs Tests: 1 Certificate from Project Fnaineor or IQ, Quality Test, if source is questionable Joint Filler Poured Joint Filler ste: 1-Q, Quality Test on each type of ingredient for each shipment 2. Premolded Joint Filler i-@. Quality Teet on each thickness of filler for each shipment Special C uring Agente Tests: For every 10.000 kg or fraction thereof for each size 1°@, Quality Test for Bending, Tension and Chemical Analysis Concrete Teste: Flexural ¢: Samples: ath Test on Concrete Boam i set consisting of,3 beam samples shall represent a 330 m° of pavement, 230 mn depth. or fraction thereof placed cach dav. Volume of concrete not more than 75 n°. leted Pavement Teste: Thickness determination by concrete core drilling on a lot basis Pive (5) holes per km per lane or five (8) holes per 500 mwhen 2 lanes are poured concurrently. Nowe 4 PART F - BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Ttem 400 Piling “a. Timber Piles Tests: -Inepection Report for each size and shipment of Timber B. Concrete Piles a. Conerete Tests: Same as for Item 405 b. Reinforcing Steel Teste: Same as for Item 404 C. Structural Piles Tests: 1-@, Quality Test/Mill Test Certificate 1-IR, Inspection Report Item 401 - Railings A. Concrete Tests: Same as for Item 405. Class C - Reinforcing Steel Teste Same as for tem 402 - Timoer Structures Test: est on Manufacturer’s Certificate type of materials used 1 Insnection Report for each sice and shipment of timber ten 403 ~ Metal Structures » Quality Test or Mill Test Certificate for each type of materials used i-Inse) jon Report for each tyse”and shipment of 250 al used Item 404 - ReinfoNiing Steel Nd A. Bar reinforcement for concrete for every 10,000 kg " or fraction thereof for each size: -@, Quality Test for Bending. Tension and Chemical Analysis B. Wire and Wire Mesh iG. Quality Test Item 405 - Structural Conerete A. Cement ntity: (40 ke/bag) Class A bare/my of concrete Clause B bare/m3 of concrete Class ¢ bags/m3 of concrete Class P 11.0 bags/m® of concrete Tests: For every 2000 bane or fraction thereof 4-Q. Quality Test ne Aggregate a. For a source not yet tested or failed in previous quality test . 1G, Quality Test £o: Grading, Elutriation (Wash). Bulk Specific Gravity. Absorption. Mortar Strength, Soundness, Organic z Impurities, Unit Weight, % Clay Lumps and Shale r & source previously tested and passed quality best: t-@, Quality Test for: Grading. Flutriation (Wash), Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption E fw New and Mortar Strength For avery 75 m° on fraction thereof: LB. Grading Tess Coarse Aarrogates 3,3 quantity: m°/n? of concrete For Rounded.Ch For. Angular ca Class 0.68 Class : 0.73 Class -70 0. 68- Class 68 0.65 Tests: For every 1500 m? or fraction thereof: erg oer ee, NOt Vet tested or failed in Previous quality testo: -2, @uality Test for: Grading, Bulk: ecific Gravity, Absorption. Abrasion, Soundness and Unit Weight & For @ source previously tested and passed guality test: 1-@, Quality Test for: Grading, Absorption, Bulk Specific Gravity and Abrasion 3 For every 75 m° or fraction thereof: 1G, Grading To. 1 tificate from Project Engineer 1. Quality Test. if cource is questionable Premolded Filler for expansion joints Tests 1-@. Quality Test on each thickness of filler for each shipment 8 Kaw ws /F. Steel Reinforcement 1-@. Quality Test for every 10,000 kg or fraction thereof for each size Compressive strength test on concrete rosamples. 1 set consicting of 3 concrete cylinder samples shall be taken from eae! gday’s pouring and to represent not more thun 75 mo of concrete or fraction thereof rm Item 406 » Prestressed Concrete Structures Tests: Same as for Item 405, Class P Steel Reinforcement Tests: Same as for Item 404 C. Wire Strang Tests: 1-Q. for every 20 t or fraction thereof tem 407 - Concrete Structures Tests: Same Test as for Items 403, 404, 405 and 411. Elastomeric Bearing Pad will be tested to determine its quality 408 - Steel Bri, Tests: Same Test as for Item 403 and 411 VQ. One 20-L can for every 100 cans or fraction thereof or 4-@. One 4-L can for every 100 cane or fraction thereof fen 409 — Welded Structural Steel Tests: Same Test as for Item 403 and Inspection Report. 253

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