What Makes and Action "Right" or "Wrong"? Who Has The Authority To Judge Between Good and Evil?

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Topic 1: The Search Engine(Bible)

If someone asked you to describe the Bible, how would you respond?
What biases do you have about the Bible (either positive or negative)?
In what areas of your life might the Bible offer insights for transformation?

Topic 2: Oh My G (Knowing God)

What is the difference between knowing God and just knowing about God?
Describe in your own words the four characteristics or evidences of people who do
know God. Think about how your own life measures up to these four characteristics.
What are your strongest and weakest?

Topic 3: Selfie Pa more (Sin)

What makes and action right or wrong? Who has the authority to judge between good and evil?

1. How do you feel when you give into temptation? A) Guilty, B) Frustrated, C) Hope
God isnt watching, D) Enjoy the moment, E) Pray for forgiveness.
1. Are you more likely to sin when alone or when with certain people? Do you give in
to peer pressure? When are you most vulnerable? (Psalm 141:4)
2. Where are you most likely to feel tempted? At home? In classes? On the job?
Somewhere else? Can you avoid this place? (Proverbs 22:5) If not, how can you best
deal with the temptation?
Have you even justified or rationalized giving in to temptation by saying: (a)
Everybodys doing it, (b) No one is perfect, (c) God will forgive me, so I might as well
do it, (d) God wants me to have a little fun, (e) I didnt know it was wrong, (f) Maybe
there are some benefits in committing the sin, (g) something else
Topic 4: The Greatest Al Dub You(The Greatest Love)
What is your definition of unconditional love?
Who are the people in our lives that are easiest to love? Who are the people in our
lives that are the most difficult to love?
How do we show our love for God?

Are there limits to love? Are some people more worthy of love than others? Are
there some people who do not deserve love?

Topic 5: Let it Go ( Conversion/Repentance)

Have you ever felt like you need to clean up your life before turning it over to
Jesus Christ? Do you sometimes feel Jesus wants you not for who you are now, but
for who you could be?
Have you ever confessed a sin to a trusted believer and received prayers? Why did
you feel the need to do so? Has anyone ever betrayed your trust?
How can confession benefit you in healing past wounds?
When you feel the need to confess a sin and seek the support and love of a
Christian friend, to whom would you go (what qualities does the person have)?
What would you say and how would you react if a Christian friend asked you if
he/she could confess a sin to you? How would you prepare yourself?
Topic 6: Unseparable Sweetheart (Law and Grace)
Does our sin give God an opportunity to be more gracious? (verse 7)
Are people really worthless, no one good for anything? (verses 10-12)
If the law cant declare us righteous, what is it good for? (verse 20)

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