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Is Coalition Politics here to stay?

I think there is nothing wrong with coalition Politics as long as both

the parties share common views and have common agenda in the
welfare of public and society.
Coalition Politics has its pros and cons.
The largest advantage of coalition govt. is that it allows regional
parties to participate equally into a decision and to bring Regional
problems to the center.
A Coalition govt. represents the true spirit of Democracy. It is a govt.
of people, by the people, and for the people. Votes are divided in the
name of communities, religions and caste because our country is a
pluralistic society which values diversity.
A coalition govt. reflects the true essence of democracy. Since many
of the coalition members do not share common ideology. And
different ideology brings different dimension to discuss about
particular decision.
But, on the other hand there are some disadvantages of coalition govt.
First of all, Coalition sometimes give power to the members to whom
majority of people didn't want to elect.
Second of all , Coalition politics is highly insecure. Forming alliance
is filled with challenges and each coalition member suffers from
insecurities regarding the alliance. There is need to consider the
demands of each member to keep the alliance intact.
Political parties will continue to rely on coalition politics regardless of
electoral verdicts.

Ultimately, it all depends on the competency of the govt. and not

weather it's a coalition or individual party, that plays an important role
in impacting the welfare of people.
Is India moving away from Secularist State?
Secularism may be divided into two broad types:
Hard secularism: the state strives to maintain an absolute
homogeneity among its population. Any display of religious
symbolism in public is considered illegal. The French version of
secularism is an example of hard secularism. In such a system, the
state holds the right to prohibit an individual from sporting a turban or
a cross or a skull cap in public.
Soft secularism: It is further subdivided into two types- (1) secularism
as in the USA: the state has absolutely nothing to do with any
religion. People are allowed to freely practice their religion, but the
state does not take into consideration the religion/religious sentiments
of any section of its citizenry while carrying out any of its activities.
(2) secularism as in India: the state is separate from religion but it
does take into consideration the religion/religious sentiments of all
sections of its citizenry while carrying out its activities. It neither
follows an approach of active hostility towards pluralism nor does it
believe in passive indifference to people's believes. It instead follows
an approach of 'principled distance' to all religion. It does not strive to
achieve homogeneity in the country but rather strives to uphold the
diversity and plurality of the country within the ambit of the
Constitution of the country.
Secularism is the key vote bank for any country in the world. It has
many faces, and India stands tall in showing them. Other countries
have limited approach in securing other religions. That is the only
difference we got for now. As humans, any politician would use
secular to either divide or to save oneself from loosing.

In India, Common people like us, doesn't care much about religion as
we are much concerned about caste. Whereas in other
countries,though they are open to any religion but they are much
concerned about their race superiority and financial safety.
If they feel other country people are stealing their opportunity, we
know how they react.
The definition of secularism remained same but approach per
individual changed.
Approach to secularism depends on financial stability of a country to
an individual.
I am good and you are good, financially then no problem to
I am bad and you are bad still has no problem
But either of us get bad and the other is good financially, then
secularism is effected.
Political approach:
"They are treating us like second class citizens, in reality we have
same right as them. Let's raise our voice for our right "
That single line can start communal violence any where in the world.
Finally, comparison is only for, how well the secularism can get
effected in different countries. For which we have had many examples
from the kingdoms to the corporate industries. But the ideology of
being secular is still same any where in the world, if every person
stays happy financially.

Hello everyone, My name is Akshit Sharma

I don't agree with the statement that our country is moving away from
being Secularist state.
Yes, in our recent past there are some incidence where you can say
that there is some regional intolerance in our country. But, only a
couple of incidents cannot force our country to move from being
secularists state. People of different caste, religion and creed are still
living with same camaraderie. And still people of every religion have
equal rights to enjoy every facility and to hold any position in India.

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