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Advert Title: Haribo Tangfastic

Who made the advert and when was it broadcast?

The Haribo Tangfastic advert made by the film production company Quiet Storm which was first broadcasted on Monday 15th
February 2016.

What is the overall message of the advert?

The overall message of this advert is to unite the young and old. Furthermore, it ignites your inner childness self because the men
in the advert are big rugby players who have the voices of children.

What persuasive technique(s) are used?

Reward and Punishment is used in this advert because if you buy the Haribo Tangfastics and you are young you will be able to
taste the amazing tangy flavours that the men are talking about. However, if you are an adult and you buy the Haribo Tangfastics it
will release your childlike enthusiasm.
Also, this advert highlights that it brings people together because the group of rugby players all huddle up together to enjoy the
sweets. They use voice overs of children's voices to add humour to the advert because the men look very manly but when they talk
they have high pitched children's voices.
What is the form of the advert?
The advert is a tv advert which is also hosted at the cinema.

Maslows Hierarchy Used:

Love and belonging is used in this advert because the men are all sharing the Haribos therefore it implies that people are brought
closer due to eating these sweets.

Target Audience: >15-35


How do you know?

The advert is aimed at boys.

The advert is aimed at boys because there are males in the

advert therefore boys could aspire to look like them when they
are older due to them being playing rugby as a sport which is a
dominant game.
The working class and above will buy the haribos because they
all work therefore will be able to buy them for either themselves
or their children.

Class- working class and above

Socio-Economic Group(s)

How do you know?

C1, C2, D

Haribos are in every supermarket which is where the people in

these socio economic groups will shop.


How do you know?


hey are the youngest of all of the segments with a median

age of 25. They are consumers of clothing, fast food and
music. Therefore they will probably be a consumer of Haribos.

Geo-demographics (if appropriate)

How do you know?

Mise en scene
Props & Settings


The advert is set on a rugby pitch which implies that the advert
influences young boys to take up a sport. If they do take up a
sport they will turn out like the men in the advert.
The only prop they use in the advert is the haribos. This makes
the audience aware that they are advertising Haribo.

The orange haribo bag is symbolic because the orange

symbolises enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is definitely represented
in the advert because the men are very enthusiastic about the
sweets to make people buy them.

Lighting & Colour


High Key Lighting

High key lighting has been used in the haribo advert to give it
an upbeat feel to it. Plus, it needs to be symbolic for the genre
reinforcing that whoever buys the product will release their
childlike enthusiasm.



Cutting Editing

Cutting editing had been used in the haribo advert to make the
advert a whole which flows seamlessly. The advert has many
cuts which makes it fast pace. The advert needs to be fast
pace to make it memorable for the target audience.

Facial Expressions & Body Language


The men have enthusiastic facial expressions because they are

pretending to be children and when children enjoy something
they are very enthusiastic about it.
Also, the men pull strange faces because the sweets are tangy.

Positioning of objects and characters in the frame


The men are close together in a circle which implies that they
are friends.

This symbolises that when you eat haribos it will bring you
closer together with people and also you will enjoy them better
if you share them with other people.

The haribo packaging

The product is in the first and second rule of third and the
haribo bear is in the third rule of third. The linguistics on the
packaging is bold and expressive so it stands out to the

Costume, hair & Make up


The costumes that the rugby players are wearing is a rugby kit

Their rugby kit is also orange which symbolises enthusiasm.

which puts them in the setting of playing rugby.

Camera Shots


Long shot

The advert starts off with a long shot to set the scene of being
on a rugby pitch. This technical code allows the audience to
understand that the advert is set here, plus they are able to
see the characters in a long shot instead of close ups.
The close up of the Haribo bag implies that because they are
advertising Haribo the audience need to be aware of this, so
the close up suggests that the audience will immediately know
that they promoting Haribo.
Also, there is an extreme close up of the Haribo sweet to allow
the audience to see what the sweet looks like and how good it
looks. They will be put in awe so that they will want to buy the
There are various over the shoulder shots because there is a
large number of people in the advert, so to get close up to the
main people talking the camera will need to look over the
shoulder of some people.
The technical mid shot puts a lot of the characters in the frame
so that the audience feel involved in the advert making them
more likely to buy the haribo tangfastic sweets.

Close Up

Extreme close up

Over the shoulder shot

Mid Shot

Diegetic Sound


They have used dialogue which is diegetic sound because you

The technical code implies that if you eat haribos you will

can see where the source of sound is coming from however it is

not their own voices. In fact they've used voice overs of children
to make the audience aware that it is the haribo advert.

become immature.

Non-Diegetic Sound



The whistle implies that the advert has begun and you should
make sure that you keep watching.

Theme tune

The haribo theme tune is a technical code because the

audience will automatically be made aware that it is the haribo
advert. Therefore when they listen to the theme tune there is a
higher chance that they are going to buy the product because
they recognise the tune.

What representations are created (positive and negative)

By using the voice over of the children's voices on the rugby players it is used as being a countertype because the men are made
to look cuter by having these child voice overs. Without the voice overs the advert wouldn't make sense due to using immature
vocabulary. The representation of these men is presented positively because they have used child voice overs but without these
they would be represented as being normal men. Also, Haribo haven't used the stereotype of using physical active men suggesting
that boys don't need to look like the ideal physical active, dominant male in society. Furthermore, they have used mainly white
men, however they have used one black man and have represented him in a negative way by making him look like the immature
one by challenging the countertype.

In your opinion, what legal or ethical codes could arise (ofcome & ASA / BCAP?)
he BCAP code 13.2 could arise because the haribos could encourage poor nutritional habits or an unhealthy lifestyle, especially
in children because by using the children's voice overs it is mainly attracting this young audience.

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