Part D - Advert Analysis

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TV Advert Analysis

Holidays Are Coming - Coca Cola Christmas Advert

Who made the advert and

when was it broadcast?
The advert was created by Coca Cola and
the advert was made back in November

What Is The Overall Message Of The Advert?

The overall message of this advert was to advertise Coca-Cola to a widespread
community and to try to generate more sales of the product by advertising it at one
of the most busiest times of the year.

What form of advertising is used and which Maslow

Hierarchy is used?
The form of advertising used by
Coca Cola on this advert is
brand advertising. The level of
Maslows Hierarchy that is used
is Love/Belonging.

Target Audience
The target audience of this advert is a wide range of
people, all ages of those who drink products. Mostly it's
aimed at those who are over 12 years old.

I feel that this advert is
aimed at all age groups
regardless of their age,
gender or occupation.
On the advert there are a
wide variety of people that
are different ages, some
look as young as 5 or 6 and
other that look in their later

Socio-economic group
I think that the socio-economic group that this advert was
targeting was a wide variety as it shows a range between C2
and E. Children between the ages of 7-12 and as old as
about 50.
On the advert there are kids that are seen wearing scarves
and there is a middle ages man seen in a oldish truck. They
are also seen wearing working class clothes.

The Psychographic used in
this advert is believers and
achievers. The believers
and achievers were shown
in this advert as it is
centered around families
and about modest incomes
also favouring established

The area that the advert is
filmed in seems to be a quiet
and peaceful area.
On the advert it is shown that
the advert is in a Winter
wonderland type of area, snow
where and giant trees.

Persuasive Techniques used

The Persuasive techniques used in this advert are ;
Emotional Response and Reward & Punishment.
A Emotional Response is used to give the viewer a sense of warmth and
happiness while the advert is running.

A Reward and Punishment technique is used to make the viewer feel that if they
dont buy the product they won't be as happy as the children are in the advert.

Props & Settings

The advert is set in a small and
quiet village.
A red branded truck is used.
The connotation of this is that
the village creates a warm and
fuzzy feeling. A connotation of
the Coca Cola truck is that
Christmas is coming and the
Coca Cola truck is sending out
the message. The connotation of
a family home is being
connected together and

Lighting & Colour

The main colour used in this advert is the colour
red, a bit of orange is used, and also the various
colours of the fairy lights on the house.
The connotation of the colour red is known as
passion, desire and love. The connotation of the
colour orange is joy, happiness and enthusiasm.
High-Key lighting
The high key lighting generates a happy feeling,
joy, excitement. A brightly lit street that is
prepared for the arrival of the truck and is
connecting people and happiness.

Facial Expressions & Body Language

The facial expressions that are shown
in this advert are happy and are
variated throughout the advert. The
facial expressions that are shown in
the advert varies from looking shocked
to looking excited.

Positioning of objects and characters in the frame.

The positioning of characters in
the advert can indicate
Friendship - In the advert there is
a little boy and a little girl this
could indicate a friendship has
happened between them.
Relationship - A father and son
relationship is shown in this
advert nearing the end of the
advert in the blue truck.

Costume, hair & makeup

Middle class, warm clothes - Meaning that it is cold outside and when people see
the truck they may feel warm.

Camera Shots
Extreme Long Shots - An extreme
long shot can be taken from as
much as a quarter of a mile away,
and is generally used as a scene setting establishing shot.
Two Shot - A Two shot is used for
conversation between people and is
used in the advert to show that the
children running through the winter
wonderland are both important.
Over The Shoulder Shot - A over the
shoulder shot is used to show both
what one person sees and also for
what the other person sees.
Showing both sides.

Non-Diegetic Sound
Music/Song - The connotation of the music is that the video starts off quiet and
then the music starts to fade in when the kid sees the coca cola truck coming into
shot. This symbolises that the music brings happiness.

Song used in the Coca Cola Advert

What representations are created

The advert is showing that the Coca Cola products is a somewhat luxury item.
There is a dominant white, family based, middle classed ideology present in the
advert. The people in the advert are well dressed which is used to represent Coca

What legal or ethical codes could arise?

(Ofcom & ASA / BCAP)
No legal or ethical issues could arise from this advert.

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