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No Tomorrow by Harmony West

Harper Mitchell is Sarah Nelsons best friend. Harper Mitchell is my friend.
She killed herself two weeks ago. I dont know why. It was such the worst thing
There were 6 people in Ms. Forman (our guidance counselor) s room. Ms.
Forman said she received a package and a note in her mailbox yesterday.
Dear Ms. Forman,
Please follow these instructions very carefully, as its very important that
everything is done correctly. I want you to call in everyone on the list below to your
office, in one big group. Not individually. It wont work that way. Everyone needs to
sit in this room and watch the video that is contained in the package I sent to you,
attached to this letter. Please, do this for me Ms. Forman. It would mean so much.
Thank you
Harper. P. S
Note: Please, give the bracelet to Sarah
So, thats why we are here. Because our name has appeared on a list written
by Harper Mitchell. And Ms. Forman gonna play the video. Chris stands from his
chair and takes the video and the empty package from Mrs. Mitchell, her mother.
Chriss puts the video in the television behind us and throws the package in the

The video was played. Harper is sitting in a chair, at her desk in her bed room
I have made tis video so we can have some closure. Im going to speak to
each one of you individually, in the order you appear on the list. Because each of
you has played some part in this.
First, Id like to talk to you, Ms. Forman. I hope you are doing what I asked I hope
youve gathered everyone on the list and you are all sitting in your office now
watching this. Its basically my dying wish that this goes right. I hope you wouldnt
deny me my dying wish.
I remember you telling me to appreciate the people in my life because theres no
telling when they wont be anymore. I know you were talking about your husband
who passed away a couple years ago. Your maiden name was Patterson, but you
havent change your name back. I think thats really sweet.

I know when you said that, you were thinking of him, even though you didnt admit
it. But I knew what you meant. You wanted me to appreciate my mother because all
I talked about during our sessions was her. You never really helped me resolve any
of the issues, but I dont know if there was anything that could have been done,
anyway. Like I said, she never hit me. She never hurt me, not physically.
But Ive learned anything in my sixteen years of life, Mother, its that words hurt the
most. Physical pain become less, emotional becomes more. Every insult, every
comment, was a slapi the face or a punch in the stomach. I have been slapped by a
girl before- hi, Sarah- and Id rather take that every day over what must have been
your twisted idea of being a good mother.
Hippo Harper, that was your favorite. Every time, I stuffed my face during dinner,
every time I went searching for a snack even if it was something healthy, like an
apple,- I would be targeted with the fat comments.
Harper, you are not going to starve. Trust me.
Harper the food isnt going anywhere. You dont need to eat everything in five
You are getting more food? I guess youll always be my Hippo Harper.
These are exact quotes. I remember them, word for word, because I wrote them
I dont understand what I ever did to make you hate me so much. I dont
understand why you have to take everything out on me. I tried to solve it, last
summer. I realized I was tired of being Hippo Harper and decided I was going to be
skinny. I went to school and everyone gushed about how much I changed, how
pretty I was.
You yelled at me about everything. Everything bad was always my fault. Harpers
said on a video.
Harper also told that her mother was cheating on her dad and thats why dad
left. Chriss told her that mother had boyfriend. That relationship lasted about two

#Chapter 3
Mrs. Mitchell screeches because Harper blamed her for everything. She
couldnt accept what Harper said about her.
But, suddenly Harpers voice..
Im back. I wanted to refresh my memory, make sure I knew everything I
want to say. I wouldnt want to forget anything.
Chris, its your turn

Truthfully, Chris, you and I had never been that close. We didnt fight, but that
probably because we didnt really talk, either. I was more into music and books and
you were, are, more into track and baseball. Nothing about one of us have
interested the other. We certainly didnt seem to have a brother-sisterly relationship.
It was more like we were strangers living in the same house.
No one seemed to notice me, but everyone noticed you. You were instantly
popular, wherever we went, with everyone. In such a small town I guess I shouldnt
have been surprised that just about everyone knew you. But that didnt make it any
easier to deal with. You always had a girlfriend and you were the most likely
candidate for prom king. Loved by all, while I was always in the shadows. Not your
fault, of course.
You dont know how many times people have come up to me asking why I
wasnt more like you, why I couldnt be more like my amazing brother. Maybe it
would make more people like me. But I didnt want people to like me for being like
I have always been jealous of you< Chris. You were better at everything. Or
at least the things people actually cared about. That our mother didnt treat you like
she treated me. She never called you names, never treated you like dirt. She
treated you just like you would expect a mother to treat her son. You were her
favorite, for no reason that I could see. Harper said in a video.
I surely cannot handle my turn. It feels like I just want to skip it.
Mrs. Mitchell could not accept the things that Harper blamed her for
everything bad.
So, I guess this brings us to George. George Spinell. George, youre clearly
not very experienced with girls. Im not saying this to be mean, I just want to give
you some pointer, because obviously you had no clue what you were doing. So I
have made a list.
See? Georges list, You should feel pretty special right about now, George.
Number one: if you like a girl, be nice to her. I know in elementary school,
boys would trip a girl or pull her chair out from under her desk if he liked her. Ut this
is high school now. Tripping me I was a stuck-up bitch was not endearing to me in
any way and only made me hate you.
Number two: being a jerk doesnt make you cool. Maybe it makes you the
class clown, but it doesnt earn you any real friends. Maybe being a total prick
makes you popular in high school, but in the real world it is nit in you favor to be a
Number three: there is a time for joking and there is time to be serious. And
sometimes your jokes go too far, and it upsets people. And when it does, you need
to set up and apologize.

Live by these three things, George, and I assure you that the rest of your senior
year and the rest of your life will be much better for you and more importantly for
those around you. Its not just me you have hurt.
We had a very weird relationship in the beginning. I hated you, with every
fiber of my being. I couldnt stand the sight of you you made me so angry.
Whats woerse is that you were one of Chris jock buddies, so you were at our
house a few times. Usually you guys justplayed a video games and ate most of the
food in or house. You went to leave that afternoon and you werent mean or rude to
me, I couldnt believe it. All you said was Bye, Harper. See you in school.
When you sw me in the chool, you made some excuse to your friends so they
would leave. You walked over and told me that Chriss was talkingwith his coach in
the gym and he might be a while, if I was waiting for hi to drive me home.
why have you been acting so different lately? I asked
I dont want to humiliate you.
The way you said it, it was like you really mean it and I think you really did.
You aksed me if I needed a ride home, and thought I didnt want to admit it to
myself, I was surprisingly really glad you asked and I accepted. That s what Harper
said on a video.
Harper really liked George. And she hope he does the same.
Chris got very angry to George because he thinks George can be two people
at once.
we knew each other from could we not ? we were in the same class and
there were hardly more than one hundred kids in our high school to begin with.
That didnt mean we knew each other seemed like the type of person I
would be able to make idle chat with once in a while,but definitely not friend
material.not the type of person I would ever want to confide just seemed like
you knew exactly what you were doing and that make me feel almost dumb around had this cool ,quite confidence,and I was a train wreck.
You were the type of girl who could get any guy in a room,but wouldnt because you
were too good for all them.youd light up a cigarette in the girls bathroom,but not
because other people were doing fact,no one else smoked in the girls
bathroom,you were only were the sophisticated,mysterious girl we all
wanted to be. Thats what Harper said about me on the video
Someone grabbed Harpers arm and spun her around. George was really

you reeked of alcohol, your words slurred, and you kept swaying back and
forth-Harper said to George
Harper tried her hard to yank her arm away, but Geofge held on tighter. He
said something like I really like you, Harper.
Do you guys most girls find that endearing? Do most girls find that
endearing? saidHarper on a video
Harper know George were really drunk and didnt mean it. It was such the
worst party Harper attended.
But after that party school become just as bad. Maybe worse, beause unlike
home, it wsnt just one person I had to watch out for. It was everyone. The first thing
I noticed was all the staring. I was very aware that every time I walked by, people
would start whispering about me. All of the guys around us were in hysterics and all
of the gils were rolling their eyes at me. What I had done?
I thought maybe, sometime during the day, someone would finally coe out
and tell me what was going on. No one did. I hadnt seen Sarah all day. The school
halls were completely empty.-Harper on a video.
Harper closed her eyes and suddenly caught a whiff of cigarette smoke then
open her eyes. Sarah was standing in front of her. Sarah asked Kyle to went out
because it was girls bathroom.
I guess I should have been glad that sarah had been here to rescue me. And
why had Kyle done in the first place? And then it came to me. Kyle following me into
the bathroom, the random guy lifting my shirt, they were both connected. I broke
down. Sarah frowned while I sat on the dirty bathroom floor. I wanted to tell her
that wasnt it, that wasnt the only reason I was crying but I couldnt form any
words.i had never cried like this in front of anyone.-Harper said on a video.
thats not what I meant, Harper. You re just too.vulnerable. you are making
it too easy for them to get you.-Sarah said
Harper was under a lot of stress. Sarah managed to pull a small laugh out but
id didnt work. Harper didnt go to school the next day. She called Sarah and told her
to tell the teachers she was sick.
Harper was walking to the library. She braced her self, preparing to be shoved
to the ground. Nate was walking past Harper, picking up her book and handing it
back to her.
Nate is always pretty popular. Popular because of his personality. He were in
the grade above Harper, and the general heartthrob for most of the girls in my
class. He were all the band-geek girls could talk about. Girls gushed over how
charming, how adorable, how nice, how funny, how sweet and how talented Nate.

Nate invited Harper to the picnic o every June first. They were going to lake
behind The Vault.
Harper was arrived at the picnic and felt so happy. Night was getting darker,
Harper and all went swimming in the pond. Harper loved being around him. And
most mportantly, she loved who she was when she was around him.
Nate drived Harpers home. Nate worried Harpers mom would be angry to
him because its almost midnight and Harper was wet after swimming, but Harper
told him to need no worry.
When Nate hadnt called by noon the next day, I assumed he wouldnt. I
stayed in my pajamas and was planning on watching some pathietic weepy,
romantic movies when my cell phone rang. The party was being held at the Vaut,
some of the year celebration which was mainly so say goodbye to the graduating
seniors. -Harper said on a video.
Harpergot her shower and had he bedt outfit. She was hoping Nate would
notice shed gone out to impress. But suddenly, Harper realized she had no ride to
get there.
So, Harper went there with Chriss, her brother and with George.
I almost laughed. Tagged along. Like I was some little kid. Like George hadnt
asked me out on a date. Like he hadnt spread disgusting rumors about me.
So, Harper arrived at the party. She made her way tobackstage and asked a
girl who played the drums where Nate was. She pointed and thats when I saw
Sarah and Nate together, kissing.
I didnt cry. I didnt scream. I oushed my way through the crowd and when I
was close enough, threw my cup at them. I wished it wasnt only plastic. I heard a
few gasps. Everyone stared at me shocked. Oh lookHarper Mitchell causing more
drama-Harper said on a video.
When Harper was exhausted and defeated, she slowly unlocked the stall and
left the restroom. No one looked at me as I waked past them. It shouls only take me
a few hours to get home.
Mrs. Mitchell paused the video. Chriss got very angry to Nate and Sarah.
Why pretend like you cared about her, if you really didnt?-Chris said to

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