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Chapter Master Dracmore Garoth

Speaker for the Dead, the Grand Dihn, Prelate of Eld

Counts as Lord High Commander Carab Culln

Master Gideon Deschain

Captain of the First, Dihn of the Legacy, Keeper of Records

3 Terminator, 3 Tactical, 2 Assault, 2 Devastator

Master Dominus Gilayd

Captain of the Second, Dihn of the Heirs, Master of Ways
In his 6th century of service to the chapter Dominus has earned his place
among the Suns, serving as the captain of the second company, the Heirs of Eld.
While it is the second company they are truly the primary force of the chapter and
thus Dominus has access to virtually any resource the chapter has to offer and has
shown an impressive ability to lead a varied force into battle. In battle Dominus
favors the role of jump assault, wielding one of the few thunder hammers outside of
the Terminator units. His most notable victory was that on Bellerophon-51. Upon
receiving a distress call from the local populace he led a strike force against an
aggressive Xenos threat. The Ebon Suns strike force was joined by one from the
Sons of Prometheus chapter. The joint crusade was able to counter the Xenos
attacks and eradicate them before they were able to fully withdraw. Due to success
of this crusade the two chapters have since fought as one numerous times.

5 Tactical, 2 Assault, 2 Devastator, 1 Sternguard

Tactical Squads: I, Tempest: II, Venator; III, Nemesis; IV, Castellum; V, .
Assault Squads: VI, Ensis; VII, Securis.
Devastator Squads: VIII, Morossa; IX, Levitas.
Squad X, Sectator. Sternguard led by Brother-Sgt Vigoratus. Access to relic drop pod.
Veteran Sergeant Maturin, Sgt of the Third. Counts as Veteran Sergeant Haas
Eld, First among the Suns, the First Dihn. Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought
Ancient Sapar, the Angel Reborn, the Undying Dragon. Relic Dreadnought
Ancient Slifer, Slayer of Demons. Mortis Dreadnought
Brother-Captain Taranis, Master of the Fleet.
2 Thunderhawks: The Bad Wolf and the Storm Dragon.
2 Stormravens, 2 Stormeagles, 9 Stormtalons.

Master Randall Dejorand

Captain of the Third, Dihn of Succession, Steward of the Light

4 Tactical Squad, 2 Assault, 4 Scout

Brother Mimir, Master of the Armory

Elds Favored Son, Forgemaster. Master of the Forge

5 Techmarines assigned to each Company

2 Fellblades. The Presidio of Eld and the Salvation of Eld

Brother-Librarian Rindaris Dejorand

Master of the Librarium, Dihn of the Seekers, the Reditus Tempestas
Counts as Magister Sevrin Loth

15 Brother-Librarians, 6 Epistolary Brother-Librarians

3 Librarian Dreadnoughts: Myrddin, Caliburn and Durendal.

Brother Dorien
Master of the Apothecarion, High Apothecary, Bearer of the Blood Chalice





the First Company

the Second Company
the Third Company
Honor Guard

Brother-Chaplain Rafferty
Master of the Reclusiam, Memory of the Lost

Tactical Development Warfare Planet

Terabetha, TDT-13
Terabetha was once an agricultural world that benefited from a nearly perfect solar
and environmental setup that allowed it to produce crops year-round. For centuries
untold those upon Terabetha served the Imperium loyally, even sending more than
their required tithe when able.
Not all good things last however. Eventually the world came under siege. First came
the Tyranids. A few at first but their numbers grew so fast. Entire settlements wiped
out overnight. Then came the hunters. Xenos that followed the Tyranids to hunt
them for sport. Terabetha had enjoyed peace for so long their meager defenses
simply stood no chance and they called out for help.
Answering the call were two mobile Astartes forces, the Ebon Suns and the Sons of
Prometheus. Forming a joint crusade to defend what remained of the populace the
two Astartes forces faced foes unlike anything else. In due course the Astartes were
able to force both assaulting forces to flee the planet, unfortunately not before little
life remained.
Fields scorched, settlements razed, the few survivors had no desire to remain where
so many had died and thus were given the oppurinity to serve the Imperium on
other ag-worlds.

Much damage was done to the planet during the conflict and while not entirely
barren there are few large bodies of water or areas of forest or vegetation left.
Cracks open, spewing forth lava randomly.

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