Cohesion-Linking Words - Apuntes Vicen

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1.- a) In the space beside each statement, write A, B, C according to whether the words in italics
mean and/also (A), but (B), or so (C).
___ 1. The Pygmies are a famous tribe, though not many people have met any member of the group.
___ 2. Zaire is the worlds number one producer of diamonds. Moreover, the country produces very
significant quantities of many other metals and minerals.
___ 3. China has a high rate of population growth. Nevertheless, this rate fell between 1975 and
___ 4. In the 1970s, the international price of oil rose very quickly and Nigerias petroleum reserves
also expanded enormously. As a result, the countrys income from hydrocarbon exports showed an
exceptional increase.
___ 5. Zermatt, Villars and Craus Montana are well-known Swiss ski resorts. However, the
countrys most famous ski resort continues to be St. Moritz
___ 6. Milan is famous for its art, for its fine food and for its history. But it is, furthermore, an
industrial centre of considerable importance.
___ 7. The franc was devalued in 1982 and, consequently, the cost of imports rose and the cost of
French exports fell
___ 8. Andrews built the Titanic to survive any weather. In spite of this, the ship sank when it hit an
iceberg on its first voyage
___ 9. In 1980 Bjon Borg won at Wimbledon; thus, he became the first man to win the title five
b) Now list the italicized words from sentences1-9 above under the following headings.

2.- Complete the following using the words in the boxes

Most people do not believe in unicorn today (1) ____ people certainly did believe in them in the 14
th century. (2) _________ they believed in a series of other magical beasts and (3) _____ it was not
difficult for merchants to play tricks on them.
People no longer believe in the magic properties of unicorn horns. (1) ____, the narwhals tusks are
still valuable today because of their ivory and (2) _______ the Eskimos continue to hunt narwhals.
as a result
Too many narwhals are being killed and, (1) ___________, conservation measures are being
introduced. (2) _______ these measures are difficult to enforce because the narwhals habitat is the
isolated ocean between Baffin Bay and Greenland.
D thus
in spite of this
In the Middle Ages people thought unicorns existed.(1) _____, they thought that they knew what a
unicorn looked like. (2) ______, no one ever saw a horse with one, straight horn. In fact, the unicorn
was a whale and not a horse and (3) ________ it was not surprising that unicorn hunters never
found them in the mountains or deserts of North Africa!
1.-a) 1.though B, 2 moreover A, 3 nevertheless B, 4 as a result C, 5 however B, 6 furthermore A, 7
consequently C, 8 in spite of this B, 9 thus C
2.-) A 1. though, 2 moreover, 3 consequently; B 1. nevertheless, 2. therefore; C 1. as a result, 2
However; C 1. as a result, 2 However; D 1 Thus, 2 Furthermore, 3 In spite of this

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