Monday Upper Body +grip

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Monday Upper Body +Grip

Australian pull ups (pronated grip) 6-12 reps x 3-5

sets Tempo 2
Incline push ups 6-12 reps x 5-7 sets Tempo 2
Australian pull ups (supinated grip) 6-12 reps x 35 sets Tempo 2
*Rest 45-60 seconds between sets and exercise*
Bar hang 2 seconds 20 seconds x 3 (Grip)
*Rest 3 minutes between each hang*

Tuesday Active Rest

15 seconds sprint 10 seconds walk x 20
10 minutes moderate jog rpe 4-5

Wednesday Upper Body +Grip

Thursday Arms OR Active Rest + Grip
Hammer Dumbbell Curl 4-6 reps (3 seconds
negative, explosive positive) x 1-5 sets
Triceps Dumbbell Kickback 4-6 reps (3 seconds
negative, explosive positive) x 1-5 sets

15 seconds sprint 10 seconds walk x 20

10 minutes moderate jog rpe 4-5
*Rest 45-60 seconds between sets and exercise*
Bar hang 2 seconds 20 seconds x 5 (Grip)
*Rest 3 minutes between each hang*

Friday Shoulder and Legs

Hammer strength machine rear delt 4-6 reps x
1- 3 sets
Lateral raises 8-12 reps x 3-4 sets
Warm up barbell squat light weight
Barbell squat 7 sets x 3 reps heavy weight
Leg press 5 sets x 10 reps heavy weight
Leg extension 3 sets x 8 reps heavy weight

Saturday Upper Body +Grip

Sunday Rest
Australian pull ups
Any dumbbell/barbell exercises
What is positive and negative?
For PULLING EXERCISE positive dulu baru negative.
Contohnya masa pull ups pull towards the bar (positive)
turun bawah ( negative)
For PUSHING EXERCISE negative dulu. Contohnya masa
lower the bar during barbell bench press/ push ups (negative)
and then masa nak push the barbell/tolak badan ke atas(push
ups) itu positive

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