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» WSU/DISTRICT 535 GRADUATE INDUCTION PROGRAM FSC Bulleing, 3935 Hwy 34 East Rochester, MN 55504 Rochester en s8e 375 “tar tho. cochestesk12.ronusfteuarlments/tudent services/sraduatelaguction prosram wsu Elementary (K-5) Middle School (6) |. INTRODUCTION: TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM ‘Winona State University (WSU) and Independent Schoo! District 535 are joint participants in a Graduate Induction Program for grades K-6 in the Rochester Public Schools. The program is currently designed for up to 16 graduate Residents who may be placed at elementary or sixth-grade middle school sites. II. RATIONALE for COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS of WSU/ROCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS, ‘The program is designed to assist first year teachers with challenges unique to entry into the profession of ‘education. Central to program effort is the exchange of services made possible by placing fully licensed Residents in Rochester K-6 classrooms, thus freeing selected classroom teachers to work as full-time Clinical Coaches in mentoring roles. Residents complete a Master of Science in Education through a sequence of course work and field components during a period including Summer Sessions | and Il, 2017, the 2017-2028 school year and Surnmer Sessions | ‘and Il, 2018, The Residents will be compensated up to $11,000 and provided 2 tuition waiver for 32 graduate ‘credits. The total compensation package will be subject to federal and state income tax withholding. Checklist for Graduate Resident Application: Complete undergraduate degree by June before summer session begins. 1, Have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.75, with preference given to those with a 3.00G.P.A. {includes all post-secondary work). 2. Be eligible for appropriate Minnesota teaching licensure: Elementary Education K-6. Any student who has a criminal record may potentially be unable to obtain licensure. if student has questions regarding this please contact the Program Director, Dr. Wendy Shannon. wsshannon e ‘Completed application form Cover letter Resume ‘Student teaching evaluation from your cooperating teacher ‘Two GIP recommendation forms from college/university faculty Proof of passing Basic Skills Exams (Reading, Writing, and Math) MTLE Pedagogy Tests, and MTLE Content Tests. Apply to WSU Graduate Application for Admission and pay application fee. 5. Be available for WSU Summer Sessions | and Il immediately preceding and following the yearlong. practicum, Due by Thursday, March 23, 2017 Finalists will be contacted for an interview. WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION APPLICATION WSU/ISD 535 GRADUATE RESIDENT PROGRAM. ELEMENTARY (K-5) MIDDLE SCHOOL (5) PERSONAL INFORMATION LAST NAME: [ RST NAME: ‘STREET ADDRESS: cm: STATE ZIP CODE: PHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: DATE OF BIRTH: I EDUCATION ‘GRADUATION DATE: UNIVERSITY: CUMULATIVE GPA: LICENSURE: Pre K-6 Ko Middle School ‘Specialty/Concentration Area l Other STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE/LOCATION: ‘GRADE LEVEL/CLASSROOM SUPERVISOR: UNIVERISTY SUPERVISOR: [HIST HONORS, MEMBERSHIPS and LEADERSHIP ROLES: LIST EXPERIENCES WORKING with CHILDREN: FOR WHAT REASONS are YOU APPLYING to the GRADUATE INDUCTION PROGRAM RATHER THAN | PURSUING A REGULAR FULL TIME TEACHING POSITION? lease return by Thursday, March 23, 2017 to Graduate Induction Program se Building 3935 Hwy 14 East Rochester, MV 55904 Completed application form Cover Letter Resume Student teaching final evaluation from your cooperating teacher “Two GIP recommendation forms from college/universty faculty Proof of passing Basc Skis Exams(Reading, Writing, and Math) MTLE Pedagogy Tests and MTLE Content Tests/or copy of MN teaching Heense Apply online to WSU Graduate Apalication for Admission and pay application fee. Graduate Induction Program Recommendation Form Winona State University Applicant: is applying to be a Resident in the Winona State University/Rochester Public Schools’ Graduate Induction Program. This program is designed to provide clinical support to first-year K-6 teachers (Graduate Residents) licensed to teach Elementary Education. Fully licensed WSU Residents assume full responsibility for a K-6 classroom setting while pursuing a M.S. in Education. The Resident gains one year of teaching experience in the school system, receives a stipend from Winona State University, and is awarded a tuition waiver for 32 graduate credits towards a Master’s degree. Because of the rigorous nature of the program, those offered residencies must be academically able to successfully complete graduate work, while teaching full-time. Please use the second page to rate the above applicant's potential for success in the Graduate Induction Program Name Position [Address Institution/Employer Telephone Signature Date (Your printed name is considered your signature) COMPLETE AND RETURN BY MARCH 23, 2017 TO: Graduate Induction Program FSC Building 3935 Hwy 14 East Rochester, MN 55904 Fax 507-328-4398 Please provide feedback relative to the candidate on the following criteria. Leave blank any criteria you were unable to observe. Low- Average Average Average- High High COACHABILTY (ability to utilize feedback) Oo 1.0 COMMUNICATION SKILLS (written and oral) Oo ;}0 INITIATIVE(self-motivation to go beyond the normal) Oo1|0;/0/90 O10 }/0/;90 SCHOLARSHIP (demonstration of academic achievement) oO Oo TEAMING (ability to work | wel with others) Oo;}0;0 Oo;O0;}0;}90 Please add any additional comments regarding this candidate. “Once completed please print and send via mail, email, or fax.

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