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For my media product, the main focus is a school magazines contents page and contexts
page, Ive extracted several elements from the conventions of a magazine cover and its
contents, such as the layout and the way in which text and images are illustrated across the
page to engross a reader. However unlike a magazine cover, I have developed my layout
ideas to adjust it to suit a school magazine cover. On my cover page for example, I have put
the masthead at the centre of the page at the top so the reader immediately sees the name
and knows that they are reading this specific school magazine. Underneath this text I have
put the month and year (seasonal edition) and have correlated this to the colour scheme of
the contents page and the main image used. I have placed the main images in the centre of
the contents page so that its the main focal point and the first thing that grasps the readers
attention. Like a magazine would, my contents page also has a tag line which focuses on the
main point of the magazine life at sixth form. Following this I have placed more text
beneath the tag line as well as an image like a school magazine would have, that is busy and
not minimalist.
My school magazine product specifically represents school students from ages 11-18 as it
shows specific content to do with the academic school year and illustrates information on
the social group of this age. Its main focal point is to do with education and the students, to
ensure that the reader knows this; I have presented my cover page in a format in which the
reader immediately sees the main image and sees that it is a school student holding an
academic journal. It follows on to present information of the school students and the
contents of where to find these certain topics of focus magazine.
The audience of my school magazine would be the parents and guardians of the students
who attend Moulsham high school. This magazine is specifically targeted towards them as it
gives them relevant information to do with their children and the activities which they have
been up to. It also informs them about the several activities which take place in Moulsham
such as certain trips taking place in the year and club activities.
With my cover page, I coordinated the autumn 2016 issue with the colour scheme of grey
and mustard yellow. I also linked it to my main image which is of Sophie holding an
academic journal in front of the autumn tree in the background. I specifically used a strong
depth of field so that the readers main focus is Sophie but the colours still correspond with
the main colour scheme of the issue. In addition, I deliberately laid my magazine cover in a
way that the reader would visualize it in a z formation and take in all of the information.
From creating my own cover and contents page, I have learned a lot more functions on
publisher and how to successfully use these functions. Ive also learned how to create my
own blog using the site weebly which allows me to upload images and documents to my
own site which I can customize to my own liking.

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