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Homework due Tuesday, November 14th in English class: Using this outline, the rubric, the research

youve done on your country, and what youve learned about linking thesis statements, write each sentence
of your introduction. Then, using the linking words we talked about, string your sentences together to make a
coherent introductory paragraph. Make sure you cite your sources in-text!!!

Delegate Name: __________________________

Topic: ______________________
The introduction to your Position Paper should provide a summary of the basic facts of the topic.
It should address the main issues of the topic, why the UN should care, why your country cares,
and should end with your countrys position.
1. First sentence: Why is Youth Violence

and Crime important for the committee to address?

make sure to have an interesting first sentence that grabs the readers attention
for example, you could start with a fact, a rhetorical question, etc.
start off general and assume the reader knows nothing
2. Second sentence: What is the debate over Y
outh Violence and Crime about? Why is it a
provide a quick summary of the debate so that your reader knows what the problem is about
3. Third / Fourth Sentence: Why does your country care about eliminating the socio-economic
factors that cause youth violence and crime? Does your country suffer from this issue?
this is a good place to use statistics or quotes to support your statements
4. Fourth / Fifth Sentence: What is your countrys opinion/attitude towards this topic? Is your
country in favor of taking action on the issue?
remember to have a strong ending that will stick in your readers mind

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