Augustus G

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Appearance:Augustus has a bold chunky body and he

has deep blue eyes. His hair is short, flat and blonde
and he has chocolate stained clothes. His neck is so
chunky if you cut a small hole in it you can use it as a
basketball hoop and he is so greedy you can tell by his
Characteristics: Augustus is cheeky, dishonest and shows no
manners. He is also rude and disrespectful. He is always
eating or eating more. His mother spoils him with food and
telling him he is just right but he is fat and chunky in every
Values : Augustus Gloop shows no values and no respect to
Mr Wonka by not listening and being greedy. If Augustus
Gloop had shown good values and listened to Mr Wonka
talking about the Oompaloompas, where they came from and
the coca beans then he might of won the chocolate factory.

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