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Sherlock Bones Report

STEM 2 period 2
Chloe Shehu #1,Esteven Diaz #2, Lisbeth Paucar #3, Philip Pegus #4
It was one black and misty Halloween night by the abandoned hospital everyone is afraid to
enter. Manhunt was what they dared us to play, we did as we were told. It didnt end up being
as fun as wed expected. The three of us, including me, split up in all 2 wings of the hospital,
and unfortunately I was it. I was terrified of being alone in here, especially because everywhere I
turn looks like a creepy dark alley, but I had to find them. I made my way through the first wing,
stopping in my tracks as I hear something dripping from the ceiling. I take another hesitant step,
leaving my foot in a huge puddle it was blood. My head racing and heart pounding, I searched
frantically in this wing for any sign of Amy or Bob but there was none. Only two bones,and
somehow they were both clean. Now thinking this was just a lame prank they were pulling to try
and scare me, I took my time getting to the next wing carrying the bones in my hands. I got to
the next wing expecting to find Amy and Bob laughing at me, but instead it looked exactly like
the first wing, except the bones were different. Now I was scared. Where did my friends go? Did
they die? All I was left with was 4 bones: the femur, the cranium, the humorous, and the pelvis. I
got to get out of here and check if these are the remains of my poor friends.
We ended up finding four bones The Humerus,the Femur,The Cranium,and a Pelvis. To find out
the sex of the victim(male or female) we took the pelvis and we used a protractor to see if the
sub-pubic angle(pelvis arch) was larger than 90 degrees indicating that it was a female. Other
features of the pelvis showed us that the victim was a female . The Humerus and Femur was
also put to use to find out the victims age due to the fact that growth plates and bone shafts
play a role in finding out the age. We used large calipers to figure out the mm of the distance
from one end to the next. To figure out the persons race we had to use the cranium(skull) and
make some observations based on the information given in the data sheet, finding out the
shape of the eye orbit or the zygomatic form(cheekbone).
We as a team examined how we found out if our victim was a male or female, and we found out
our victim was a female. In order to state that our victim was a female we collected data and
most of her traits of gender were female; because the angle that we found was 110 degrees and
an original angle for female is usually 90 degrees or greater. Another trait we examined was her
pelvis features. Her pelvic cavity shape was circular and wide, showing mainly coccyx. Also her
pubis body width is 36 which explains why she is female because regularly a females pubis
body width is lower than 40. Her bones can tell her age by how they're closer together or far
apart. Apparently, her bones are closer together by how the way they look. Which states that
she is in her mid 20s, and that means her bones have already developed. Another trait we
examined was her skull features. Her shape of the eye orbit is rounded, where in that case a
male is usually squared. Also her mandible shape is rounded as in a regular shape of a female

is rounded as well. All these traits fit with each other and gave us a conclusion in whereas we
found out that our victim was a female.
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