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Unit 1

The Gentlemen of the Jungle- Jomo Kenyatta

Comprehension questions:
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.
1. Who made the friend ship with a man?
Ans: - The Elephant

2. Who had a little hut at the edge of the forest?

Ans:-A man

3. Who requested the man to put his trunk inside the hut?
4. Ans:-The Elephant
5. When did the elephant request the man to put his trunk
inside the hut?
Ans: - At the time of torrential rain.

6. What answer did the man give to the elephant?

Ans: - His hut is very small. So there is only a little place to keep his trunk.

7. What did the elephant do after the place for trunk in the
Ans: -Slowly pushed his head inside and finally flung the man out.

8. What reason did put by elephant for the man to send out
from his hut?
Ans: - Man skin is harder than his skin.

9. The Elephant intended to protect his delicate skin from

Ans: -Hail storm

10. Why did all the animals of forest gather?

Ans: -All the animals started gather because of heard the noise of man

11. Who stood around listening to the heated argument

between the man and the Elephant?
Ans: - All Animals

12. What did make turmoil to the lion?

Ans: -The heated argument between the man and the Elephant.

13. Dont you all know that I am the King of Jungle? How
dare any on disturb the peace of my Kingdom? Who
said these Lines?
A) Lion B) Elephant C) Man D) Mr. Rhinoceros.
Ans: -A) Lion

14. ---- was one of the high ministers of Jungle.

Ans: -The Elephant

15. What answer did the Elephant discuss with his friend
for possession of little hut?
Ans: -It has begun only a little discussion with his friend for possession of little hut

16. What did lion wanted to have in his Kingdom?

Ans: -Peace and tranquility

17. What action did the lion taken to solve the dispute
between man and Elephant?
Ans: -To appoint a commission of enquiry to go thoroughly into this matter and report accordingly.

18. What did the man was pleased?

Ans: -The sweet words from the king of the jungle

19. Who did innocently waited for the hut would be

returned to him?
Ans: -The man

20. Mention the members of commission of enquiry?

Ans: -Mr. Rhinoceros, Mr. Buffalo, Mr. Alligators, the Rt. Hon Mr. Fox and Mr. Leopard.

21. Who was the chairman of commission of enquiry?

Ans: -Rt. Hon Mr. Fox

22. Who acted as secretary to the enquiry commission?

Ans: - and Mr. Leopard.

23. Why did man protested against the commission of

Ans: -it is necessary to include a member from his side.

24. What answer did the commission put for the mans
Ans: -It was impossible to include the members from the man side because no one from his side was well enough
educated to understand the intricacy of jungle law.

25. What assurance did the enquiry commission give to

Ans: -All the members of commission are chosen by God. They will take after the interest of all the races and would
investigate the matter with great care and put report impartially.

26. Who was the enquiry commission first called off?

Ans: -Mr. Hon. Mr. Elephant

27. How did the Mr. Elephant stand against the

Ans: -The elephant come along with superior air, brushing his tusks with a sapling

28. According to Elephant, what is the reason for quarrel

between the man with him?
Ans: -It has caused by the misunderstanding between his self and the man.

29. According to elephant, ---- invited the elephant to save

his head.
Ans: -the man

30. After Mr. Elephants evidence, whom did the enquiry

commission call for?
Ans: -Mr.Hyena

31. Whom did the Mr. Hyena support?

Ans: -The Elephant

32. Why did the commission curtail the time for man?
Ans: -because they heard the circumstances from various unbiased sources.

33. On what points did the Commission declare the

Ans: -by sufficient evidence from both sides

34. Who arranged the delicious meal for the enquiry

Ans: -Rt. Hon. Mr. Elephant

35. According to enquiry commission what was the reason

for dispute between man and the elephant?
Ans: - a regrettable misunderstanding due to the backwardness of man ideas.

36. The enquiry commission consider that --- has fulfill his
sacred duty of protecting the mans interest.
A) Mr. Fox B) Mr. Lion C) Mr. Elephant D)Mr. Leopard
Ans: -Mr. Elephant

37. What verdict did the commission given to man?

Ans: - Man may take for a site and where he could build the house which is suitable to his needs.

38. What verdict did the commission given to the

Ans: -The Elephant shall continue his occupation of mans hut

39. What did the man think if he refuses the verdict?

Ans: -His refuse might expose his teeth and claws by the members of the enquiry commission.

40. Who ordered the man to quit and built another hut?
Ans: -Mr. Rhinoceros

41. How did the Mr. Rhinoceros order the man to quit the
Ans: -By horn lowered

42. When did Mr. Rhinoceros charge the man and order to
quit the hut?
Ans: -As soon as he built another hut.

43. What did the man alternatively decide?

Ans: -He must adopt an effective method of protection

44. What the phrase Ng- enda thi ndeagoga motegi

45. Ans: -There is nothing that treads on the earth that can not be trapped.
You can fool people for a time, but not for ever.

46. Where the man ultimately built a bigger and better hut?
Ans: -a little distance away

47. How did Mr. Hyena appear to the new house?

Ans: -howled for a place in the shade

48. Mr. Alligators appear to the new house on----Ans: -the roof

49. All animals began disputing about---Ans: -the rights of penetration.

50. What did the man do while the animals quarrel and
Ans: -the man set the hut on fire and burnt it the ground.

What did man ultimately say?

Ans: - peace is costly, but it is worth the expense

51. What favour did the elephant ask the man on a rainy
Ans: -to frank fully

52. According to the man his hut had room only for
him True /False
Ans: -False

53. How did the elephant sneak into the mans hut?
Ans: - Slowly pushed his head inside

54. According to the elephant, the man can afford to

remain in the rain because
A. The skin of the man is harder than any other animal.

B. The skin of the elephant is delicate.

C. The skin of the elephant is harder than that of the
Ans: -A. The skin of the man is harder than any other animal.

55. How did the lion decide to solve the problem?

Ans: -To construct the commission.

56. What kind of judgment did the man expect?

Ans: -The hut would be returned to him.

57. Why was the man unhappy with the members of the
commission of enquiry?
58. Ans: - the commission didnt include a member from his side.
Why the man was told that only jungle animals would be
on the jungle commission?
Ans: - because it was impossible to get the justice from enquiry commission made by the jungle king.

59. According to the elephant, the man had invited him

into the hut
A. To save his skin.
B. To give shelter to his trunk
C. To save the hut from the hurricane
D. To fill the empty space in the hut.
Ans: -C) to save the hut from the hurricane

60. In whose favour was the judgment given?

Ans: -Mr. Elephant

61. Why did the man accept the suggestion of building a

new hut?
Ans: -the house was decayed by animals and it is near to pieces.

62. How did the man buy peace finally?

Ans: -By set the hut on the fire and burnt it completely.

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80-100 words.

1. Why was the commission of enquiry appointed by the
king of the jungle?
Ans: - The man protested the wrong doing of Elephant and he
started to grumble. All the animals in the nearby forest heard
the noise and came to see what the matter was. All stood
around listening to the heated argument between the man
and his friend the elephant. In this turmoil the lion came
along roaring, and asked the reason in a loud voice. The lion
wanted to have 'peace and tranquility in his kingdom. So he
commands his ministers to appoint a Commission of
Enquiry to go thoroughly into this matter.
2. Why did the animals decide not to have anyone from
the mans side on the commission of enquiry?
Ans: - The Commission of Enquiry decided not to have any
one from the mans side because they thought that they did

not have enough knowledge about the jungle animals and

their characteristics and also not knew the rules of jungle
3. How did the elephant justify in act of occupying the
Ans: - Elephant justify in his act of occupying the hut that mans
skin is harder than his, and as there is not enough room for
both of them. So the elephant told the man that he can
afford to remain in the rain while it was protecting his
delicate skin from the hailstorm.'
III. Answer the following question in about 200 words.
1. The Gentlemen of the Jungle is a political satire.
In Kenyattas The Gentlemen of the Jungle, man renders space in his hut to
elephant who seeks shelter from man. Man resorts to violence after elephant
and the rest of the animals take advantage of his kindness. After elephant put
its trunk into the mans hut it pushed his whole body into mans hut and
pushing the man out of his hut. Against the one tone beast man was helpless
so he seeks the help of the King of the jungle, who deems the elephant to be
just. With no one to turn to for justice, man resorts to violence. And then lay
down comfortably inside his friend's hut, saying: 'My dear good friend, your
skin is harder than mine, and as there is not enough room for both of us, you
can afford to remain in the rain while I am protecting my delicate skin from
the hailstorm.'
The man, seeing what his friend had done to him, started to grumble. All the
animals in the nearby forest heard the noise and came to see what the matter
was. All stood around listening to the heated argument between the man and
his friend the elephant. In this turmoil the lion came along roaring, and asked
the reason in a loud voice. The elephant, who was one of the high ministers
in the jungle, replied in a soothing voice that there was no disturbance of the
peace in his kingdom. He had only been having a little discussion with his
friend here as to the possession of this little hut.' The lion wanted to have
'peace and tranquility in his kingdom. So he commands his ministers to
appoint a Commission of Enquiry to go thoroughly into this matter. He is
getting fooled by the animals. The commission was not bring justice to the
man. When they pretend to be his friend, they lead to an argument. At last,
the man ends up killing all the animals and feels alone.
In this short story, Jomo Kenyatta, says that man living in with a lot of
animals. Here he is describing allegorically. The relationship between the
white and the black people are portrayed here. Black people were represented

colonized and white people are represented as colonizer. Colonial powers

entered into Africa and brought tobacco whisky and religion. Once they took
gold silver and spice to nourish their land as did the elephant to protect its
delicate skin. Colonial inhabitants like the Elephant were big and powerful.
Against their gun powder and muskets, the sharpest African spear was
blunt. They were more advanced in weaponry and larger in number since
Africa was then divided into many little tribes. The colonizers of Africa
needed resources to build the life of luxury they wanted, but they had a
problem.They did not have enough resources in their land to live the lifestyle
they wanted. Hence the Colonizers took more than they were offered by the
Written by

Lecturer in English
Written by
S.R.Shanthakumar.M.A., M.Phil.,B.Ed.,

The School Boy

Unit 2.

The School Boy -----William Blake

Comprehension questions:
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a
sentence each
1. In whose company did boy wanted to sing
and play?
Ans: - In the company of nature
2. Which is drives boys joy away?
Ans:-The school
3. When did the boy go to school?
Ans:-on a summer morning
4. From whom supervision did the boy spend his
Ans: - Under cruel eye/ teacher
5. How does the boy spend all day?

Ans: - In sighing and dismay.

6. How did the boy sit in the class room?
Ans: - With shrinking spirit/drooping/loss of
7. What cannot child find in books?
Ans: - Delight/joy
8. Where does the bird not sing?
In the cage
9. What the bird represent for?
Ans: - freedom
10. Where does the boy disturb?
Ans: - When he was fears
11. The condition of child is compared to--------A bird in a cage
12. Who droop the boys tender wings?
Ans: - The teacher
13. When did the boy forget his youthful spring?
Ans: - When he was in fear/ annoy
14. Who nipped the buds of a boy?
Mother and father/parents
15. Sweet company refer to
A) Skylark
B) Huntsmans horn
C) Birds song
D) All the above three.
Ans: D) all the above three.
16. How do the little ones spend the day in the
In sighing and dismay
17. What drives the boys joy away?
Ans: The school
18. What does cage stand for in the poem?
Ans:- Jail/ curtail of freedom
19. Which phrase representing the formal
A) Buds are nipped
B) Fruits are gathered

C) Plants are stripped

D) Blossoms are blown away
20. What does the school boy love to do a
summer morn?
Ans:-sing like a bird
21. What drives the school boys joy away?
Ans: - Fear about the school

II. Answer the following question in about 200 words.

1. Formal schooling takes away the joy of childhood and
it hinders the childs growth. Discuss.

The School Boy is a typical poem of William

Blake. It was extracted from his Songs of
Experience. Here the poet is complaining a
young boy of being shut inside at his school work
instead of playing outside in the sun. He really
criticising the education system of his day. To
him school destroys the joyous innocence of
youth. He wishes that the child should rise with
the company of many natural joys. He intended
not just the huntsman but birds sing on every
tree and the sky-lark sings with him. The poet
does not emphasise the oppression of the school
room. He is reminding that books and learning
can be natural. He gave us a distinct picture of
crushed and destroyed life in the school room.
Here the poet has successfully conveyed to the
loss and lassitude of the school boy. He even
criticizes the child restrains the assault on him by
the oppressive personality of a teacher. By
unnecessary lecturer he spends his day in
boredom. Only Company of nature brings him
joyous experience. As like a bird which is born

cheerful and jovial, never sing if caged. Similarly

the child annoying fear and tension, he can
never enjoy. Here the poet complains to the
highest authority to father and mother.
Around a Medicinal Creeper

Around a Medicinal Creeper- K.P. Poornachandra


Answer the following questions in a word or sentence each.

1 What did Mara do when they found the creeper?

Ans: - Mara caught hold of the one of the tendrils and tied it to the
nearby tree.
2 Mention the curse about the plant.
Ans: - Medicinal plant has a curse that when some one needs this plant,
they shall not find it for dear life.
3 What surprised the white man?
Ans: -there was no blood, no wound- in fact no sign of any wound having
been there on Maras hand.
4 How did the mongoose and cowcal cure themselves of snakebite?
Ans: -Mongoose and Cowcal cured themselves of snake bite by found
the leaf and chew them.
5 Why had Mara lost his teeth on the right side?
Ans: -because of brush his teeth near by plant in the forest.
6 What did Maras wife find on opening the packet of meat?
Ans: -Maras wife found wild buck instead of meat.
7 What happened when the milk was mixed with the juice of the creepers

Ans: - It has been firm and rubbery.

8 When would the medicines lose their potency according to the belief of
native doctors?
Ans: -Native doctors believed that if they told others about their
medicines, they would lose their potency.
9 India `s mative medicines system are on the verge of ---------Ans: - extinction
10 There are various types swelling that occur in the human body and this
panticuler plant may be effective on only---------a) Same of them
b) Allef them
c) A few of them
11 How has a coffee sweep bed to be protected from the sun?
Ans: - by putting up a shade over the coffee seed bed.
12 Who want sent to forest to get some exeepers?
Ans. Sanna
13 When did Mara scold Sanna?
Ans: - while Mara opened the bundle and sifting it Mara scolded Sanna
14 What answer did Sanna give to mare about the creeper?
Ans: - there was plenty of that creeper in the forest.
15 Why did author go along with Mara and Sanna to the forest?
Ans: - out of sheer curiosity to know about that medicinal creeper.
16 When Sanna showed the plant, Mara become Very ------a) Active b)dull c) Hyperactive d)angry
17 According to Mara, who did the creeper cursed by?

Ans: - sage
18 Why did Mara tie that creeper immediately to the tree?
Ans: - when you want it and search for it, we won`t able to find it. So that
Mara tied that creeper immediately to the tree plant.
19 The creeper leaves resembling betel leaves and bears fruits in a bunch
like----Ans: - grapes
20 When the creeper did comes up flowers again?
Ans: - Only after rains quickly.
21 Why does Maras story are bizarre?
Ans: - because one does not know which is true and which is false.
22 The entire system of Indian medicine suffers from this kind of ----a ) Mystification b) Justitication c) Classitication
23 From whom did the narrator wandering in the forest?
Ans: - Masti, byra, Appanna, Mara and others.
24 While wandering the forest, what did the narrator gleened?
Ans: - learnt about some plants and herbs.
25 Why did the people leaving us one by one?
Ans: - because of forest were disappearing.
26 When did the doctor friends of the narraler annoy?
Ans: -While he tried to discuss the unique properties of plants and herbs
with them.
27 What did the narrators doctor friends call about the narrator?
Ans: -Ignoramus

28 While Mara typing up the plant, how did Mara Praise that plant to the
Ans: -Every inch of the plant was medicinal.
29 Did Mara tell the narrator what exactly the medicinal creeper cured?
30 Ans: - No, he did not tell any thing about its medicinal qualities.
31 How did Maras stories instead they were not true?
Ans: -His stories were marvelous.
32 When did Maras hands thrust?
Ans: -When Mara was cutting the shoot, accidently he cut his hand.
33 Who brought some leaf and pressed against the wound of Mara and
bandaged it?
Ans: -Some one near with Mara.
34 For who did Mara went for proper dressing?
Ans: -Hulihindulu / a white man
35 How did Mara convince the white man?
Ans: -Mara convinced the white man by show all the blood on his
36 What offer did Mara get from white man?
Ans: - If Mara was showed the plant to the Whiteman he would give him
his entire plantation.
37 Why did White man angry about Mara?
Ans: -The Whiteman was angry about Mara because he would greedy
and not satisfied.
38 What was the response of white man by pointing the gun to Mara?
Ans: - If you do not show it to me, I will shoot you down.

39 What did the author think about the stories of Mara?

Ans: -Stories of Mara are cock and bull stories and totally fabricated.
40 Mara did not have any teeth on the ----- side of the mouth
a) Left b) right c) both left and right d) only front teeth
41 Why did Mara thank God?
Ans: -Mara thanked god because he was saved his right side teeth by
not to brushed all his teeth by the creeper.
42 Long ago, Mara and a friend of his laid a trip and caught --------43 a) buck b) barking deer c) Peacock d) Rabbit
44 Why did the narrator speechless while the heard the story of Mara?
Ans: - Narrator was speechless because of Maras inventive genius.
45 Who did the narrator met with the creeper?
Ans: -Chandru
46 Who was Chandru?
Ans: -A Plant pathologist.
47 What did the scientist friends told to the narrator?
Ans: -Scientist friend told to the narrator that they were wasting a liter of
milk be listening to all kind of cock and bull stories.
48 While the narrator inverted the vessel the whole thing fell out like a -----Ans: -moulded cost
49 What disease Krishna earlier had?
Ans: -Piles
50 What was only allopathic treatment for piles?
Ans: -Surgery.

51 What had Malayali God man treated?

Ans: -Krishnas earlier disease of developing boils on his body.
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80-100 words.
1. What does the incident of Maras wife throwing the leaves into fire
tell us about Indians in general?
Ans: -Mara and a friend of his laid a trap and caught a barking deer.
They had to divide it equally between them. They took it near to the
stream, skinned it, cleaned and. He wrapped his portion to home. Maras
wife prepared masala with spices and put the water to boil and opened
the packet to take out the meat. There was a surprise to wait for Mara.
Instead of the meat, there was a live wild buck. The moment it saw
Mara, it jumped up and ran out of his house. When Mara was trying to
catch it, as usual, Maras wife ignorantly took the leaves and threw them
in to the fire. It indicates typical Indian character and ignorant belief.
2. How is Krishna Cured of his illness?
Ans: -Being a Rickshaw driver, Krishna had piles. So had started
passing blood with his stools. Now he had become serious and tired. So
Krishna went to see the Malayali God man. Now He had become too
old. Apparently, he told Krishna that he did not have the strength to
search for the plant. He simply describes it. Krishna had to search for
this plant, dig out the tuberous root, mix it with milk and drink the
medicine for five days. With in a day his piles improved. He was
completely cured in five days.
3. How it is signify while the narrator is trying to learn the fact about
the medicinal creeper?
Ans: -Narrator plucked some leaves from the creeper and took them to
his Pathologist friend Chandru. He told him to conduct the experiment.
They brought a liter of milk. But the other scientist friends laughed at
them. They thought that they were wasting a liter of good milk by
listening to all kinds of cock and bull stories. But they couldnt care less
about others laughing. Instead they decided to test the fact about the
creeper. They put the milk and leave into a mixer and switched it on.
After they were thoroughly mixed and poured it into a vessel. They
watched for some time to see whether it would become curled or remain
as it was. Nothing happened for a couple of minutes. Some time after

the narrator touched it. It had become firm and rubbery. So then this
creeper had some qualities.
III. Answer the following questions in 200 words.
1. How the author tries to convince that Indian herbal medicine is
better than any other medicines in Around a Medicinal Creeper?
Ans: - In Around a Medicinal Creeper the author K.P Poornachandra
Tejaswi tries narrator tries to convince that herbal medicine is better than
any other medicines.
Being a Rickshaw driver, Krishna had piles. So had started passing
blood with his stools. Now he had become serious and tired. So Krishna
went to see the Malayali God man. This god man had treated Krishna on
an earlier occasion, when Krishna had the started developing boils all
over his body. The god man had given Krishna the bark of some tree,
which he was to crush and mix with ducks egg and eat. After full course
of ten days Krishna had become completely cured and after the
treatment he never got boil again. Because of this reason Krishna went
second time to Malayali God man for his treatment. Now He had
become too old. Apparently, he told Krishna that he did not have the
strength to search for the plant. He simply describes it. Krishna had to
search for this plant, dig out the tuberous root, mix it with milk and drink
the medicine for five days. With in a day his piles improved. He was
completely cured in five days. From the above stories, the narrator tries
to convince that herbal medicine is better than any other medicines.
Instead of that the narrator had been paining for his leg. So he starts
limping. It was badly swelling. The surgeon had suggested to surgically
removing it. But he noticed the fact that after eaten the piece of root, the
swelling had disappeared. Instead of that there are various types of
swelling that occur in the human body. From the above stories, the
narrator tries to convince that herbal medicine is better than any other


I. Answer the following questions in a word or sentence each.
1. How do people feel when they give one pound?
Ans: He has no feeling at all.
2. How do people feel when they give ten pound?
Ans: He has trembled from inside.

3. Money has got us down could mean

4. a) it has ruined us.
b) it has made us tremulous.
c) it has made us greedy.
d) it has made us its slaves.
5. How are people without money, usually treated?
Ans: if one has no money, the World would give him little money, only enough to
perhaps buy a piece of bread.
6. What things should be made available free of cost?
Ans: Bread, shelter, and fire
7. The speaker is frightened of
a) having no money
b)money madness
c) eating dirt
8. What happens if we do not regain our sanity about money?
Ans: men going into a state of delirium
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80-100 words.
1. How does money bring fear in an individual?
Ans: In the poem Money Madness, D.H. Lawrence doubts that there exists a human in this
world who hands out a pound note to someone without feeling a pang at heart. No matter
how noble he may feel while giving away that note. His heart always wishes if only he could
do all that good without having to take out a note from his own pocket. And when that note
turns to a ten-pound note, we experience real tremors within us. We tremble from inside
while giving away that note, as if we have been robbed. Money makes us kneel in front of it.
It makes us fearful, and a sense of apprehension and stress grips us as we try to overcome
a loss as materialistic and small as ten-pounds. It has an exaggerating power to influence
our life.
2. How an individual does measures the value of another individual in terms of money.
Ans: Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence is one of the important poems of his time. Here the poet
goes on to say that if one has no money, the World would give him little money, only enough to
perhaps buy a piece of bread, in the name of humanity. But even this small offering doesnt come for
free. He has to eat dirt to get it, suffering through pains unheard and criticisms unparalleled. The poet
says it is this pitiful and inhumane situation that he is afraid of. He fears that such madness for money
might result in the world going completely insane. It is this fear of money-mad fellow-men going into a
state of delirium that resides within him.

III. Answer the following questions in 200 words.

1. What are the ideas about the money madness dealt in the poem by D.H.Laurance?
2. Write the summary of the poem Money Madness
Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence is one of the important poems of his
time. It presents a personalized view of the horror of money. It also critically evaluate rush
affluences of Money that are visible all around us. It becomes a powerful player in societies of
today and holds more importance than anything else in the modern day lifestyle. So that the
poet has tried to exemplify money madness in the society and how it degenerate social and
moral values of society.
In the poem Lawrence's says that wherever we look there is madness for money,
infect wealth inverts control him. So there fore he used money used as a metaphor for the
word madness. And this madness is not on small or individualistic levels. It is the madness of
the multitude, in numbers unimaginable and at levels incredible. And since the multitude as a
whole is mad, so every person in this world carries his share of this madness. His share of
this insane race after money, the poet doubts that there exists a human in this world who
hands out a pound note to someone without feeling a pang at heart. No matter how noble he
may feel while giving away that note. His heart always wishes if only he could do all that good
without having to take out a note from his own pocket. And when that note turns to a tenpound note, we experience real tremors within us. We tremble from inside while giving away
that note, as if we have been robbed. Money makes us kneel in front of it. It makes us fearful,
and a sense of apprehension and stress grips us as we try to overcome a loss as materialistic
and small as ten-pounds. It has an exaggerating power to influence our life.
The poet goes on to say that if one has no money, the World would give him little
money, only enough to perhaps buy a piece of bread, in the name of humanity. But even this
small offering doesnt come for free. He has to eat dirt to get it, suffering through pains
unheard and criticisms unparalleled. The poet says it is this pitiful and inhumane situation that
he is afraid of. He fears that such madness for money might result in the world going
completely insane. It is this fear of money-mad fellow-men going into a state of delirium that
resides within him.
Oru Manushyan

Oru Manushyan- Vaikom Muhammad basher.

I. Answer the following questions in a word or sentence each.
1. How for was the big city from the narrators home- town?
Ans: Some thousand five hundred miles
2. Where did the narrator stay in the big city?
Ans: In a very small, dingy room on a dirty street.
3. For money, people would do anything, even --------Ans: Commit murder.
4. What was the narrator doing to earn a living?

Ans: - to teach English to some migrant labours /to taught them to

write them their address in English.
5. The man who came forward to pay the narrators bill was
a) a man with a red turban
b) a person dressed in a suit
c) a money lender
Ans: - a man with a red turban
6. What reason did the narrator give for sleeping all day and having
food in the evening?
Ans: -To save his expenses for food and other things.
7. How much money did the narrator have in his pocket as his lifes
Ans: Fourteen rupees
8. The man who came forward to pay the narrators bill was
a) A man with a red turban.
b) a person dressed in a suit
c) a money lender.
9. Which notions did the author have?
Ans: Vague notions.
10. Who are leave around the author?
Ans: good men, and thieves, suffering from various infectious diseases
from madness.
11. Why do author suggest one has to live carefully?
Ans: The world has more evil than good.
12. What are the daily occurrences in big city?
Ans: Murder, robbery, pick-pocketing.
13. How much did the people paid for writing address?

Ans: Four annas.

14. Where have you seen people who write addresses?
Ans: At the Post office.
15. I taught the skill of writing addresses to people in order to escape
the same----- myself.
a) luck b) fate c) tragedy
16. What did the writer do all day?
Ans: Sleep
17. At what time did the writer wake up?
Ans: At the four in the evening
18. Why would the narrator sleep all day?
Ans: because of save his expenses.
19. Who paid the amount and said Put on your cloths?
Ans: the stranger/ pickpocketer
20. What was the answer for the narrators question about his name?
Ans: I have no name
21. Which phrase did the author called him?
Ans: Mercy
22. Where did the stranger walk on?
Ans: to the deserted bridge
23. What did the stranger told to the writer?
Ans: You must go away without turning round.
24. If any one asks you whether you have seen me you must say---a) yes b)no c)silent d) make noise.
25. How many wallets the stranger had in his pockets?
Ans: five

26. What blessing was given by the author to the stranger?

May--- God help you
27. How the people around the narrator look like?
Ans: hungry wolves.
28. Where did the author go for his dinner?
Ans: crowded restaurant
29. What did the narrator ate in a restaurant?
Ans: full meal consisting of chapattis and meat curry.
30. What did the narrator drink after his meal?
Ans: tea
31. What was the bill for a meal and tea?
Ans: Eleven annas.
32. Why did the author being sweating while he put his hand into his
Ans: because his wallet was not there in his pocket.
33. What answer did the narrator give to the restaurant owner?
34. Ans: some one has picked my pocket and taken away my wallet.
35. What was the response of the restaurant owner?
Ans: the owner caught hold of the narrator and cried that such trick
would not work their and force him to put the money and go away.
36. What else did he intended to if he wont pay the money for a meal?
Ans: he will gauge his eyes out.
37. What did the restaurant keeper finally asked to take off?
38. Ans: the narrators trousers
39. What answer did the narrator to the restaurant keeper?
Ans: I have nothing on underneath

40. For money, people would do anything, even------------Ans: commit murder

41. ----------was considered great education there.
a) Learning English
b) learning to write an address in English
c) writing address at the post-office
Ans: learning to write an address in English
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80-100 words.
1. Sketch the character of strange man.
Ans: The strange man was fair complexion. He had six foot tall. He had
weared with a red turban and white trousers. He had a handle- bar
moustache and had blue eyes. He had avoided the shamefulness of
removing the trousers for paid amount for a meal and a tea. He had
paided the money to the restaurant keeper. He took the narrator to the
deserted bridge and requested him not to say any one if they ask him
whether he had seen him. He even gave his wallet along with his money.
He was appeared to a human being while compare to all civilized person
fo the city. All citizens are treated him inhumanly. But the stranger
treated him humanly as a good being. Instead of a pickpocketer he is
absorbed human being.
2. Describe the people and the place where the incident took place.
Ans: In a far away big city in the valley of mountain the narrator stayed in a
small and shabby room on a dirty street. Here the narrator had a profession
of teaching English to migrant laborers.They were cruel people. Murder,
robbery, pick-pocketing were daily occurrences. By traditions they were
professional soldiers. Some of them went to distant places and lent out
money on interest. Many others served as watchman in banks, mills and
large commercial establishments in big cities. Money was highly valued by
them. For money they would do anything. They hey would ready to commit
murder for money.
3. Give an account of the embracing experience of the narrator at the
Ans: one day the narrator as usual got up at 4 p. m and went out for a meal. He
carried a wallet consists of fourteen rupees. He ate a full meal and he drank a tea.
The bill was eleven annas. While he put his hand in a coat pocket to pay for it, he
was really swatting because his wallet was not there in a coat. He told to this to the
restaurant owner. He caught his coat lapels and cried that to pay the amount without
played any tricks. All the people around him looked him like a hungry wolf. In the
mean time the restaurant keeper forced him to remove his coat, shirt and even his
trousers also. It was great embracing movement to the narrator.

III. Answer the following questions in 200 words.

1. Oru Manushyan is a story about the transformation in a person
Ans: Oru Manushyan by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer is one of the
Pathetic story about humanity. It narrates a story about the
transformation in a person in a critical juncture. One day the narrator as
usual got up at 4 p. m and went out for a meal. He carried a wallet
consists of fourteen rupees. He ate a full meal and he drank a tea. The
bill was eleven annas. While he put his hand in a coat pocket to pay for
it, he was really swatting because his wallet was not there in a coat. He
told to this to the restaurant owner. He caught his coat lapels and cried
that to pay the amount without played any tricks. All the people around
him looked him like a hungry wolf. In the mean time the restaurant
keeper forced him to remove his coat, shirt and even his trousers also. It
was great embracing movement to the narrator. At that moment, a young
man came forward to rescue the narrator. He had paided the money to
the restaurant keeper. He took the narrator to the deserted bridge and
requested him not to say any one if they ask him whether he had seen
him. He even gave his wallet along with his money. He was appeared to
a human being while compare to all civilized person fo the city. All
citizens are treated him inhumanly. But the stranger treated him humanly
as a good being. Instead of a pickpocketer he is absorbed human being.
So Oru Manushyan by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer is one of the
Pathetic story about humanity.

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