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McClain 1
EDUC 461

A. Family Communication
a. The first thing that I would do to establish communication with parents is
that on the first day of band I will give every student a band handbook that
outlines what band is and what we do during the school year. I would then
make sure the student gives the handbook to their parents and have the
parents write down their contact information and sign at the end of the
handbook that they have read it and want their child in the band program
that way I have parent approval and I have each students parents contact
information. Another way I can use communication is whenever a student
has been misbehaving in class for days in a row and the student refuses to
change their behavior then I would talk to the parents of the child to
inform them of their childs behavior and if they cannot change the
students behavior then administration will be involved. One last way that
communication can be used is to have parents be apart of the band booster
club. Through the band booster club, parents of students in the band meet
and talk about fundraising and helping with the marching band. Booster
club is also a great way to maintain good and constant communication
with parents.
b. Example 1:
i. Dear Parents:
I am so excited to finally begin my teaching career as a band
director! Now let me take a moment to introduce myself. This will
be my first ever job as a band director. I just finished my degree in
Music Education from Lander University where I was educated by
some of the best teachers in the state. While in college I played the
trombone and had lots of experience in working with other band
programs such as Brass Instructor at Greenwood High School. I was
born and raised in the little town of Lugoff, SC where I went to
Lugoff Elgin High School. I cannot wait to start a fresh new band
program where I know the kids are up for the challenge. I hope that I

Joey McClain 2
EDUC 461

can build upon the schools past success and am looking forward to
working with you and having a great year!
Joey McClain
c. Example 2:
i. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
This is Mr. McClain, Davids band teacher, and I just wanted
to inform you about Davids behavior in my class. David is
constantly interrupting the class and is constantly disrespecting
authority. I am sending this e-mail to keep you updated about
Davids progress and if you can talk to him about this that would be
Joey McClain
B. Communication/Collaboration with Colleagues
a. One way that I can use communication with a colleague is to email one of
my professors and ask if they can come and do a rehearsal with one of my
bands. Another way I can collaborate with my colleagues is to get my
friends in my Jazz combo group to put on a little performance for my
classes. One last thing I could do is videotape my class performing a piece
for an upcoming concert and send it to one of my former teachers to ask
for feedback on what needs to be improved.
b. Example:
i. Dr. Gardiner,
This is Joey McClain and my eighth grade class is working
on this Christmas jazz piece for our upcoming Christmas concert and
I was wondering if you had the time to come and lead a rehearsal
with my class and provide feedback on what they could do to
improve. I know they would love it!
Joey McClain

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