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Name: _________________________________


Date of

Distillation Column Report Form

(to be completed by each member of the group- you may share work in constructing the plots)

1) List column operating conditions in the table below:

Feed composition (mass % ethanol)
Feed tray (from bottom)
Goal feed rate (ml/s)
Goal reflux ratio
Goal feed temperature
Use attached type-written pages to answer the questions below. Also include data
2) Construct a McCabe-Thiele diagram for the separation and compare to the end
(or best steady state) result. Why do you think the actual performance varies
from the predicted? What evidence from your data supports this?
3) Plot tray temperature data as a function of time and mark the location of any
process changes. Was steady state achieved?
4) Plot tray to tray pressure drops at end (or best steady state) operation. What, if
anything, can you conclude from these results?
5) Do an a) overall and b) species (ethanol) mass balance for end or best steady
state operating condition. How close are the balances to being closed? Why do
you think there may be discrepancies?
6) Describe what difficulties, if any, you had operating the column.

6) Describe what you learned (in general) by operating the column.

(this part cancelled 3/16)

Addendum to Distillation Assignment: Applying SPC
1) Examine your first steady state column data. For at least one variable (process
measurement) of your choosing, use the control chart methods we talked about in
class to establish a center line, an upper control line, and a lower control limit line
for both X and R charts. Run trend tests, length of run tests, number of run tests,
etc. and comment on the results.
2) Using the same charts for (1), plot the data after you made a process change to the
column. Test for excursions of lower and/or upper limits, trend tests, length of
run tests, and number of run tests.
3) interpret the data from X and R charts in (2). What do the charts tell you about the
process before and after the process change? Be as complete in your analysis as

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