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29 m^i 2016

XvKv wek^we`vjq
welq : gahyMi evsjv cyw_i cvV Zwi welq MelYv cm |
fQv RvbvB| Avwg evsjv`ki gahyMi cyw_ welq MZ Pvi eQi MelYv Ki hvwQ| gahyM welq Avgvi
MelYv Kg I M cKvwkZ nqQ| evsjv`ki cyw_i Ici wek^we`vji gywi Kwgkbi A_vqb GKwU
^gqv`x MelYv Pjgvb AvQ| Avwg XvKv wek^we`vjq MvMvi Gm AeMZ nB h, GLvb G-msv MelYvi
myhvM iqQ| Avwg h_vh_ wbqg AbymiY Ki MelYv KiZ BQzK|
AZGe, gnv`q G welq AvgvK myhvM w`q evwaZ Kieb |

gvnv` gvgyb Ai ikx`

mnKvix AavcK, evsjv wefvM
RvnvxibMi wekwe`vjq
mvfvi, XvKv-1342
dvb : 01782040040
BgBj : mamunbd@juniv.edu

mshyw-1 : MelYvi ZvwjKv

mshyw-1 : MelYvi ZvwjKv : gvnv` gvgyb Ai ikx`

1. evsjvmvwnZi BwZnvm gahyM mK bwZevPK aviYv I aviYvi wewbgvY, The Jahangirnagar Review,
Part-C Vol. XXIII 2011-2012, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Jahangirnagar University,
Bangladesh, ISSN 2306-3920.

2. hvcb I wPbi AZvqb Avey mqx` AvBqye, RvnvxibMi wek^we`vjq fvlv-mvwnZ c, msLv 39, Ryb
2013, evsjv wefvM, RvnvxibMi wek^we`vjq, ISSN 2308-6432
3. gahyMi mvwnZeev _K AvaywbK hyMi cwieRb, RvnvxibMi wek^we`vjq fvlv-mvwnZ c, msLv 3738, Ryb 2012, evsjv wefvM, RvnvxibMi wek^we`vjq, ISSN 2308-6432

1. `Classification of the Languages of Tibeto-Burman sub-group in Bangladesh, CEDA

Hall, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 26-27 November, 2014
2. `The Causes of Language Endangerment in Bangladesh, 35th Annual and Ist
International Conference of Linguistic Society of India, CIIL, Mysore, India, 26-28
November, 2013
3. `Problems of Translated Caryapada, 3rd International Congress of Bengal Studies, University
of Calcutta, West Bengla, India, 19-22 November, 2013.
4. avgivB Aji GKwU cUMvb : jvKwkgvagi wejywi c~e AwfhvRb, International Seminar on
Folklore in Chaging Perspectives, Organised by LOUKIK Journal of Folklore and
Cultural Studies, ISSN 2230-780x, West Bengal in 23-25 February 2013.
1. Di-AvaywbKZv Di-JcwbewkKZv wbeM, ^i, XvKv, 2009 (Uttor-Adhunikota Uttorouponibeshikota Nimnoborga, Published in 2009, Shuddhashar, Dhaka)
2. evsjv Dcbvm wbeM, ^i, XvKv, 2011 (Bangla Uponnashe Nimnoborgo), Published in 2011,
Shuddhashar, Dhaka)
3. AvRvwZK awbg~jK eYgvjv I evsjv awb, fvlvwP, XvKv, 2012 (Antorjatik Dhonimulok Bornomala o
Bangla Dhoni), Published in 2012, Bhashachitro, Dhaka)
4. gahyMi wewbgvY, aec`, XvKv, 2014 (Maddhojuger Binirman, Published in 2014,Dhrubapada,


1. Member, Linguistic Society of America, 2016-2017, Archibald A. Hill Suite,
522 21st St NW, Suite 120 Washington, DC 20006-5012
2. Member, American Folklore Society, 2016-2017, Indiana University, Eigenmann Hall
1900 East 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406 USA
3. Student Member, International Phonetic Association, IPA ID: D2830
4. Member, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 14 Stephenson Way, London.

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