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LS. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Heath administration 36 Triangle Park Drive Cocionai, OF 45246, Phone: 513-841-4132 Fax: 513-841-4114 Citation and Notification of Penalty Tor Inspection Number: 1152986 louterman Baking Ce Inspection Dates) 06/072016 11/01/2016 and its successors Issuance Date: 11/03/2016 44960 Paddock Ré Cincinnati, OH 45229 Inspection Site: The violeion(s) described in ths Cation and 1000 East Ross Avenue [Notficaion of Peralty is fare alleged to have Cincinnati, OH 45217, ‘ceurred on or about the days) the inspection was ‘made snlessothervse Indicated within the desripsion given below: ‘This Citation and Notification of Penalty (this Citation) describes violations ofthe Oxcupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The penatyies) listed herein is (are) based on these violations. You must abate he ‘olatons refered to in this Citation by the dates listed and pay the penalties proposed, unless within 18 working days (excluding weekends and Federal holidays) fom your receipt of this Citation and NotiGeaton of Penalty You either call 0 schedule an informal conference (see parageaph below) or ou mail a notice of eames the US. Department of Labor Area Oifice atthe address shown above. Please refer tothe enelosed book et (OSHA 3000) which outlines your rights and responsibilities and which shouldbe read in conjunction with this form, tsuance ofthis Citation does not constitute a finding that a violation ofthe Act has eure anles thee isa flue to contest as proved for in the Actor, if contorted lens this Cation is ane Uy Ue Review Commission ora cour Posting - The law requires that a copy ofthis Citation and Notification of Penalty be posted immediately ina prominent place ator near the location ofthe violations) cited herein o,ifit i not pratiable because ofthe ‘ature ofthe employers operations, where it wll be readily observable by all feted employees, This Chation ‘must remain posted until the violations) cited herein has (have) been abated, or for 3 working days (exsluding weekends and Federal holiday), whichever is longer. Informal Conference - An informal conference isnot required, However, i you wish to have such a ‘conference you may request one wth the Area Director during the 15 working day contest petiod. During sch an informal conference you may present any evidence or views which you believe would suppor an adjustment to the citation(s) andor penaltye). Ifyou ae considering request for an informal conference to discuss any issues rele to this Citation and Notification of Penalty. you must ake carr to schedule it early enough tallow imeto ones afer he infil conference, should you decide todo so, Please keepin mind that written letter of nent to contest must be submited tothe Area Director within 5 working days of yur cept ofthis Citation. The running of this, contest period isnot interrupted by an informal conference Ifyou decide o request an informal conference, please complete, remove and pos th: Notice to Employees next {o this Citation and Notification of Penalty as soon asthe time, date, and place of the informal conference hve ben determined. Be sure to bring tothe conference any and all supporting documentation of existing conditions 125 wel as any abatement steps taken thus fer feonitions warrant, we ean enter infoan informal setlement ‘agreement which amicably resolves this mater without litigation or contest. Right to Contest — You have the right fo contest this Citation and Notification of Penalty. You may contest all citation items or only individual items. You may also contest proposed penalties andlor abatement dates ‘without contesting the underiving violations. Unless rm the Area Dirsctorin writing that you intend contest the citation(s) and sel penalty le) within 15 working days alee sltatio and the proposed pe ill become a final order ofthe Occupational Safety and Health Review ‘Commission and may not be revi ‘court oF 3 Penalty Payment — Penalties are due within (5 working days of receipt of his noificationunles cnteste. (See the enclosed booklet and the adkitional information provided related tothe Debt Collection Act of 1982) “Make your cheek or money order payable to “DOL-OSHA", Please indicate the Inspection Number on the remittance, You can also make your payment electronically on WwWpav.eov, On the lf sie ofthe pay gov ‘homepage, you will se an option to Search Public Forms. Type "OSHA" and click Go. From the results, lik ‘on OSHA Penalty Payment Form. The dies ink is 1tps://wwvu: pay, gov/pavgov/forms/formlnstanee himl2azeneyFor 3090334, ‘You wl be required to enter your inspection number when making the payment. Payments can be made by ‘redit card or Automated Clearing House (ACH) using your banking infermation. Payments of $25,000 oF more require a Transaction ID, and also must be paid using ACH. Ifyou require a Transaction ID, please contac the ‘OSHA Debt Collection Team at (202) 693-2170. ‘OSHA does not agree to any restrictions or conditions or endorsements pu on any check, money order, oF lectronc payment for less than the fll amount due, and wil process the payments as if these restrictions oF Conditions a not vst Notification of Corrective Action — For each violation which you do not contest, you must provide Abatement crificaion tote Area Director af the OSHA office issuing the citation and dented above. This abatement certification isto be provided by leter within 10 calendar days afer each abatement date. Abatement Certification includes the date and method of abatement. If the citation indicates that fhe violation was corrected during the inspection, no abatement cerifiation is required fr tha item, The abatement certification ler mist be posted at the location where the violation appeared and the corrective action took place or employees mist ‘otherwise be effectively informed about abatement activities. A sample abatement cenifiatin let is enclosed ‘with his Citation, tm adition, where the etation indicates tht abatement dacumentetion is necessary, evidence ofthe purchase oF repair of equipment, photograph or video, receipts, taining record, etc, verifying that abatement has occurred is requied to be provided tothe Ates Director Employer Discrimination Unlawful ~The aw prohibits discrimination by anemployee against a9 Cina nd eon ety Paeror tt ost «employee fr fling a complaint or for exercising any rghls under this Act. An employee who believes that hehe sven Uscrimingted agains may tile a complaint na later than 30 days arte dsetination occurred withthe U.S. Department of Labor Area Office atte address shown above, Employer Rights and Responsibilities ~The enclosed booklet (OSHA 3000) outlines adstional ‘employer rights and responsibilities and shouldbe readin conjunction win his ntifaion Notice to Employees —The law gives an employe or hisher representative the cpportunity to objec to any abatement date set fora violation if he/she believes the date tobe unreasonable: The contest mst be aled to the U.S. Deparment of Labor Area Office tthe address shown above and posimarke within 8 werking days (excluding weekends and Federal holidays) ofthe receipt by the employer of this Citation and Notification of Penalty Inspection Activity Data — You shouldbe aware that OSHA publishes infoatn on is ingpection and eitation activity on the Itemer under the provisions ofthe Electronic Freedom of lnfemation Act The information related to these alleged violations willbe posted when our system indicates that you have received "this citation. You are encouraged to review the information concerning your establishment at wwowasha gow It ‘you have any dispute wi the accuracy ofthe information displayed, please contact his office Centon nt Renney Poet oni U.S. Department of Labor Ocaupational Safety and Health Administration NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES OF INFORMAL CONFERENCE ‘An informal conference has been scheduled with OSHA to discuss the citation(s) issued on 11/93/2016. The conference will be held by telephone or at the OSHA office located at 36 ‘Triangle Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45246 on at Employees and/or representatives of employees have a right to attend an informal conference. iaion Nee of Fay Peers nse CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET Inspection Number: 1152986 Company Name: Klosterman Baking Co. Inspection Site: 1000 East Ross Avenue, Cincinnat Issuance Date: 11/03/2016 on 4s2i7 List the speifi method of correction foreach item on this citation inthis package that does not read “Corrected During Inspection” and return to: U.S. Nepartment of Labor Oecupational Safety and Heal ‘Administration, 96 Triangle Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45246 Citation Number _and Item Number __was corected on By (Method of Abatement Citation Number __and item Number __was corrected on By (Method of Abatement) Citation Number __and ltem Number _was corrected on ___ By (Method of Abatement) Citation Number_and ttem Nummber__was corected on By (Method of Abatement Citation Number _and lem Number __was corrected on By (Methed of abafement Citation Number _and term Number __was corected on By (Method of Abatement) 1 certify that the information contained in this document i accurate and tht the affected employees and thee ‘representatives have been informed of the abetement Sige oa = ‘ype or Prine’ Name Te NOTE: 29 USC 6a) whoever navingly makes nse terns. rpeenltionoerieion ny ape. plane ‘ite dosent ied ered a be maine prs At hl ean cowiion be penahedty so stent ne hae 51000 ory inpesonmen oft ean nos orto POSTING: A copy of comple Conscine Aston Worth shouldbe pat for enplne eve Cran sien eny Poe Sort asia U.S. Department of Labor Inspection Number: 1152986 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Inspection Date(s: 06/072016 - 11/01/2016 Issuance Date: 11/03/2015 a and Notification of Penal Company Name: Klosterman Baking Co. Inspection Site: 1000 East Ross Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45217 Citation |_Item 1 type of Violation: Serious. 29 CER 1910.147(¢)(6)i): Tue employer shall certify that the periodic inspections have been ‘performed. The certification shall identity the machine or equipment on whieh the energy contol ‘Proceure was being utilized, the date ofthe inspection, the employees included inthe inspection, and ‘the person performing the inszection. ‘The employer had not certified a periodic inspection of their energy control srocedures within the last year, In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(d), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET), and in adition, documentation,

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