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Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 12131 Summer 1939-1950

2012 Educational Consultancy and Research Center

The Relationship between Reading Comprehension

and Learning and Study Strategies of Prospective
Elementary School Teachers
Adnan Ivlenderes University

The aim of this study was to determine whether the level of use of pragmatic and analytical reading strategies significantly differs among prospective elementary school teachers in terms of ten sub-dimensions of learning and study
strategies. The sub-dimensions used were attitude, motivation, time management, anxiety, concentration, information
processing, selection of the main ideas, study aids, self-testing and test-taking strategies. The participants in the study
were 159 prospective elementary school teachers from the Department of Elementary Education at Adnan Ivlenderes
University in Turkey. A correlational research design was used. The data were collected through "Metacognitive Reading
Strategies Questionnaire" and "The Learning and Study Strategies inventory". The arithmetic mean and standard deviation analysis were calculated in terms of analytical reading strategies lx=46.46. SD=15.681 and pragmatic reading strategies {x= 18.03. SO = 6.231. In the process of determining the relationship between reading comprehension strategies and
learning and study strategies, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated. For the interpretation of the data. p=.O5
was accepted as a significant level in t-test analysis; in correlation analyses the results were commented as p=.O5 ve .01
at statistically significant level. As a result, it was found that the prospective elementary school teachers used both analytical and pragmatic strategies lanalytic. x= 3.85: pragmatic. x= 3.6530. at "often used levell at the upper intermediate
level. Positive and significant relationships were found between some sub-dimensions of Pragmatic strategy for reading
and Study and learning strategies. As teacher candidates' level of using analytical reading strategies increases, their
level of using reading comprehension strategies increase too. Attitude explains approximately two-thirds of the variables
of analytical reading strategies 167.8%) and attitude and work aids explain approximately half of the pragmatic strategies of reading 149.7%). In this context, the most important thing that effected learning and study strategies is reading
strategies'attitude and study aids.

Reading Comprehension. Learning. Studying. Learning Strategy. Teacher Candidate.

In the age marked by technology, reading which

learning process as the greatest contribution to

becomes a quality of social power is of great

the hunian life in making his/her life meaningful

importance for the individual and social devel-

(Akyol, 2010).

opment. In this context, acquiring the skills of

T I J . J C J

" ,
reading and reading comprehension have taken
Its place in the curriculums and teathing and
a Nuri KARASAKALOGLU. Ph.D.. is an assistant

Reading IS defined as a mental activity based on the

r j . . ru
. I L
processes of detection of the words through sense
organs, mearung- making, comprehension and interpretation (Sever, 2004). Reading is also defined

professor at Turkish Education Departnnent. in

as "analyzing and understanding the text sently

study fields.reading and reading comprehension

strategies, learning and study strategies, reading
.'. . . . ... . . .
interestsandhabit. critical reading, techniques and
methods used in Turkish education, listening skills.
Correspondence: Adnan Menderes University. Department of Turkish Language Education. Merkez
Kamps. Kepez 09010 Aydm. E-mail: Phone: +90 256 213 7432 Fax: +90
256 2 U 1061.

^nd translating it into conversation at the same time

u i i . . ^ u - u i - u

by looking at a text which has been vmtten in order
' ' ^ " " ^ ^ " ' ' J " " ^^'^^ ^006, p. 115). I n the definition made by Demirel, reading is "an activity of
extracting meaning from the written symbols with
the help of psychomotor skuls and cognitive behaviojs (Demirel 2003)


Because reading is a basic strategy as a reference for

learning, it is a skill that au of the teachers shotd
develop and necessary in almost all the stages and
types of teaching, (Btillock, 1975 cited in Epaan,
2009). Greet (2006) defines reading as a process
of understanding what a written text means and
extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible. According to this, reading is
a dynamic process of meaning-making which requires an active and effective commtmication between the writer and reader. Accordingly, the act
of reading can be said to be conducted with the
purposes of raising the level of general culture, updating professional knowledge, having knowledge
about the issues which are wondered and for pleasure (Ymaz, 2002).
Demirel and ahinel (2006) assert that "reading"
and "understanding" which appears to be two separate efforts have in fact cause - effect relationship.
They also state that the first stage of reading comprehension is to read well and the second stage is
to grasp the text within the context. In this context,
reading comprehension can be defined as an active
process in which the message the writer try to give
is constructed logicay and a process which cover
both the information in the text and reader's comments (Radoyevic, 2006).
Grabe and Stoer (2002) argues that the abity of
reading comprehension is highly complex and includes a variety of abilities but seems to be an easy
and enjoyable metacognitive comprehension process for fluent readers. According to Gnec (2004),
reading comprehension consists of finding the message of the text, thinking on them, making inferences and evaluation together with some mental activities such as review, selection, making decision,
translation, making analysis-synthesis and evaluation. Especially, reading quickly and reading comprehension are critical factors affecting the success
of the students. The learning process of students
who can be able to read qtiickly and correctly and
understand what they read rightly and who have a
wide range of vocabtary and who can use the language efficiently is easier and their success is higher
(elenk & alikan, 2004).
Reading is an essential ski for both educational
and professional success; it is the best way of staying
in touch with vital new findings and increasing one's
academic and professional standing. Moreover, it is
an important source of pleasure, both in native and
foreign languages (Chastain, 1988; Li & Whelm,
2008; Sarioban, 2002 cited in Hayati & Shariatifar,

As a matter of fact, the development of reading

comprehension skis of the students has a positive
effect on their success in school. Starting from the
first years of the teaching, the development of students' reading comprehension ski especiay, the
development of their power of interpretation and
evaluation as metacognitive processes is thought
to contribute to the efficiency and efficacy of the
teaching and learning process in terms of aims and
objectives (Kuzu, 2004). However, the students
shotd have the reading skills and strategies necessary for acquiring the knowledge from the printed
materials (Coins & Cheek, 1999).
Reading comprehension strategies are the activities
which aow students to control their own learning,
in other words, "make them think on what they
have thought" (Susar, 2006). Accordingly, the reading comprehension strategies are defined as cognitive tools which can enhance the student's academic
performance in the situations when the process of
comprehension gets harder and harder (Ponieta,
2006). In this context, it is important to for the student to choose effective strategies for himself/herself or utize a variety of comprehension strategies
at the same time in different parts of the reading
comprehension process.
There are researches showing that there is a relationship between the power of reading comprehension and the other course (Bloom, 1979). Those
who are inadequate in reading comprehension
cannot be expected to be interested in the other
course subjects, cannot be expected to understand
what they read in their textbooks and thus cannot
be expected to be successft. In this context, taking
into consideration the importance of reading comprehension, strategies that wl help the students
to comprehend the text they read shotd be developed. It is knovra fiom the studies abroad that a lot
of reading comprehension strategies has been developed and programs designed especiay for these
to be taught (Dogan, 2002).
Pearson (1984) and Brown (1981) suggest the following strategies for the students to develop their
reading comprehension in the classroom (cited in
Robinson & Good, 1987):
1. The teaching strategy shotd be suitable for the
2. Teaching shotd proceed from the simple to the
3. In the analysis and transfer of what has been
learned shotd show what is unclear.

KARASAKALOLtJ / The Relationship between Reading Comprehension and Learning and Study Strategies...

4. When and how to use teaching strategies should

be clear.
5. Feedback should be given during class discussions and independent studies.
6. Different texts should be used in order to make
an effective transfer to new areas.
7. Students are taught strategies to control their
own operation.

As it is seen in Abromitis's strategy and Weir's

model, in order for the students to develop their
reading comprehension skills, they need to develop
metacognitive strategies. In both of the approaches,
mental imagery, imagination and developing emotional images are of great importance. In this situation, it can be said that visual reading skiUs has a
direct effect on reading comprehension skills and
there is a direct correlation between these skills.
The fact that the teacher candidates have a high
level of comprehension of the text in their courses
requires them to know the processes of reading
comprehension and foow them (ogmen, 2008).
The results of the research conducted by Egehoglu
(1989) show that the individual's learning in terms
of data level can only be evaluated through looking at the level of reading comprehension and if the
level of reading comprehension of the individual
is not high, learning which is above the data level
cannot take place how much time can be spared for
the learning.
That the teaching-learning theories and models
put forth, "with each new self-learning based on
prior learning, preparatory to latter learning ", requires the completion of cognitive entry behaviors
in order to ensure mastery learning that is missing
at the beginning of the teaching-learning process.
50% of the variabihty in students' achievement,
cognitive entry behavior with sufficient power to
explain or to enable or facihtate learning (Bloom,
1979; Senemoglu, 1987). That cognitive entry behavior, which has the power of explanation 50%
of the variable in students' achievement, is at sufficient level enables or facihtates learning (Bloom,
1979; Senemoglu, 1987). In this context, to be able
to develop learning and study strategies depends on
development level of some features such as "mental
imagery, dream images, and development of emotional images" For this reason, metacognition strategies and learning and study strategies are directly
linked to each other.

In the research conducted by Bedir (1998), it is

aimed to discover the strategies used by the students studying in the department of Enghsh language teaching during the reading comprehension
courses and it is also aimed to make the students
gain the cognitive learning strategies which wi
facihtate their reading comprehension. The results
of the study reveal that there is a close relationship
between cognitive learning strategies and reading
comprehension. According to the students in experimental group, they use more strategies in reading comprehension courses and thus it is found that
they are more successful. In addition, it is seen that
conducting the reading comprehension course with
the acquisition of cognitive learning strategies help
the students to gain an advanced level of thinking
and the abity to use their knowledge.
The researches reveal that teaching strategy is effective
on the students' reading comprehension skills (Belet &
Ya^ar, 2007; Dogan, 2002; Hayati & Shariatifar, 2009;
Johnson-Glenberg, 2000; Temizkan, 2007). In feet,
the researches concerning reading comprehension
strategies show that the students who use the reading comprehension strategies more has a higher score
of reading comprehension (Cogmen & Saracaloglu,
2009; Karatay, 2007; ztrk, 1995; Saracaloglu &
Karasakaloglu, 2007; Tademir & Beydogan, 2007)
and it is also revealed that the reading comprehension
strategies used by the students in order to understand
the text increase the level of reading comprehension
(Alfessi, 1998; De Corte et al., 2001; Fucks et al, 1999;
Guthrie et al., 1999; Khngner, Vai^^m, & Schumm,
The frequency of the usage of the reading comprehension strategies vary depending on the students'
grades. The higher grade the students study means
the more frequent use of the strategies (Oxford,
1994). Indeed, in the study conducted by Hamurcu
(2002) regarding learning strategies, simar results
are obtained. According to this, it is fotmd that
the frequency of the strategy use by the students
studymg in preschool teaching department vary
depending on their grades. In a research conducted
on teacher candidates by Cogmen and Saracaloglu
(2009), it is seen that the reading comprehension
strategies used by the students are in the level of "I
use them frequently".
By using learning strategies through the development of reachng comprehension and writing skills,
students may become conscious learners about
their own learning, productivity in learning may
increase, they may gain the abihty to learn independently and learn whngly (zer, 2002).



Researchers discovered learning strategies that can

be used by the students in order to increase the
quahty of what has been learned in the school and
which also include some mental processes taught
by the teachers (Derry, 1992). In this context, for
the expected success and efficiency in education, it
is essential to provide the individuals with the opportunity to create, maintain, modify and renew
their own learning strategies. Hence, determining
the learning strategies used by the students is of
great importance in revealing the efiect of them on
success and evaluating the success. Learning strategy is defined as behaviors that will help recall the
knowledge which is a combination of previously
acquired and newly learned knowledge (Weinstein
& Mayer, 1986). Learning strategy is also defined
as the process of giving meaning to the knowledge
the students are presented during learning-teaching
process or individual preparation through mental
processes and putting the required efforts in order
to obtain them (Tay, 2005). According to Warr and
Downing (2000), learning strategies are one of the
elements of effective learning. In simple terms, a
learning strategy is an individual approach used
for completing a learning task. Accordingly, strategic learners have the metacognitive knowledge
concerning their own learning approach and their
power of thinking (Chamot, 2004).
Weinstein and Mayer (1986) emphasize the necessity of teaching the students the abihties of learning,
recalling, thinking and self-motivation. Therefore,
the students can be more self-sufficient in editing,
processing the knowledge which increasing constantly in their environment and make them a part
of their own thinking model.
Today, we see that the acquisition of knowledge
permanently as soon as possible is a requirement
rather than an aim of the education. Given the
fact that the success is obtained through effective
study skills not through studying hard, the students
have to have eflFective study habits (Kckahmet,
1987). As a matter of fact, the students state that
they cannot be successful even though they study
hard. The point that should be taken into consideration is the fact that the length of time spared for
studying doesn't enable the success. The way of being successful is to study effectively and efficiently.
Studying effectively means using the time in an organized way in terms of aims and priorities (Balta,
1994 cited in Bay, Tugluk, & Gendogan, 2005). The
important thing is to use the time, environment,
facihties and resources efficiently considering the
aims and objectives (Ilgm et al., 1990).


Erdem (2005) emphasize the fact that the students

should have the responsibity during the learning
process and they should know the learning strategies in order to be successful in both their school
and whole life. In this context, the students who
don't have efficient study skills will have a low level
of success in their school and professional hfe because they won't be able to get the worth of their
efforts and time they spend for learning (Trkoglu,
Doganay, & Ydirim, 2000).
It is estabhshed that there is significant relationship
between teaching learning strategies and success
(Arslan, 2000; Bekleyen, 2005; Ddjac & Kaf Hasira,
2008; Eers 8c Pinkley, 2006; Hasra, 2007; Kaar, 1999;
Kaya, 2006; Kux)glu, 1995; Snbl, 1998)
Most of the studies concerning learning and
study strategies in Turkey are for teacher candidates (Altunay & Gngr, 2005; Bay, Tugluk, &
Gendogan, 2005; Bedir, 1998; aglayan, 2008;
Dogan, Ymazel, 8c Ergezen, 2008; Durai, 2008;
Karaki, 2006; Karako & imek, 2004; Kazu &
Erszl, 2007; Kymen, 1989; ztrk, 1995; Saglam,
1999; Saracaloglu et al., 2004; Saracaloglu, Varol,
8c Gencel, 2006; en, 2006; Sezgin Seluk, 2004;
Somuncuoglu 8c Ydirim, 2000; Somuncuoglu,
1996; Snbl, 1998; Tademir 8c Tay, 2007; Tok,
2007; Tmkaya 8c Bai, 2006; Tksel 8c Koar, 2001).
The shared result in the researches focuses on the
feet that the teacher candidates should develop their
learning and study strategies (Durai, 2008; Hamurcu,
2002; Karaki, 2006; Kymen, 1989; ztrk, 1995;
Saracaloglu et al., 2004; Saracaloglu, Varol, 8c Gencel,
2006; en, 2006; Teker, 2002; Tmkaya & Bal, 2006).
In this case, it is foreseen that the students who don't
have efficient study skills will have a low level of success in their school and professional hfe because they
won't be able to get the worth of their efforts and time
they spend for learning (Teker, 2002).
Al-Shaye (2002) analyzed the effectiveness of metacognitive strategies on reading comprehension and
reading comprehension strategies in Arabic lesson
of U"" grade students studying in a high school in
Kuwait. In the study, two metacognitive strategies
are used and the strategies are compared with traditional reachng teaching. The findings of the research
show that metacognitive strategies have more positive effect on reading comprehension and reading
comprehension strategies compared to traditional
approach. However, there isn't significant difference
between the metacognitive strategies. As a result, is
estabhshed that metacognitive strategies used in
the research have positive effect on reading comprehension (cite in Tok, 2003).

KARASAKALOGLU / The Relationship between Reading Comprehension and Learning and Study Strategies...

This study conducted as a result of all above mentioned reasons is expected to contribute to the
students and teacher together with instructors
working in the departments of primary school and
Turkish language teaching in universities.

The Aim of the Study

The aim of this study is to determine whether the
level of tise of pragmatic and analytical reading strategies significantly differs among prospective elementary school teachers in terms of ten sub-dimensions
of learning and study strategies. The sub-dimensions
used are attitude, motivation, time management,
anxiety, concentration, information processing, selection of the main ideas, study aids, self-testing and
test-taking strategies. Students are also differentiated
based on upper or lower leyel scores.
According to this main aim, the foowing sub-objectives are questioned:
1. Does the level of use of prospective elementary
school teachers' analytical reading strategies significantly differ in terms of the sub-dimensions
of learning and study strategies, attitude, motivation, time management, anxiety, concentration,
information processing, selection of the main
ideas, study aids, self-testing and test-taking
strategies' based on being in upper or lower level.
2. Does the level of use of prospective elementary
school teachers' pragmatic reading strategies significantly differ in terms of the sub-dimensions
of learning and study strategies, attitude, motivation, time management, anxiety, concentration,
information processing, selection of the main
ideas, study aids, self-testing and test-taking
strategies' based on being in upper or lower level.
3. Is there any significant relationship between the
level of use of prospective elementary school
teachers' pragmatic and analytical reading strategies and learning and study strategies?
4. In what level do the analytical reading strategies explain the variables related to prospective
elementary school teachers' use of learning and
study strategies?
5. In what level do the pragmatic reading strategies explain the variables related to prospective
elementary school teachers' use of learning and
study strategies?


j interpretation are examined m deta.

the Research Model

A correlational research design is used to describe
prospective elementary school teachers' reading
comprehension strategies and learning and study
strategies. Relational survey methods are research
methods that aim to determine the existence and/
or the level of any changes between/among two or
more variables. Such an embodiment, the variables
that relationship is to be searched between, like as
single survey, is separately (one by one) sembohzed.- However, this symbolization (giving values,
measurement) must be made to aow a relational
analysis (Karasar, 2008).

The Universe and Sampling

The urverse of the research consists of the students
studying in the department of Elementary Education
in the faculty of Education in the University of
Adnan Menderes. 159 of the students studying in
the department of Elementary School Teaching in
Adnan Menderes University are taken as the sample
of this research. 54, 7 of the students (n=87) are females and 45,3 of them (n=72) are males.

Data Collections Tools

In this study, the data were coected through two
scales. The first is titled "Metacognitive Reading
Strategies Questionnaire" (MRSQ) and was developed by Taraban, Kerr, and Rynearson, (2004).
The second scale is titled "The Learning and Study
Strategies Inventory" (LASSI) and was developed
by Weinstein et al. (1987). In the research, MRSQ
measures metacognitive strategies that the students
use whe reading texts and studying at the university level.. The MRSQ scale is 22 Five-point Lcerttype item instrument that is designed to measure
the strategies used whe reading texts.
Out of the 22 items, first 16 measure the analytical
strategies dimension and the remaining 6 meastire
pragmatic strategies dimension. The items in the dimension of analytical strategies refer to the metacognitive strategies used by the students whe reading
the text during the course. The items in the dimension of pragmatic strategies refer to practical strategies
regarding recalling. The participants are asked to rate



themselves on a scale of 1 to 5. Participants rated their

use of strategy (1= never use" and 5= always use). For
a participant, the highest score of the scale can be 22,
whe the lowest score is 110.
The vahdity and rehabity of the scale are examined by Cogmen and Saracaloglu (2010). The overa Cronbach-alpha coefficient of MRSQ was .84.
Cronbacb-alpha coefficients for sub-scales were
found as 0.85 and 0 .75.1n this research, the overall Cronbach-alpha coefficient of MRSQ was found
high .94. Cronbach-alpha coefficients for sub-scales
were found as 0.86, and 0 .96.
LASSI comprised of 10 sub-scales and 77 items.
Alpha rehabihty coefficients of LASSI ranged
from 0.86 to 0.63. As the second data collection instrument in this study. The Learning and
Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) was used
(Weinstein et al., 1987). LASSI comprised of 10
sub-scales and 77 items. These sub_scales used are
Attitude, Motivation, Time management. Anxiety,
Concentration, Information Processing, selection
of the main idea. Study Aids, Self Testing and Test
strategies. Alpha rehabity coefficients of LASSI in
the original study was ranged from 0.72 to 0.85. In
this study, alpha rehabity coefficients of LASSI
ranged from 0.86 to 0.63.
The strategic learning has got three components;
Skill, Request and- Self-Regulation (Weinstein
& Palmer, 2002). The sub-scales related with the
component "Skl" are Information Processing,
Selection of the Main Idea and Test Strategies.
These scales analyze the learning strategies related
with new information, the diagnosis of the ideas
and processes, acquisition and construction; how
the new information is tested through skl and
thought processes or how the evaluation processes
are prepared.

The Analysis of the Data and Interpretation

In the research, the percentages of the data are taken and the arithmetic means of the group, standard
deviation, minimum and maximum vales are calculated. For this operation, the arithmetic mean of
the group and standard deviation of all groups are
determined in terms of analytical reading strategies
(x=46.46, SS=15.68); the individuals who has pragmatic reading strategy score half point above the
standard deviation are included to the upper group
and the ones who has pragmatic reading strategy
score half point below the standard deviation are
included to the lower group. Simar operations are
also conducted for the second sub-problem within


the pragmatic reading strategy scores (.^ = 18.03,

SD = 6.23).
Statistical analysis regarding whether the level of
the prospective elementary school teachers' use
of analytical and pragmatic strategies differs in
terms of their learning and study strategies is firstly
analyzed with t-test as ten sub-dimensions. Later,
learning and study strategies is grouped into request, skul and self-regulation dimensions and ttest is done in order to determine whether the level
of use of the analytical and pragmatic strategy has
significant chfferences depending on their being in
upper or lower group. In the process of determining the relationship between the reading comprehension strategies and the learning and study strategies, Pearson correlation coefficient is calculated.
In the interpretation of the data, p=.O5 is accepted
for t test as a level of significance; in the correlation
calculations, the results are interpreted with .05 and
.01 levels of significance.

Discussion, Results and Suggestions

The level of use of pragmatic and analytical reading
strategies is found to be above the intermediate level
(analytical x=3,854; pragmatic x= 3,6530 (I use it fi-equently) among prospective elementary school teachers. This finding of the study is parallel to the results
of those studies conducted by Altunay and Gngr
(2005), Dolly (2005), akuroglu (2007), Fotovaan
and Shokrpour (2007), Karatay (2007), Cogmen and
Saracaloglu (2009), Topuzkanami (2009).
In the research of Altunay and Gngr (2005) about
the level of the teacher candidates' use of reading
comprehension strategies, they found more frequently used strategies in order to understand the
text. Those strategies were found as putting variety
of signs on the points they think to be important,
listing the information in the text according to their
degree of importance, making deductions, understanding the message the writer try to give, determining the main idea of the text, checking their
level of comprehension on their own. Although authors did not categorize the strategies as analytical
and pragmatic, their findings lustrate samples of
analytic and pragmatic strategies. In other words,
it can be seen that the teacher candidates use the
analytical and pragmatic reading strategies as more
frequeht strategies. Thus, our results that prospective teachers use pragmatic and analytical reading strategies at about intermediate level support
Altunay and Gngr's study results.

KARASAKALOLtJ / The Relationship between Reading Comprehension and Learning and Study Strategies...

In his doctorate dissertation, "Freshmen students'

perception of the reading process and their use of
metacognitive reading strategies", Doy (2005) investigated how coege freshmen mandated into a
developmental reading cotirse perceived the reading
process, and how these perceptions were affected by
developmental reading course intervention. A secondary purpose of his study was to determine the
use of metacognitive reading strategies by students
who were required to take a developmental reading
cotirse. The results of the case study of fotir people
showed demonstrated increased metacognitive behavior. The restts of the questionnaires also revealed
that the developmental reading course positively influenced students' awareness of strategies as weU as
their abihty to use strategic behavior to comprehend
academic text. The stirvey data showed that students
increased their questioning behavior, and positive
perceptions of themselves as readers.
In this study, teacher candidates whose levels of analytical reading strategies were in upper level used
the learning and study strategies in the upper level.
In the same way, teacher candidates whose levels of
analytical reading strategies were in lower level used
the learning and study strategies in the lower level.
Simarly, Fotovatian and Shokrpour (2007) fotmd
that that good readers use the metacognitive strategies in upper level when conducting a research of
Comparison of the efficiency of reading comprehension strategies on Iranian university students'
comprehension. When determining the effect of
the use of the metacognitive reading strategies on
the success of the students (33 students) who have
low reading comprehension level, akiroglu (2007)
foimd that the metacognitive strategy is effective
in increasing the students' success in reading comprehension and the metacognitive reading comprehension level. Although the restts from this study
and Fotovatian and Shokrpour' study lustrate
such a fixed situation based on students' upper or
lower level, akiroglu's findings wotd be use to
develop a way to improve lower level chdren to
upper in respect to reading coinprehension. Thus,
considering the restts from the studies above one
can draw a picture of how reading Strategies might
effects learning and study strategies.
Karatay (2007) analyzed the success in reading
comprehension of the prospective Turkish language teachers and the level of their use of the reading strategies. According to the findings obtained
in the research, the level of their use of the reading
' strategies was fotmd in the intermediate level. In
this sense, the findings of the study of Karatay are

simar to our study in which the use of the reading

strategies is fotmd to be in upper level.
In study conducted by Cogmen and Saracaloglu
(2009), it is concluded that 1" and 4* grade students studying in four different departments in the
Factty of Education (Ttirkish Language Teaching
Elementary School Teaching
Department, Science Teaching Department and
Art) use reading strategies frequently whe reading the text related with the course. The strategies
used by these students are found to be used in the
same frequency in analytical and pragmatic dimensions. In the same research, it is found that there is
a significant and positive correlation but in a low
level between the academic success of the students
and their frequency of use the strategy. According
to this, as long as the GPA of the students (grade
point average) increases, the level of their using
the metacognitive strategies increases, too. As a restt, it is revealed that the teacher candidates use
metacognitive reading strategies "frequently" whe
reading the texts.
In the study conducted by Topuzkanami (2009),
the correlation between the levels of the teacher
candidates' using the reading strategies and reading
comprehension strategies are analyzed and the relationship between these two levels is also analyzed.
The research is apphed to 569 students in Turkish
Language Teaching Department, Elementary
School Teaching Department, Science Teaching
Department, Social Science and Mathematics
Teaching Departments. The reading comprehension level of the students in Turkish Language,
Elementary School and Mathematics Teaching
Department is fotmd as intermediate. In terms of
success, it is estabhshed that the most successful
group is Ttirkish Language Teaching Department
and the most tmsuccessft group is Social Science
Teaching Department. It is.seen that there is in a
low level but significant correlation between reading comprehension and GPA. In otir research,
the study is applied to the students in Elementary
School Teaching Department and their level of
reading comprehension is fotmd as "average". In
this situation, it can be said that the findings of
these two researches is parael to each other.
It was fotmd that the prospective elementary
school teachers use the learning and study strategies above the intermediate level. Skill (x=3,2845),
request(x=3,1667) and self-discipline (x=3,156) dimensions of the teacher candidates are found to be
above the intermediate level. This findings is fotmd
to be parael to the ones of the researches conduct-



ed by Kymen (1989,1990), ztrk (1995), Gkdac

and imen (2004), Saracaloglu, Baer, Yavuz and
Narh (2004), Saracaloglu, Varol and Evin Gencel
(2006), Erdamar (2010)
In the study exerted by Kymen (1989), the same
scale used in our study is apphed and the learning
and study strategies of the students in Faculties
of Medicine, Economic and Administrative
Sciences, Science and Literature, Engineering and
Architecture, and Agriculture are examined. In the
study mentioned above, it is seen that the learning
and study strategies used by the university students
are simar to each other though there are some differences and especially affective strategies (attitude,
motivation and anxiety sub-dimensions) are found
to be in a quite low level. As it is in our research,
simar results are obtained in the attitude, motivation and anxiety sub-dimensions of Skill. In this
context, it can be said that the results of Kymen's
study and our study findings overlap.
In the study of Kymen caed "the comparison of
the students in higher education system and the
students in open university system in terms of the
learning and study strategies", it is that there is not
any clear difference between the students in higher
education system and the students in open university
system in terms of the learning and study strategies.
However, the students of the traditional education
system got shghtly higher scores in time management and self-testing compared to the others. These
findings are simar to the ones in our study.
In his research, ztrk (1995) analyzed the status the
general learning strategies used by the university students and what the situation concerning the use of
the strategies. At the end of the research, it is found
that %55 of the teacher candidates use the learning
strategies "very often". Under the hght of this finding,
it can be though that our study is supported.
In the study of Gkdac and imen (2004) called
"The learning and Study Strategies of the students
in Gevher Nesibe Health Institution" the most frequently chosen item is "I underline the sentences
which seem meaningful to me whe reading the
subjects in the textbook" (x: 4,72). The next frequently chosen items are "I take down notes when
I study lesson" (x: 4,44) and "I try to make associations between my previous knowledge and what I
have learned". The item "Because I have difficulty
in scheduling studying lessons, I fa in the exam"
with x: 2, 57, the item "I have difficulty in choosing the important points that can be asked in the
exams" with x: 2, 38 and the item "I try to find the
simarities and differences in the things I learned"


with x: 2, 25 are among the strategies used by the

participants whe studying lesson in below the
intermediate level. Accordingly, it is clear that the
students use the teaching strategies in above the intermediate level and this result seems parallel to our
study's findings.
The aim of the research conducted by Saracaloglu
et al. (2004) is to estabhsh the relationship between
the learning and study strategies and the attitudes
of the students studying in primary school and
secondary school mathematics teaching department and primary school teaching department
towards studying strategies. The sample of the
research which is in correlation model consists
of 343 students from the Faculty of Education in
Buca. As the tool of data coUection, "The scale of
Attitude towards Mathematics" which is developed
by Baykul (1990) and which has a rehabity coefficient of .96 and "The inventor of The learning and
Study Strategies" whose validity and rehabihty is
conducted by Kymen (1990) are apphed together
with six-question form about personal information.
Our study reveals the fact that there is a significant
difference in terms of the departments of the students and the status of satisfaction of the students
from their departments and also it is seen that the
attitude towards mathematics doesn't differ depending on the sex. Moreover, it is determined that
there have been significant changes in the learning
and study strategies of the students compared to
the other variables. Although the motivation level
of the primary school candidates is low (%20) and
their anxiety level (%55) is high, it is seen that they
get higher scores compared to the students in other
departments. The findings of the research reveal
that the attitudes of the teacher candidates towards
mathematics are positive and high and the learning and study strategies are adequate apart from the
attitude, motivation and test strategies. According
to this fact, it is understood that in our research,
the findings of the students in attitude, motivation
and anxiety sub-dimensions which forms the request dimension are simar to the results of above
mentioned research. In the same way, both research
findings are consistent with each other in term of
test strategies.
In a research conducted by Saracaloglu et al. (2006),
the attitude of the students (%10), their motivation
(%15), test strategies (%15), anxiety (%40) and the
selection of the main ideas (%40) dimensions are
found to be in low levels and they asserted that they
should be developed. Furthermore, it is thought
that the students have average competence in con-

KARASAKALOLU / The Relationship between Reading Comprehension and Learning and Study Strategies...

centration (%50), time management (%60), elftesting strategies (%65) and study aids (%70) and
they also need to be developed for all these dimensions. The participants are seen as adequate in information processing.

search are consistent with the findings of our research concerning the fact that there are significant
correlations between the attitude dimension which
means interest in the school and being successful
and the other learning strategies.

Erdamar (2010) studied the relationships among the

attitudes of the teacher candidates towards studying
lesson, appreciating themselves as successful, and
their positive perceptions towards the faculty and
the instructors, their level of grades together with
their studying strategies. The participants of the research consist of 746 first and fourth grade students
studying in the Facity of Vocational Education in
Gazi university. The scales of "Study Strategies" and
"The Attitude of the Teacher Candidates towards
the Learning Strategies" which is prepared in Likert
type is used in order to measure the attitudes of the
teachers candidates towards learning strategies and
to determine their learning strategies. Hierarchical
multiple regression analysis has been performed
on the data and it is seen that the attitudes towards
studying lesson, appreciating themselves as successful and positive perceptions of the teaching
staff are important factors of the study strategies. It
is found that the perception of the school and the
level of grade are not effective in the use of study
strategies. There is a positive and significant difference between appreciating themselves as successful
which is taken as predictor variable and the attitudes towards studying lesson and the use of the
strategies. Accordingly, the attitude of the students
who appreciate themselves as successful towards
studying lesson and their use of the strategies are
more positive. Whe there is a significant and positive correlation between studying lesson and the
perception of the school and the instructor, there
couldn't be found a significant correlation among
the studying strategies. Depending on this finding,
it can be said the attitudes of the students who have
positive perceptions of the faculty are more positive, but it can also be asserted that it has no correlation between the study strategies and perception of
school. There isn't a significant and positive correlation between the perceptions of the instructor and
the attitudes towards studying and study strategies.
This fact shows that the students with more positive perceptions of the instructor have more positive attitudes towards the school and also show that
they have more positive study attitudes and strategies. There is a significant and positive correlation
between the attitude towards studying and study
strategies. It can be said that the students with positive attitude towards studying can use more study
strategies more effectively. The fmdings of this re-

' In the same vray, Kete and Sucuo^u (2011) studied the
learning stral^es of the teacher candidates in the departments of biology and science teaching. It is determined
that the teacher candidates always use "ie strat^y of underlining the sentences which seem important" (473%);
use the strategies of "Vying to find what are the important
points are" (553%); " firstly, trying the solve the problem
and then looking at the solutions" (453%), and "putting
signs on the important points" (423%) very often and
they never use the strat^ of "Vying to simplify the sentences" (the memory and organizing strategies): It is also
cktermined that the teacher candidates sometimes use the
"answering the question asked by themsdves"
(363%), "preparing cjuestions" (303%), ""asking questions
to themsdve^' (313%) and they never use the strat^y of
"solving test rdated with subject" (thefollow-up strategiesforunderstanding the coniprehension)It is seen that
they use the strat^es of "making asscxiation between the
previous kncm^edge and the newly learned" (51%), "classifying the subjects" (45%), and "imagination" (42% very
fiec]uentty (basic and complex strategies of giving meaning). It is found that they usetfiestrat^es of "trying to
find the similarities' (503%) and " studying taking into
account the figures' (473%) veryfiequently(Complex
organization and resources based learning strat^es). It
is also established iat iey use the strategies of ""preparing worksheets" (39%), ""studying by writing (39%) and
""summarizing (353%) very often. The results obtained
fiom this research are similar to the ones in our research.
In this context, it can be said that these two researches support each other
In the researches exerted by Kymen (1989; 1990),
Saracaloglu et al. (2004), Saracaloglu et al. (2006)
in which the same scale used in our researches apphed, it is found that the scores of the participants
concerning learning and study strategies are quite
simar to the ones in otir research. The attitude and
motivation scores are also nearly the same with the
ones in our research. In this situation, though the"
level of using the learning strategies whe studying
is in intermeciiate and upper levels, it is thought that
the competencies, especiay affective strategies,
should be developed. By this way, it is foreseen that
the prospective elementary school teachers who are
responsible for teaching can use the above mentioned strategies more efficiently.
When the researches above are examined, it is seen
that the learning and study strategies of the imiver-






sity students and reading comprehension strategies

are dealt with separately. However in the literattire,
there cotdn't be fotmd a study which examines the
relationship between the reading comprehension
strategies and the learning and study strategies of
the prospective elementary school teachers. In this
direction, it is thought that this research has an
original content and wi shed light on the foowing researches.

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