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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of

Bachelors of Technology



Mechanical &Automation Engineering

Arpan Birtharia
Enroll No.A60205413013
Under the guidance of

Mr. Mukesh Chaturvedi

HR and senior engineer
Surya High mast division

Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering

Amity School of Engineering & Technology
Amity University Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Nov 2016

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Amity School of Engineering and Technology
I, Arpan Birtharia, student of Bachelor of Technology in Department of Mechanical
and Automation Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity
University Madhya Pradesh, hereby declare that I am fully responsible for the information
and results provided in this summer internship report titled Manufacturing of Steel Pipes
submitted to HR, Surya Roshni pvt Ltd., Malanpur, Bhind, Madhya Pradesh for the partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Mechanical and Automation Engineering. Honour of the intellectual property rights have
been taken care in all the respects and have acknowledged the contributions of others for
using them. I further declare that in case of any violation or copyrights, I will be fully
responsible for the same. My supervisor, HOD and the Institute should not be held for any
violation of copyrights if found at any stage of my degree.

Arpan Birtharia
Enrol. No. A60205413013

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Amity School of Engineering and Technology
This is to certify that the work in the industrial practical training entitled Manufacturing of
steel pipes by Arpan Birtharia bearing A60205413013 is a bonafide record of industrial
practical training carried out by him under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical and
Automation Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior.
Neither this project nor any part of it has been submitted for any degree or academic award

Dr. Sanjay Gomasta

Mr. Mahendra Kumar Agarwal

Faculty Supervisor, MAE

I would like to express my gratitude to the people who stood to extend their helping hands in
Various ways during my summer internship. I am very much thankful to our Honorable Vice
Chancellor Lt. Gen V.K Sharma Retd (AVSM),Amity University (M.P) for allowing me to
carry out my summer internship. I would like to thanks our Professor (Dr.) .M.P. Kaushik ,
Pro V.C of Amity University (M.P) for their support and guidance.
I extend my sincere thanks to professor. Dr. Anil Vashist, HOI amity school of Engineering
and Technology, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior for their guidance in selection
of appropriate workshop for my internship.
I would like to thanks to Dr. Sanjay Gomasta, HOD, Department of mechanical and
automation engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University
Madhya Pradesh. For his continuous motivation and inspiration during my summer internship
.I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Mukul Chaturvedi Senior Engineer
Surya High Mast-Land Gwalior, who has given inspiration and Technical support for my
summer internship. I am also like to thanks the whole staff of Surya Company for teaching
me a single minute in their respective fields.

Arpan Birtharia


Manufacturing of Steel pipes is a traditional method in which he rolling process is used in

to make the pipes of the seamless and it is done with the reduction in breadth of the pipes
with the increase in the length with the strain energy the welding is done automatically by the
resistance welding in the which the plates rub against each other and the welding is done
automatically and the cutting is done by the hacksaw cutter of specified lengths as the
production involves use of cranes but the problem of the production was to decrease the
wastage of material as well as making kaizen chart .the present scenario of the steel tube
production is making the most pipes two- thirds of the production of the world requirement is
done by the rolling process. The use of coolant is used in which the oil is mixed two parts to
the three parts of the water.
Keywords: Kaizen, Resistance Welding, Rolling

Fig No.


Page No.

Figure 1

Process of Making of Steel Pipes

Figure 2

Manufacturing procedure of Seamless pipe


Carrying cost


Holding cost


Overall cost


Rotation per minute

Front Page

Page No.

Declaration by student

Certificate by company


Certificate by supervisor (Forwarded by HOD/HOI)





List of Figures


List of Abbreviations


Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Review of Literature and Definition of Problem

Chapter 3. Theory and Methodology

Chapter 4. Results and Discussion


Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Prospects


Chapter 6. Summary


Chapter 7. References


Manufacturing of steel pipes is a particular case to understand the manufacturing process of
the industries and enhance the prismatic skills inside the industrial environment. This project
enhance the knowledge of cold working process, hot working process etc. The main
objective of the project is to provide the brief knowledge of the manufacturing of pipe and
how to improve the quality of pipe so that the overall cost of the production so that
maximum profit can be earn by the organization. Study in not only limited to the
manufacturing process, it also a task to find out the effective methodologies for the
production to reduce the overall cost of the production for example use of scrub material for
the production by the use advance methods of technology. Steel pipes are the long and
hollow tubes which are used for various application like for gas flow or water or liquid flow
and the manufacturing parameter is different depending upon the application. The purpose of
this project was to analyse manufacturing system of the steel pipes and the problem arise
during the manufacturing process of the steel pipes, similarly one of the problem involved in
the process is the wastage of much material due to its alligatoring effect and the strain rate of
the structure of grain. The another problem involves is the corrosion of pipes and the defect
in the welding due to the pressure the types of process is the u-process c-process and the
process is cold working process and number of components in them but the difference lies in
the length of the magazine they both are widely used and in the process the consist of
traditional lathe machine as well as the CNC machine in which this components consist of
widely used of drilling machines ,lathe machines ,CNC machine tool the material used for
the magazine is the brass , which is made from the peristatic reaction but the raw material in
the factory is not made it is brought from the other factories according to the requirement.

Steel pipes are produced from two of these basic forms of steel, the round billet and the
slab. Steel are made by the two procedures which result in either a welded or the reliable
channels. In them two the rough steel is at first implanted into a more workable edge. It is
a then made into a pipe by the reaching out on the steel by rollers out into a predictable
tube or convincing the edges of the steel together and driving them with a weld. Steel
directs are found in countless of spots. Since they are strong, fit for dealing with the band
stresses they are generally used as a part of the underground to transport the water and gas
all through the urban groups and from the distinctive towns. They are furthermore used for
the improvement to secure electrical wires in the media transmission lines. While steel
channels are the strong and very quality, they can in like manner be made to lightweight by
selecting the way of the steel. This property makes to them perfect for use in the bicycle
diagram for producers .In various spots they find there utility in the autos refrigeration
units warming and pipes structures in the refrigeration units it is used as a part of the
abhorrence of the glow transmission for the from the environment this property allows the
refrigerant to stream to the and to hold in the chamber for much time as the tubes cost
were generously more than today because of the presentation of the reliable plastic tubes
which are of more quality and is less costly which provoked to rot the era of the steel pipes
Certain pipe characteristics can be controlled in the midst of creation. For example, the
broadness of the channels is habitually balanced on the essential depending upon how it
will be utilized for the reason. The expansiveness of the pipes can stretch out from the
little pipes used to make hypodermic needles used as a piece of mixtures, to enormous
channels used to transport the gas all through a city or from the one country to another.
The divider thickness of the steel pipe can moreover be controlled in the operations.
Generally the way of the steel will in like manner influence pipe property like the quality
and the flexibility. Other major controllable the cost and the way of the covering material,
and end finishing methodology or the utility possibly nowadays of the cost of the plastic
predictable pipes comprehensively used today as they are not reliable yet rather poor in the
warm security so fibre downy is given around them to keep the glow and enormous
quantities of these are used.


The primary our focus was to make with the research and the duplicate at least cost of the
material for which the raw material in pipe production is steel. Steel is made up of
primarily iron and the carbon inbided by the paratactic reaction of the two. Other
properties imparting metals that may be present in steel alloy include the aluminium,
manganese, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, and zirconium. Some of these of the finishing
materials are sometimes used during the production. For the protection of the pipes from
corrosion paint may be used if the pipe is coated. For this a light amount of oil is applied
to the steel pipes at the end of the production line. This helps to protect the pipe. But it is
not actually the part of the finished product, sulphuric acid is used in one of the
manufacturing step to clean the pipe then the pipes is made when the order is received. In
surya pipes the pipes made is exposed to the sunlight but during the monsoon season the
production is according to the so to the order received so that the less damage to the pipes
and the properties as wells as the inventory is optimised as wells as the C .O, C.H, C.C is




Generally in industries steel pipes are produce by two different methods and in both the
method the overall production methods have three steps. In the first, raw steel is transform
into a more suitable workable form. And in second the pipe is formed on a continuous
production line. At last, the pipe is cut and modified to fulfil the need of the customer.
Seamless pipe and welded pipe are the two kind of pipe process which is generally used in
manufacturing in industries. In the manufacturing process, molten steels are prepared by
melting the iron ore and coke (heated in absence of air) in a furnace, most of the carbon is
removed by blasting oxygen into the liquid after this process molten steel is poured into a
large and thick walled iron molds in which cooling process in done. Ingots are placed
among the large rollers with enormous pressure to form it into the flat products like sheet.
The ingots are passed between a pair of grooved steel rollers or sometime a pair of three
rollers are used that are stacked. These are utilized to create a furnished product . These
rollers are "2-high plants". The rollers used to deliver blossoms are mounted in a manner
that their depressions harmonize with each other, and they are additionally move in inverse
bearings. This operation causes the steel to be crushed and extended into more slender,
longer pieces. At the point when the rollers are turned around by the administrator, the
steel is pulled back through making it more slender and more. This procedure is rehashed
until the steel accomplishes the craved shape. Amid the whole procedure, controllers flip
the steel so that every side is prepared equally. Another path into change over Ingots into
chunks that is very like the blossom making process in which steel is gone through a
couple of stacked rollers which extend it. Also, to control the width of the section different
rollers are mounted as an afterthought. At whatever point the steel gets the craved shape,
the uneven finishes of the blossoms or chunk are cut off and the sections or sprouts are cut
into littler pieces. Sprouts are prepared again before include it into pipe making process.
They are changed over into billets by going them through more rollers that make them
longer and smaller. Besides the billets are cut by flying shears machine. These are a couple
of synchronized shears that race alongside the moving billet and cut it and it permits
effective cuts without halting the procedure. What's more, these billets are stacked and get
to be consistent pipe. To make them mold able further work is done on the section and to

do that firstly, they are initially warmed upto1204c. This makes an oxide covering to
shape on the surface of the piece. This covering is severed with a scale breaker and high
weight water splash. And afterward chunks are sent through a progression of rollers on a
hot plant and made into thin restricted segments of steel. As the chunks go through the
rollers, they get to be more slender and more.
Next process is to pickle the steel in the wake of extending, this includes running it from a
progression of tanks which contain sulfuric corrosive to clean the metal. Next stride is to
wash it with cool and boiling point water, and became and after that moved scarce on
expansive spools and bundled for transport to a pipe making office.

After the above process the billets move for the pipe making process in which both skelp
and billets are used to make pipes. It is an item within which an other explosive material is
stored they have their importance from the time to time during the world war with the
increase in the technology there is change in the design and new types of design have
been developed and this led to the compact design of the magazine.
In the there are many type of magazines are made but I have studied two types of
magazines these types of magazine have their same components but their changes lies in
the length these are they both contain same number of components in them but the
difference lies in the length of the magazine they both are widely used and in the process

the consist of traditional lathe machine as well as the CNC machine in which this
components consist of widely used of drilling machines ,lathe machines , CNC machine
tool the material used for the magazine is the brass , which is made from the peritectic
reaction but the raw material in the factory is not made it is brought from the other
factories according to the requirement
of the pipe. After all the process pipes are sent to a measuring machine. And information
along with other quality control data is automatically stenciled on the pipe. Then pipe is
sprayed with a light coating of protective oil or mixture. Most pipes are typically treated to
prevent it from rusting.
This is done by galvanizing process or providing a coating of zinc. Also depending on the
Functions of the pipe, other paints or coatings may be used.

Fig- Manufacturing procedure of seamless pipe


The way toward making the steel channels include the moving procedure in which the main
moving procedure in which the steel there is diminishment in the thickness of the length of
the funnels with the expansion in the length of the funnels the primary roll includes the
around three moving procedure yet in numerous industry there is a group factories which are

utilized rather than three move prepare in light of the fact that however there is increment in
alligatoring impact so for this they are utilized yet with extraordinary worry after the wanted
thickness is gotten the side rollers are given step by step so that the plate is moved and made
into the round and hollow frame then after the plates edges rub against each other than
weight is given so opposite to the pivot of the body yet giving the weight there is a weld
coming like I shape inside the funnels so to evacuate this by cutting device is accommodated
the pipe and as the pipe passes it expels the material and the scrap material came in the of
curl and for making the square shape the pipe is made into roller with the middle straight to
the broadness of pipe required which is the done by utilizing of roller then the funnels of
indicated length is cut into the by the assistance of hacksaw sharp edge then the channels
goes for checking if there is any spillage for the entire procedure coolant is given which is in
proportion of 10:3 in which 10 sections of the water is blended with the water for checking if
there is any spillage the pipe is put and high speed of water is pushed inside if there is any
spillage the channels is scratched if not it then send to the cleaning division and afterward t
the paint area Seamless channels are those which does not have a welded crease. They were
the primary made by penetrating a gap in the focal point of a strong chamber. This strategy
was created and received amid the late 1800s. These sorts of channels were ideal for the bike
outlines since they have thin dividers and are lightweight yet are exceptionally solid. the
main plant to deliver consistent tubes was constructed. As bike assembling offered approach
to car fabricating, consistent tubes were still required for fuel and oil lines and large scale
manufacturing was required so then different sorts of the procedure were created and
received they are the ingot generation in one of the techniques utilized early was the one as a
part of which a gap was penetrated through the one of the strong metal of the round billet.
This billet after it is warmed and drawn through a progression of bites the dust which extends
the steel it to shape the pipe. Yet, this technique was wasteful in light of the fact that it was
extremely hard to penetrate the gap at the mid.
Whenever large quantities of air re required at low pressure rotary compressors are employed
these are classified into the positive displacement compressors these are those compressors
in which the air is compressed trapped in the reduced space formed by the two sets of
engaging surface these ingots are get into shaped in between the large size rollers under
the enormous giving pressure and they are converted to produce a bloom the ingot is then
passed in through the pair of grooved steel rollers that are made over other to make the steel

Surging is a resistance to the delivery line of the compressor at the equilibrium any further
restriction to the operating point will cause the operating point to shift to the left ultimating
arriving to the point which is at the left this point is the maximum pressure point if the
pressure is reduced further pressure ratio will reduce at that point the flow is higher in the
downstream and may even cause in reverse direction the graph in this proofs that why we
need to use the accessories in a compressors and this is because after sometime the
compressors will start to deliver at high speed or an unstable pressure ratios this un stability
will lead to the physical damage and the high frequency vibration . High frequency vibration
can caused the defects in the rolling process in which the wavy edges can be formed on the
metal sheet due to the wavy edges are formed and these types of the due to lateral pressure
whereas in the edge edges are deformed in the s defect . Cross Piercing and Elongation process is
reasonable for little distance across thin-medium divider carbon-low amalgam and oil free

lubrication which reduces the overall cost of the systems and is widely used to supply in the
pipes of the brakes system of the railways and eliminating the intake valving systems and
orbit controls which makes the compressed gas very easily and instantaneously.
Inspection of machine parts require knowledge, skill and perfection, as even a small defect or
carelessness will affect the whole machine. Therefore it requires good knowledge of
measuring instruments, methods of measuring, calculation of measured values and
understanding of part drawings. One should understand the design of part provided by the
R&D department. Annotations and symbol shown in the drawing have their specific meaning
and inspection of the part must fulfil the requirements of the drawing provided. Machined
parts inspection require highly precise measuring instruments like Vernier calliper, Vernier
height gauge, radius gauge, V-block, dial indicator, etc.
Metrology include all theoretical and sensible aspects of measurement. A center concept is
metrological traceability. Metrological trace ability permit contrast of measurements, the
measured results are compare to the preceding result in the similar laboratory, a dimension


result two or three years ago, or the consequences of the measurement deliberated anywhere
in addition in the earth.
Traceability, correctness, accuracy, methodical bias, evaluation of dimension uncertainty are
significant parts of excellence management scheme.
Inspection of parts is the most important part in any company because the quality and
sustainability of product has to be ensured also so that the assembly takes place easily and
there occurs no defects in the final product.
The quality department is an important part of the industry which cant be neglected. To
perform in this department one should have the visual perfections and measurement accuracy.
Knowledge of instruments, measuring machines and measuring methods is must to perform
in quality department.
The main technologies used are:

Pierce and push rolling process

Cross rolling process

Assel rolling process

Tube extrusion process

Cold drawing

Cold pilgering

Pressure welding process

Fusion welding process

Arc welding process


Pipe is made when the steel in a strong, round tube shaped shape that is called "billet" or a
"tube round". Billet is warmed and pushed or pulled over a mandrel with a penetrating point
situated in the focal point of the billet. This operation creates an empty tube or "shell". At
that point tube is further completed until it turns into the size and divider thickness wanted.
(Since the pipe is shaped in a warmed way the pipe is standardized and ought to have a
steady steel cell design all through its circuit). Consistent pipe are by and large fabricated in
the sizes from 1/8" to 26" and is generally utilized as a part of development, oil refining,
compound and petrochemical ventures. Consistent pipe accessible in overwhelming divider
thicknesses and fascinating sciences, and makes them appropriate for snaking, flanging and
threading. Albeit costly, hard to come by and inaccessible in long lengths.

Combination Welding additionally called "Constant Weld". Combination Weld pipe starts as
wound steel of the required width and thickness for the size and weight of pipe to be made.
Progressive curls of steel are welded end to end to frame a nonstop lace of steel. What's
more, the lace of steel is nourished into a leveller and after that into a gas heater where it is
warmed to the required temperature for framing and melding. The framing moves toward the
end of the heater shape the warmed skelp into an oval shape.

Besides, There are different quality control tests strategies are accessible for pipe as they
relate to different enterprises. An assortment of measures are consider to guarantee that the
completed steel pipe are satisfy the accompanying particulars. For instance, x-beam and
different gages are utilized to manage the thickness of the steel. This gages perform by using
two x beams. One beam is coordinated at a steel of known thickness. The other is
coordinated at the passing steel on the creation line. On the off chance that there is any
difference among the beams, the gage will consequently trigger a resizing of the rollers to


Another test is of Pipes in which funnels are investigated for imperfections toward the end of
the procedure. One strategy for testing a pipe is by utilizing an uncommon machine. This
machine fills the pipe with water and after that builds the weight to check whether it holds.
Damaged funnels are returned for scrap target of this venture was to dissect and introduce a
moving procedure framework in a generation manufacturing plant. The. The consistent
funnels framework for this was chosen in light of hypothetical warmth exchange estimations,
spending plan, and accessible space. The procedure chose ended up being of legitimate size
for the given conditions.
It is conceivable and pragmatic to utilize moving estimations when about consistent
framework. Yet, we should think about the operational environment and stream qualities of
the surging and the alligatoring imperfection.
The future parts of the coming in the creation is that new sorts of moving frameworks might
be included in which the group processes as wells as the u opening plants are generally
utilized which might be utilized as a part of the transportation of the oils in pipelines which
will tends to more effectiveness to such an extent that the funnels in which is done the turn of
the rollers is done in of the battery is done in which the electrical machines with the motors
framework will work all the more productively so thusly that the moving procedure will be
hardly later on it is the more extensive as the numerous will work all the more proficiently in
the different sorts of cycles as indicated by the prerequisite of the generation framework.


In this temporary job I have learnt about the compressors frameworks in which the distinctive
sorts of moving procedure are utilized day by day as a part of our mechanical building the
band stress included in the pipe making process for which it is essentially a fundamentally a
maintenance division a part of the representatives in the private segment in which the a great
many people in India work so preeminent the rollers utilized as a part of the railroads lines
are the comprising of plants changing from the bunch factories to the half breed processes in
that I have learnt about how we now additionally utilizing responding kind of compressors
and these sorts of compressors were old ones however now we are utilizing the rotating sorts
of compressors as it is broadly utilized since the slowing down and the surging qualities in
the turning compressor is less because of which these sort of compressors are generally
utilized there are approx. The quality office is a critical part of the business which can't be
dismissed. To perform in this division one ought to have the visual idealizations and
estimation precision. Learning of instruments, measuring machines and measuring techniques
is must to perform in quality division.

which are utilized for the diesel loco maintenance since the compressors are broadly utilized
as a part of the diesel as the horn ,brakes that are utilized as a part of the railroads contains
the packed air so to produce this turning compressors are generally utilized they had a model
of this compressor in which the they have demonstrated to us the video of the rotating
compressor mounting .since it is a workshop we are utilizing the distinctive sorts of machine
and one of them is the mica-cut machine which can do expelling overabundance material the
security safety measures of the labourers are of the most in which I have seen an specialist
expelling abundance material from the employment it is ordinary machine in which the
granulating wheel is likewise there which has the limit of the spinning at 4000 rpm and in
that the grating particles were if copper wire of equivalent length when I got some
information about how to work they have guided me how to utilize the machine In that
machine an extra hardware may likewise raise to do an extra operation . in the shed I have
seen the cylinder rings in which the motors cylinder which is supplanted by the labourer so
that the motor works appropriately , I have seen a turbocharger which is utilized as a part of
the motor so that a legitimate sufficient measure of air runs out with the fuel-blend so that the
fuel-blend is appropriately scorched and there is an additional course of action for the
counteractive action of the blasting of the turbocharger in the motor get together which thusly
is joined with the compressor to build its effectiveness.
In that I have seen a spiral boring machine which is utilized as a part of to expand the barrel
bore or for the reaming operation of the interfacing bar it contains six axles there are likewise
different sorts of devices, for example, the reaming apparatuses countersinking instruments
and the counter-exhausting devices which are utilized as a part of the different sorts of work


Journals referred:

JEE technical report (Jan, 2006), Company Mannual of Mandal pipe company, Company
Mannual of Surya pipes High Mast Division, Karl Heiz Beincing,

Books referred:
R.K Jain, Surya pipes manual,
Web sites referred:


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