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GIP Mission: Developing Quality Educators through a Collaborative Partnership

Resident Name:
Principal Name:


1) How is/are your resident/s doing in regards to the Emotional Support domain?
Resident Strengths

Resident Needs

2) What is something that triggers your concern when observing teachers. If

something arises as a concern before we meet again, how would you like to
proceed so that we can collaborate in a timely manner?

3) How do PLCs work at your site? What do you hope to see?

4) How will NWEA data be used at your site? What expectations do you have for
PLCs and individual teachers in using that data?

5) What expectations do you have for small groups in Reading?

Coach Report
Parent Communication Plan & Phone Calls
GIP Seminars:
October 12th
October 26
November 9
November 16
2 Glows:

Challenging Behaviors & Reading Small Group

E-Folio Sharing/ Formative Assessment
Literacy or Math SMART Goal
1 Grow:

Resident Strengths

Resident Needs

Resident Strengths

Resident Needs

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