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Cornell Notes

Topic/Objective: Unit 3 Biochemistry

Name: Karla Avila

Class/Period: 6
Date: 11/6/16

Essential Question: How does the structure of macromolecules affect their utilization in the body?
Level 1- What is
Level 2 can you
Explain how
Tension affected

Biochemistry living things and chemical compounds ( what
happens in organisms)
Surface tension- force of attraction between water molecules
cohesion when 2 water molecules bond together
Surface tension would be two drops of water on a leaf while
cohesion would be all the water in a cup together.


Solvent- dissolve
Solute- substance getting dissolved
Adhesion water bonding to something else KOOL-AID

Level 3 How are

Monosaccharides simple sugars

Polysaccharides complex sugars

Lipids, proteins
And acids related

Carbohydrates- sugars and starches

Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Main source of energy
Ring shape, 1:2:1 ration
Lipids- fats oils and waxes
Energy for cells
Lipids and proteins make cell membrane
Primary polymers saturated fats fatty acid solid at room temp
Secondary polymers unsaturated fats olive oil
Carbon , hydrogen, oxygen

Protein growth , repair, skin, muscle, bone, enzymes to speed up

Carbon oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen
Monomers are amino acids
Polymers are made of polypeptide chains
Summary: Water is a strong bond because hydrogen is bonded to oxygen and hydrogen bonds are the strongest
Types of bonds. An item is an acid based on the pH scale. 7 is neural , like water. Above 7
is basic
Like soap. Below 7 is acid like lemon juice. Various tests can be done to determine the
acidity of an
Item. There are organic and inorganic compounds. Inorganic dont contain carbon.


Globe shape
Nucleic Acids
Carbon , hydrogen oxygen nitrogen phosphorus
Store and transmit genetic info
Monomer nucleotide made of 3 parts
Nitrogenous base , 5 carbon sugar, phosphate group
DNA- sugar deoxyribose
RNA- sugar ribose

Level 4- could
Reactions occur
Out enzymes ?

Level 1 what is the

Enzyme- speed reactions act like a catalyst

Enzymes are in active site
Part of creating energy
Enzymes are affected by 5 things
1. Temperature
2. Ph
3. Enzyme concentration
4. Substrate concentration
5. Product concentration
Anabolism- endothermic 2 small create one big
Catabolism- 1 big broken into 2 small exothermic

Formula for finding


Substrate enters active site-> enzyme substrate complex->

enzyme/products complex-> products leave active site of enzyme

Summary: A monomer is a subunit and the building block of a polymer. A polymer is a large molecule of multiple
Monomers. Anything ending in ose is a sugar and can be classified as a carbohydrate.
Hydrolysis is the
Opposite of creating water. Hypertrophy helps gain muscle.

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