SWOT Analysis Agora - RahimAfroz Final Assignment

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Independent University, Bangladesh

Assignment on SWOT Analysis of

Agora , Rahimafrooz Superstores Ltd.

Prepared for:
Miss Sumita Das
Senior lecturer
IUB School of Business

Prepared by:
Khadijah Mustafa # 1430354
Abrarul Haque
Shahriar Haque
Imtiaz Dewan
Ashiqur Rahman #1520771
Date: 1st June, 2015

SWOT analysis is a framework for identifying and analyzing the internal
and external factors that can have an impact on the viability of a
project, product, place or person.
The Framework is credited to Albert Humphrey, who tested the
approach in 1960s and 1970s at the Stanford research Institute (SRI).
The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and
decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and
organizations. SWOT is an acronym for Strength, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats.
SWOT essentially tells us what is good and bad about a business or a

particular proposition. If its a business, and the aim is to improve it,

then work on translating:
Strength maintain, build and leverage.
Opportunities-prioritize and optimize.
Weakness - remedy or exit.
Threats- counter.

Executive Summery
Agora is the largest retail superstore in Bangladesh. Agoras interior is
similar to most supermarkets in design and layout due to trends in
marketing. It produce tends to be near theentrance of the store.
Various kinds of products and services are sold (at least 2500 products
andservices). Milk, bread, and other essential items are located in the
rear and other out of the wayplaces. This is purposely done to ensure
maximum time spent in the store, strolling past otheritems and
capitalizing on impulse buying. The front of the store or Front-End is
where one mightfind point of sale machines or cash registers.
Agora has plans to implement self-checkout devices in their stores in
an attempt to reduce laborcosts as well as bringing complete customer
satisfaction. Understanding the historical contextfrom which some of
today's organizational structures have developed helps to explain why
somestructures is the way they are but Agora using a structured which
is more horizontally capitalizing on the innovativeness of their
employees. Part of the reason, as this sectiondiscusses, is that
organizational structure of Agora that has a certain inertia the idea
borrowedfrom physics and chemistry that something in motion tends
to continue on that same path. Because of this unique management
process they have become the leading superstore in Bangladesh.

The managers of Agora have to make decisions as they develop an

organizational structure, although they may not be explicitly aware of
these decisions. Agora is synonymous with marketat low prices and
name brand quality products. The company basis of success and
foundationscannot be credited to the current management. Agora
formula for success simply put is theirrelationship with customers,
employees, and technology that assists in forming relationships
withtheir suppliers; places Agora as the top discount retailer, historydevelopment, and Growth SamAgora to become the top discount

The Mega Corporation has eliminated top competitors such as Nandan

and PQS to reign supremeover the discount retailing market. Following
international trend, discount retailing evolved dueto frugality during
year 2000. Agora opened the first outlet in Dhanmondi in 2000. And
see what the company could do to improve. Agora needs to do
research on the locations that it movesto. The customs and the people
need to be thoroughly looked into so a new store opens assmoothly as
possible. Meeting could be held with business owners and locals to
answer inquestions or concerns. Relationships need to be looked at
closely especially between theemployees and suppliers so that it
becomes one of give, take, and trust and not so one sided.

Company profile

Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd

Business Type

Manufacturer, Trading Company, Agent Product/Service

Geographic Areas



Mid East
Eastern Asia


13 Mohakhali C/A , Dhaka 1212 , Bangladesh


Afroz Rahim

Number of

1000 People or Above

Total Annual Sales

Above US$100 Million

Export Percentage

21% 30%

Factory Size

Above 100,000

Factory Location

Dhaka, Pabna & EPZ

Official Website



OEM Service Offered Design Service Offered


Lead Acid Battery, Tyre, Voltage Stabiliser, UPS, Inverter


Voltage Stabiliser, UPS, Inverter

Number of

Above 10

Production Lines
Number of R&D

11 20 People

Number of QC

31 40 People


Main Office and Contact Info:

Rahimafrooz Superstores Limited
Arzed Chamber,
13 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka1212,
Phone : +88516234,
9880316, 8818690, 9888441
Fax : +88029889103
Email: info@agorabd.com
Hot Line
Mobile No : +88001713124672

SWOT Analysis

Agora Bangladeshs SWOT Analysis:

Strong management. This will lead to a decrease in costs and
an increase in profits for Agora. It is an easily defendable
qualitative factor, so competing institutions will have a difficult
time overcoming it.
A strong supply chain helps Agora Bangladesh obtain the right
resources from suppliers and delivery the right product to
customers in a timely manner.
Size advantages lower Agora Bangladeshs risks. The larger
Agora Bangladesh gets, the more resources they have to pursue
new markets and defend themselves against rivals.
Economies of scale is the cost advantages that Agora
Bangladesh obtains due to size. The greater the volume, the
greater the advantages.
Unique products help distinguish Agora Bangladesh from
competitors. Agora Bangladesh can charge higher prices for their
products, because consumers cant get those products elsewhere
Superior technology allows Agora Bangladesh to better meet
the needs of their customers in ways that competitors cant
Lower costs lead to higher profits for Agora Bangladesh. A low
cost leader can undercut rivals on price

A lack of scale means Agora Bangladeshs cost per unit of
output is very high. Increasing volume, while maintain quality,
would help reduce those costs.
A weak cost structure means Agora Bangladeshs costs are
high in comparison to their competitors.
A weak brand means Agora Bangladesh cant charge the same
prices for goods and services as their competitors, because
consumers dont value the brand

Fragmented markets provide many opportunities for Agora
Bangladesh to expand and increase market share. Fragmented
markets have many small competitive who lack the cost
advantages of larger companies.
New services help Agora Bangladesh to better meet their
customers needs. These services can expand Agora
Bangladeshs business and diversify their customer base.
New technology helps Agora Bangladesh to better meet their
customers needs with new and improved products and services.
Technology also builds competitive barriers against rivals.
Emerging markets are fast growing regions of the world that
enable Agora Bangladesh to quickly expand.
New products can help Agora Bangladesh to expand their
business and diversity their customer base.
New markets allow Agora Bangladesh to expand their business
and diversify their portfolio of products and services.
opportunities to expand the business and increase sales


Volatile currencies make Agora Bangladeshs investments
difficult, because costs and revenues change so rapidly.
Changes to government rules and regulations can negatively
affect Agora Bangladesh.
Politics can increase Agora Bangladeshs risk factors, because
governments can quickly change business rules that negatively
affect Agora Bangladeshs business.
Volatile costs mean Agora Bangladesh has to plan for scenarios
where costs skyrocket. Cautious planning leads to development
delays that can negatively affect Agora Bangladesh.


Let us conclude by saying that there are good reasons to feel

confident that these retailing companies such as Agora, although
likely to be difficult and take time; will succeed.

The government program has identified improved performance as a

key objective of reform and this offers clarity of purpose which can
be widely understood.

The retailing companies (such as Agora) are consistent with the goal
of EU accession which provides an external anchor but most
persuasive is the fact that the focus on service delivery to the
people, if realistically managed, will reinforce popular support for
such retailing companies.

We believe these retailing companies

will benefit from the
involvement of civil society organizations which have an inherent
interest in improving government performance and in monitoring
and providing objective feedback that is essential to any selfcorrecting system.

The World Bank stands ready to support these retailing companies

with knowledge and financial assistance, as required. We would be
pleased to react positively to any government request for technical
and financial assistance. We are particularly glad to have
contributed in this report as further support to the retailing
companies (such as Agora) being introduced by the authorities.
Agora Ltd. is an enterprise that combines industry and trade, mainly
engages in retailing thequality products at the most lowest price in
the market. The management of Agora, was anenthusiastic
advocate of trading stamps as an inducement for shoppers to

patronize their stores: They signed up with all types of quality

products manufacturer, and became one of the companys largest
Facing the world and looking beyond, Agora will always maintain the
pure-hearted, enterprising,quality and struggling spirit make efforts
to scrupulously abide by our goodwill, create splendidfuture
together with you in management vision of joint development, joint
prosperity and mutualbenefits.

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